Total Boum Boum Changelog

What's new in Total Boum Boum 1 Beta 027

Mar 13, 2014
  • Resources:
  • A new sprite: Pretty Bomber (SBM4)
  • New theme and levels for the 7th AI tournament
  • Gameplay:
  • Improved league tournament: it's now possible, in certain cases, to play less matches than the number corresponding to all possible player combinations (which is sometimes quite a lot).
  • Interface:
  • A few bugs were corrected, regarding ergonomics and Windows 7 compatibility
  • It's now possible to graphically visualize the evolution of all stats, for all players, over all games. This includes rankings, Glicko-2 index, in-game scores (dropped bombs, time played, etc.)
  • New feature: integrated in-game screen capture. Gets rid of all the text displayed on top of the actual game.
  • One can now export game stats as text files, for each round/match/tournament played
  • Engine:
  • Correction of a few graphical bugs
  • It is now possible to define random events for sudden death
  • Artificial intelligence:
  • All the agents designed by the Galatasaray University students for the 7th AI tournament
  • AI API includes new features, a few minor bugs were corrected, too
  • A few bugs corrected in the older agents themselves
  • Agent preferences are now defined in a separate XML file (more convenient, faster)
  • Path display now take pixel coordinates into account (instead of tile coordinates) and can represent pauses (with circles whose radius is proportional to the pause duration).
  • The agent percept can now be captured during game, which is awesome because it allows to easily reproduce problematic situations off-line, and therefore to debug the agent much more conveniently.
  • It is now possible to chain tournament in an automatic way, in order to perform many rounds and get more stable stats when assessing agents.

New in Total Boum Boum 1 Beta 013 (Nov 4, 2009)

  • Misc.:
  • several (actually: many!) bugs corrected both in the GUI and game engine
  • shorter level loading time
  • Graphics :
  • fade-in animation when the level appears before a round begins
  • message to anounce the round is going to start
  • new character: Shirobon from Nes Bomberman 2
  • Gameplay:
  • (almost) complete Nes Bomberman 2 instance (all levels, items, etc. are implemented)
  • new disease item (slowness, control inversion, bomb constipation, bomb diarhea, etc.) and contagion system (a player can transmit the disease to an opponent just by touching him)
  • life item (a player can be eliminated several times during the same round)
  • new fire resistance items
  • level designers can now put bombs into walls (they appear when the wall is broken, like for items)
  • when a player is eliminated, it is now possible to make him release all the items he collected
  • the Super Bomberman 1 instance is more complete (but not finished yet, though)
  • GUI:
  • modal menus to confirm important actions (like profile deleting) and also to perform some inputs (like typing a profile name at profile creation)
  • some mistakes were corrected in the GUI text
  • Artificial intelligence:
  • the API classes were revised and completed with new methods and abilities
  • algorithm now implemented directly in the GUI
  • cool debug mechanisms: AI can be paused independtly, one can take control of AIs, it is now possible to display graphical info coming from the AIs in real time
  • it is now possible to limit the update rate of AIs
  • new demo AI called Suiveur (french for 'follower'), able to... well, follow another player (without dropping any bombs, it's just a demo AI)!