Taco HTML Edit Changelog

What's new in Taco HTML Edit 3.0.9

Jun 8, 2015
  • Fixes a freeze on Yosemite that could occur when closing or saving a document.

New in Taco HTML Edit 3.0.7 (Oct 14, 2013)

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when opening a document in a project that was previously opened as a standalone document.
  • Fixes a bug where error tooltips would not appear in the correct location on a Retina display.
  • Fixes an issue where SVG images wouldn't appear in Live Preview.
  • Various minor bug fixes.

New in Taco HTML Edit 3.0.6 (May 4, 2012)

  • Fixes an issue where the Cover Flow view for the Component Library would not scroll properly when clicking the scrollbar.
  • Compatibility Fixes for OS X Mountain Lion.

New in Taco HTML Edit 3.0.5 (Apr 18, 2012)

  • HTML5 data-* and aria-* attributes are now recognized by the error checker.
  • Fixes an issue where the text editor would no longer be the active control after Live Preview updates.
  • Improves when the Code Completion panel appears when it is set to appear automatically.
  • Fixes an issue where Image Carousel would not display correctly in Internet Explorer when placed in center tags.
  • Improves how the placeholder image for the Slideshow appears when scripting is disabled in a web browser.
  • Improves compatibility with Xcode 4.3 for Preview in iPhone Simulator.

New in Taco HTML Edit 3.0.4 (Mar 13, 2012)

  • Fixes a couple crashes that could occur when closing a document.
  • Fixes some omissions in the CSS validator for allowed color names, and the HTML validator now allows the full list of CSS colors for color attributes.
  • Fixes an issue when dragging a file to its current folder in the project file browser, where the file would be renamed as if it had been copied.

New in Taco HTML Edit 3.0.3 (Jan 31, 2012)

  • The Background Music component has been renamed to Audio Player. It now uses HTML5 audio playback with an optional fallback to a Flash-based audio player for incompatible browsers.
  • Fixes a bug in the spell checker in how apostrophes and single quotes are handled.
  • On OS X Lion, when selecting Undo in the warning alert after typing an invalid character for the current text encoding, only the invalid character will now be removed.
  • Fixes a freeze that could occur when moving in the Finder a file that is currently open in Taco HTML Edit.
  • Various minor bug fixes.

New in Taco HTML Edit 3.0.2 (Jan 12, 2012)

  • Improves selection behavior in various cases when double-clicking text to select.
  • Fixes cases where Organize Tags would make changes that could affect the browser rendering of a document.
  • Various minor bug fixes.

New in Taco HTML Edit 3.0.1 (Oct 13, 2011)

  • Fixes a crash that would occur after selecting an image file from the drop down in the source view of the component editor.

New in Taco HTML Edit 3.0.0 (Oct 6, 2011)

  • Enhancements for OS X Lion:
  • Autosave: Documents are automatically saved while you edit them; it is no longer necessary to manually save documents in OS X Lion. "Save As..." is replaced by the "Duplicate" command.
  • Versions: Allows you to view and restore previous versions of a document.
  • Resume: Taco HTML Edit now supports Resume, so it will restore open windows after quitting and re-opening the app.
  • Full Screen: Edit documents in full-screen mode.
  • Component Library:
  • Two new Components: Video Player and Modal Dialog. Video Player makes it easy to add HTML5 video to your web pages, with an optional Flash Player fallback. Modal Dialog allows a dialog with a translucent overlay to appear over your web page, showing any HTML content you specify.
  • Slideshow has been enhanced to allow different image scaling behavior, so that images can either fill the entire canvas or be scaled down so that no part of the image is cropped.
  • Form Calendar has new options to start the week on Monday and to customize day name abbreviations.
  • Paginated Image Scroller has been renamed "Image Carousel" and has drop shadows with a better visual appearance.
  • Error Checking:
  • The Error Checking user interface has been completely revamped in Taco HTML Edit. The "Check Document for Errors" command will now find errors in HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript that appears within the document.
  • PHP error checking now executes the PHP code, just like for previewing a PHP document. This allows both syntax and runtime errors to be reported by the error checker.
  • CSS error checking is the most advanced on the planet, based on the working drafts of the W3C CSS3 specification.
  • Taco HTML Edit now can find syntax errors in JavaScript code.
  • Editing Enhancements:
  • Code Folding allows you to collapse text segments in the editor, with disclosure triangles appearing in the document gutter to provide fold suggestions. Taco HTML Edit will remember and restore your folds if you don't edit a document externally.
  • Navigator shows an outline of your HTML, PHP, JavaScript, or CSS document, allowing you to quickly move to a different location. Links to other documents are represented with an arrow in the Navigator, which can be clicked to open the link.
  • New menu command for commenting/uncommenting code.
  • Additional text encoding support: Taco HTML Edit now includes support for dozens of text encodings.
  • New commands for finding non-ASCII characters and replacing them with HTML character codes.
  • Other Changes:
  • Open tabs are now remembered and restored when re-opening projects.
  • Live Preview will be restored when a document is closed with Live Preview enabled.
  • Taco HTML Edit now includes an integrated PDF viewer.
  • New options in the Print panel to print with Code Coloring and/or Line Numbers enabled.
  • Dimensions appear for images in the Get Info panel.
  • Bug fixes and other minor enhancements.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.6.9 (Jul 27, 2011)

  • Fixes a bug in Snow Leopard with Safari 5.1, where Live Preview would not use the current versions of local scripts and stylesheets, instead using older, cached versions.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.6.5 (Oct 5, 2010)

  • Adds HTML5 support in Code Completion, Code Coloring, Syntax Checking, and Advanced Tag Insert.
  • Adds CSS3 support in Code Completion and Code Coloring.
  • There are options in the "Editing" Preferences to disable HTML5 and/or CSS3 support if it's not desired.
  • Truncated files in the project file browser now appear with ellipses.
  • Fixes an issue in the Navigation Menu component where the item background would not appear correctly for the title of a second-level menu.
  • Resolves compatibility issues with the IE9 beta for Navigation Menu, Slideshow, and the graph components. The updated files for this are PlotKit_Packed.js, MochiKit.js, and mootools.js.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.6.2 (Jul 22, 2010)

  • The HTML syntax checker now recognizes the xml:lang attribute on html tags.
  • Fixes an issue in the HTML syntax checker where it would report that certain tags needed to be contained by a frameset tag.
  • Fixes an issue where inline JavaScript coloring would stop on "

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.6 (Apr 8, 2010)

  • Important Note:
  • In this version, the way that file types are handled by Taco HTML Edit has changed. Other than image files, files with extensions that are not defined in the "File Types" section of Taco HTML Edit's Preferences will open in an external application. Due to this change, the File Types Preferences will be reset to the default values the first time you open Taco HTML Edit 2.6.

  • Component Library:
  • The Image Map wizard has been revamped and is now, in addition to the new Inset Drop Shadow component, part of the Component Library. Many components now have a tabular layout for lists of items which allows items to be rearranged, so for example, slides in the Slideshow component can now be reordered. Also, file drag-and-drop is now supported for selecting files for various components.

  • Code Clips:
  • Code Clips can now be organized into groups, and can include a Selection Placeholder. A Completion Name can be specified for a clip to allow the clip to be accessed through Taco HTML Edit's Code Completion interface.

  • Other Changes:
  • Projects now have an "Open With..." command in the contextual menu to open files in an external application.
  • Preview and Live Preview will now process "include" directives in SHTML documents.
  • A new gradient type is now available for the Accordion component.
  • Minor improvements to the arrow graphics in the Paginated Image Scroller component.
  • The Slideshow component now provides a larger text field for entering captions.
  • Live Preview can now show JavaScript alerts and dialogs. This feature must be enabled in Taco HTML Edit's Preferences.
  • Line Numbering can now go beyond 9999 lines and has an improved appearance.
  • Code Completion parameter tokens now appear like standard Mac OS X tokens rather than just plain text.
  • Tabs now show a dot on the close button to indicate a modified document.
  • When Auto-Indent and Organize Tags are done with space characters, the number of spaces can now be configured in the Preferences.
  • JavaScript regular expressions can now be assigned a color, and should no longer interfere with the correct coloring of subsequent JavaScript code.
  • Various user interface aesthetic improvements.
  • Various bug fixes.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.5.2 (Nov 7, 2009)

  • Fixes an issue where the Preferences toolbar item would also be disabled.
  • Fixes an issue where the close button for tabs would appear blurry on Mac OS X 10.6.
  • Fixes a crash that could occur in Batch Find.
  • A few user interface fixes for Mac OS X 10.4.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.5.1 (Aug 30, 2009)

  • Fix a crash that could occur when a JavaScript unload event was triggered in Live Preview.
  • Fix an issue in Batch Find where the Find button would remain disabled after selecting one of the recent search values.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.5.0 (Aug 25, 2009)

  • Component Library:
  • Taco HTML Edit now includes a Component Library, which allows you to select one of 20 components, customize it, and insert it into an HTML document. From Slideshows to Pie Charts, from Accordion Controls to Scrollable Tables, the Component Library has the widgets that web designers have often wanted to add to web pages, but until now have been very encumbering. The Component Library revolutionizes how web designers create web pages.
  • Each component has many customization options, and you can see your customizations in a Live Preview while you are configuring the component. Don't like a change you make when customizing a component? Just use the Component Library's support for Undo and Redo. You can also preview your component in a web browser, using the same menu options available for previewing documents. Once you like the configuration of the component, just hit the "Insert" button to place the component in your web page. Any needed scripts, images, and style sheets are copied to a directory that you specify. All components are compatible with Safari 3+, Internet Explorer 7+, and Firefox 3+, with most components also supporting IE 6 and Firefox 2. Components are implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • The Component Library has 3 views for finding components: List, Grid, and Cover Flow (Cover Flow requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later). A search field is available for finding a component by searching its name and description. The Insert Font, Image, Link, List, and Table wizards, previously in Taco HTML Edit, have been replaced by components in the Component Library.
  • Here is the complete list of components:
  • Accordion
  • Background Music
  • Bar Graph
  • Date and Time
  • Drop Shadow
  • Form Calendar
  • Image Zoom
  • Line Graph
  • Navigation Menu
  • Paginated Image Scroller
  • Pie Chart
  • Rotating Content
  • Scrollable Table
  • Simple Font
  • Simple Image
  • Simple Link
  • Simple List
  • Simple Table
  • Slideshow
  • Tabbed Content
  • Other Changes:
  • Snow Leopard compatibility.
  • Adds Code Completion support for JavaScript.
  • Check Spelling While Typing is now an available option (requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later).
  • Preview and Live Preview are now available for CSS and JavaScript documents, whereby an HTML or PHP file is selected by the user to perform the preview.
  • Taco HTML Edit now includes a Get Info panel, which describes file information and allows a preview file to be selected for CSS and JavaScript documents.
  • The project file browser now supports copy and paste for files and folders.
  • Files can now be renamed in the project file browser by clicking the selected file or by pressing tab, similar to the Finder.
  • File sorting in the project file browser now matches the sorting behavior of the Finder.
  • The delete key can now be pressed in the project file browser to move the selected files to the trash.
  • The Recent Projects menu now includes file icons and appears like the Recent Files menu.
  • The Insert Color wizard now supports 3-digit hex codes.
  • A Refresh Live Preview item can now be added to the document toolbar.
  • A new "Link to URL" command, available in the Format Tags menu and by right-clicking or control-clicking, to quickly add a hypertext link to a document.
  • Taco HTML Edit now detects when an open file is modified on the disk, and prompts to revert the file to the version on disk.
  • A new application icon that supports 512x512 pixel resolution.
  • File icons for HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript files when Taco HTML Edit is the default editor for those files.
  • A few fixes for the values suggested by Code Completion for CSS.
  • Comments beginning with "//" are no longer colored in CSS, since they are not valid.
  • Improvements to the interface for selecting a Preview browser in the Preferences, and fixes an issue where it was sometimes impossible to change the Preview browser.
  • Fixes a crash that could occur when clicking one of the parent menu items in the Quick Insert menu.
  • Fixes a crash that could occur when deleting an item in the Quick Insert Preferences.
  • Taco HTML Edit will now prompt to stop JavaScript execution for scripts that do not terminate, rather than freezing the application.
  • Fixes a crash that could occur in Organize Tags.
  • Fixes issues that could occur when replacing and moving files in a project.
  • Fixes an issue where Undo/Redo would not scroll to the location of the change.
  • Binary files are no longer hidden in the project file browser; they open in their default application.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.0.6 (Mar 13, 2009)

  • Fixes an issue where Taco HTML Edit would not properly delete the temporary files that it creates for Preview and Live Preview.
  • The Taco HTML Edit version number will now appear correctly in Finder.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.0.5 (Mar 9, 2009)

  • Fixes an issue in Live Preview that occurs after installing Safari 4 Beta, where linked scripts, images, and style sheets would not be reloaded when doing a manual refresh of the Live Preview.
  • The directory contents of a project will now refresh when a "Save As..." is performed.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.0.4 (Feb 3, 2009)

  • Fixes an issue that would occur when using the Format Tags menu when editing in Live Preview mode.
  • Fixes a crash that could occur when closing a tab.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.0.3 (Oct 14, 2008)

  • Fixes an issue when using Live Preview, where images and CSS files could appear as broken links.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.0.2 (Oct 13, 2008)

  • Live Preview will now reflect changes to CSS and JavaScript files that have been made in Taco HTML Edit, even if those changes are unsaved.
  • Improved Preferences UI for selecting PHP installation.
  • Added iPhone Simulator to supported preview browsers (requires iPhone SDK).
  • Fixed a syntax check issue with image map coordinates.
  • Fixed a text selection issue when using Code Completion at the end of a file.
  • Download Internet Files is now enabled by default for Live Preview.
  • Fixed a bug in Preview of files that was introduced in version 2.0.1.
  • Various bug fixes.

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.0.0 (Jun 3, 2008)

  • Code Completion (for HTML, CSS, and PHP)
  • Code Coloring for CSS and JavaScript
  • Tabbed User Interface
  • Enhanced Find and Batch Find functionality (including Regular Expressions)
  • New "Open Quickly" feature (very useful when working in large projects)
  • Taco HTML Edit can now be used as an External Editor for FTP software

New in Taco HTML Edit 2.0.0 Beta 2 (May 19, 2008)

  • Code Completion: While you are editing an HTML, CSS, or PHP document, Taco HTML Edit can now suggest completions for the text you are typing. This assists in helping you remember tag, attribute, and function names. Suggested completions include a brief description of the suggested item and a link to additional documentation.
  • Code Coloring: In addition to HTML and PHP, Taco HTML Edit now supports coloring for CSS and JavaScript documents. Coloring is completely configurable, and CSS coloring includes "formal" and "functional" schemes that are available.
  • Tabbed User Interface: Taco HTML Edit now supports a tabbed user interface for both projects and standalone documents. The traditional interfaces are still available through Preference options.
  • Enhanced Find and Batch Find: Taco HTML Edit's Find Panels now support regular expressions. Regular Expressions may be simple, which allows the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character; alternately, the full Ruby regular expression language is available by setting a Preference option. In addition, the Batch Find has been enhanced in several respects, including improved performance.
  • Open Quickly: Open Quickly allows you find files by name, without needing to know what folder the file is located in. You can choose to search only currently open files and projects, or to search your entire disk for a file. An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard; for example, you could search for *.php to find all files that end with the "php" file extension. Full disk searching requires Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or later with Spotlight indexing enabled. This feature is really useful! Make sure that you try it out!
  • External Editor: Taco HTML Edit can now be used an an external editor for FTP clients. Please, contact the author of your favorite FTP client to make sure that Taco HTML Edit is available as an external editor.
  • Finder Integration: Taco HTML Edit now supports drag-and-drop with the Finder in projects.
  • Embedded Live Preview: Taco HTML Edit's Live Preview is now embedded into the document window. A separate window is no longer required.
  • Automatic Updates: Taco HTML Edit can automatically check for updates, making sure that you have the latest features and fixes.