TypeIt4Me Changelog

What's new in TypeIt4Me 6.3.9

Jun 6, 2023
  • Bug fixes:
  • Corrects a nesting issue so that multiple embedded snippets are now fully supported, even when these include Applescript.
  • Addresses an issue that would sometimes cause a crash when typing a word included in the AutoCorrect ignored words list.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.3.8 (Apr 20, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • A bug affecting date language settings has been corrected. Date snippets that have been set to expand in a specific language other than the system default should now always expand in the correct language.
  • Addresses an issue that would sometimes cause a crash when using the duplicate snippet picker window.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.3.7 (Feb 24, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • We've addressed some stability issues and fixed a bug that would cause TypeIt4Me to crash when attempting to expand a duplicate snippet.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.3.6 (Jan 28, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • There was a new bug introduced in the previous version that would cause TypeIt4Me to crash when attempting to expand a snippet associated with a specific app. This has now been fixed.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.3.5 (Jan 23, 2022)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Snippets expanded from the point-and-click menu no longer backspace over preceding text when all expansion triggers have been turned off in TypeIt4Me's preferences.
  • Adjoining characters that immediately precede or follow autocue syntax (with no space in between) are no longer erroneously highlighted for replacement along with the placeholder during expansion.
  • Changes made to a snippet are now saved automatically if the TypeIt4Me window loses focus.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.3.4 (Aug 2, 2021)

  • Bug fixes:
  • A problem with the point-and-click menu is fixed: when only one set is active this is now accessible from the menu again.
  • The app no longer crashes when expanding a snippet that's missing metadata because it was originally created in an older version.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.3.3 (Jun 24, 2021)

  • Bug fixes:
  • This version corrects a feature conflict that was causing date snippets to always expand in the system default language, even where a different language had been specified.
  • An issue that was preventing the "Show duplicates in picker" expansion preference from working correctly has been resolved.
  • When you turn all sets on or off by clicking in the top left corner of the sets pane, this is no longer "forgotten" after a restart of the app.
  • Reversed priority of duplicate snippets has been corrected. Now, when "show duplicates in picker" is not enabled and the same abbreviation exists in more than one active set, by default that abbreviation will expand to the snippet in the topmost set when typed.
  • Other changes:
  • Speed and performance optimisations. The app interface should now be more responsive.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.3.2 (Jun 24, 2021)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixes an issue that would occasionally cause snippet insertion from the floating search-and-insert window to fail.
  • A couple of minor corrections to index listings in the Help menu.
  • In the German localization the preference checkbox for showing the point-and-click menu is no longer erroneously deselected after a restart.
  • Other changes:
  • If you have enabled the "show duplicates in picker" expansion preference and / or the hot key-invoked search-and-insert function, when you attempt to change TypeIt4Me's icon display from "Menu bar" to "Dock" or "Dock & Menu bar" you will be warned first that this will automatically disable those features, as both require TypeIt4Me to operate in menu bar-only mode.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.3.1 (Jun 24, 2021)

  • Bug fixes:
  • The "show duplicates in picker" expansion preference now works correctly on pre-Catalina systems.
  • Toolbar icons are now correctly displayed on pre-Big Sur systems.
  • German localization of the Insert > Special menu is now fixed.
  • Other changes:
  • This version requires at least macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or newer.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.3.0 (Jun 24, 2021)

  • New features:
  • A new "show duplicates in picker" expansion preference. With this enabled, if multiple instances of the same abbreviation exist in active sets - perhaps with different snippet content defined for each - typing the abbreviation will bring up a popup window from which you can pick the snippet you want to expand.
  • You can now set a default font style for rich text snippets you create from scratch. (Select some styled text then Format > Use as default.)
  • "Type a soft return" has been added to the Insert > Special menu.
  • You can now enable or disable all sets at once by clicking the top left corner of a set pane.
  • Want a one-off expansion that doesn't retain the triggering character at the end of the expanded text? Press the fn key at the same time as the trigger and it will not be appended.
  • Power users who really need to can use a terminal command to remove the 30-character upper limit for non-clipboard text expansion.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Resolves an issue that would cause expansion to stop working after a rich text autocue was expanded.
  • A snippet containing a plain text minus sign (U+2212) no longer omits the minus sign on expansion.
  • Turning off all expansion triggers no longer breaks case sensitivity.
  • Fixes a bug that would result in AppleScript snippets being appended with "nil" upon execution.
  • When you assign a snippet to only expand in a specific app, it no longer continues to erroneously expand in all apps if "case sensitive expansion" is enabled in Expansion preferences.
  • The Format > Text submenu below the snippet editing pane works as expected again.
  • Animated gifs no longer expand as static images.
  • Function keys (F1, F2 etc) are no longer registered as typed characters, so they won't interfere with expansion.
  • Other changes:
  • TypeIt4Me is now a universal app that will run natively on both Intel Macs and new M1 Apple silicon Macs.
  • Visual refresh of the toolbar icons. These now use new system SF Symbols to match the general look of macOS 11 Big Sur.
  • Sets in iCloud Drive are now stored in a visible container that's browsable in the Finder (look for a branded TypeIt4Me folder in iCloud Drive). This means Time Machine can now back up and restore iCloud sets like any other files.
  • The button that opens the TypeIt4Me user guide has been removed from the toolbar and relocated to the bottom left corner of the app window as a standard Help button.
  • The "Manage Snippets..." menu item has been renamed to "Show TypeIt4Me..." to make it clearer it opens the main app window.
  • When there's a long, truncated path displayed under the "Other..." option in Sync preferences, hovering over it will now bring up a tooltip so you can see the full path to the selected directory.
  • When you invoke the floating snippet search window and type in a string, you can now navigate that text using the command, option, shift, and arrow keys. The window now also remembers its size and can be dismissed by hitting the escape key.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.2.2 (Jun 23, 2021)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Resolves issues with cursor positioning in plain text snippets.
  • Addresses a few minor glitches in macOS 10.15 (Catalina).
  • Minor changes:
  • The app is now updated and notarised for macOS 10.15 (Catalina).
  • Date and time snippets created in older versions of TypeIt4Me are now handled better and in most cases will automatically be updated to the newer format.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.2.1 (Jun 23, 2021)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Prevents a crash when launching on older versions of MacOS (10.9-10.11).

New in TypeIt4Me 6.2.0 (Jun 23, 2021)

  • New feature:
  • The Insert menu has a new "Date language" option for multilingual users. When defining date snippets that calculate and spell out the day and / or month (e.g. Tuesday, July 16, 2019) you can now specify an output language other than the system default. Choose from a menu of all the preferred languages you have added in System Preferences > Language & Region. )
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixes a bug that in some cases would prevent expansion of a snippet that contains an image preceded and followed by text content.
  • Special inserted tabs now work correctly again in both plain and rich formatted snippets.
  • Where there are multiple instances of date math contained within a single snippet, each will now be executed correctly in turn instead of the first formula being applied to all subsequent instances.
  • Existing clipboard content is now correctly restored again after expanding an autocue snippet.
  • Fixes a bug that in some cases would cause TypeIt4Me to crash periodically if running alongside Alfred when certain workflows were invoked.
  • Restores the ability to press the minus button to delete multiple selected snippets at once.
  • Re-enables the point-and-click display style pulldown when multiple snippets are selected, so the same menu behaviour can once again be applied to a group of snippets in a single action.
  • Fixes a bug that would cause special inserted carriage returns not to work when expanding rich text snippets.
  • Corrects the background colour of the "Add a Snippet" editing field in Dark Mode when the system accent colour is set to graphite.
  • Snippets containing multiple instances of embedded (nested) snippets now expand correctly again.
  • Cursor positioning syntax in plain text snippets works again.
  • The Abbreviation field no longer accepts spaces.
  • It's now possible to save edits to the Abbreviation and Label fields without first having to move to the main snippet content editing field.
  • Expanding an empty rich text snippet no longer crashes TypeIt4Me.
  • The leading character of a snippet expanded in the Safari search/URL bar is no longer duplicated.
  • Fixes a minor translation oversight in the FR localization that left an untranslated English text string visible.
  • Minor changes:
  • Additional pre-cooked (m/d/yy) and (mm/dd/yy) options in the Insert > Date menu
  • New pre-cooked 12-hour clock timestamp with AM/PM suffix in the Insert > Time menu
  • Dedicated radio buttons for Dropbox and Google Drive have been removed from Sync preferences. Use of synced snippets stored in a Dropbox or Google Drive folder is still supported but these cloud sync services have been folded into the "Other..." option. Just show TypeIt4Me the location of the Dropbox / Google Drive folder you want to use. If you're already using one of these services with TypeIt4Me you don't need to take any action, just continue as normal (you'll notice the path to your folder is now displayed under the "Other.." sync option.)

New in TypeIt4Me 6.1.1 (Jun 23, 2021)

  • Bug fixes:
  • When editing a snippet while in Dark Mode, changing its content type from plain to rich text now correctly converts the white text to black (against white).
  • In Dark Mode, preview content for search results in the floating search window now displays correctly (white text on a dark background)
  • Fixes a bug that was temporarily replacing the displayed list of the currently selected set's snippets with a list of snippet results from the last use of the floating search window.
  • Minor changes:
  • Extends Dark Mode further: when browsing rich text formatted snippets their content will be displayed on a dark background. The editing pane background colour will only switch to white when the field gains focus, ready for content to be edited.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.1 (Jun 23, 2021)

  • New feature:
  • Supports Dark Mode and new system accent colours in macOS 10.14 Mojave
  • Bug fixes:
  • Autocue snippets now support rich text formatting
  • Keyboard expansion no longer gets stuck in pause mode after cancelling out of Add a Snippet
  • Rich formatting of date and time snippets is now handled correctly, with no shifting upon expansion
  • Fixes a bug that would crash the app upon clicking in an empty part of the snippets list with the snippets filter active
  • Can now overwrite existing snippets from within Add a Snippet again
  • Fixes the broken content type pulldown menu in the ES localisation

New in TypeIt4Me 6.0.5 (Aug 3, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixes the function in the Insert > Special menu that enables you to embed nested snippets
  • Snippets that execute tabs and carriage returns now work as expected again, both when typed at the keyboard and when triggered using the point-and-click menu
  • Fixes a bug in FR, DE, IT and ES localizations that affected the floating snippet search window: you can now start typing immediately as soon as the window comes up, without having to manually place the cursor in the search field first
  • Minor changes:
  • Adds a new "Ignore % syntax" option to the Insert > Special menu. Use this if your snippet is, for example, a line of code that contains percentage symbols and you want the expanded content to come out exactly as defined. This has been introduced in response to requests for a means of escaping percentage characters that TypeIt4Me would otherwise attempt to parse as date/time syntax, resulting in unwanted changes to the content upon expansion.

New in TypeIt4Me 6.0.4 (Jul 18, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixes a bug that produced unwanted "cross-talk" text expansion between separate logged-in user accounts if both were running TypeIt4Me simultaneously on the same Mac
  • Copying snippets selected while the snippet list is filtered no longer results in the wrong snippets being copied to the clipboard
  • Fixes a problem with saving or editing snippets containing special characters
  • Fixes a bug that would occasionally prevent saving new snippets, with the snippet content area appearing to freeze, requiring a relaunch
  • Custom sorting of snippets works again (the last update broke this, sorry!)
  • Fixes a bug that would prevent the snippets list from refreshing when switching between remote sets, if it was displaying filtered results
  • Very long set names are no longer truncated where they appear in the "Selected set" header in non-English localisations
  • Fixes a bug that in some cases was preventing snippets containing tabs created in older TypeIt4Me versions from expanding properly
  • Minor changes:
  • By request, there is a new "Show abb only" option in the pulldown for setting the display style of snippets listed in the TypeIt4Me menu. This is for anyone who wants to be able to use the point-and-click menu to insert snippets but doesn't want the snippet content or label to be visible in the list for security or privacy reasons
  • When importing snippets created in other apps, spaces are now removed automatically from defined abbreviations so that they will work with TypeIt4Me without requiring manual editing

New in TypeIt4Me 6.0.3 (Feb 5, 2018)

  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixes a bug that prevented newly created or modified snippets from expanding until focus was moved to a different set or TypeIt4Me was restarted
  • Non-clipboard expansion when typing in Safari is no longer glitchy
  • Clipboard content is now restored after expanding a snippet containing cursor placement syntax
  • Fixes a bug that would sometimes result in the wrong set showing as selected after rearranging the order of sets
  • The "Show duplicates" function in the snippet filtering field now works again
  • Fixes bugs affecting the snippet search window in the German and Spanish localisations
  • UI elements that would "drift" when resizing the app window in the German, French and Spanish localisations now stay in place
  • Addresses a bug that would cause TypeIt4Me to crash on launch under Mavericks 10.9.x
  • Minor changes:
  • When only one set is active the menu bar snippet picker now displays all its snippets in the main menu instead of in a submenu
  • Custom, date created and last modified sort orders are now supported in the menu bar snippet picker
  • Newly created snippets and saved changes to existing snippets now show up immediately in the menu bar snippet picker
  • Snippets that use Insert > Special syntax to insert the current clipboard content will now honour the non-clipboard expansion preference. When this preference is enabled content shorter than your specified limit will be inserted without a paste operation.
  • Updated localised translations (FR, DE, IT, ES)

New in TypeIt4Me 6.0 (Dec 24, 2017)

  • New features & changes:
  • Unlimited active snippet sets (checkboxes to enable / disable)
  • Snippet search-and-insert floating window (hotkey toggled)
  • Non-clipboard text expansion option
  • iCloud sync with the TypeIt4Me Touch iOS app
  • Drag-and-drop import of TextExpander and CSV files
  • Refined UI for creating, saving and editing snippets
  • Improved menu UI for point-and-click snippet picking
  • New secure Sparkle software update protocol implemented
  • Lots of rewritten code for under-the-hood performance improvements
  • More details here
  • Bug fixes:
  • Addresses issues creating picture snippets via Add a Snippet menu / hotkey
  • Fixes bugs affecting the snippet filter
  • "Play sound on expansion" sound picker now works again
  • Eliminates glitches with "Case sensitive" and "Strip s for plurals" expansion preferences
  • Fixes a bug that would cause hyperlinks to be converted to unlinked plain text
  • Eliminates glitch that caused hyperlink snippets to "bleed" into other snippets in the list display, making those also appear to be linked
  • Improves accuracy of Created/Modified/Expanded meta data in the snippets list
  • New and changed "Apps" preferences are now saved without requiring a TypeIt4Me relaunch
  • Snippet sets can now be renamed in situ by clicking in the set list and editing them directly
  • Corrects lots of minor bugs, glitches and performance hiccups

New in TypeIt4Me 5.5.3 (May 6, 2016)

  • New or changed features:
  • This version handles the new way license codes are automatically issued by FastSpring
  • Secure Event Input notifications should now be a little less intrusive
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug affecting a small number of users that would cause the Active Set to appear "Empty" in the TypeIt4Me menu
  • Fixed a bug that could result in accidental deletion of any selected snippet(s) if the backspace key was pressed while focus was on one of the snippet set panes

New in TypeIt4Me 5.5.2 (Feb 15, 2016)

  • New or changed features:
  • You can now choose NOT to show the current AutoCorrect language next to the icon (e.g. if you are short of space in the menu bar)
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a crash when using OS X 10.9.
  • No longer moves a file you placed in a shared folder back to Sets on this Mac every time you launch TypeIt4Me.

New in TypeIt4Me 5.5.1 (Jan 18, 2016)

  • New or changed features:
  • You can now store your snippet sets (files) on Dropbox, iCloud Drive, Google Drive or a shared folder to make them available to all Macs sharing one of those accounts.
  • You can now pick snippets from the menu across any and all sets you have placed in your sets folder.
  • General stability improvements for OSX 10.9 Mavericks, 10.10 Yosemite and 10.11 El Capitan.
  • Started migrating code base from Objective-C to the more modern Swift (full migration will however take much longer).
  • Cleaned up the User Interface and finally replaced the good-old juggling man with a new icon.

New in TypeIt4Me 5.5.0 (Jan 18, 2016)

  • New or changed features:
  • You can now store your snippet sets (files) on Dropbox, iCloud Drive, Google Drive or a shared folder to make them available to all Macs sharing one of those accounts.
  • You can now pick snippets from the menu across any and all sets you have placed in your sets folder.
  • General stability improvements for OSX 10.9 Mavericks, 10.10 Yosemite and 10.11 El Capitan.
  • Started migrating code base from Objective-C to the more modern Swift (full migration will however take much longer).
  • Cleaned up the User Interface and finally replaced the good-old juggling man with a new icon.

New in TypeIt4Me 5.4.2 (Jan 11, 2016)

  • Fixes several bugs.

New in TypeIt4Me 5.4.1 (Jan 2, 2016)

  • Bug fixes.

New in TypeIt4Me 5.4.0 (Jan 10, 2015)

  • Fixed several bugs.

New in TypeIt4Me 5.3.2 (Feb 20, 2013)

  • Fixes several bugs reported by users over the last six months.

New in TypeIt4Me 5.3.1 (Jul 28, 2012)

  • Fixes the following bugs:
  • issue with expansion of date/time abbreviations
  • when using TAB to trigger expansion in Safari, the text is now correctly inserted in the current field prior to tabbing to the next field
  • add a clipping correctly saves the new clipping

New in TypeIt4Me 5.2 Build 49 (Jul 9, 2011)

  • Added a spiffy new Date / Time Math function that will expand a date abbreviation of your choosing to a calculated-on-the-fly date and / or time in the future. Or in the past, for that matter… It’s better than a flux capacitor, really. Great Scott!
  • There’s a new way to issue a SHIFT-TAB (which can move the cursor to a cell to the left in a table or to a previous field in a form).
  • As requested by one of our customers, we’ve introduced another ‘hidden’ option. It tells TypeIt4Me not to use just the first four characters of what you’ve copied to the clipboard as a default suggestion when proposing an abbreviation in Add a Clipping:
  • defaults write com.typeit4me.TypeIt4MeMenu shortenProposedAbb -bool NO
  • For now, the above command needs to be copied and pasted – or typed – in Terminal as the option is not currently included in TypeIt4Me’s preferences screen. If this feature proves popular we will look into making it more user friendly in a future release. If you try it and decide you don’t like it, you can revert to normal by firing up Terminal again and entering the following line: defaults write com.typeit4me.TypeIt4MeMenu shortenProposedAbb -bool YES
  • Bug fixes:
  • Remedied a problem introduced by the upcoming Mac OS X 10.7 Lion (are you as excited as we are about upgrading?)

New in TypeIt4Me 5.1.1 Build 46 (May 27, 2011)

  • Fixed bug affecting first use of app

New in TypeIt4Me 5.1 Build 44 (Mar 28, 2011)

  • New or changed features:
  • Added Show Duplicates.
  • Added warning when pasting clippings (cmd-v) would create duplicate(s).
  • In Edit Clippings window, cmd-F now moves keyboard focus to search field, cmd-L to clippings list.
  • Periodic file save now only happens if there are unsaved changes.
  • The position of the vertical split bar in Edit Clippings window is saved and restored.
  • Added the following 3 options, each requested by a single user:
  • defaults write com.typeit4me.TypeIt4MeMenu noFadeEffectOnMainWindow -bool YES
  • defaults write com.typeit4me.TypeIt4MeMenu dontProposeContentsOfPasteboard -bool YES
  • defaults write com.typeit4me.TypeIt4MeMenu AddCmdQ -bool YES
  • The above commands need to be typed in Terminal as there is currently no UI for them in the preferences.
  • added “ALMOST EQUAL TO” (Unicode 2248) to set of punctuation signs (“.,+-~/”) that can precede numerals in abbs that expand number+suffix combos.
  • Users can now add more than one backspace symbols at the start of clippings.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed crashes when launching TypeIt4Me when its preferences file has become corrupted.
  • Restored “Trigger on period(.) followed by another delimiter” functionality.

New in TypeIt4Me 4.2.1 (Apr 8, 2010)

  • Fixes:
  • Restores clipboard after expansion
  • No longer accepts older registration codes only to reject them later
  • Triggering expansion with TAB no longer leaves first letter of abb behind
  • Restores contents of clipboard no matter what other modifiers are pressed on cmd-v
  • New features:
  • Handles older as well as latest SpellCatcher XML export
  • Handles CR (return) in a similar way to TAB when expanding in spreadsheets

New in TypeIt4Me 4.2 (Sep 7, 2009)

  • Added Sort by Label.
  • Removed a number of debug strings sent to console log.
  • Replaced deprecated API.

New in TypeIt4Me 4.1.3 (Sep 7, 2009)

  • Fixed glitch that was causing this warning alert to pop up on every restart.
  • Recompiled so that it now also works under 10.4.x (Tiger)

New in TypeIt4Me 4.1.2 (Aug 28, 2009)

  • Fixed glitch under Snow Leopard.

New in TypeIt4Me 4.1.1 (Mar 8, 2009)

  • Fixed bug that would cause TypeIt4Me to quit unexpectedly (crash) for some users.
  • Clicking the up and down scroll arrows in the preferences pane view now properly scrolls the clipping text.
  • French and German localised versions now include autocue.

New in TypeIt4Me 4.1 (Jan 1, 2009)

  • New feature: typing a few letters in the search field under the list of clippings will now filter the list to show only those clippings containing those letters as part of either the abbreviation and/or the clipping itself.
  • Fixes: plugged a memory leak or two.

New in TypeIt4Me 4.0.4 (Aug 1, 2008)

  • Flags transient pasteboard content to prevent clippings appearing in CopyPaste's clipboard history;
  • Auto-repairs missing "AutoCorrect ignore list" file issue;
  • Allows resizing of Application column in Applications tab
  • French localisation ("Mactylo") is back, as is a slightly incomplete German (hilfe anyone?).
  • Note: User Guide in PDF only available in English for now.

New in TypeIt4Me 4.0.3 (Jun 9, 2008)

  • Fixes bug which prevented expansion using DVORAK keyboard layout.

New in TypeIt4Me 4.0.2 (Mar 2, 2008)

  • fixes bug introduced in 4.0.1 which was preventing TypeIt4Me from starting up after a log out or restart.

New in TypeIt4Me 4.0.1 (Feb 25, 2008)

  • TypeIt4Me should now remain on when replacing a previous 3.x or 4.x version that was on at the time of installing 4.0.1.

New in TypeIt4Me 4.0 (Feb 20, 2008)

  • This is TypeIt4Me 4.0, thanks to all the beta testers for their feedback!