bmGlyph Changelog

What's new in bmGlyph 2.2.3

Jun 27, 2016
  • better app game kit support (export filenames)
  • new option: draw space char (especially useful for app game kit)
  • fixed the 'space width' parameter (was incorrectly loaded form a saved project)

New in bmGlyph 2.2.0 (Sep 15, 2015)

  • Builtin textures for the shaded materials and texture mapping
  • OSX 10.7.5 compatibility fix
  • Font replacement: bmGlyph is now able to replace the missing characters by a font of your choice (you may need to adjust the x/y offset for these characters)
  • Better shadow processing: the shadow is now casted at the end of the drawing, and you now can select the opacity.
  • Packing: ‘same height’ allows to use the same bounding box height for all the characters (it is used by some frameworks)
  • XML export fix for Sparrow/Starling + typos in the publish settings

New in bmGlyph 2.1.3 (Mar 5, 2015)

  • New feature: stroke join style (miter, round, bevel)
  • Fixed bugs:
  • sandbox directory creation problem just after running the app. the .atlas directory is now correctly created
  • miter limit was not loaded correctly, and is now correctly updating while in preview mode. this parameter is now a float value.
  • loading a project with a custom font was not working (sandbox problems…)
  • closing a freshly loaded project was firing the close-confirmation window even if the project was not modified

New in bmGlyph 2.1.2 (Dec 18, 2014)

  • fixed a problem that could occur when loading a saved project

New in bmGlyph 2.1.1 (Nov 19, 2014)

  • Fixed a memory leak with the shaded material filter
  • Outer shadow is now working for the shaded material filter
  • Older saved project are now loaded successfully (a crash could occur in some situation)

New in bmGlyph 2.1.0 (Nov 14, 2014)

  • Added a Shaded Material Filter: Produces a shaded image from a height field. With this effect, you can achieve almost anything you want (sharp emboss, smooth emboss, any 3D material effect with your own material texture like plastics, glass, metals, etc…)
  • Fixed some sandbox access problems
  • Fixed the corona 2.0 output is the font is without kernings informations.

New in bmGlyph 2.0.4 (Oct 14, 2014)

  • zoom for texture and preview mode (100% to 5%)
  • iPhone 6 resolution support, check the wizard publish helper.
  • spritekit export: export was interrupted if a letter is not actually drawn on the preview texture
  • fixed some typos
  • corona 2.0 was missing in the publish wizard
  • preview background size: a new resolution selector
  • publish wizzard: added iphone6 settings with @3x support
  • lineHeight was not loaded correctly after opening a saved project
  • uvCoords (bottom or top), field textureWidth had no '#'

New in bmGlyph 2.0.3 (Apr 10, 2014)

  • new feature: a new font file format for the Corona SDK graphics 2.0 (check out the tutorial page on
  • fixed: incorrect scale on custom image in some situation
  • fixed: uvCoords textureWidth typo

New in bmGlyph 2.0.2 (Feb 6, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • configuration wizard, allows to easily create the most comon targets in the publish settings sheet.
  • configuration options for SpriteBuilder
  • Fixed:
  • when using a custom image, redraw when downscaling lead to weird result on screen
  • in preview mode, the red bounding box has an incorrect position with a single line text and a modified lineHeight
  • texture size step value increase (when auto/non square), from 128px to 64px.
  • some modified settings in the publish sheet did not triggered the modified config changed box before quitting
  • app was crashing when loading a project with a missing font on the system

New in bmGlyph 1.9.5 (Aug 8, 2013)

  • The space width is correctly scaled when published (was always at 100% with the redraw checkbox on)
  • The red bounding box in the preview mode is correctly updated when changing the shadow parameters
  • Add charset range now work for a single letter
  • Save as: save the current document as a new one, current document is now the new one (not the old one)
  • Save as copy: save the current document as a new one and open it in a new window. The current document remains the same.

New in bmGlyph 1.9.4 (Apr 30, 2013)

  • Bug fixes:
  • lineHeight was not scaled if the 'redraw when downscaling' was checked.
  • the window title was not set when saving a new project

New in bmGlyph 1.9.3 (Apr 6, 2013)

  • New feature:
  • radial gradient for the fill mode, with custom x/y center point
  • editable line height
  • editable space width (actually the xadvance value in the atlas file)
  • magic wand button, you can select letters in the letter box, a click on the wand will select the letters on the texture sheet. it makes it a lot easier to work on specific letters.
  • 2 new export format, with the uv coordinates (top left or bottom left origin)
  • autosize can now really use power of 2 texture size, from 2^5 to 2^12, or act like before (width and height increased by 128)
  • an auto x/y offset checkbox, when checked shadows and strokes will increase the xdavanced parameters, when unchecked, the default xadvanced is used no matter how big is the shadow. Old project will be loaded with the option checked on (as it was this behaviour). Any new project will start unchecked.
  • Bug fixes:
  • when changing font name, a blank texture sheet could appear, it is now fixed
  • bug fix: ‘save as’ was changing the current document filename, but not the window name, ‘save’ was then saving to the previously saved-as document, not the current one. ‘save as’ now make only a copy of the current document but you continue to work on the original.
  • if not present, the space char (id 32) is automatically added (avoid crashes at run time, under cocos2d for example)

New in bmGlyph 1.9.2 (Dec 21, 2012)

  • bugs and fixes:
  • xml output was not working anymore, it is now fixed
  • a crash could occur in the publish settings, it should be fixed.

New in bmGlyph 1.9 (Dec 4, 2012)

  • Features:
  • New sort method: by chars.
  • Packing method: align on grid. Place all the letters on a grid, same bounding box for all the letters (will be usefull for custom engines which does not handle the font atlas file format). Width x Height of the bounding box can be manually set.
  • New publish settings sheet (the publish settings left panel disappears, and is replaced by a new customizable publish settings sheet, multiple targets with path, suffix, scale, font face etc…).
  • Preview mode: changing the background color will remove, if exists, any background image.
  • Preview mode: a red bounding box allows to see how the text will appear under a device (the method used is same same as cocos2d). Depending on your needs, you can adjust the x and y offset parameter in order to better position your text to the center.
  • Left panels are now colored, it makes it much easier to find what we need.
  • otf fonts can now be loaded.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • bad x and y offsets were applied when using an extra bounding box, it is now fixed.
  • bad x and y offsets were applied when using shadows, causing the text being outside of the 'final' bounding box, it is now fixed and also you can adjust it thanks to the x/y offset parameter in the preview mode.
  • crash fix when adding unexpected letters in some numerical field.
  • ‘save as’ bug fixed (could overwrite the existing project or don’t save at all)

New in bmGlyph 1.8 (Jul 24, 2012)

  • New feature:
  • In publish settings, 'redraw when downscaling': when checked, bmGlyph will redraw all the letters for each size (stroke, shadow and xdavanced values are reduced too). It avoids bad letter offsets especially in SD version, and also can give better visual result (less blur). Please note that the letters may be differently positionned on the texture sheet.
  • bmglyph is now sandboxed, which means you will get a powerbox (access authorization) before reading/writing your project or published file. (will pop only once if needed, the security-scoped bookmarks are saved in the preferences.)
  • Full screen support
  • Bug fix:
  • With some ttf (using fixed pitch), letters could be cut (for exemple with courrier). it is now fixed.

New in bmGlyph 1.7 (May 31, 2012)

  • new feature:
  • multiple colors in the gradient selector:
  • to add a color double-click anywhere
  • to delete a color drag it out of the gradient
  • to edit a color (bring up the color picker) double-click it
  • to move a color drag it along the gradient
  • bug fixes:
  • work on crashes when changing colors or saving. (If you are still having issues, please send me an email on the support address)

New in bmGlyph 1.6 (May 16, 2012)

  • New feature:
  • better support of font traits, now displaying the real available list for each font (be careful, the 'trait' signification has changed, and may not match with what as been saved in the previous versions).
  • Fixes:
  • the lineHeight=0 bug in the atlas file, which could occur in some situation: fixed
  • - copy/past bug with cmd-c / cmd-v: now works correctly.
  • Improvement:
  • changes in the engine to help bmGlyph to be faster (especially during loading a project and when adding letters). Tested with a large amount of letters (1500-2000) which was causing hang-up, now works much better.

New in bmGlyph 1.5 (Apr 3, 2012)

  • New features:
  • Fixed width size (actually the xadvance parameter) which allow better HUD display with numbers
  • Inner/Outer Shadow (not yet both at the same time)
  • Inner/Outer/Center stroke
  • Miter limit adjust
  • Preview mode: use of '\n' allowed
  • Increased max texture size to 4096
  • Increased max font size to 800
  • iPad3 resolution support & autoHD/SD (bmGlyph can now generates 3 sets of files for iPad3/iPhone retina/iPhone)
  • Editable xadvanced offset
  • Font weight parameter (was 5), can be from 1 to 15

New in bmGlyph 1.4 (Feb 24, 2012)

  • New features:
  • 'all charsets': bmGlyph now fully support all charsets. There is now 2 buttons to quickly add Latin & Latin-1 supplement charsets, an erase button (was previously a reset to default), a range selector where you can add yourself a desired range (won't work if the range is > 1000 chars), and the most interesting feature is the 'all charsets' button, which will popup a full charsets list (select one to preview, click ADD to add it to the current list)
  • last clicked char: informations about the last char you clicked on, will be displayed in the bottom right corner (Last clicked: A (0x41))
  • Bugs & Fixes:
  • When not using auto-size, and if all chars can't fit in the texture, a modal window was displayed. It is now a red text displayed in the bottom left corner, which is less annoying and let you continue to work...
  • Preview text: a char could be displayed even if it was not in the current available chars. it is now working as expected.
  • yoffset problem: with some fonts, the yoffset could get a wrong value in the SD version, it is now more accurate.

New in bmGlyph 1.3 (Feb 14, 2012)

  • The font size is now also editable in a textfield.
  • The padding parameter is now applied to the edge of the texture (not only between each char). This behavior also fixed a bug with the Corona export and the use of small fonts (project was crashing).
  • New feature: add pixels the bounding box, allows to increase the width and height of each char (useful when you need extra space on each char, adding a outer glow effect with 3rd party tools).
  • Fixed a bug when loading/saving a project: if you moved the .bmglyph to another directory, the save directory was still the old one. it is now working as expected.

New in bmGlyph 1.2 (Jan 25, 2012)

  • New features:
  • Gradient color for stroke (you can now choose plain color or gradient)
  • Kerning support: a lot of work has been done in order to support font kernings. If available, kerning fonts will be displayed in green in the font list. Preview mode is using kernings is available, and the kernings are now included in the font atlas file.
  • Fixes:
  • Save preview as png: sometimes the text was cut.
  • Loading a project: shadow color is now correctly loaded (you will need to save again your project with the good shadow color), such as font name which was not loaded all the time.
  • Glyph positioning is more accurate, especially with small fonts size, letter could have a difference of 1 pixel on the Y aligment. X positioning has also a better value.

New in bmGlyph 1.1 (Jan 7, 2012)

  • New features:
  • Select shadow color
  • New font altas export format: sparrow, unity/ezgui, corona
  • SD quality: selection interpolation quality.
  • Export preview text as a PNG
  • Added: 'Save as' button.
  • Stroke value is now in float.
  • Change the background color in preview mode.
  • Other changes/bug fixes:
  • AutoSD checkbox and shadowY value was not correctly loaded from a saved file.
  • Added a 'Filter' in the filter field.
  • Fixed: problem when playing with color well: now the popup will close at the second click on the color selection box.
  • Gradient angle can be manually set
  • Added: 'open file' in the top menu.