leafChat Changelog

What's new in leafChat 2.5

Mar 22, 2013
  • Features:
  • New auto-reconnect feature (enabled by default, option in miscellaneous preferences). Will try to reconnect to a server if disconnected. To avoid loops it only tries once, and not if already connected to another server on the network. #28
  • Tab completion for / commands is now implemented. You can also now get a complete list of supported commands (including those from any scripts saved in 2.5) on the Options dialog. #20
  • The new /server command can be used to connect to a server from scripts (or if you prefer to type it rather than use the connect dialog). #59
  • You can now right-click on yourself and carry out most of the commands (for example, if you want to /whois yourself or kick yourself out of a channel). #22
  • When using the notification feature on Windows or Linux, if you click on a notification it should now automatically switch to the tab or window that has new text as well as bringing leafChat to the front. #23
  • Server addresses that redirect (such as irc.dal.net) are now retained in the network list. When you connect to an address like this and get a new server, the 'are you sure you want to include new server in the network' prompt doesn't appear; it's automatically added. #25
  • There are new custom icons for servers, networks, and redirectors in the Connect dialog and related settings page. #38
  • Automatic SSL detection caused an annoying delay when first connecting to a new server that doesn't support SSL. leafChat now assumes that ports 6667 and 7000 are unencrypted, avoiding the delay. (You can set it manually in server settings if it does require encryption on those ports.) #39
  • Automatically-detected bugfixes:
  • DCC chat and encrypted chat were both broken since 2.4. #41
  • Occasional problem when editing highlight words (unable to reproduce, but have added some checks and better diagnostic). #43
  • Added more safety procedures to preferences saving in an attempt to solve occasional problem when saving preferences on Windows. #44
  • If the audio system does not work (e.g. no audio device) or is incompatible with leafChat for some reason, this is now handled without showing an error dialog, and the Sounds pref page displays more information. #45
  • Fixed possible bug (concurrency issue) in internal code that lists connected servers. #46
  • The /links and /lusers commands could cause a crash if server descriptions had unusual characters, such as colours. #51, #52
  • When the server sent a QUIT command with no message, this caused an error. #54
  • In some situations I can't reproduce, the system tried to set keyboard focus to the server box in the connect dialog after that dialog had already closed. I have made it so it doesn't send focus events if the component is not visible. #56
  • If you closed the Join window while still editing a channel key, it gave an error. #57
  • On Windows, there are rare situations where saving a script fails. I have attempted to make the script-saving procedure safer. #60, 61
  • Other bugfixes:
  • When using the Join button (in Favourites page of Join dialog) to join a channel, this should join only that single channel, and not trigger auto-join for all ticked channels on that server like it would if you do a normal connect. #26
  • License dialog is broken (wrong text, doesn't hide splash screen). #30
  • Colour 7 should be orange, not dark yellow. #24
  • Multi-line paste wipes out any existing text on the line if you cancel the dialog. #40
  • Should be easier to run from command-line and not have hard-coded Mac-specific paths. #29
  • Scripting doesn't work from command-line launch. #37
  • Classic/tab view high resolution buttons have text in the wrong place. #33
  • Prevented adding network with blank suffix. #49
  • API changes (for plug-in authors):
  • IRC plugin API version 6: new message UserCommandListMsg should be handled if you implement UserCommandMsg to provide information about the command for tab completion and the command list; new suppressAutoJoin method in Server; new PREF_REDIRECTOR server info key; new PREF_AUTORECONNECT setting.
  • UI plugin API version 8: new function UI.showLatest() used to jump to latest 'red' window; new interface WidgetParent with method getWidgets() used to list all widgets in a panel or page.
  • Notification plugin API version 2: new function hasTrayIcon
  • Audio plugin API version 2: new class AudioSetupException thrown in cases where user doesn't have working audio playback

New in leafChat 2.21b (Jan 20, 2010)

  • Fixes problems for Snow Leopard users.
  • No longer requires Rosetta to run.
  • If you didn't have Growl installed, an annoying popup appeared; this should now be fixed.