Xcatalog Changelog

What's new in Xcatalog 3.10.2

Oct 17, 2016
  • Fixes a long-standing bug where updating XPress Tagged links in paragraphs containing tabs could cause QuarkXPress to shut down.

New in Xcatalog 3.10.1 (Sep 30, 2016)

  • Fixes a Select Data Descriptor Map menu problem that was preventing maps other than Default from being selected. (macOS only)
  • Fixes error messages in which parentheses were inadvertently converted to commas for the 3.7 release.

New in Xcatalog 3.10.0 (Jul 25, 2016)

  • Adds support for FileMaker Pro 15.
  • These improvements are provided by Xcatalog whether its Enhanced Text Link Editability feature is enabled or not.
  • Fixes the Enhanced Text Link Editability feature so that an auto-adjusted linked text selection is always left with balanced link markers (either both included in the selection or both excluded from the selection).
  • Fixes a problem where a picture box’s drop shadow could linger after an update with an empty field removed a picture with a clipping path.
  • Improves text link editing by enforcing behavior similar to that of text attribute (like bold, font size, etc.) editing on text containing links and text contained by links:
  • Anything typed or pasted into an existing link becomes part of that link, even if what’s pasted itself contains links.
  • Links in text pasted outside of an existing link are now retained (before, they were always lost).
  • After back-deleting into a link, what’s then typed or pasted becomes part of that link.
  • After selecting an entire link, what’s then typed replaces only the link’s content.
  • After selecting an entire link, what’s then pasted will generally replace the link.

New in Xcatalog 3.9.0 (May 27, 2016)

  • Adds support for QuarkXPress 2016. The QuarkXPress 2016 XTension requires a valid Xcatalog 2016-level license. Please contact our sales department to purchase an upgrade license or to obtain a free upgrade if you purchased Xcatalog within the last nine months.
  • Removes support for QuarkXPress 9. Download links for Xcatalog 3.8.3, the final version for QuarkXPress 9, can be found in the side-bar on the Xcatalog 3.8.3 Release page. While we will no longer fix problems in or add features to this older version, we will otherwise provide normal support indefinitely.
  • Fixes the updating of pictures that have been modified outside of QuarkXPress. Updating the link of a modified picture’s box will now re-import the picture rather than leaving it as-is (with a “modified” Picture Usage status).
  • Fixes a problem where picture attributes (like scaling, rotation, etc.) could be lost during an import if QuarkXPress’s Maintain Picture Box Attributes preference setting wasn’t enabled. Picture box attributes are now kept regardless of QuarkXPress’s preference setting.

New in Xcatalog 3.8.3 (May 5, 2016)

  • Fixes a problem introduced in the 3.7 release where updating a picture box with an empty path would leave the current picture instead of removing it.

New in Xcatalog 3.8.1 (Mar 1, 2016)

  • Fixes undo and redo menu entries for link changes. (QuarkXPress 10 & 2015/Mac only)
  • Fixes a problem where Xcatalog Data Linker changes were being ignored after pressing a field hot key. (QuarkXPress 10 & 2015/Mac only)
  • Addresses an update problem which could, in rare cases, leave a text link in a discombobulated state and add random-looking text after the link.
  • Fixes interactive spread updating to include text boxes that have a link to a text box on a previous spread. Before, a spread update would ignore a text box unless it was the first text box in the linked text box chain.

New in Xcatalog 3.8.0 (Jan 27, 2016)

  • Does away with the requirement that the selected DD’s set (as determined by the DD’s containing folder’s name) always be the same as the DD set used to create the document. This change in Xcatalog’s long-standing policy removes the need to hold down the Alt/Option key when selecting a DD file that’s in a different folder. (In effect, the Alt/Option key is now always held down automatically.)
  • Remembers the last data export’s file extension in the Create Data Snapshot dialog.
  • Fixes an odbc problem when updating from a Unicode-encoded source (for which the DD specifies %"Unicode") that could produce an incomplete field or generate a “Failed to decode returned SQL value” error.
  • Fixes a corruption issue introduced in the 3.7 release that could cause updates from data snapshot files to fail with missing keys. If you start receiving inexplicable missing key errors, please close the data file and delete its associated .x file (found in the data file’s folder). When next used, the data file should no longer produce missing key errors.
  • Fixes key generation of key-from-contents links from Unicode text. Unicode control characters (like Word Joiner) are now ignored and Unicode whitespace characters (like 3-per-Em, Thin, and Hair Space) are now converted to a (single, regular) space.
  • Fixes the ^F price style placeholder so that it no longer suppresses leading zeros after a decimal point (. or ^.) or after a use of the price’s whole part (^W).
  • Fixes the initial display of check marks in the Data Source and Data Destination sub-menus.
  • Fixes a problem where the Log dialog’s summary could show up empty.
  • Fixes the display of long snapshot file paths in the Data Linker palette. (QuarkXPress 10 & 2015, Windows only)

New in Xcatalog 3.7.1 (Jan 7, 2016)

  • Fixes a problem where clicking in the Xcatalog Data Linker palette when docked along a screen edge would cause the application to shut down. (Mac OS X only)
  • Fixes an odbc compatibility issue that could cause the odbc driver to shut the application down. (Mac OS X only)
  • Fixes problems introduced in the 3.7 release that could cause odbc updates to fail, truncate fields, or shut the application down.
  • Fixes a crash when quitting the application. (QuarkXPress 2015/Mac OS X 10.11 only)
  • Fixes a problem where pressing esc in the Edit hot key or Alt. tab key preferences fields would cause the application to shut down. Pressing esc now properly cancels the dialog. (Mac OS X only)

New in Xcatalog 8/ (Apr 30, 2014)

  • Changes:
  • Adds support for QuarkXPress 10 (Windows only, for now). The QuarkXPress 10 XTension requires a valid Xcatalog 10-level license. Please contact our sales department to purchase an upgrade license or to obtain a free upgrade if you purchased Xcatalog within the last six months.
  • Removes support for QuarkXPress 8. Download links for Xcatalog 3.5.4, the final version for QuarkXPress 8, can be found in the side-bar on the Xcatalog 3.5.4 Release page. While we will no longer fix problems in or add features to this older version, we will continue to support the people using it.
  • Fixes direct connections to FileMaker Pro 13. (Mac only)
  • Fixes a problem where pictures that used to update from FileMaker Pro container fields started producing “error -1700″ (coercion failure) with the Xcatalog 3.1.1 release.
  • Adds .mer as as snapshot file type for FileMaker Pro 12 compatibility.
  • Adds a tagger palette warning for when a link’s indirect key can’t be found, which indicates that there’s no link with a direct key (key from link or key from content) within reach of the link with the indirect key (key from group or key from text) and that the indirect link will fall back to using its own key (key from link).
  • Switches back to the OS’s native 8-bit encoding if Unicode was selected as the update’s encoding but the incoming (narrow) text doesn’t appear to be valid UTF-8. This change should mean that an encoding no longer needs to be specified for normal ODBC connections (which default to Unicode/UTF-8).
  • Fixes a problem where the Xcatalog preference for the selected change marks style would revert to underline.

New in Xcatalog 8/ (Oct 5, 2012)

  • Fixed a problem where selecting a DD with a file name containing a forward slash would fail with a file-not-found error.

New in Xcatalog 8/ (Aug 8, 2012)

  • Fixed direct connections with FileMaker Pro 12. (Mac only)
  • Added tagging support for the picture tool, so that a picture tool selection now enables the tagger palette just like an item tool selection. This allows tags to be set on just-created picture boxes without needing to change the current tool.

New in Xcatalog 8/ (Jan 25, 2012)

  • Fixed a problem where native indent-to-here characters (#30) were being removed during the import and export of unformatted text fields.
  • Fixed a problem where a corrupt link could cause Xcatalog > Clear all links > In Selection to hang.
  • Fixed a problem where DD qualifiers specific to sister-product InCatalog weren’t being silently ignored.

New in Xcatalog 8/9.3.5 (May 10, 2011)

  • Adds support for QuarkXPress 9 to that for QuarkXPress 8 and drops support for both QuarkXPress 6 and 7.

New in Xcatalog 6/7/8.3.4 (Jan 20, 2011)

  • Added picture positioning options for sizing the box to its contained image. The tagger palette now sports positioning entries for “Size box to picture” and “Fit picture to box width, then size box to picture height”. Note that all box resizing is performed relative to the box’s upper-left corner.
  • Added the script parameter DD set overridden to give scripted updates the option of temporarily ignoring a document’s associated DD set. (Mac OS only)
  • Changed our DD validation policy to consider DD names with no file extension equivalent to the same DD filename with a “.txt” or ”.dd” extension. This should improve the compatibility of older documents tagged with an extension-less DD with newer OSes that require filename extensions. For example, a document originally populated with links from a DD named “mydd” could now be updated by a DD named “mydd.txt”.
  • Fixed the picture positioning options “Upper left” and “Centered”, which weren’t resetting the picture’s scale to 100%.
  • Fixed a problem introduced in 6/7/8.3.2 where the ODBC Login dialog wouldn’t be displayed if only a password was needed. (Pro only)
  • Fixed a problem with subfield extraction, where extracting a subfield to a previously empty data field would cause a crash.
  • Fixed a long-standing problem with getting and setting the last subfield of a field, if the existing subfield was empty.

New in Xcatalog 7.2.2b1 (May 18, 2009)

  • Xcatalog 7.2.2 is a fully-functioning serialized release. If you've used a registered copy of Xcatalog 6 on your machine, then once installed in QuarkXPress 7's XTensions folder this version should work without reentering a serial number. Otherwise, when prompted you'll need to obtain and enter a 6.x-style Xcatalog serial number appropriate for your OS.
  • This version of Xcatalog now supports Unicode.
  • Unless your Unicode encoded data snapshot file begins with a BOM (a special Unicode character which indicates which Unicode encoding a text file uses, but which is otherwise ignored) you need to tell Xcatalog to expect Unicode characters by selecting "Unicode" from the character set popup in Xcatalog's Data Snapshot preferences. Once selected, text files lacking a BOM or not encoded as UTF-16 will default to UTF-8.
  • FileMaker Online data is currently transfered only as MacRoman characters. We hope to support direct Unicode from/to FileMaker Pro 7 and 8 in the near future.
  • By default, ODBC conversations are performed with characters in the OS-native MacRoman/WinLatin set. To use a different encoding, specify the %"[incoming-encoding[:outgoing-encoding]]" qualifier in your DD's key field. Supported encodings include: "m" for MacRoman, "w" for WinLatin, "u" for UTF-8 or, lastly, "utf-16" for UTF-16 (which triggers the use of wide characters (SQL_WCHARS) internally and may not work reliably on Mac OS). For example:
  • %"u" - specifies UTF-8 for both incoming and outgoing data.
  • %"m" - specifies MacRoman for both incoming and outgoing data.
  • %"u:m" - specifies UTF-8 in and MacRoman out (which would be appropriate for FileMaker Pro 7)
  • The Xcatalog > Create Data... and Xcatalog > Create Data File... actions currently create data files using the character set specified in the Data Snapshot preferences. If Unicode is selected, UTF-8-encoded data will be written.