VarScan Changelog

What's new in VarScan 2.3.1

Aug 13, 2012
  • Expanded VCF compatibility for filter, somaticFilter, and processSomatic commands Extended the optional VCF fields for mpileup2snp, mpileup2indel, and mpileup2cns output to include all VarScan fields
  • Made it possible to provide a list of sample names for VCF output for mpileup2* commands.
  • Expanded copyCaller functionality to filter by depth and output candidate homozygous deletions
  • Fixed a bug in the indel-filtering functionality of the filter command
  • Fixed European locale parsing errors in the copyCaller command

New in VarScan 2.2.11 (May 2, 2012)

  • base quality parsing fix and VCF output option for somatic mutations.