Vuforia SDK Changelog

What's new in Vuforia SDK 4.2.3

May 7, 2015
  • The SDK now supports offline license verification, internet connectivity is no longer required to authorize a license key. Existing apps will need to obtain an updated license key from the License Manager to enabled this functionality. You can find your updated keys by clicking on the app's name in the License Manager UI.
  • The Vuforia watermark is displayed once daily during the initial app session.

New in Vuforia SDK 4.0.105 (May 7, 2015)

  • Added support for Unity 5.0. Supported platforms are 64bit & 32bit OSX and 32bit Windows systems.
  • Added support for 64bit Play Mode on OSX
  • Added support for 64bit iOS builds on OSX on OS X 64bit using Unity 5.0
  • Fixed an bug that was causing a false network connection error to be thrown during QCAR initialization in Windows Play Mode.

New in Vuforia SDK 4.0.103 (Mar 6, 2015)

  • Bugfixes / Features:
  • All SDKs:
  • Improved detection times and 3D Object Target database sizes. Developers will need to re-upload their Object Datafiles to get new databases with these improvements.
  • Added a new API hint for controlling maximum simultaneous 3D object targets (QCAR:: HINT_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_OBJECT_TARGETS). This allows developers to optimize performance for use cases where only 1 target needs to be tracked at any time.
  • Added a new API hint for partially loading object datasets (QCAR::HINT_DELAYED_LOADING_OBJECT_DATASETS). Enabling this behavior reduces memory consumption but delays detection results and is recommended only for large datasets with many 3D object targets.
  • Fixed a bug where on rare occasions detection can fail after switching 3D ObjectTarget datasets.
  • Fixed an issue occurring when a license key with leading or trailing white space could result in a "no network available" error rather than the expected "invalid key" error.
  • Fixed incorrect video rendering in portrait mode for some reflection settings and made a change in video background bind to clear viewport settings.
  • Fixed an bug that could crash apps when activating a dataset while the tracker is running.
  • The Vuforia SDK now returns the error "Vuforia does not support OpenGL ES 1.x" when initialized with the QCAR.GL_11 flag ( support for OpenGL ES 1.1 was deprecated in SDK v2.8.7 ).
  • Unity:
  • Fixed a minor memory leak caused by pausing and resuming an app.
  • Fixed an issue causing “Apply Dataset Properties” to ignore changes to the XML configuration files for 3D object targets.

New in Vuforia SDK 3.0.9 (Jul 24, 2014)

  • Fixes a bug with Extended Tracking not reset-ing correctly causing it to fail when the environment changes significantly.

New in Vuforia SDK 3.0.5 (Jul 4, 2014)

  • Introduced the SmartTerrain feature: ImageTargets, MultiTargets and CylinderTargets can now be used to reconstruct the surface and objects that are placed around them. Please see the Vuforia sample applications and developer guide for details. Note that Smart Terrain is available only through the Vuforia Unity Extension
  • Added support for high resolution video background rendering of up to 720p on supported high end devices.
  • Consolidated multiple definitions of STORAGE_TYPE in both DataSet and WordList classes into a single definition QCAR::STORAGE_TYPE. QCAR::DataSet::STORAGE_TYPE and QCAR::WordList::STORAGE_TYPE are now deprecated.
  • Fixed several robustness issues in the Extended Tracking feature
  • Fixed a crash when calling QCAR::ImageTracker::resetExtendedTracking(). The API has changed in behavior as the ImageTracker now needs to be stopped first before calling resetExtendedTracking()
  • Fixed a crash caused by repeatedly initializing and deinitializing the CameraDevice
  • Fixed an issue where TextReco stops working after calling selectVideoMode()
  • This release supports iOS 6 and iOS 7.
  • The Vuforia library is now called libVuforia.a instead of libQCAR.a
  • The Vuforia library now has a dependency on certain C++ STL symbols in libstdc++, so applications must be linked against that library
  • A known memory leak exists in the CameraDevice class. For each cycle of calling CameraDevice.start() / CameraDevice.stop() memory consumption grows. Note that this memory is released if CameraDevice.deinit() is called immediately after calling stop(), which is the recommended way of using the camera.

New in Vuforia SDK 2.6.10 (Aug 1, 2013)

  • Added support for Cylinder targets
  • Text recognition - Up to 10,000 additional words may be added to the default word list
  • Text recognition speed has been improved significantly especially for mid and low tier devices
  • Vuforia no longer collects the hashed MAC address or other permanent device-based identifiers for purposes of identifying an end user’s device. A hashed app runtime timestamp is now used as an app identifier

New in Vuforia SDK 2.5.7 (Jun 19, 2013)

  • New TextRecognition feature introduced with support for English – please see Dev Guide for details
  • Tracking improvements especially for low-feature targets such as logos or line art

New in Vuforia SDK 2.0.31 (Mar 5, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug where target detection performance was reduced in large datasets.
  • Fixed an issue where the tracked target pose was drifting on some devices.New features include

New in Vuforia SDK 2.0.29 (Dec 19, 2012)

  • New features include User-defined Targets and Cloud Recognition.
  • Introduced support for using the front camera.
  • Introduced support for multiple active datasets.
  • Improved tracking robustness.
  • Removed sample applications from Vuforia SDK Installation package. Sample applications are now a separate download.