SymmetricDS Changelog

What's new in SymmetricDS 3.7.36

Jul 28, 2016
  • 0002678: [Improvement] DBF Router setup to read files in a read only mode to prevent locking (josh-a-hicks) - resolved.
  • 0002657: [Bug] Nodes not cleaning staged resources of any type (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002685: [Improvement] File sync parameter to remove just the *.ctl file after file has been replicated. (josh-a-hicks) - closed.
  • 0002688: [Bug] Heartbeats don't propagate properly in a multi-master situation (mmichalek) - closed.
  • 0002690: [Improvement] Parameter to allow creation of tables during initial load without a PK (josh-a-hicks) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.20 (Aug 10, 2015)

  • 0002313: [Bug] When SymmetricDS is stopped via REST or jmx, auto.start.engine should be set to false so the node won't restart automatically (chenson) closed.
  • 0002314: [Bug] dbimport of xml (XmlDataReader) does not handle xsi:nil correctly (chenson) closed.
  • 0002315: [Bug] Generated ddl should always escape ' with ''. MySQL and Postgres currently do not. (chenson) closed.
  • 0002316: [Bug] On SQL Server a default value of '' is exported as '''' (chenson) closed.
  • 0002318: [Improvement] Performance improvements in gap detection during routing. Improves routing performance with lots of gaps. (chenson) closed.
  • 0002326: [Bug] Empty reload batch causes batch to end prematurely (chenson) closed.
  • 0002327: [Improvement] Add an install method to the REST api that takes a properties file and installs it in the engines directory and starts the node (chenson) closed.
  • 0002332: [Improvement] Better logging for bsh load filter errors (chenson) closed.
  • 0002333: [Bug] Audit router inserts failing due to case sensitive collation (chenson) closed.
  • 0002334: [Bug] create triggers should take into account that the catalog or schema could be blank in database versus null (chenson) closed.
  • 0002335: [Improvement] Make the ISyncUrlExtension more flexible by always calling a registered ISyncUrlExtension (chenson) closed.
  • 0002341: [Improvement] Add the ability to use parameter values in catalog and schema for trigger, router, and transform configuration. (elong) closed.
  • 0002343: [Bug] A load script doesn't fire the error script if the schema is left blank on Oracle (chenson) closed.
  • 0002344: [Improvement] Geography data type support (josh-a-hicks) closed.
  • 0002350: [Bug] setting suspend=1 on sym_node_channel_ctl gets set back to 0 when extract happens (chenson) closed.
  • 0002351: [Improvement] Order configuration export for diff reporting (elong) closed.
  • 0002357: [Improvement] Need to be able to set the field terminator and record terminator for the mssql bulk loader (chenson) closed.
  • 0002359: [Bug] Handle nvarchar default values on sql server that start with N' during schema creation (chenson) closed.
  • 0002360: [Bug] Initial loads not working from source to target in the multiple source to single targets profile (chenson) closed.
  • 0002361: [Bug] Ignore sqlite_autoindex_ indexes in the sqliteddlreader (chenson) closed.
  • 0002364: [Improvement] DBExport ability to produce drop only statements (josh-a-hicks) closed.
  • 0002365: [Bug] dbexport incorrectly blanks out the schema when the schema is the default schema and the catalog is not (chenson) closed.
  • 0001620: [Improvement] Move SymmetricDS to Github (chenson) closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.19 (Jun 1, 2015)

  • 0002308: [Bug] Bsh variables were removed from bsh column transform accidentally. Readding support (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002306: [Improvement] Add a trim() column transform (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002307: [Bug] Outgoing batches are missing the sql message sometimes (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.18 (May 28, 2015)

  • 0002302: [Bug] AckUriHandler has an incorrect Comparator code (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002305: [New Feature] Add new extension point that allows batches to be filtered prior to sending them (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.17 (May 19, 2015)

  • 0002301: [Bug] If an incoming batch is marked as IG when it is loading and the batch fails, then the IG status is lost (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002299: [Bug] Deadlock for additive transform. It should use the same transaction that the default writer uses. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002290: [Bug] Postgres bulk writer throws a null pointer error versus logging what is going on when the target table cannot be found (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002293: [Bug] sym_node_group_channel_wnd functionality is broken (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002294: [Improvement] Improve the bean shell database filter. pk data should be bound on deletes. (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.16 (May 4, 2015)

  • [Improvement] When a node is removed, clear out its sym_incoming_batch table (versus just setting batches to OK) (chenson) - resolved.
  • 0002288: [Bug] The file directory listing in the snapshot is inaccurate (chenson) - resolved.
  • 0002287: [Bug] Multiplier transform isn't working (chenson) - resolved.
  • 0002285: [Improvement] Slight performance improvement in reading table metadata on Firebird (chenson) - resolved.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.15 (Apr 24, 2015)

  • 0002282: [Improvement] Add create.table.without.foreign.keys setting that removes foreign keys on table definitions being used during database creation (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002279: [Bug] Fix misleading warning. "None of the target nodes specified in the data.node_list field ({}) were qualified nodes" (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002273: [Bug] Auto calculate of number of required batches an extract in background extract should use the initial load select (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002277: [Improvement] Don't log a warning when there is a missing column data for a transform due to a delete when capture old data is turned off (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.14 (Apr 18, 2015)

  • 0002265: [Bug] Xml Publisher fails when delete comes through. Null Pointer Exception. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002270: [Improvement] Log when an initial load or reverse initial load is queued up (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002274: [Bug] If a row is marked as IG and an ACK comes in with an ER status the IG status is overwritten (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002275: [Bug] Common batch mode not detected if trigger router is defined that does not use the default router and is on the same link (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.13 (Apr 11, 2015)

  • 0002263: [Bug] Trigger is not able to be created (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.12 (Apr 7, 2015)

  • 0002245: [Bug] Column match router should not do work during initial load if initial load select is used (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002249: [Bug] Alter script broken on Sybase ASE because SqlScript parser leaves ; in the script (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002251: [Improvement] If the ack response does not come back with a 200 error code, the throw an error. Before we looked for only 4 error codes. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002252: [Improvement] Re-add a buffer flush at the end of a push and at the end of a file push. (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.11 (Mar 30, 2015)

  • 0002237: [Improvement] Add new auto.sync.triggers.after.config.loaded property that allows sync triggers to be turned on on client when config changes (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002238: [Bug] Router service fails due to Syntax error (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002239: [Bug] The xml publisher removes '-' from the key data so 'This is a test" and 'This-is-a-test' are equivalent. This is wrong. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002241: [Bug] Routing fails with null pointer exception (NPE) (elong) - closed.
  • 0002242: [Bug] SQL Server fails to create triggers (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.10 (Mar 18, 2015)

  • 0002217: [Bug] Android zip contains superflous slf4j jars (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002231: [Bug] ; in sql scripts in sql content aren't properly parsed (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002232: [Bug] Insert fails due to error in Trigger (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.9 (Mar 7, 2015)

  • [Bug] HSQLDB ddl builder doesn't creates a varbinary instead of a blob when the type in xml is blob
  • [Bug] Replication of rows with NULL in large object column on PostgreSQL throws exception
  • [Bug] When Primary key is binary; SymmetricDS fails capture changes.
  • [Bug] BSH transform context variables overwrite column variables
  • [Bug] platform should pass in setting for whether to use autocommit for ddl in createDatabase and dropDatabase.
  • [Bug] When calling symadmin open-regsitration only works for the first two nodes with the same id
  • [Bug] JMX method openRegistration should behave like the command line openRegistration command
  • [Bug] Sql Server 2000's default schema is the user. We had hardcoded dbo as the schema which only worked for dbowner accounts
  • [Bug] Initial load create first does not support the creation of REAL columns for sqlite

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.8 (Feb 26, 2015)

  • 0002210: [Bug] You should be able to request an initial load from a server by setting the initial_load_enabled flag on the client node. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002211: [Improvement] Don't insert file sync initial load batch if there are no file trigger routers configured (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002212: [Bug] getOutgoingBatchStatus only returns pending batches for one status. It should return multiple summaries. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002213: [Bug] Missing space in ORDER BY CLAUSE (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.7 (Feb 18, 2015)

  • 0002205: [Bug] Subselect router arguments are encoded on reload (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002191: [Bug] Unrouted batches end up with a status of NE and never get purged (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002192: [Bug] Conflict resolution of FALLBACK transforms update to insert although row exists (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002193: [Improvement] Only run the check for abandoned batches check once after the server starts, not everytime we route (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002194: [Bug] postgres geometry types broken by issue 1996 (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002196: [Improvement] Bsh Data Router: Bind in nodeIds for nodes that would normally be routed to. Useful for implementing default behavior. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002197: [Bug] Right before a node loads registration configuration, clear out sym_data on the config channel (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002200: [Bug] Microsoft JDBC maps nvarchar(max) and varchar(max) to a varchar with a size. Should be mapped to a longvarchar or longnvarchar. (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.6 (Feb 11, 2015)

  • 0002186: [Improvement] DB2 iSeries - Change the sym_data row_data storage to CLOB to support longer row data (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002187: [Bug] auto create tables doesn't support comment characters in quoted column and table names (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002149: [Bug] Create Initial Table for MySQL - TINYTEXT (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002185: [Improvement] Improved trigger performance on Sql Server (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.5 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • 0002173: [Improvement] "arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation" on firebird due to row_data being > 10k. Log a better error msg. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002174: [Bug] Redshift Bulkloader - S3 regions that require v4 of the authentication protocol get an error (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002175: [Improvement] Package jt400 ibm as400/iSeries jar file with SymmetricDS (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002176: [Bug] iSeries - Any tools that insert into sym_data cause errors because of invalid query to lookup last identity record (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002177: [Bug] When a case sensitive collation is used on sql server alters to prevent page lock escalation fail with a warning (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002178: [Improvement] Allow the use of wildcards in catalog and schema for load filters (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.4 (Feb 2, 2015)

  • 0002172: [Bug] Ignore case not working due to bug in ignore case feature for schema and catalog in table lookup (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.3 (Jan 30, 2015)

  • 0002152: [Bug] DDL errors on DB2 i5 AS/400 (elong) - closed.
  • 0002124: [Improvement] Support foreign keys in ddl builder for sqlite (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002148: [Bug] When checking for gap expiration compare data create times against the database time, not against the symmetric server time (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002155: [Improvement] Reduce updates to sym_node_communication (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002158: [Improvement] Snapshot util should just package up all files with the .log extension in the log directory (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002159: [Improvement] Add database time and server time to support snapshot (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002161: [Improvement] Interrupt working threads when a symmetric engine is stopped. Also check for interrupted threads when processing data. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002163: [Bug] Configured extension with a node group id of ALL is not working (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.2 (Jan 24, 2015)

  • 0002135: [Bug] bsh column transform can pick up source columns from previous tables in the batch (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002136: [Bug] Changing a primary key with an implied transform does not work (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002139: [Improvement] Log original conflict error message if available. Makes it easier to identify root cause conflict issues. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002144: [Improvement] When transformed data is retransformed it should only try to match the key values if more than one transformed data is returned (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002145: [Improvement] Do a better job of table lookup when case is suppose to be ignored. Lookup across catalogs and schemas is now case insensitive (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002147: [Improvement] Add validation and better error message if the parsed tokens doesn't match the column count of the last parsed table (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.1 (Jan 15, 2015)

  • 0002127: [Bug] Tinyint is 0 to 255 on Sql Server. JTDS treats it as -128 to 127. The driver throws an error for values > 127. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002133: [Bug] SQL Anywhere capturing wrong date format (elong) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.7.0 (Jan 9, 2015)

  • [Bug] dbimport doesn't handle relative pathnames (elong) - closed.
  • 0001952: [Bug] NullPointerException when setting replication for an unsupported table in PostgreSQL (chenson) - closed.
  • 0000043: [New Feature] Expressions for target_schema_name (elong) - closed.
  • 0001621: [Improvement] Move SymmetricDS to Gradle (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001650: [New Feature] Reverse initial load with symadmin (elong) - closed.
  • 0001828: [Improvement] Update jTDS driver from 1.2.4 to 1.2.8 (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001970: [Improvement] Valuemap transform syntax for passing values through (elong) - closed.
  • 0002020: [Bug] Log4j cannot be configured to send errors by email (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002040: [Improvement] Can't set windows service dependencies in sym_service.conf (elong) - closed.
  • 0002047: [Improvement] Add extension service that can read extensions from database (elong) - closed.
  • 0002048: [Improvement] Option for delayed start of Windows service (elong) - closed.
  • 0002050: [Bug] dropping a table before dropping trigger causes NPE (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002057: [Improvement] The sync triggers cluster lock is being grabbed every ten seconds (so initial load events are not inserted during trigger sync) (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002060: [Improvement] We currently log data sent and received from jobs at INFO level. Do the same from the server side. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002063: [Improvement] Remove the getName() method from the IColumnTransform interface (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002067: [Bug] Snapshot fails when run on nodes that are not registered (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002092: [Bug] Should be able to remove mongo and amazon jar files and the application should still work (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002102: [Improvement] Remove double logging of exception messages to improve log readability (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002108: [Improvement] Add processinfo to track when symmetricds is "inserting load events" on the route job thread (chenson) - closed.
  • 00002114: [Improvement] Upgrade sqlite jdbc library version to latest version (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002115: [Bug] Stream lobs doesn't work with tables in a different schema when router.use_source_catalog_schema is set to 0 (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002119: [Bug] common batch mode incorrectly detected if a table syncs bidirectionally on different channels (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002122: [Improvement] Remove deprecated Data Gap Purge Job (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002088: [Bug] The addition of a new symds configuration table makes registration incompatible with previous versions (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002109: [Bug] Trigger creation fails on Sybase ASE database for CLOB,BLOB,BINARY,VARBINARY,LONGBINARY (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.17 (Dec 29, 2014)

  • 0002078: [Bug] Service wrapper unsatisfied link error (elong) - closed.
  • 0002090: [Bug] Informix installations fail when existing SymmetricDS tables exist due to case sensitive comparisons (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002094: [Bug] Row deletion is not synced if table has conflict resolution by timestamp (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002100: [Bug] getChannelStatus REST call is broken (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002101: [Improvement] Add a property that instructs symmetricds to use PK from target tables when creating update and delete statements (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002103: [Bug] Create table to check and allow for identity columns that are not part of PK. (josh-a-hicks) - closed.
  • 0002104: [Improvement] Add feature to turn off the use of default values in the create schema first feature (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002105: [Bug] Error code 2601 on Sql Server should be treated like other unique constraint errors (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002107: [Bug] Initial load extract in background can fail when purge is set aggressively (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002109: [Bug] Trigger creation fails on Sybase ASE database for CLOB,BLOB,BINARY,VARBINARY,LONGBINARY (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002110: [Bug] On firebird ddl fails if table column switches from NOT NULL to NULLABLE (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002111: [Improvement] When big transactions are interspersed routing requires a lot of memory which can result in OOM errors (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002112: [Bug] When lots of unrouted data exists with small transactions, the peek ahead queue can get big and cause out of memory errors (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002113: [Bug] sqlite trigger fails to capture data when a blank string is inserted into a datetime field (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.16 (Dec 11, 2014)

  • 0002093: [Bug] Table structure changes, sym_trigger is updated and old table structure is used for new trigger (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002090: [Bug] Informix installations fail when existing SymmetricDS tables exist due to case sensitive comparisons (josh-a-hicks) - closed.
  • 0002097: [Bug] sync triggers gets called during and initial load (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.15 (Dec 6, 2014)

  • 0002087: [Bug] Extract initial load in background doesn't work with wildcard catalogs and schemas (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.14 (Dec 2, 2014)

  • 0001310: [Improvement] Support sql dialect 1 for firebird (elong) - closed.
  • 0002062: [Bug] Slow SYM_DATA reads on Firebird (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002064: [Bug] NVARCHAR field is not mapped in MySQL DDL Builder (josh-a-hicks) - closed.
  • 0002065: [Bug] Newer wins conflict resolution does not work on Android (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002068: [Bug] SymmetricLauncher references a MySQL string utils class. The MySQL jdbc jar file should not be required (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002069: [Bug] MySQL DDL Builder for auto increment columns, decimal type is not valid must be bigint (josh-a-hicks) - closed.
  • 0002076: [Bug] Synchronization is not performed if datetime column has changes in fractional seconds part (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002077: [Bug] Sql Server and MySQL bulk database writer should use quoted identifiers around table names (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002081: [Improvement] Disable SSLv3 (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.13 (Nov 11, 2014)

  • 0002052: [Bug] Remove transform when used on a primary key without the pk column checked fails (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002053: [Bug] Fallback to insert fails when transform is configured as update first on the LOAD side. Data is retransformed as an update. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002054: [Bug] NullPointerException happens during file sync pull (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002059: [Improvement] Do not blindly update outgoing batch where status = RT at start of routing. Select first to see if the update is needed. (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.12 (Nov 4, 2014)

  • 0002029: Bug - When old data is off and a primary key is updated in the same batch where a primary key is not updated will result in a failure (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002030: Improvement - For initial load deletes, provide BOTH source and target node replacement variables (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002032: Improvement - Resolve table name in create trigger statement with default catalog and schema if source catalog and schema are not specified (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002036: Improvement - When a router fails to route a data row, no information is logged about the failed data row (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002041: Bug - Initial load failing on Interbase because of "Implementation limit exceeded. Block size exceeds implementation restricti (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002042: Bug - Create of data_id trigger on sym_data fails on firebird and interbase if db.delimited.identifier.mode=false (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002043: Bug - The "other" data type template for Postgres should escape string values just like the string template. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002046: Improvement - Add left and bleft column transforms (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.11 (Oct 28, 2014)

  • Bug: Java column transform cannot compile inner classes
  • Bug: Firebird detection of auto increment columns should look for existence of trigger, not the generator itself
  • Bug: Failed to create trigger when table contains timestamp with time zone column in Oracle
  • Bug: Initial load failing on Firebird because of "Implementation limit exceeded. Block size exceeds implementation restriction"
  • Improvement: Automatically handle conversion from Time to Timestamp during data load
  • Bug: Stopping service from sym_service on Windows does not stop wrapper
  • Bug: On some platforms (sybase) sql fails when numeric column names are used in the where clause of initial load sql .
  • Improvement: Log the DDL that installs functions required for SymmetricDS as it is being installed (similar to the way we log table DDL)
  • Improvement: Translate sql server's getdate() function to current_timestamp when used as a default value in building ddl for other platforms
  • Improvement: Add which allows the options to be passed to the copy command for the red shift bulk loader
  • Bug: bsh router is broken when capture old data is turned off
  • Bug: Should not have to specify properties file for symadmin command if only one properties file exists

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.10 (Oct 9, 2014)

  • 0001997: [Bug] Excessive logging from PropertiesFactoryBean (elong) - closed.
  • 0001998: [Bug] Support ntext type on sql server with the JTDS driver (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001999: [Bug] Server can hang when database is unavailable while attempting to handle connection attempt from client (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002000: [Bug] SymmetricDS startup fails. Check for existence of sym tables isn't limited to the default catalog and schema at start up (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002002: [Bug] delete and update transforms are broken when dealing with compound primary keys (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002004: [Bug] Multiplier transforms don't use correct old data (chenson) - closed.
  • 0002006: [Improvement] Add dataloader.apply.changes.only property that control whether update statements will update all columns or only changed column (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.9 (Sep 30, 2014)

  • [Bug] PostGIS initial load fails unless you set (chenson) closed.
  • [Bug] Integer conversion between Oracle and PostgreSQL maps to wrong type (chenson) closed.
  • [Bug] The bean shell router swallows errors and does not route the data (chenson) closed.
  • [Bug] NullPointerException in ColumnsToRowsValueColumnTransform (chenson) closed.
  • [Bug] Broken replication on tables with uuid field (chenson) closed.
  • [Improvement] Report script line number for bsh transforms and bsh routers (chenson) closed.
  • [Improvement] Better document reverse initial load (chenson) closed.
  • [Bug] Wrong key values can be returned when load transforms don't put keys at beginning of transform list (chenson) closed.
  • [Improvement] REST call for reading parameters (elong) closed.
  • [Improvement] Add extension for filtering parameters as they are saved (elong) closed.
  • [Bug] Default values for ARRAY types on Postgres cause create tables to fail (chenson) closed.
  • [Bug] Switching cluster locks off causes initialization error (elong) closed.
  • [Improvement] Add support for composite data types in postgres (chenson) closed.
  • [Bug] Time columns in postgres should be captured as time only. Date is currently captured which breaks the postgres bulk loader (chenson) closed.
  • [Improvement] Support JSON data type. Map all Types.OTHER to LONGVARCHAR for Postgres. (chenson) closed.
  • [Improvement] Allow override of startup parameters (elong) closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.8 (Sep 18, 2014)

  • [Bug] Reinsert of sym_data_gap after it has been purged can fall outside of captured sym_data range
  • [Bug] Transform column value to NULL removes column
  • [Improvement] Add feature where character data can be modified by an property expression in order to support "weird" character issues
  • [Bug] Routing does not stop when sym_channel.max_data_to_route is reached and batch_algorithm is set to nontransactional
  • [Bug] Log the actual values that were passed to prepared statement in the default data loader (currently logs those passed in csv)
  • [Bug] Memory issue on nontransactional channel during routing
  • [Bug] Upgrade from 3.1.5 to 3.6 fails on MySQL
  • [Bug] Initial load uses wrong case on Oracle to PostgreSQL table creation.
  • [Improvement] Add better logging when a subselect router query fails. Log table and event for which the query failed.
  • [Bug] Oracle LONG types don't work when stream_to_lob is turned on
  • : [Bug] Missing AWS java SDK needed for Redshift bulk load
  • [Bug] Use LSB-compliant dependency in init script
  • [Bug] fallback to update fails with implied load transform that adds to pk
  • [Bug] Push service continues to quickly attempt to push data on failure to read ack condition during initial load

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.7 (Sep 3, 2014)

  • 0001940: [Bug] On MySQL sym_transaction_id_post_5_1_23 function should not be checking the autocommit session variable (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001946: [Bug] ConcurrentModificationException due to timing issue in OutgoingBatchService (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.6 (Aug 28, 2014)

  • 0001920: [New Feature] Redshift database dialect (elong) - resolved.
  • 0001869: [Bug] The symmetric wrapper kills the process when an OOM error occurs before the heap can be dumped (elong) - closed.
  • 0001907: [Improvement] Add the ability to republish xml messages via jmx (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001910: [Bug] Too many connections when network environment is bad. Bug in DBCP. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001917: [Improvement] SymmetricDS should find tables in schemas and catalogs other than the default schema/catalog when schema/catalog is left blank (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001921: [Bug] While sending a batch, if a batch is set to IG and an error occurs, then the batch gets set to ER and the IG status is ignored (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001922: [Bug] Incorrect conversion of values of type BIT in SQL Server 2005 to SQLite (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001925: [Bug] Send Table Schema uses cached tables (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001926: [Improvement] Add that when set will truncate data to fit in the target column (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001929: [Bug] Routing reader can get stuck if an Error is thrown during the close of the read cursor (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001930: [Bug] Upgrade from 3.5 to 3.6 of Sybase ASA fails (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001935: [Improvement] Upgrade mongodb java client (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001938: [Improvement] Add the ability to copy a node to a new node id (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.5 (Aug 12, 2014)

  • 0001668: [Bug] PostGIS Spatial data replication fails with SRID problem (chenson) closed.
  • 0001860: [Bug] symmetric-wrapper should not include the version number, otherwise the service needs to be reinstalled on each upgrade (elong) closed.
  • 0001868: [Bug] Introduce a more accurate way to get a machine's hostname (chenson) closed.
  • 0001870: [Improvement] Include directory listing of symmetricds installation in snapshot (chenson) closed.
  • 0001873: [Bug] Control Center doesn't start on Windows if not Administrator (elong) closed.
  • 0001875: [Improvement] Add extensions.xml property which can be used to configure symmetric extensions (like jms) via database configuration (chenson) closed.
  • 0001877: [Bug] Process status can be stranded in non-ok or non-error status on pull if an io expection occurs in the uri handler (chenson) closed.
  • 0001879: [Bug] Database upgrade fails on sql server because drop index doesn't allow database name in the ddl (chenson) closed.
  • 0001881: [Bug] MS Azure does not support the sysconstraints view (chenson) closed.
  • 0001886: [Bug] SymmetricDS upgrade on Azure fails. (chenson) closed.
  • 0001887: [Bug] http.concurrent.workers.max doesn't prevent the same node from over pulling on itself (chenson) closed.
  • 0001888: [Improvement] Improve stagedresource (chenson) closed.
  • 0001889: [Improvement] Add reverse version of initial load before/after sql (elong) closed.
  • 0001892: [Bug] New version of Postgis fails to replicate (chenson) closed.
  • 0001893: [Improvement] Log information about failed column transform to make it easier to debug transforms (chenson) closed.
  • 0001894: [Improvement] Make lookup transform column names case insensitive when used as named parameters in sql (chenson) closed.
  • 0001895: [Improvement] Add support for token replacement for $(sourceCatalogName) and $(sourceSchemaName) in lookup table transform (chenson) closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.4 (Aug 4, 2014)

  • 0001852: [Bug] When a table has multiple transforms, the order of execution should be reversed when a delete comes through the system (chenson) closed.
  • 0001853: [Improvement] Clear staging if transformation changes come through the data loader or data router (chenson) closed.
  • 0001856: [Bug] Bsh variables for transformedData and transformColumn not being updated (elong) closed.
  • 0001857: [Bug] Initial load is broken for the master to master sync scenario (chenson) closed.
  • 0001859: [Improvement] Document that a -1 node id in outgoing batch means that the batch was unrouted (chenson) closed.
  • 0001863: [Bug] Triggers get blown away when saving a link for an individual table. broke with 0001827 fix (chenson) closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.3 (Jul 30, 2014)

  • [Bug] The transaction id for sybase ase isn't always unique (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Update router helper methods that get column values use a case insensitive map (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Add support for mysql enums in dbfill (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] dbfill only inserts 1 char for char fields. It should respect the size of the char field (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] dbfill mishandles clob fields (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] '0000-00-00 00:00:00' fails when and (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] bit type in should be mapped to a bit type in mysql. not a tinyint(1) (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] NullPointerException in AbstractTriggerTemplate.createInitalLoadSql (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] sym script error with Java 5 detection (elong) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Add property that instructs symmetric to keep the same node_password for a node on re-registration (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Add the ability, through configuration, to specify a system commands to dump and load a database's schema during initial load. (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] dbexport doesn't respect "use quoted identifiers" for schema exports (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] sql server needs to explicitly ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF if mssql.allow.only.row.level.locks.on.runtime.tables is set (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Add new property that instructs the data loader to alter the case of db artifacts being created to the default case of the db. (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] Null values aren't being passed through transforms (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Stabilize the Sybase unit tests. (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Add new transform types that will put the source catalog, schema or table names into a column (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] DB2 sync trigger variables should use prefix (elong) - closed.
  • [Bug] Long Oracle tables generate ORA-04095 on trigger creation (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] ASE 12.5 create triggers in a multi-statement fails (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] The removal of a node isn't synchronized to other nodes in a master to master scenario (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] If the engine isn't found, the logging context should be '?', not the previously handled symmetric engine name for that thread (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Global BSH script for transforms (elong) - closed.
  • [Bug] Update registration request doesn't work on sql server with the latest microsoft jdbc driver (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Additional transform variables for bsh (elong) - closed.
  • [Bug] Oracle dialect has static "sym" prefix on objects (elong) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Make picking conflict detection strategy case independent when matching tables (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.2 (Jul 14, 2014)

  • [Bug] dbfill only inserts 1 char for char fields. It should respect the size of the char field (chenson) - resolved.
  • [Bug] dbfill mishandles clob fields (chenson) - resolved.
  • [Improvement] Add support for mysql enums in dbfill (chenson) - resolved.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.1 (Jun 27, 2014)

  • 0001771: [Bug] Add support for ansi literal default date values. Also support well known sql 92 function types for the default values (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001772: [Bug] Custom IColumnTransform weren't being marked as installed. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001776: [Bug] Postgres should auto commit ddl changes. Otherwise, if a ddl fails to run it cannot continue to move forward. (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.6.0 (Jun 17, 2014)

  • 0001441: [New Feature] Add ability to sync on control file (chenson) closed.
  • 0001485: [New Feature] Create a delete_after_sync function for file sync (chenson) closed.
  • 0000166: [New Feature] Integrate changes to support spatial data replication using [^] (elong) closed.
  • 0001581: [New Feature] Add support for multiple channels for file sync (chenson) closed.
  • 0001609: [Improvement] File sync mutex limits scaling multiple clients (elong) closed.
  • 0001637: [Improvement] Refactor databasewriter into abstractdatabasewriter and defaultdatabasewriter so we can subclass off of abstract databasewriter (chenson) closed.
  • 0001642: [Bug] Triggers referencing tables with case sensitive schemas fail to create on H2 (chenson) closed.
  • 0001643: [Improvement] Support multiple reload channels (chenson) closed.
  • 0001647: [New Feature] Create a Java router, transform, and load filter that uses compiled Java code (elong) closed.
  • 0001648: [New Feature] Add support for choosing the channel a trigger/table will use dynamically (chenson) closed.
  • 0001653: [Improvement] Allow downgrades within same minor version (elong) closed.
  • 0001654: [Bug] Restarting server crashes due to primary key violation (elong) closed.
  • 0001655: [Bug] has no effect when running stand-alone (elong) closed.
  • 0001656: [Improvement] PostgreSQL server side prepared statements causing slow query processing (elong) closed.
  • 0001658: [Improvement] Add sync triggers by table to REST API (elong) closed.
  • 0001371: [Improvement] Add a drop triggers feature (elong) closed.
  • 0001467: [Bug] trigger creation failed with MSSQL database column of nvarchar and ntext data type using the microsoft jdbc driver (chenson) closed.
  • 0001592: [New Feature] Create bulk loader for MySQL (elong) closed.
  • 0001652: [Improvement] Add BLOB support to PostgreSQL bulk loader (elong) closed.
  • 0000952: [Bug] Data can be skipped due to aggressive purge on some platforms (chenson) closed.
  • 0001240: [Bug] No way to send schema changes in schema other, than public (elong) closed.
  • 0001606: [New Feature] Create dialect for DB2 z/OS (elong) closed.
  • 0001624: [Improvement] Add setting to sym_node_group_link to prevent clients from updating configuration (chenson) closed.
  • 0001626: [Improvement] Create event should not store XML is row data (elong) closed.
  • 0001644: [Improvement] SQL Optimizations (chenson) closed.
  • 0001660: [Bug] Table creation generates wrong syntax when source is SQLServer (josh-a-hicks) closed.
  • 0001661: [Improvement] Parameter to collect router statistics (elong) closed.
  • 0001665: [Improvement] Upgrade JDBC drivers (elong) closed.
  • 0001678: [Improvement] Make trigger id column size larger (chenson) closed.
  • 0001689: [Improvement] While routing config changes sync triggers by id that haven't already been sync'd versus calling syncTriggers() (chenson) closed.
  • 0001691: [Improvement] Additional Logging for compliance (chenson) closed.
  • 0001699: [Bug] Changing Trigger results in Error om Tables with an uppercase letter (chenson) closed.
  • 0001700: [Improvement] Parameterized the node Id assignment directly from external Id (josh-a-hicks) closed.
  • 0001701: [Improvement] Re-add support for (chenson) closed.
  • 0001705: [Improvement] Improve initial load query performance (chenson) closed.
  • 0001707: [Bug] Trigger for all tables * is not creating triggers for some of the tables (chenson) closed.
  • 0001717: [Improvement] IReloadListener should be passed the current loadId for use (chenson) closed.
  • 0001718: [Bug] If a node is deregistered by deleting it's sym_node* records and it is registered it will route and sync the deletes (chenson) closed.
  • 0001721: [Improvement] Heartbeat immediately after registration so node information doesn't have to wait for next heartbeat to show up at reg server (chenson) closed.
  • 0001727: [Bug] 100% CPU when expiring SYM_DATA_GAP with missing SYM_DATA (chenson) closed.
  • 0001224: [Task] Remove dependency on java service wrapper (elong) closed.
  • 0001391: [Improvement] Table existing on MS SQL Server is not being auto created correctly on the target DB SQLServer. (josh-a-hicks) closed.
  • 0001615: [Improvement] Figure out a way to make the usage of source schema and catalog more user friendly (elong) closed.
  • 0001618: [New Feature] Create a MongoDB data loader for SymmetricDS (chenson) closed.
  • 0001723: [Improvement] Unique constraint violation is not logged for tables declared for conflict detection (chenson) closed.
  • 0001729: [Bug] create of table with a varchar/char column with a default values of: ('N') fails to create table on client side (chenson) closed.
  • 0001735: [Improvement] Transforms write out the start of a table before every row which is inefficient and causes bulk loaders to become unusable (chenson) closed.
  • 0001737: [Improvement] Trim numeric values before parsing into primitive to handle situations where the source db might have whitespace prepended (chenson) closed.
  • 0001738: [Improvement] Introduce a new columntransform type that returns both new and old data. use it for the copy transform (chenson) closed.
  • 0001742: [Bug] Fix SQLServer 2005 issue where defaults for BIGINT's are being read with an extra "." at the end. (gwilmer) closed.
  • 0001743: [Improvement] package android dependency jars in zip under the libs directory. not lib. it is misleading because eclipse adk requires libs (chenson) closed.
  • 0001744: [Improvement] NodeService.deleteNode should remove delete from all ancillary tables (in addition to node, node_security and node_host) (chenson) closed.
  • 0001746: [Improvement] Add jdbc driver version to sym_node_host (chenson) closed.
  • 0001748: [Task] Remove auto increment from sym_trigger_hist and sym_extract_request. Use sym_sequence to get the pks. (chenson) closed.
  • 0001749: [Bug] Incoming ProcessInfo is not marked as ERROR when a batch ERROR occurs. It is marked as OK. (chenson) closed.
  • 0001750: [Task] Upgrade the spring framework to the latest released version (chenson) closed.
  • 0001752: [Improvement] Date format setting in triggers (chenson) closed.
  • 0001757: [Bug] java.lang.NumberFormatException w/ MSSQL and BIT column (chenson) closed.
  • 0001759: [Bug] PostgreSqlTriggerTemplate not handling timezone fractional minutes properly when timezone minute < 10 (gwilmer) closed.
  • 0001760: [Improvement] increase channel_id size (chenson) closed.
  • 0001762: [Bug] old data showing up as an array of nulls versus an array that is null causes a code path to be missed that strips out pks (chenson) closed.
  • 0001764: [Improvement] Add parameter to disable sync triggers at server startup (chenson) closed.
  • 0001765: [Bug] Uninstalling symmetric from the database staging area doesn't get wiped out (chenson) closed.
  • 0001766: [Bug] nvarchar data can be corrupted when the default database collation is set to a value that does not support double byte character (chenson) closed.
  • 0001767: [Improvement] On sql server build triggers with "execute as owner" so less grants are need for application users (chenson) closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.22 (May 29, 2014)

  • 0001712: [Bug] null pointer at startup when sync.url is null in the database (chenson) - resolved.
  • 0001722: [Bug] Trigger errors for large numerics on SQL Server: Arithmetic Overflow Error (josh-a-hicks) - resolved.
  • 0001713: [Improvement] Add initial.load.before.sql and initial.load.after.sql which can contain sql that runs on the client before and after a load (chenson) - resolved.
  • 0001671: [Improvement] Cache node group links (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001708: [Improvement] Disable page level locking and enable row level locking on sym_data and sym_data_event (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001714: [Bug] The keystore type should be settable via a system property. It is currently hardcoded. (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001715: [Improvement] Add a new column transform that can be used to set a column to the value from a SymmetricDS parameter (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001725: [Improvement] MSSQL Bulk Loader support for UNC paths (elong) - closed.
  • 0001726: [Bug] When is enabled on SQL Server and old data capture is off, updates don't work (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001728: [Improvement] MSSQL Bulk Loader support for columns in different order (elong) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.21 (Apr 29, 2014)

  • [Improvement] Transforms should be case insensitive when matching catalog, schema, tablename and columns to make configuration much easier (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Default auto.reload.sym.tables.on.upgrade to false (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] network_millis on outgoing batch is incorrect (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] snapshot functionality null pointers in open source (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Passing the correct data type to select data statement improves performance on Postgres (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] early commit doesn't work when data rows are in conflict. the uncommitted count doesn't increment (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] Extract millis aren't captured on outgoing batch when initial.load.use.extract.job.enabled is true (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Provide the ability to pass the load time and network time to be populated in outgoing batch via the rest service (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.20 (Apr 17, 2014)

  • [Bug] MySQL and SQL-Server bulk loaders handle BLOBs between different platforms (elong) - closed.
  • [Bug] SqlUtils is not thread safe. Can result in OOM errors. (chenson) - closed.
  • [Bug] NullPointer with MSSQL Bulk Loader (elong) - closed.
  • [Bug] SQL Server bulk loader does not handle comma (elong) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Support capturing only changed data

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.19 (Apr 11, 2014)

  • 0001629: [Improvement] SQL Server bulk loader option to fire triggers (elong).
  • 0001630: [Bug] SQL Server bulk loader extra spaces causes truncation error (elong).
  • 0001631: [Bug] CSV is missing "columns" row when two different sets of columns are being used with three different inserts or updates (chenson).
  • 0001632: [Bug] SQL Server bulk loader does not handle BLOB (elong).
  • 0001633: [Bug] MySQL bulk loader error with Windows-based server (elong).
  • 0001634: [Improvement] Snapshot utility properties show changes, remove passwords, and sort (elong).
  • 0001636: [New Feature] Add capture changed data only to Postgres (elong).
  • 0001638: [Improvement] REST call for client to know how many batches and rows are waiting (elong).
  • 0001639: [Improvement] MySQL and SQL-Server bulk loaders loading rows multiple times (elong).
  • 0001645: [Bug] MySQL bulk loader does not load NULL (elong).
  • 0001646: [Bug] MySQL bulk loader columns out of order (elong).

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.18 (Apr 11, 2014)

  • 0001586: [Bug] Stage manager doesn't check to see if a file is actually deleted when it qualifies for cleaning. (chenson).
  • 0001593: [Bug] Background initial load extract can get stuck. (chenson).
  • 0001597: [Bug] Overlapping database pull processes after connection outage — Default pull.thread.per.server.count=1 (chenson).
  • 0001601: [Improvement] Add Map-based methods to TransformData so one can more easily lookup target transform data (mhanes).
  • 0001602: [Improvement] Allow old source values to be accessible to other column transforms than just copy column (mhanes).
  • 0001603: [Improvement] Create new 'copy if the value has changed' column transform (mhanes).
  • 0001604: [Improvement] Create a set of two transforms that can map a series of columns to a series of rows based on a Map (mhanes).
  • 0001608: [Improvement] Reduce default purge retention period (elong).
  • 0001610: [Bug] CopyIfChangedTransform should only evaluate on non-delete DML (mhanes).

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.17 (Apr 11, 2014)

  • 0001420: [Task] Generate parameter documentation automatically from (elong) resolved.
  • 0001578: [Bug] Jobs can lock up if jobs.synchronized.enable is on and routing.peek.ahead.window.after.max.size is smaller then data rows (chenson) resolved.
  • 0001566: [Improvement] Column match router support for "contains" and "not contains" (elong) resolved.
  • 0000810: [Improvement] symadmin reload-table pass multiple tables (elong).
  • 0001568: [Bug] NullPointerException when initial.load.create.first is on using wildcard trigger definitions on postgres (chenson).
  • 0001455: [Bug] Audit tables don't get created (chenson).
  • 0001484: [Improvement] Firebird trigger should be created at a position other than 0 so that users can define triggers that fire before the sym trigger (chenson).
  • 0001562: [Bug] Routing using TransactionId causes bad routing when H2 DB is restarted (chenson).
  • 0001565: [Bug] Ambiguous reference to sysindexes (elong).
  • 0001567: [Bug] Transforms that are symmetric aware can get the wrong symmetric engine when multi-homed (chenson).
  • 0001569: [Bug] System clock goes too fast (elong).
  • 0001572: [Bug] Windows Problem Calling sym.bat from Another Drive (chenson).
  • 0001573: [Bug] Peek ahead window smaller than expected (chenson).
  • 0001574: [Bug] Too many routers are run when file sync targets more than one node group (chenson).
  • 0001576: [Improvement] File Sync's default batch algorithm should be nontransactional (chenson).
  • 0001579: [Bug] target_base_dir can be null in file_trigger. causes null pointer in filesyncservice save of snapshot due to / replacement (mhanes).
  • 0001580: [New Feature] Expose the relative target directory as a variable that can be scripted in order to flatten the directory structure in file sync (chenson).
  • 0001583: [Improvement] Create new value map column transform (mhanes).

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.11 (Nov 16, 2013)

  • 0001269: [New Feature] Update ddl utils xml to support specific database types so create schema commands replicate the same schema on same databases (chenson) .
  • 0001448: [Improvement] Provide global parameter to specify that BSH database writer filters will handle missing tables (mhanes) .
  • 0001449: [Improvement] Add support for allowing a database writer filter to change the target tables catalog, schema and table name (chenson) .
  • 0001450: [Bug] ignore case parameter should apply to only the table (not schema and catalog) for now in the load filter (chenson) .
  • 0001451: [Improvement] Expose apis to prefix a Database and read a list of Table from the physical database (chenson) .
  • 0001457: [Bug] PostgreSQL timestamp with timezone columns won't sync for very old, European dates. (mhanes) .
  • 0001458: [Improvement] Add support for Oracle's TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type (chenson) .
  • 0001460: [Bug] On postgres, when sync triggers is run from symadmin tool the generated triggers put null into the transaction id field (chenson) .
  • 0001462: [Bug] Stored procedure with NOCOUNT is rolled back (elong) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.10 (Oct 21, 2013)

  • 0001429: [Bug] sym_pkg is hard coded in the oracle dialect so the prefix parameter doesn't work on Oracle (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001438: [Improvement] Improve memory footprint usage when big lobs are in flight (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001440: [Improvement] Implement simple conflict resolution for file sync (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001442: [Bug] Statements are being prepared too often. Results in poor data loading performance on Firebird (and possibly other platforms) (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001447: [Improvement] Change error message if a batch fails to transport because of an EOF error to be more intuitive. (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.9 (Oct 12, 2013)

  • 0001430: [Bug] When a file is modified on Windows it is not unpacked at the target of a file sync (chenson) .
  • 0001431: [Bug] SQLite primary keys only recognized when they are in column position 1. (mhanes) .
  • 0001433: [Improvement] Expose api so a single sym table and single trigger can be installed without other SymmetricDS configuration (chenson) .
  • 0001436: [Improvement] Set table name on processinfo before attempting extract query for initial load (chenson) .
  • 0001437: [Bug] Multi-homed temp file system should be keyed by engine name to prevent collisions (mhanes) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.8 (Sep 25, 2013)

  • [Bug] Postgres datetime with timezone not formatted correctly when timezone_hour offset = 0 and timezone_minute offset < 0 (gwilmer)

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.7 (Sep 16, 2013)

  • 0001413: [Bug] SymmetricDS not returning the fully qualified hostname (abrougher)
  • 0001419: [Bug] USE_STREAM_LOBS=1 in Oracle does not replicate LOB data (chenson)
  • 0001416: [Improvement] TriggerRouterService should cache a list of TriggerRouter's for each channel instead of querying db each time. (abrougher)
  • 0001412: [Bug] Numeric(15,5) type columns are truncated when written to Sybase dialects. (abrougher)

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.6 (Sep 6, 2013)

  • 0001356: [Bug] money field type with PostgreSQL (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001410: [Bug] When USE_CAPTURE_OLD_DATA is not set, the database writer will not update non null columns to null. (abrougher) - closed.
  • 0001409: [Bug] The database uninstall feature does not remove the sym_ H2 trigger tables. (abrougher) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.5 (Aug 28, 2013)

  • 0001381: [Bug] transform_table.target_table_name should be optional according the documentation. the transform code requires that is be set (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001395: [Improvement] When data is transformed the old values are not retained. (abrougher) - closed.
  • 0001396: [Bug] Null pointer in log message when initial load extract job is turned on and a table takes longer than 60 seconds to extract (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001399: [Bug] Config and heartbeat batches can be lost if initial load is scheduled (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001405: [Bug] If sym_trigger_router.initial_load_delete_stmt is not set, then the initial.load.delete.first.sql property should be used (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001400: [Bug] Implied transforms are not implying individual DML transforms. (abrougher) - closed.
  • 0001397: [Improvement] Conflict detection mechanism USE_CHANGED_DATA should be able to specify columns to ignore. (abrougher) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.4 (Aug 21, 2013)

  • 0001393: [Bug] Setting a batch to status of IG causes exception when initial.load.use.extract.job.enabled is set to true (chenson) .
  • 0001392: [Bug] When initial.load.use.extract.job.enabled is set to true the byte count and data count aren't being captured (chenson) .
  • 0001335: [Bug] dbexport doesn't work with SQL Anywhere (abrougher) .
  • 0001388: [Bug] "The current version of 3.5.3 is newer than the last running version of 3.4.5" prints out many times in the log file at INFO (chenson) .
  • 0001389: [Bug] Postgres alter to add a default varchar value to a column without a default value fails (chenson) .
  • 0001390: [Bug] Not routing configuration properly when a source node group has multiple target node groups (chenson) .
  • 0001334: [Bug] The issue with jConnect JDBC, SQL Anywhere and decimal value (chenson) .
  • 0001382: [Bug] Bad external_data: The bean shell router should unbind external data if it is void because the interpreter is reused (chenson) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.1 (Jul 25, 2013)

  • 0001334: [Bug] The issue with jConnect JDBC, SQL Anywhere and decimal value (abrougher) closed.
  • 0001342: [Bug] Upgrade to 3.5.0 causes sym_trigger_hist to be rebuilt (chenson) closed.
  • 0001343: [Bug] alter of default column value on postgres is not working (chenson) closed.
  • 0001344: [Bug] Sybase ASE can not return columns with the alias "count". (abrougher) closed.
  • 0001345: [Bug] The reload table JMX method and command isn't working (chenson) closed.
  • 0001339: [Bug] When using PayloadType.SQL Symmetric doesn't pay attention to target database catalog and schema rules (gwilmer) closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.5.0 (Jul 23, 2013)

  • 0001307: [Improvement] Allow users to insert custom trigger text in the Symmetric triggers. (abrougher) .
  • 0001188: [Improvement] Inserting leading or trailing spaces in column ROUTER_EXPRESSION on table ROUTER produce ER in outgoing batch (chenson) .
  • 0001192: [Bug] Unrouted batches can't be extracted http://localhost:31415/batch/-1-50 [^] gets a 404 (chenson) .
  • 0001193: [Improvement] rename snapshot files from yyyyMMddhhmmss.jar to {} (chenson) .
  • 0001194: [Improvement] Use a constant router_id for the virtual sym_ tables instead of an ever incrementing number (chenson) .
  • 0000032: [New Feature] Implement file synchronization (chenson) .
  • 0000370: [New Feature] SymmetricDS support for Sybase Database (abrougher) .
  • 0001052: [Improvement] Install a default ssl cert if none exists when ssl is turned on so that ssl works by default (chenson) .
  • 0001064: [New Feature] Add interactive command line sql tool. dbsql (chenson) .
  • 0001182: [New Feature] Open source the android client implementation (chenson) .
  • 0001199: [Improvement] EXCLUDED COLUMNS in triggers can't participate in lookuptable router expressions (chenson) .
  • 0001204: [Bug] Invalid target node on "lookup table data router", trouble cache key resolution (chenson) .
  • 0001210: [Bug] Wildcards don't work on Derby, DB2, and HSQLDB (chenson) .
  • 0001218: [Improvement] bind a logger as the "log" variable to the beanshell router, column transform and load filter to make debugging easier (chenson) .
  • 0001222: [Bug] db. properties are not overridable as -D system properties (chenson) .
  • 0001226: [Bug] Table sym_node_group_channel_window exceeds the max table name length for Sybase ASE 12. (chenson) .
  • 0001231: [Improvement] Bind initialLoad flag to the beanshell data router so it can making routing decisions on initial load (chenson) .
  • 0001237: [Improvement] JdbcSqlTransaction not logging sql and args for some methods (chenson) .
  • 0001245: [Bug] Mariab driver doesn't recognize tables in a different database (chenson) .
  • 0001247: [Task] Change license to GPL 3.0 (chenson) .
  • 0001249: [New Feature] Add REST API methods to allow a "Pull Only" client (gwilmer) .
  • 0001260: [Bug] A null pointer happens when trying to schedule load when sync triggers has never run (chenson) .
  • 0001262: [Bug] Locally suspended channels are ignored when a node is pushing during extraction. (abrougher) .
  • 0001270: [Improvement] Update sqlite jdbc driver to the latest version to fix result set metadata issue. Allows unit tests to pass. (chenson) .
  • 0001271: [Bug] Table creation on reload creates columns with default of 'NULL' incorrectly. (chenson) .
  • 0001273: [Improvement] Add new parameter to dbexport to request that dates and time NOT be in JDBC format (chenson) .
  • 0001274: [Improvement] Do not query the RECYCLEBIN while reading table metadata to see if the table has been recycled. (chenson) .
  • 0001203: [Bug] SymmetricDS cannot operate on Oracle tables with dollar sign in name (chenson) .
  • 0001277: [Bug] NPE during conflict resolution (use_version -> newer_wins) (chenson) .
  • 0001278: [Bug] The IDatabaseWriterFilter should always be passed the source table, not the target table (chenson) .
  • 0000949: [Bug] reload table doesn't work with wildcard triggers (chenson) .
  • 0001223: [Bug] the sendSql JMX method and command can end up with multiple batches due to timing issue (chenson) .
  • 0001272: [Improvement] Add support for the MySQL POINT data type. (abrougher) .
  • 0001295: [Bug] Numeric type on postgres should be read in as a JDBC decimal type (chenson) .
  • 0001296: [Bug] Prevent invalid size DDL of (0) or (0,0) to be written for data types that have size (chenson) .
  • 0001301: [Bug] BSH Load filter will not execute unless table exists on the target database. (abrougher) .
  • 0001302: [Improvement] Speed up queries against sym_data, sym_data_gap and sym_outgoing_batch on postgres (chenson) .
  • 0001056: [Bug] Sync on incoming batch causes ping-back when in common batch mode (chenson) .
  • 0001143: [Improvement] (Firebird) 64-bit Sym_UDF.dll (chenson) .
  • 0001236: [Improvement] Hash trigger text in sym_trigger_hist so we know when triggers change to force a rebuild. (abrougher) .
  • 0001297: [Improvement] The load filter target table value should only be case sensitive on case sensitive databases. (abrougher) .
  • 0001298: [Improvement] The conflict resolution target table value should only be case sensitive on case sensitive databases. (abrougher) .
  • 0001299: [Improvement] The transform source table should only be case sensitive on case sensitive databases. (abrougher) .
  • 0001303: [Bug] REST API doesn't return heartbeat interval properly when getting node status (gwilmer) .
  • 0001309: [Bug] Reload node events are not taking place in the correct order. (chenson) .
  • 0001317: [Improvement] Bind column names using original case versus requiring router expressions to reference them in UPPER case. (abrougher) .
  • 0001318: [Improvement] Bind column names using original case and UPPER case for load filters. (abrougher) .
  • 0001321: [Improvement] Attempt recovery from corrupt trigger_hist table by looking up trigger_hist rows by table name when the table name mismatches (chenson) .
  • 0001322: [Bug] node_communication locks don't time out (chenson) .
  • 0001325: [Improvement] Add sym_registration_request to the purge process (chenson) .
  • 0001329: [Bug] ArrayOutOfBoundsException during removal of column (chenson) .
  • 0001330: [Bug] and were documented as overridable in the database but weren't really (chenson) .
  • 0001332: [Bug] The /batch url always extracts from the database. It should extract the same way the pull does (use staging). (chenson) .
  • 0001333: [Bug] Transforms with a source column containing an empty string or white space fail. (abrougher) .
  • 0001334: [Bug] The issue with jConnect JDBC, SQL Anywhere and decimal value (abrougher) .
  • 0001336: [Bug] Restart of Android job manager fails when job parameters are changed in the database (chenson) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.4.9 (Jul 17, 2013)

  • 0001323: [Bug] Missing columns at target table can cause columns after the missing columns to not be updated (chenson)

New in SymmetricDS 3.4.8 (Jul 3, 2013)

  • 0001291: [Bug] Transforms can cause an error when attempting to use the create tables feature of SymmetricDS (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001305: [Bug] Possible lock up during extraction. If the max number of locks are reached on a batch the extract method can hang forever (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001306: [Improvement] Add setting in web.xml to allow the engines to be stored statically so multiple wars in an ear can reference the same engine (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.4.6 (Jun 7, 2013)

  • 0001244: [Bug] Mariadb driver is chosen even though the MySQL driver is specified (chenson).
  • 0001246: [Bug] Oracle NUMBER datatype is incorrectly mapped to an Integer data type. (abrougher).
  • 0001253: [Bug] Node communication records can be stranded (chenson).
  • 0001254: [Improvement] Allow additional paramters min idle and max idle on connection pool (gwilmer).
  • 0001256: [Improvement] Add a parameter that turns off writing to sym_incoming_batch altogether unless there is an ER (chenson).
  • 0001257: [Bug] common batches report data_event_count on outgoing_batch only on the first batch (chenson).
  • 0001258: [Bug] When an incoming_batch is finished, it's status is updated twice. (chenson).
  • 0001259: [Improvement] Add JMX method to extract batches to a file for a node and time and channel ranges (chenson).

New in SymmetricDS 3.4.5 (May 30, 2013)

  • 0001211: [Bug] Backwards compatibility change. Use the client's Charset-Accept http header to decide what encoding to use
  • 0001214: [Bug] reloadTable race condition
  • 0001215: [Bug] The initial load sql is not overridden in the reloadTable method
  • 0001220: [Bug] Wrong number of sym_data_events being logged when routing common batch
  • 0001227: [Bug] Reading of MySQL tables can sometimes include the PRIMARY index if the primary key columns aren't at the start
  • 0001232: [Bug] NullPointerException in BshDataRouter for reload events
  • 0001233: [Bug] DataService.insertData(Data data) should populate external_data
  • 0001235: [Bug] https settings in not working with sym_service
  • 0001238: [Bug] Issue with detecting whether batch is common or not.
  • 0001239: [Improvement] Add the ability to NOT add triggers to a client database until initial load has finished
  • 0001242: [Bug] ping_back settings broken for conflict resolution. class cast exception.

New in SymmetricDS 3.4.1 (Apr 25, 2013)

  • 0001053: [Improvement] Verify that NOCOUNT is off for SQL Server before starting SymmetricDS. When NOCOUNT is turned on SymmetricDS won't work.
  • 0001183: [Improvement] Add new property db.init.sql that allows sql to be run against a database connection right after it is created
  • 0001184: [Improvement] Record ProcessInfo for server side registration process so it can more easily be monitored for errors

New in SymmetricDS 3.4.0 (Apr 22, 2013)

  • 0001117: [Bug] registration_enabled doesn't get set to 0 when node is really registered (chenson) .
  • 0001116: [Bug] sym_data_gap referenced directly instead of using sync.table.prefix (chenson) .
  • 0001115: [New Feature] Add option to dbexport to NOT use quoted identifiers when exporting data as SQL (chenson) .
  • 0001111: [Bug] MySQL upgrade issue: Columns not modified when symmetricds table columns type or size change (chenson) .
  • 0001110: [Bug] Triggers not removed when sym_trigger source_ catalog, schema or table name changed (chenson) .
  • 0001109: [Bug] Registration can fail when multiple sym_node records exist with a null created_at_node_id value (chenson) .
  • 0000580: [Improvement] MySQL trigger throwing error on special characters (chenson) .
  • 0001107: [Improvement] Bind all of the symmetric properties to the spring context for use in extensions points (chenson) .
  • 0001105: [Improvement] Add new web.xml setting that controls whether the symmetric engine(s) are started (chenson) .
  • 0001046: [Bug] There are 2 log4j-1.2.16.jar files in the symmetricds deployment (chenson) .
  • 0001104: [Improvement] Exclude sym_ tables from being effected by wildcard load filters (chenson) .
  • 0001086: [Improvement] Make the 3.x use 1.x protocol for backwards compatibility (chenson) .
  • 0000865: [Bug] Ignore batch is not working for an initial load batch that was failing to extract because of a bad initial_load_select (chenson) .
  • 0000958: [New Feature] JNDI DataSource Support (chenson) .
  • 0000989: [Improvement] Provide a way to blank out the target schema/catalogs in sym_router (chenson) .
  • 0001118: [Improvement] Allow the sync.url to be blank. Past versions of SymmetricDS allowed this and defaulted to using the registration.url (chenson) .
  • 0001119: [Bug] When dead triggers are disabled SymmetricDS attempts to delete triggers that don't exist. Causes warning in log file. (chenson) .
  • 0001121: [New Feature] Add a new "remove" column transform type that can be used with implied table transforms to remove a column completely. (chenson) .
  • 0001124: [Improvement] Add support to use the jboss.binding.address system property in JBoss 7 for the (chenson) .
  • 0001128: [Improvement] Add new parameter to make heartbeat at server startup optional. Defaulting heartbeat at startup to off. (chenson) .
  • 0001129: [Bug] Null pointer happens if trigger router is removed for a reload event that has not been sent. Should just skip the reload event. (chenson) .
  • 0001139: [New Feature] Expose information about the processes that are currently running via an api to be used to inspect what is going on in an engine (chenson) .
  • 0001149: [Bug] Log error message when an invalid sync_key_name column is specified. If no columns match, then return the original keys. (chenson) .
  • 0001154: [Improvement] Make the max_batch_size for the config channel bigger (2000) than its current default of 100 (chenson) .
  • 0001160: [Bug] Marking of old incoming batches as OK during initial load should also include the setting of the error_flag to 0 (chenson) .
  • 0001161: [Improvement] Set the default fetch size to 100. 1000 is a little big for smaller installations or for database with very BIG rows. (chenson) .
  • 0001162: [Improvement] Reuse nodes when auto.registration is turned on so you don't end up with a bunch of stranded nodes (chenson) .
  • 0001163: [Bug] If a database error occurs while initializing SymmetricDS the error bubbles out of a startup thread and is logged to std err (chenson) .
  • 0001164: [Bug] If a protocol error happens during extract (corrupted staging file), then delete the staging file so it will be reextracted (chenson) .
  • 0001165: [Bug] For an initial load on push, exit out of load loop if one of the batches failed (chenson) .
  • 0001166: [Improvement] Add DbFill support for PostgreSQL 'text' and 'active_inactive' column types. (chenson) .
  • 0001168: [Bug] Audit router throws NPE on Oracle and PostgreSQL. (chenson) .
  • 0001169: [Bug] Selection of batches is short circuited when a channel is encountered that is missing or disabled (chenson) .
  • 0001171: [Bug] Don't refresh the ParameterService cache if the database is unavailable because you can end up misconfigured for a timeperiod (chenson) .
  • 0001175: [Improvement] Add reload_id and create_by to sym_outgoing_batch (chenson) .
  • 0001176: [Improvement] Add support for MariaDB's Jdbc Driver (chenson) .
  • 0001179: [Bug] Parameters are not refreshed right after registration (chenson) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.3.6 (Apr 4, 2013)

  • 0001140: [Bug] SQL Server 2000 triggers are being created using the 'max' keyword, which 2000 does not support. (abrougher) .
  • 0001131: [Bug] NPE in conflict resolution when detecting a conflict using TIMESTAMP and existing row doesn't exist (gwilmer) .
  • 0001133: [Bug] Multiple reverse reloads can be queued up because of timing issues (chenson) .
  • 0001134: [Bug] An incoming batch can be left stranded in the ER state after an initial load sets the outgoing batch to OK (chenson) .
  • 0001135: [Bug] enable flags for ssl are not working (chenson) .
  • 0001141: [Bug] Prevent invalid warning that expected ack was not received (chenson) .
  • 0001144: [Bug] When a reload is queued up the outgoing batches should be marked as OK in reverse order so as to not cause FK issues (chenson) .
  • 0001151: [Bug] NullPointerException can happen on reload events queued up by sym_table_reload_request during an upgrade (chenson) .
  • 0001155: [Bug] Audit router causes NPE on MySQL. (chenson) .
  • 0001156: [Bug] Fatal Error (like OOM) could possibly cause a reload event to be stranded in sym_data and routed to all child nodes (chenson) .
  • 0001157: [Bug] Don't allow api status methods if the engine isn't registered (gwilmer) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.3.5 (Mar 19, 2013)

  • Add support for Sql Server 2000

New in SymmetricDS 3.3.4 (Mar 11, 2013)

  • 0001087: [Bug] If isn't used, then some services are not available. Should be available as long as there is only one node deployed (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001094: [Bug] sync_keys isn't used to create triggers which causes a SQL Server table w/out primary keys and sync_keys to not capture updates (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001100: [Bug] sqlite create tables quotes create_timestamp default values (chenson) - closed.
  • 0001101: [Bug] sqlite create tables doesn't work because a transaction is in process and the database is locked (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.3.2 (Feb 27, 2013)

  • 0001077: [Bug] SymmetricDS has to be restarted to recognize a change in the data load filter table. (chenson) .
  • 0001078: [Improvement] Allow sym_load_filter.target_table_name to be left blank so that filters are applied to all tables (chenson) .
  • 0000396: [Improvement] Updates of primary keys are not captured on SQL Server (gwilmer) .
  • 0001045: [Bug] Upgrade from 3.0.9 to 3.3.1 fails. Fix the oracle dialect so it can run alter statements to change column sizes (chenson) .
  • 0001047: [Improvement] Incoming Error's cur_data columns should reflect values at moment of conflict, not values prior to start of transaction (mhanes) .
  • 0001050: [Improvement] Introduce conf/ which contains http/https/jmx port/enabled settings and other server specific setting (chenson) .
  • 0001051: [Bug] --jmx-port and --jmx-disabled command line help is not available (chenson) .
  • 0001057: [Bug] Postgres datetime with timezone not formatted correctly when timezone offset < 0 and timezone offset has minutes (gwilmer) .
  • 0001061: [Improvement] Support synchronization of Oracle Synonyms (chenson) .
  • 0001067: [Bug] syncTriggers called multiple times when multiple batches have queued up for the client and at least one has config changes (chenson) .
  • 0001048: [Bug] Timestamps are not exported correctly using dbexport. (abrougher) .
  • 0001049: [Bug] DbExport allows --sql option without a table name argument. (abrougher) .
  • 0001058: [Improvement] Provide access to include-on and source dml type in bean shell transforms (mhanes) .
  • 0001066: [Bug] Reverse initial load may be computed and routed before triggers are done synchronizing when a client first registers (chenson) .
  • 0001068: [Improvement] Add new extension point ILoadSyncLifecycleListener which gets callbacks before and after a load sync (chenson) .
  • 0001070: [Bug] If trigger table name changes and the new trigger table name doesn't exist, the old triggers don't get remove from the old table (chenson) .
  • 0001071: [Improvement] Column transforms are being called even if the includeOn does not match. Only effects custom transforms that take some action. (chenson) .
  • 0001074: [Bug] sym_node_channel_ctl should not be included in the list of tables to load during registration (chenson) .
  • 0001075: [Improvement] Turn on sym_trigger.use_capture_lobs and sym_channel.contains_big_lobs by default for sym tables and the config channel (chenson) .
  • 0001076: [Bug] Update transform that falls back to insert does not retransform (chenson) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.3.1 (Feb 14, 2013)

  • 0001041: [Improvement] If an outgoing_batches status is set back to NE, then always re-extract it versus using the already staged batch. (chenson) .
  • 0001042: [New Feature] MariaDB Dialect (gwilmer) .
  • 0001043: [Bug] doesn't work (chenson) .
  • 0001044: [Bug] Map of semaphores used to prevent concurrent extraction of individual batches are not cleaned up (chenson) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.3.0 (Feb 9, 2013)

  • 0001040: [Bug] When use_stream_lobs is on use_changed_data conflict resolution doesn't work because the lobs old data is always null (chenson) .
  • 0000994: [Improvement] Update Users Guide to describe how to deploy to separate machines (tutorial is multi-homed) (chenson) .
  • 0001036: [Bug] Error is not getting recorded in outgoing batch if there isn't a line number (chenson) .
  • 0001037: [Improvement] Default dataloader.ignore.missing.tables to false instead of true (chenson) .
  • 0001039: [Bug] syncTriggers should not abort when metadata cannot be read due to db permissions for just one trigger (chenson) .
  • 0000986: [New Feature] Include conflict_id reference in sym_incoming_error table to crossreference the type of conflict that occurred (chenson) .
  • 0001028: [Bug] is broken (chenson) .
  • 0001031: [Bug] Documentation for outgoing_batch is missing IG and has RE instead of RT and QE instead of QY (chenson) .
  • 0000987: [New Feature] Add the "current" (conflicting) data to a column in sym_incoming_error (chenson) .
  • 0001033: [Improvement] Before allocating push/pull jobs check to see if thread count has changed and if so, restart thread pool (chenson) .
  • 0001030: [Bug] Exception in clustered firebird environment (chenson) .
  • 0001034: [New Feature] Add last_update_by, last_update_time, create_time to transform_*, parameter, channel, node_group, and node_group_link (chenson) .
  • 0001035: [New Feature] Add new refresh cache job that can be turned on in a clustered environment to check for configuration changes (chenson) .
  • 0000967: [Bug] Unknown table "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS" error for MySQL 5.0.XX (chenson) .
  • 0001010: [Improvement] Log better messages when server node is unavailable giving users a clue as to what action needs to be taken (admin) .
  • 0001013: [Improvement] BshDatabaseWriterFilter should bind the error to use in a HANDLE_ERROR script (chenson) .
  • 0001014: [Improvement] Don't write STOPPED for the last server id in sym_lock when releasing an infinite lock (chenson) .
  • 0001015: [Bug] Data event count and insert event count get lost for big reload batches because status is requeried and overwrites the values (chenson) .
  • 0001018: [New Feature] Add a mechanism for a remote node to request a table reload. This is helpful while rolling out new tables. (chenson) .
  • 0001019: [New Feature] Grouplets Add a feature to specify a subset of nodes for which a router is enabled to allow piloting of configuration. (chenson) .
  • 0001024: [Improvement] Use the symmetric table name as the virtual trigger name instead of a hashcode of the table name (chenson) .
  • 0001025: [Improvement] Don't log staging area cleanup at the info level. Change logging to debug level (chenson) .
  • 0001026: [New Feature] If the minor version is upgraded, then (if you aren't the reg server) request a reload of key symmetric tables (chenson) .
  • 0001027: [New Feature] Add the ability to enable or disable trigger routers with an enabled column (chenson) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.2.3 (Jan 24, 2013)

  • 0000983: [Bug] Table wasn't being quoted while selected lob data when stream_lobs is turned on and db.delimited.identifier.mode=true (chenson).
  • 0000988: [Bug] use_stream_lobs uses routers target schema and catalog instead of the triggers source schema and catalog (chenson).
  • 0000995: [Improvement] Upgrade to the latest postgres jdbc driver to get bug fix for retrieval of result set metadata (chenson).
  • 0000997: [Improvement] dbimport and symmetricds dataloader throttle (abrougher).
  • 0000998: [Improvement] Add parameters that allow the routing query to be optimized for large numbers of gaps with a large set of unrouted sym_data rows (chenson).
  • 0001000: [Bug] Prevent null pointer if node channel control exists and channel does not. (chenson).
  • 0001003: [Improvement] Don't allow a node to register if there are not links defined that will allow it to be part of the network (chenson).

New in SymmetricDS 3.2.0 (Dec 17, 2012)

  • 0000880: [New Feature] Add support for cascading random data to DbFill. (abrougher) .
  • 0000896: [Bug] RouterService.getUnroutedDataCount() is not accurate. Uses max(last_id) when it should use max(start_id) (chenson) .
  • 0000900: [Improvement] Add grant information to User's Guide for PostreSQL when a different schema is involved. (chenson) .
  • 0000902: [Bug] Don't allow an engine to service a request if that engine is not "started" (chenson) .
  • 0000831: [Bug] Timeout is not set on a re-directed registration request (chenson) .
  • 0000855: [Improvement] Create a new heartbeat channel for sym_node_host. Deprecate heartbeat_time on sym_node (chenson) .
  • 0000872: [New Feature] Add an uninstall feature to SymmetricDS (chenson) .
  • 0000890: [Improvement] The symmetricds client should always request UTF-8 character encoding. Also set -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 (chenson) .
  • 0000893: [Bug] Hidden feature to override the sym_ tables virtual triggers shouldn't look at router id to see if needs to replace the trigger (chenson) .
  • 0000899: [Bug] Prevent nodes from syncing with themselves (chenson) .
  • 0000904: [Bug] DbExport does not respect the compatible setting for data (chenson) .
  • 0000903: [Bug] dbexport not replacing ? in cases (chenson) .
  • 0000906: [Bug] Altering a default value for a varchar column on oracle fails. Default value not quoted. (chenson) .
  • 0000908: [Bug] Table that has a sequence for increment column fails to migrate data (chenson) .
  • 0000909: [New Feature] Support GEOMETRY type on MySQL (chenson) .
  • 0000911: [New Feature] Support GEOMETRY type on SQL Server (chenson) .
  • 0000912: [Bug] Missing primary key columns from source at target can cause data corruption or errors. Columns misaligned. (chenson) .
  • 0000914: [Improvement] Update startup scripts to explicitly use the -server option, output out of memory errors, and restart on memory errors (chenson) .
  • 0000915: [Bug] backslash (\) is exported as doubule backslash (\\) in CSV format (chenson) .
  • 0000916: [Bug] After registration sym_node_security does not get updated with update enabled flag and times (chenson) .
  • 0000918: [Bug] Add startup parameters to support basic authentication (chenson) .
  • 0000920: [Improvement] Support timestamp with time zone in dbfill (chenson) .
  • 0000921: [Improvement] postgres trigger template for timestamp with time zone did not zero pad negative time zone hours (chenson) .
  • 0000924: [Bug] dbexport's xml format does not export null data values correctly (chenson) .
  • 0000925: [Improvement] DbFill should ignore the symmetric tables by default. (abrougher) .
  • 0000936: [Bug] Oracle integer datatype has a larger precision than the java Integer datatype. (chenson) .
  • 0000708: [New Feature] Add ability to exclude BFILE columns from triggers for Oracle (chenson) .
  • 0000779: [New Feature] Add a symmetric parameter that tells the data loader that it is NOT ok to ignore a table if it is missing in the database (chenson) .
  • 0000806: [Bug] DbFill --help argument captions are not displayed correctly. (abrougher) .
  • 0000809: [Improvement] Firebird trigger template improvement for generators. (chenson) .
  • 0000848: [Bug] Tutorial doesn't work for MySQL (chenson) .
  • 0000852: [Improvement] Add the ability to define the "sync key" of a table versus using the actual primary key (chenson) .
  • 0000892: [Bug] Common batch mode should not be detected if a channel is bidirectional with separate trigger definitions for the same table. (chenson) .
  • 0000907: [Improvement] Document conflict resolution's ping-back settings, and resolve booleans (row only, changes only) (chenson) .
  • 0000937: [New Feature] Provide capability to specify initial load / reverse initial load ordering (chenson) .
  • 0000940: [Bug] Conflict resolution uses the target table to lookup data for timestamp and version checks. Should be using source. (chenson) .
  • 0000941: [Bug] Triggers should exclude excluded columns even if column is part of primary key (mhanes) .
  • 0000942: [New Feature] Add a router type of 'audit' that captures changes in an dynamically created audit table. (chenson) .
  • 0000943: [Improvement] Do simple column validation of extracted initial load row during the extraction process. Log better message. (chenson) .
  • 0000944: [Bug] Recursive call while processing data for routing when there are a lot of gaps can cause stack over flow error (chenson) .
  • 0000945: [Bug] batchCommit was being called for earlyCommit and for normal commit. The api is suppose to only be call for a normal commit (chenson) .
  • 0000947: [Bug] Bad alter statement generated on oracle upgrade: ALTER TABLE "SYM_DATA_EVENT" MODIFY ("BATCH_ID" DEFAULT ) (chenson) .
  • 0000948: [Bug] Fix upgrade to sym_trigger_hist to not blow away sequences (chenson) .
  • 0000021: [New Feature] Add support for Sqlite over JDBC (mhanes) .
  • 0000871: [New Feature] Implement a REST API for SymmetricDS (gwilmer) .
  • 0000946: [Bug] Cannot delete triggers from tables if SymmetricDS user doesn't own those tables (chenson) .
  • 0000951: [Bug] use_timestamp conflict resolution with transform can get into endless loop (chenson) .
  • 0000954: [Improvement] Change default file permissions for executables to 755 (vs 774) (chenson) .
  • 0000955: [Improvement] Add parameter to allow SymmetricDS jobs to be synchronized (mhanes) .
  • 0000935: [Bug] dbexport null timestamp values from Oracle result in empty string ("") in CSV. (chenson) .

New in SymmetricDS (Dec 3, 2012)

  • [New Feature] Add property to turn sync_on_incoming off for sym_ table triggers (chenson) - closed.
  • [Improvement] Add oracle hint to query to select data from sym_data to force it to use the obvious index - closed.
  • [New Feature] Add property that specifies minimum time between pushes and pulls. Default to 0 so pull and push periods have same behavior - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.1.9 (Oct 31, 2012)

  • 0000889: [Bug] dbimport of xml format fails with mark/reset error (chenson) - closed.
  • 0000886: [Improvement] Routing of configuration data (especially the node tables) is very slow when there are lots of nodes (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.1.8 (Oct 30, 2012)

  • 0000860: [Bug] Timestamp with timezone doesn't work with timestamp new wins conflict resolution (chenson) closed.
  • 0000868: [Task] dbimport needs to support imports from xml format (chenson) closed.
  • 0000870: [Improvement] Do not attempt to route data if a node does not have an identity (chenson) closed.
  • 0000875: [Bug] Node attempts to re-register when it attempts to pull from a non-registration server node that does yet have its security record (chenson) closed.
  • 0000876: [Improvement] During schema upgrade log the old version before attempting upgrade (chenson) closed.
  • 0000877: [Improvement] Downgrade not supported. Don't allow a older version of symmetricds start up against an newer schema (chenson) closed.
  • 0000882: [Bug] Stats Purge Job needs to be clustered. Running on multiple nodes can cause deadlocks (chenson) closed.
  • 0000883: [Bug] Non-authenticated pull wasn't being recorded as a failed pull attempt in sym_node_communication (chenson) closed.
  • 0000884: [Bug] Documented property is not supported. Add support. (chenson) closed.
  • 0000886: [Improvement] Routing of configuration data (especially the node tables) is very slow when there are lots of nodes (chenson) closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.1.6 (Oct 4, 2012)

  • 0000843: [Improvement] Add ability wire in database writer filters to dbimport (chenson) - closed.
  • 0000845: [Bug] The STAGE_MANGEMENT and WATCHDOG jobs are not initialized (they won't work in a clustered environment) (chenson) - closed.
  • 0000841: [Bug] 2 triggers for the same table that sync different subsets can end up causing errors (chenson) - closed.
  • 0000844: [Bug] Windows Azure does not allow the use of context_info which SymmetricDS uses (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.1.5 (Sep 13, 2012)

  • 0000822: [Improvement] Add new constructor to ClientSymmetricEngine so SymmetricDS can share an embedding application's Datasource and Spring Context (chenson) .
  • 0000820: [Bug] Inactivate database trigger when trigger_router is removed. (chenson) .
  • 0000811: [Bug] H2 trigger template doesn't resolve schema (chenson) .
  • 0000821: [Bug] Mark data row as unrouted if no trigger_router can be found for it (chenson) .
  • 0000815: [Bug] decode() function needs qualified in most recent version of Greenplum (mhanes) .
  • 0000819: [Bug] Support alter table alter column on H2 when column size changes (chenson) .
  • 0000816: [Bug] Log messages in AbstractJob are reversed (chenson) .
  • 0000813: [Bug] Trigger and Router Cache should be refreshed prior to syncTriggers (chenson) .
  • 0000808: [Improvement] Document installing as a service for Ubuntu (chenson) .
  • 0000817: [Improvement] Take only the first 50 characters of an ipaddress in order to make sure database save to tables doesn't fail (chenson) .
  • 0000814: [Bug] SqlScript autocommit=false with unique key error doesn't rollback or report exception in listener (chenson) .
  • 0000818: [Bug] Support alters tables statements for column size changes in postgres (chenson) .
  • 0000812: [Improvement] Better document various options related to inital loads in the User's Guide (chenson) .
  • 0000807: [Improvement] Allow the symmetric-core parameter parser to work with other parameter files. (abrougher) .

New in SymmetricDS 3.1.3 (Aug 29, 2012)

  • 0000787: [Bug] DbFill does not generate random values from BigInteger columns. (abrougher) - closed.
  • 0000784: [Improvement] Use the NetworkInterface Java class to get the current ipAddress of a node (chenson) - closed.
  • 0000788: [Bug] DbFill is populating columns with foreign values when a foreign key is not defined for the column. (abrougher) - closed.
  • 0000785: [Bug] syncTriggers(true) does not force trigger to be rebuilt (chenson) - closed.
  • 0000790: [Bug] opens outgoing transport multiple times which causes ack to be lost sometimes (chenson) - closed.
  • 0000786: [Improvement] Create a unit test for DbFill. (abrougher) - closed.
  • 0000783: [Bug] Null date in the primary key causes parse exception on postgres (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.1.2 (Aug 23, 2012)

  • Change SqlScriptReader to allow comments in places other than the beginning of a line in a sql script (chenson) - closed.
  • If database user doesn't have permission to drop trigger, extra trigger_hist rows get created and the old are not deactivated (chenson) - closed.
  • DbFill does not respect a columns scale and precision. (abrougher) - closed.
  • Restart of jobs can cause embedded derby database connections to fail (chenson) - closed.
  • Change SqlScript to use SqlScriptReader so that statements are streamed (chenson) - closed.

New in SymmetricDS 3.1.1 (Aug 14, 2012)

  • 0000655: [Task] Update dbexport and dbimport to support the SymmetricDS XML format (abrougher) resolved.
  • 0000771: [Improvement] DbFill should have the ability to load all of the tables in a given schema with random data. (abrougher) resolved.
  • 0000770: [New Feature] Improve DbImport so that it incorporates the SymmetricDS data loader (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000757: [Improvement] All tables are synchronized during a CREATE batch when initial.load.create.first is true resulting in a lot of table missing (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000769: [Bug] Tomcat Deployment Broken (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000669: [Improvement] Add schema and catalog to the SymmetricDS Batch XML and change the publisher to fill in the schema and catalog (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000725: [New Feature] Add a feature to allow dynamic load filters to be created and executed based configuration (gwilmer) resolved.
  • 0000728: [Improvement] Lookup table router should throw an exception when the router expression is invalid. (abrougher) resolved.
  • 0000747: [Improvement] DbImport should have an empty constructor to make dependency injection easier. (abrougher) resolved.
  • 0000730: [Bug] dbexport schema property ignored when data is exported. (abrougher) resolved.
  • 0000748: [Bug] Data in a single transaction is split across batches and is out of order on Firebird (gwilmer) resolved.
  • 0000753: [Bug] The url for extracting a batch http://server:31415/sync/batch/nodeid-batchid [^] does not work if the nodeid has a '-' in it (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000759: [New Feature] Create utility to fill a given database with random data. (abrougher) resolved.
  • 0000716: [Improvement] dbimport should have an option that allows tables to be altered to match the import versus always trying to create them. (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000768: [Bug] Don't hide startup errors if the spring context fails to start (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000767: [Bug] Latest oracle jdbc drivers for 11g return (0,-127) for types defined as integer resulting in bad mappings (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000763: [Improvement] When logging to the console, log to system.err so that command line utilities can redirect system.out to files (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000762: [Improvement] Change command line options --noconsole to --no-log-console and --nologfile to --no-log-file (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000760: [Bug] Columns mismatched on updates when source table has more columns than the target table. (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000756: [Bug] If an initial load is aborted by marking batches as OK, the client might remain in initial load mode and end up in a loop. (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000752: [Bug] Null pointer during trigger inactivation of deleted table can cause SymmetricDS engine not to start (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000751: [Improvement] Add new extension point called INodeIdCreator that replaces INodeIdGenerator and gets the remote address and host passed to it (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000746: [Improvement] Improve documentation on how to handle Oracle error 'ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long' (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000745: [Bug] Type of float(63) on oracle loses precision during data load. (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000740: [Bug] Symadmin help subcommand missing (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000724: [Task] Include an example of filtering or data subsetting (route items to a store) in the User Guide Tutorial (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000738: [Bug] AbstractSymmetricEngine should call init() method of the SecurityService (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000744: [Bug] Inefficient 'Sort by Foreign Keys' algorithm (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000726: [New Feature] Add a new parameter that, when set, is evaluated to choose a node id (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000743: [Bug] Load fails when a null lob column is updated in same batch where the lob column is not null (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000742: [Bug] "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" during initial load (RouterService.insertInitialLoadEvents) (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000739: [Bug] Multiple wildcard expressions, only one used (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000737: [Bug] The symmetric engine won't startup in single server mode as a war unless a property file has been specified in the web.xml (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000736: [Bug] deployment_type not being recorded properly in sym_node (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000735: [New Feature] dbimport and dbexport should support symmetric batch xml. (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000733: [Improvement] dbexport should use the default schema and default catalog if they aren't specified (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000734: [Bug] H2 wasn't selecting the schema or catalog in the table lookup (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000729: [Bug] oracle.template.precision should be supported in 3.0 (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000732: [Bug] Support varying Locales for the "REAL" data type (e.g., Oracle's Float(63)) (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000731: [Improvement] Redo the derby database triggers so they can handle tables with more columns (chenson) resolved.
  • 0000727: [Improvement] Upgrade Derby to (chenson) resolved.

New in SymmetricDS 3.0.9 (Jul 16, 2012)

  • Fix JarBuilder for Windows
  • Wildcard table lookup should respect the property
  • Table inactivation doesn't work properly when using the wildcard feature of sym_trigger
  • drop trigger doesn't work on Oracle if the trigger is in a different schema

New in SymmetricDS 3.0.8 (Jul 12, 2012)

  • Data is being pinged back during a re-registration (chenson)
  • JdbcSqlTemplate allows null SqlTemplateSettings and then uses it without null check later on (gwilmer)
  • When using the wildcard feature of SymmetricDS, the reload events aren't being generated properly (chenson)
  • UseVariableDates option for DbImport and DbExport do not work properly (gwilmer)

New in SymmetricDS 3.0.6 (Jun 30, 2012)

  • [Improvement] Better document how nodes are deployed in the engines directory.
  • [Bug] When the router type is null the batch type is always common.
  • [Improvement] Support a --engine option for the syadmin create-war command
  • [Improvement] Start symmetricds engine instance in background
  • [Bug] dbimport fails to create unique indexes
  • [Bug] auto.reload is broke in 3.0
  • [Bug] DbImport help screen does not display description for --use-variable-dates. (abrougher) closed.
  • [Improvement] Don't run the sync triggers process at all if in a SymmetricDS instance and auto.sync.triggers is false
  • [Bug] Error synchronyzing triggers (NPE)

New in SymmetricDS 3.0.5 (Jun 27, 2012)

  • Don't commit a batch that doesn't have commit in the csv protocol
  • Don't capture the raw record in the csv parser. It allocates more memory than need be.
  • Improve debug logging when the payload is VERY big. truncate data in the log.
  • sym_trigger.use_stream_lobs had a bug where every column after a lob is not captured

New in SymmetricDS 3.0.1 (Jun 7, 2012)

  • Bug:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-642] - transforms with a transform_policy of implied don't copy primary keys to transform on insert
  • [SYMMETRICDS-643] - Firebird requires commits after each ddl statement during upgrades
  • [SYMMETRICDS-644] - Carriage return and line feeds are not being handled properly in the creation and parsing of CSV for 3.0.0
  • Improvement:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-638] - Support Microsoft's JDBC 4 Driver for SQL Server
  • [SYMMETRICDS-639] - Support Windows Azure
  • [SYMMETRICDS-640] - For fallback, if update fails and then the insert fails (pk changed and row already exists), then attempt to update using the new pk.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-641] - Don't initial load a table if the initial load order is < 0

New in SymmetricDS 3.0.0 (Jun 4, 2012)

  • Bug:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-543] - Column's JdbcTypeName is Null
  • [SYMMETRICDS-548] - Remove invalid documentation for embedded.webserver.basic.auth.username and embedded.webserver.basic.auth.password
  • [SYMMETRICDS-549] - Section 4.8.2 Transformation Types fails to mention pre-defined Lookup Transform type
  • [SYMMETRICDS-562] - Fix DataService bug. Max data id that is currently handled in 2.x is Integer.MAX_VALUE. It should go all the way up to Long.MAX_VALUE
  • [SYMMETRICDS-601] - Data type for data_id and batch_id should be a type that scales bigger than an integer
  • [SYMMETRICDS-624] - The subselect router should not kick in during an initial load if the initial_load_select is used
  • [SYMMETRICDS-628] - Duplicate columns in table. Fix jdbc ddl reader so that reading table columns is qualified by schema and catalog
  • [SYMMETRICDS-629] - We don't quote the catalog and schema when allowing sql server identity inserts
  • [SYMMETRICDS-630] - Make sure cached table definitions are cleared out before running sync triggers.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-633] - Don't route inserts of sym_node or sym_node_security to the associated node_id
  • Improvement:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-317] - Add an extension point for hooking into the data loader after data has been loaded.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-319] - property is misleading
  • [SYMMETRICDS-423] - Add configurable file cache folder
  • [SYMMETRICDS-560] - Support of AES Encryption Is Needed
  • [SYMMETRICDS-564] - Add external_data to subselect router
  • [SYMMETRICDS-566] - Add documentation re purge requirements and sym_node_security
  • [SYMMETRICDS-593] - Re-factor the data loader and data extractor so the components can be re-used outside of the core symmetricds engine
  • [SYMMETRICDS-594] - Remove dependency on commons-logging in favor of using slf4j everywhere for logging
  • [SYMMETRICDS-595] - Turn on multiServerMode as the default. Update tutorial and documentation
  • [SYMMETRICDS-596] - Load each batch as it arrives at the target (instead of transporting all batches for 1 sync and then loading them all)
  • [SYMMETRICDS-597] - Consolidate database platform (former ddlutils) code and symmetricdialect code that contains information that should be in the platform
  • [SYMMETRICDS-608] - Optimization - Only capture one row in sym_data_event per sym_data when all the routers on a channel always send to all nodes in a group
  • [SYMMETRICDS-616] - Refresh parameter cache whenever new parameters come through the data loader or data router.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-621] - Reload parameters from sym_parameter when they come through the data loader or data router (so you don't have to wait for the cache to time out)
  • [SYMMETRICDS-622] - Restart jobs if job parameters come through the data loader or data router
  • [SYMMETRICDS-625] - Upgrade Jetty from 7.1 to 7.6 (latest stable 7.x version) to fix sporadic EOF exceptions
  • [SYMMETRICDS-626] - Use prepared args for the OK status in the purge service. Not sure if it makes a difference, but the wrong query plans are sometimes being generated. Maybe this will help.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-631] - Add FKs to the SymmetricDS configuration tables
  • [SYMMETRICDS-634] - Speed up node reloads on push. Continuously push to a node if the previous push contained a reload event.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-636] - Support bigger than 32k clobs and varchar columns by swapping out sym_escape for REPLACE in the Firebird dialect
  • [SYMMETRICDS-637] - By default delete sym_data_gap rows instead of marking them as OK or SK
  • New Feature:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-6] - Add more robust conflict resolution strategies
  • [SYMMETRICDS-592] - Make the data loader pluggable so that bulk loaders can be configured at the channel level.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-605] - Support wildcards for the source_table_name in sym_trigger so you only have to configure one trigger entry to sync and entire database
  • [SYMMETRICDS-607] - Order triggers by FK constraints for initial load when initial_load_order is the same.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-609] - Add dbexport and dbimport features to SymmetricDS
  • [SYMMETRICDS-613] - Add a column_policy column to sym_transform_table that indicates whether undefined columns are specified or implied
  • [SYMMETRICDS-618] - Add setting on trigger that indicates whether old data should be captured by the triggers
  • [SYMMETRICDS-623] - Add the ability to set a status of IG (ignore) on either an incoming or outgoing batch so that the status will be transmitted remote nodes so that the batch will be ignored.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-632] - Create new feature to allow concurrent pulling and pushing of nodes

New in SymmetricDS 2.4.1 (Sep 21, 2011)

  • Bug:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-505] - Support NCLOB column on oracle
  • [SYMMETRICDS-506] - Support DDL create of NChar/NVarchar/Nclob
  • [SYMMETRICDS-508] - SqlScript does not execute a result set if a select is passed to the script.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-509] - Schema upgrade fails on Firebird/Interbase
  • [SYMMETRICDS-512] - ojdbc6.jar and ojdbc5.jar from Oracle 11g distribution causes some SymmetricDS tables to be dropped and recreated.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-513] - Cached table metadata could get out of sync when in cluster (sync triggers might run on only one node)
  • Improvement:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-507] - Get rid of the columns out of order detection in ddlutils. It just causes tables to be rebuilt during upgrades when they really don't need to be.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-510] - Document how to re-send data by creating reload events
  • [SYMMETRICDS-511] - Add new service url that returns information about a node in the properties format: http://hostname/sync/info

New in SymmetricDS 2.1.3 (Mar 29, 2011)

  • [SYMMETRICDS-364] - Failing to read database tables when SQL Server 2005 is being used
  • [SYMMETRICDS-369] - SymmetricDS doesn't start up because of xml column in postgres
  • [SYMMETRICDS-382] - Oracle timestamp columns should synchronize milliseconds
  • [SYMMETRICDS-384] - Authentification failed when using custom INodePasswordFilter
  • [SYMMETRICDS-394] - During the extract process, if there is an error, then the extract file does not get deleted.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-399] - 22 million row initial load blew up at the very end because the stats in sym_incoming_batch became too big for the column
  • [SYMMETRICDS-402] - If there is an ER on the reload channel, then other channels have to be sent to correct the error
  • [SYMMETRICDS-403] - symmetric-ddl conflicts with apache ddlutils

New in SymmetricDS 2.1.1 (Oct 25, 2010)

  • Bug:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-351] - H2 trigger only captures TIMESTAMP columns to a resolution of seconds.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-353] - Support PostgreSQL 8.0 - fix type "e" does not exist error
  • [SYMMETRICDS-357] - When is set to true, SymmetricDS should still attempt to use the recorded table name first while looking up metadata
  • [SYMMETRICDS-359] - Fix the service wrapper configuration file to reference the new jar locations.
  • Improvement:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-344] - Improve performance of sym_data select on oracle by adding option to use dbms_lob.substr( sqltext, 4000, 1 ) at the channel level
  • [SYMMETRICDS-347] - In order to support bigger ACK payloads, Jetty needs to have a default setting ( -Dorg.mortbay.jetty.Request.maxFormContentSize) increased
  • [SYMMETRICDS-348] - Better support DB2 by inserting into SYM_OUTGOING_BATCH outside the transaction that inserts SYM_DATA_EVENT
  • [SYMMETRICDS-349] - Introduce changes to make it easier to massage SQL from the getSQL method
  • [SYMMETRICDS-355] - Use JDBC batch APIs for insert of sym_data_event during routing. In some database environments this should boost performance.

New in SymmetricDS 2.0.10 (Sep 14, 2010)

  • Bug:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-334] - There is a window of time on Oracle RAC when using oracle.use.transaction.view=true when data may be skipped
  • [SYMMETRICDS-337] - setQueryTimeout is not supported on newer versions of Postgres JDBC drivers. Add support for the newer drivers.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-340] - Postgres JDBC driver packaged with SymmetricDS has concurrency issues with PreparedStatements
  • Improvement:
  • [SYMMETRICDS-332] - Log a better error message when the data loader fails to insert and updates 0 rows on the fallback update.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-335] - Add a property to allow the transactionality for inserting reload events to be turned on/off.
  • [SYMMETRICDS-336] - Make gap detection support auto_increment_increment/auto_increment_offset for MySQL

New in SymmetricDS 2.0.9 (Aug 30, 2010)

  • Heartbeat doesn't reference the node group link when looking up the appropriate trigger router