SketchUp Pro Changelog

What's new in SketchUp Pro 18.0.16976

Nov 15, 2017
  • Stability:
  • Fixed a very frequent crash that could occur when drawing lines.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred on startup if launching SketchUp on a machine with an old version of OpenGL.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when healing two faces.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using Solid Tools on certain types of geometry.
  • Fixed a crash when offsetting a face on an imported DAE file.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting Intersect Faces with two section planes selected.
  • Fixed an issue where SketchUp would crash on quit if the 3D Warehouse window was open.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using Outliner after importing a corrupt IFC file.
  • (Win) Fixed a very frequent crash that would occur on startup with older Intel drivers.
  • (Win) Fixed a crash that occurred when setting profiles > 2 on some ATI graphics cards.
  • (Win) Fixed a crash that could occur on startup if the default tray was docked with the Components dialog open and a floating tray had the second tab active.
  • (Win) Fixed a hang that could occur when cancelling the download of a component via the Components browser.
  • (Win) Fixed a crash that occurred if you entered Ctrl-N while in print preview.
  • (Win) Fixed a crash that occurred when you entered random values into the Print Preview units.
  • (Win) Fixed a hang that could occur when cancelling the download of a component via the Component Browser.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that occurred when closing the message dialog that pops up after searching for a component in the Components dialog with invalid characters or while offline.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that occurred if clicking Reset Workspace in the Preferences dialog with Instructor open.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that could occur on exit when closing SketchUp with the Styles and Instructor dialogs open and multiple models with unsaved changes.
  • (Mac - High Sierra) Fixed a crash that could occur after resizing the Colors dialog on High Sierra. After the initial crash, users would continue to crash on launch.
  • Model Display:
  • Changed nicer transparency to allow the display of anti-aliased edges.
  • Changed faster transparency to display a model in a predictable way (previously, a model could display differently each time it was opened).
  • Improved model visibility by changing SketchUp to no longer fade entities behind a section plane when editing a component.
  • Fixed an issue where hidden profile edges, with View > Hidden geometry turned on, displayed differently depending on how they were hidden.
  • Fixed an issue where softened sketchy edges were not visible during a copy.
  • Fixed an issue where, when using nicer transparency sort, edges behind multiple layers of transparent faces displayed when they should have been hidden.
  • Fixed an issue where a single selected section plane was not visible during a copy/paste action.
  • Fixed an issue where Color By Axis would not update colors if you changed the RGB colors in the Accessibility preferences.
  • Fixed an issue where non-profile lines hidden at the entity level incorrectly displayed with the dashed hidden pattern when edges were turned off and profiles were turned on.
  • Fixed an issue where setting profile thickness to 1 forced edges to be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue in which negative axes could render incorrectly on some Intel machines when orbiting with back edges on.
  • Fixed an issue in which negative axes could render incorrectly on some Intel machines when using certain tools.
  • Section Planes:
  • Made a change to be able to select a section plane by clicking on the section plane arrow (symbol).
  • Fixed an issue in which section cut lines were temporarily visible after turning off hidden geometry.
  • Fixed an issue in which section cut lines didn’t dynamically update with multiple active cuts when either moving a plane or switching between scenes.
  • Made change to selection highlighting so now when a section plane is selected the section cut lines are also highlighted as part of the selection. If section fills are on, the fill is also highlighted.
  • Fixed an issue in which leader text was incorrectly positioned at origin when placed at intersection with a section plane.
  • Fixed an issue in which zoom extents zoomed to the full model with an active section cut instead of just the visible geometry.
  • Fixed an issue in which the export of a model in wireframe with section cuts did not match what was displayed within SketchUp.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which the section plane toolbar buttons showed opposite toggle state. Dark gray background now appears when button is on similar to Shadows toolbar button.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which the section plane toolbar buttons didn’t toggle state when changing the state in the Styles dialog or the View menu.
  • Outliner:
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which the component definition disappeared if attempting to rename a component in Outliner but not making any changes.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which the image for a component/group in Outliner could switch to an incorrect image when either double clicking on the entity or right clicking and selecting to Rename.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which an entity in Outliner could remain highlighted blue after having double clicked to edit it and then clicking in Outliner to deselect it.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which you couldn’t directly single click in Outliner without Outliner first being active.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which the entity in Outliner wasn’t highlighted in blue after double clicking on an entity to edit it without Outliner first being active.
  • Tools:
  • Updated cursors for the Circle and Polygon tools.
  • Improved ease of editing of component with transparent faces.
  • Fixed an issue in which an offset polygon became a curve. It is now maintained as a polygon.
  • Fixed an issue in which a line could incorrectly reset from an endpoint while using continuous line drawing and crossing over other geometry.
  • Fixed an issue in which an offset could show some z-fighting.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Protractor and Rotate tools could remain constrained to a plane after releasing shift with tool locked using arrow keys.
  • Fixed an issue where automatic edge and area measurements were incorrect for scaled component instances.
  • Fixed an issue in which you couldn’t just enter an angle in the VCB (Measurements Toolbar) if baseline was reset after second click.
  • Fixed an issue where dimensions attached to the center point of a circle/polygons within a group could become detached when moving them.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect inference to the origin could be seen when adding a dimension the first time in a model.
  • Improved scaling of tool cursors on high-DPI monitors.
  • Component/Group Origin:
  • Updated tooltip to include more detail when hovering over a component origin that is on geometry.
  • Fixed an issue in which leader text attached to a component/group origin could temporarily point to model origin when double clicking to edit the component.
  • Fixed an issue in which the default text was displaying as “Enter text” instead of either the component definition or position within a group when adding leader text to a component/group origin.
  • Fixed an issue in which leader text pointing to a component/group origin could unexpectedly remain in place when moving geometry within the component/group.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Added a preference to workaround an issue in which selection could be very slow on some Win 10 systems. To set this preference open Command Prompt and enter:
  • C:"Program Files""SketchUp""SketchUp 2018"jsonpatcheditorPreferences WorkaroundDrawXorRectUseGLFlushNotFlushDraw b true
  • Note: If you installed SketchUp in a non-default location you will have to update the location above.
  • Fixed an issue in which letterbox bars render incorrectly during large image exports.
  • Improved terrain resolution for Add Location. Previously the grid for terrain was smaller than expected. It should now work the way it did which allowed up to 2500 points in the terrain mesh.
  • Implemented a cross-platform library for logging into 3D Warehouse and Extension Warehouse.
  • Added persistent IDs to scenes allowing LayOut or extension developers to reference scenes.
  • Added component definition name to the tooltip when hovering over component inferences.
  • Improved performance of models that contain hidden guides.
  • Improved performance when using color by axis.
  • Implemented a minimal face shader that improved performance on Intel GPUs with older drivers.
  • Fixed an issue where textures couldn’t be combined on vertical faces.
  • Added a new warning if a user tries to set a shortcut that uses a tool modifier key (e.g. arrow keys).
  • Fixed an issue where selecting vector printing would change zoom.
  • Upgraded the version of Chromium that SketchUp uses.
  • Fixed an issue where exporting as IFC removed Custom Property Sets.
  • Updated terminology from “Knowledge Center” to “Help Center” throughout application.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the number of segments of a polygon or arc could create a bad face.
  • Fixed an issue where a face was not created when drawing a rectangle that intersects two lines.
  • Fixed an issue where style thumbnails were incorrect when using hidden line mode with regular edges and no profiles.
  • Improved text cursor tracking when scaling is > 100%.
  • Fixed an issue where the X-ray opacity did not select the correct value until clicked on.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong layer would be deleted when user was in edit mode.
  • Fixed an issue where models would sometimes contain two NULL (model marker) watermarks.
  • Fixed an issue in which you could get duplicate persistent IDs after push pulling a face that included an arc or placing 3D Text. Also, expanded validity check to catch these additional cases in which duplicate persistent IDs were created.
  • Fixed an issue where a duplicate section plane PIDs could be created that could not be fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where creating a component would not retain nested attributes.
  • Fixed an issue where a warning could pop up that a component name already exists after performing a Solid Tools operation and making the group a component.
  • Improved the Solid Tools ability to work properly on disconnected manifold bodies.
  • Fixed an issue where faces would not close on faces with dangling interior edges.
  • Fixed an issue in which inconsistent results could be seen when exporting an image with and without anti-aliasing.
  • Fixed an issue where thick profiles did not export correctly to an image format with some graphics cards (e.g. NVIDIA) which clamped their width.
  • Changed SketchUp to no longer allow the reloading of a locked component instance via the in model Components Browser context menu.
  • Added the capability to copy SketchUp version numbers directly from the About SketchUp dialog. On Win, open the Help > About dialog, click on it to give it focus, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V. On Mac, open the Help > About dialog, select version number, Command + C and Command + V.
  • Fixed an issue where a more general error message was displayed on launch if hardware acceleration was unsupported.
  • Improved Midpoint inferencing for cases in which multiple Midpoints are in very close proximity.
  • Fixed a number of translation and truncation errors in localized builds.
  • Fixed a non fixable validity error that could occur when importing a geo-located component into a non geo-located model.
  • Fixed an issue where scenes excluded from animations were not indicated correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the axes plane for glued components was incorrect.
  • (Win) Changed our default multisample anti-aliasing setting for Intel graphics cards from 0x to 4x.
  • Fixed an issue where material thumbnails were displayed incorrectly.
  • Improved tool tip text for Entity Info icons.
  • Improved size and alignment of elements in Entity Info dialog.
  • Fixed several issues where the Styles browser and editor were not displayed correctly on high-DPI monitors.
  • Updated validity check to catch an additional case in which duplicate persistent ID’s could get assigned.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue where the swatch in the Material browser could fail to update after using the "Match color on the screen" functionality.
  • (Win) Updated the error message when selecting multisample anti-aliasing and fast feedback settings that your graphics card didn’t support and only reset these settings. Also, made Preferences dialog remain open after clicking OK to acknowledge the message.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue where after a failed autosave, autosave wouldn’t kick off again until another change was made.
  • (Win) Updated the message you see if you delete a component definition directly in the Components dialog.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue in which preferences weren’t carried forward if you skipped a version of SketchUp.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue where the wireframe rendering button in the Styles browser was incorrectly disabled when x-ray mode was selected.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue where ground transparency settings in the Styles browser failed to immediately update when switching between scenes.
  • (Win) Fixed a formatting bug in the Toolbars dialog and updated the appearance of various dialogs.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue where the print preview image was distorted when resizing the window.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue where SketchUp would allow non-numeric page sizes in print dialog.
  • (Win) Fixed a non fixable validity error that occurred if you selected a color or material from a library and didn’t paint with it.
  • (Win) Improved Entity Info toggle icon states and highlighting on hover.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue where SketchUp would crash when attempting to save to Google Drive File Stream.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue where models saved using the Save As… component context menu did not respect a folder's sharing permissions.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where the Select tool didn’t work after selecting to "Set Component Axes" when creating a component.
  • (Mac) Added functionality to remember the last visited location when relaunching the 3D Warehouse.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which resetting all shortcuts cleared all shortcuts including the defaults and all prior shortcuts could return after relaunching SketchUp.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which shortcuts weren’t carried forward if you skipped a version of SketchUp.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which Entity Info didn’t initially snap to Instructor when opening Entity Info on first launch.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which File > Save became enabled after cancelling out of the Save As dialog on a locked file.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which you were not notified that an autosave file exists when launching SketchUp after a crash.
  • (Mac) Improved the display of file paths in the Preferences > Files dialog.
  • (Mac) Updated the Scenes and Styles warning dialog to only enable “Please don’t show this again” when “Do nothing to save changes” is selected. This is consistent with Windows.
  • (Mac) Fixed a typo in the “Glue to” drop down of the Components Browser.
  • (Mac) Removed the “resolution” option for image export dialog because all images are exported as 72-dpi.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where changes made to print settings persisted after clicking cancel.
  • (Mac) Added a "save the changes?" message when closing a modified file after "Save A Copy As".
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where SketchUp thumbnail previews were not always visible when saving models with File > Save and File > Save as.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where revert was incorrectly enabled for unsaved/unchanged models.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which snappy dialogs could break apart when a dialog was closed and SketchUp relaunched.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which reloading a component pointed to the incorrect directory.
  • (Mac - High Sierra) Fixed an issue where components, materials, styles, and templates sorted incorrectly on macOS High Sierra.
  • Further details at:

New in SketchUp Pro 17.3.116 (Sep 26, 2017)

  • Fixes/Improvements for Mac High Sierra (10.13):
  • Fixed a crash when snappy dialogs were minimized, moved, opened, closed...
  • Fixed an issue in which stacked snappy dialogs became unstacked when moved.
  • Fixed the ability to move Ruby toolbars.

New in SketchUp Pro 17.2.2554 (Feb 16, 2017)

  • Fixed a frequent crash that could occur when inserting components and doing other actions (e.g., renaming a component, deleting entities, changing component properties).
  • Fixed a frequent crash that could occur when copy/pasting geometry that needs to be merged with hidden geometry.
  • Fixed a frequent crash that could occur when doing a copy/rotate after having cancelled out of a previous copy/rotate by activating another tool.
  • Fixed a frequent crash that could occur on some systems with AMD/ATI graphics cards.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening/working in some models with unfixed validity errors.
  • Added a fix for a non-reproducible crash that could occur when using the Rectangle tool.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where simultaneous Component Browser searches led to SketchUp crashing.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rotated Rectangle tool where entries in the VCB (Measurements toolbar) were not working as expected after the second click.
  • Fixed an issue in which Dimensions or Text would snap to a sub-component origin instead of the component origin.
  • Fixed an issue with the Tape Measure tool in which a model would not rescale when measuring two points on a face and entering in a value in the VCB (Measurements toolbar).
  • Fixed an issue with the Tape Measure tool in which you could not infer from a face to create a guideline along another face.
  • (Win) Fixed an issue with the Tape Measure tool where guides would toggle off when using Ctrl + Z to undo a previous operation.
  • Made updates to Measurements toolbar entries for tools:
  • A closing bracket is now added automatically when an opening bracket is entered for both square and angle brackets related to point and delta input such as [nn,nn,nn] and (in US locale).
  • (Win) SketchUp now recognizes both the decimal and list separators that are set within the Windows OS.
  • Fixed an issue where materials on faces could be lost or faces could be flipped after modifying geometry in certain cases.
  • Fixed an issue where an offset of an ellipse would sometimes offset as a circle.
  • Fixed an issue where color swapping/pixelation would occur on very small textures.
  • Improved Checkup’s messaging for graphics cards that report inaccurate memory information.
  • Improved our ability to get diagnostic data on startup crashes.
  • Fixed an issue where the letterbox bars were displayed incorrectly when the Advanced Camera Tools’ aspect ratio did not match the current window.
  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Camera Tools did not correctly export 2D images.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where users on certain iMacs were not able to export to 2D graphic containing transparent backgrounds.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where exporting a 2D graphic with a transparent background would produce jagged edges on certain iMacs. These artifacts could also be seen in LayOut.

New in SketchUp Pro 17.1.173 (Nov 18, 2016)

  • Fixes/Improvements:
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which SketchUp could not be launched due to an OpenGL error on some machines.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which layers were not sorting correctly when sorting by visibility in the Layers dialog.

New in SketchUp Pro 17.0.18898 (Nov 7, 2016)

  • Completely reworked our graphics pipeline - i.e., the way we display SketchUp models. This was a massive change that will allow us to innovate far beyond what we have been able to do in the past.
  • High DPI Support for the Modeling Window:
  • The SketchUp 2017 modeling window is now “DPI aware”. In SketchUp 2016, we scaled the User Interface (toolbars, cursors, etc). In SketchUp 2017, we are now scaling content in the modeling window so that you can better see the masterpieces you are creating! This work includes larger, scaled inference graphics and linework and updates to our inference icons.
  • Extension Manager:
  • The Extension Manager is the new way to manage how extensions interact with SketchUp. Users will be able to install, uninstall, enable, disable and update extensions from this new dialog. In addition, users can set their extension loading policy through this same dialog. This is a complete replacement for the extension and extension loading policy areas previously found within the System Preferences dialog. The Extension Manager can be found within the Window menu on both Windows and Mac.
  • Tool and Inference Improvements:
  • As always, we are looking at ways to improve our core modeling tools and inferencing. This release is no different.
  • Improved Offset tool: Previously the Offset tool would create overlapping or self-intersecting geometry. We've changed the tool to automatically trim these overlaps to create clean boundaries with no overlaps. The old functionality is still available via a modifier key.
  • Rectangle tool plane and shape locking: The Rectangle tool now works with arrow keys to lock the plane normal to an axis or surface. This includes the ability to lock off-axis planes using the down arrow key. Now the Rectangle tool matches the inferencing capabilities of the circle and polygon tools. Additionally, pressing shift can now lock the proportions of a square or golden section.
  • Rotated Rectangle tool plane locking improvement: The Rotated Rectangle tool now respects a locked plane across all steps for the tool. If you chose a surface to lock the tool to at the beginning, this orientation will persist throughout creating your rectangle.
  • Perpendicular to Face inference: We added the ability to hover over any surface and then find an inference for the direction perpendicular to the face. The drawing line and reference surface will be highlighted in magenta and a new “Perpendicular to Face” tooltip will be displayed. Note it is not possible to force this inference using the down arrow key but it can be locked once it appears by holding shift.
  • Component Origin inference: We added a new “Origin in Component” inference point which now provides the ability to find and snap to a component's origin. This inference shows up whether there is geometry on the origin or not and has higher priority over other inferences. It shows up automatically when you hover over a selected component or group with a drawing tool.
  • Persistent IDs:
  • Persistent IDs for entities have been added to SketchUp 2017. This feature is useful to developers and allows us to improve interoperability between LayOut and other products. A unique, persistent ID number is now internally assigned to geometry when it is added to a model. This includes unique IDs for edges, vertices, faces, and more that will be maintained even if the geometry is moved, rotated, or scaled.
  • Colorblind Accessibility:
  • It is now possible to customize SketchUp's red, green, blue, magenta, and cyan inference colors. If you have trouble distinguishing red from green or would simply like to customize your SketchUp colors, it is now possible under SketchUp Preferences > Accessibility. If you change these settings, you may notice that the axis colors will get brighter to match your selected direction colors exactly. In SketchUp 2016 and earlier versions, the axis colors were slightly muted relative to the inference colors. Also note that if you adjust your colors, SketchUp will continue to refer to red, green, and blue axis directions in tool tips, the status bar and the Instructor. Inference Icons (end-points, mid-points, on edge, etc... ) are also unaffected by this feature and will remain their original colors but we have updated the shapes to improve visibility.
  • Additionally, a new “Color Blind Style” has been added to the “Color Sets” styles library. Use this style as a base for dialing in your custom colors and shades. It is intended to help maximize people's ability to see when inferences appear. Since there are many different types of colorblindness, you may need to edit this style to best fit with the colors that work for you. Once you are done, don't forget to set up a template with your new style.
  • Smarter Graphics Card Settings:
  • When you launch SketchUp, we are now much smarter about choosing the ideal graphics card settings (i.e., the ideal “Pixel Format”) to make SketchUp run the best it can. Previously, we sometimes selected settings that didn't allow models to display as well as they could have and which had a negative impact on performance.
  • As part of this work, we have made it easier for you to change your multisample anti-aliasing settings in Preferences > OpenGL on Windows. Note though that we have chosen the setting that we think is ideal for your graphics card and that if you choose too high of a setting, performance and possibly stability may be affected.
  • We have added a “Warning“ section to Preferences > OpenGL > Graphics Card Details to show any potentially negative conditions related to your graphics card so that you can take actions to improve your situation. Note that if your graphics card shows warnings, you will see a big warning icon on the Preferences > OpenGL dialog with some text that explains you need to click the Graphics Card Details button for more information.
  • Standardized Product Content Locations:
  • We have standardized where product content, stuff like collections of components, materials and styles are stored on the file system.
  • Note that if you store your content in these folders, it will show up in the Components, Materials and Styles browsers without you having to do anything and your templates will show up on the Templates pane as well. Additionally, users no longer require special privileges in order to modify the contents of these folders.
  • We have made it easier for you to access your content by adding new functionality to the Preferences > Files pane on Windows and we added this Preferences pane on the Mac. Simply click the Open in Explorer/Finder buttons to access your content vs. having to remember the folder locations listed above.
  • Improved Group to Component workflow & Component handling with Solid Tools:
  • We now present the create component dialog when converting a group to a component. This allows users to set the full range of component attributes when converting instead of having to go back and edit the resulting component in Entity Info or the Components dialog. This workflow helps a great deal when using the Solid Tools on components. The Solid Tools still create groups but it's quick to use the create component option to redefine your desired component definitions.
  • Support for macOS Sierra:
  • Our QA team has smashed and banged on Apple's newest operating system, macOS Sierra, enough to say that SketchUp 2017 is fully compatible.
  • Trimble Connect Extension
  • The Trimble Connect Extension has been rewritten to utilize changes to the Trimble Connect and SketchUp Ruby APIs. Updates and new features include:
  • Sign in: You can now use a Trimble ID or a Google account to sign in.
  • Improved File Management: We've reworked the Open and Publish dialogs to make it faster to browse through your projects on Connect.
  • Collaboration Manager: A new dialog which allows you to create and manage ToDos, manage reference models and add comments about a model. The buttons across the top allow you to see the various panes: ToDos, Comments, Reference Models and Launch Trimble Connect.
  • In addition to the above, we've been heads down fixing bugs and adding some smaller features:
  • Stability:
  • Fixed several crashes that could occur when opening or working in models that had a texture with no associated texture image.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when printing a model with sketchy edges.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when printing large models with textures.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when exporting an animation that has watermarks and scenes with different edge styles.
  • (Win) Fixed a very frequent crash that could occur when modeling in SketchUp on machines with an Integrated Intel HD Graphics 5500 graphics card.
  • (Win) Fixed a crash that could occur when exporting animation as .webm or .ogv with a specified custom frame size.
  • (Mac) Fixed a frequent crash when opening models which have the sun direction nearly perpendicular to the eye direction.
  • (Mac) Fixed a frequent crash that could occur when importing a wide image or when opening a model that has a wide image.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that could occur when uploading a model after canceling the upload of a component to 3D Warehouse.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that occurred when closing a file with either the Dimensions tool or Texture Position tool active.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where SketchUp would sometimes crash after adding a location to a new model.
  • (Mac - Sierra) Fixed an intermittent crash that could occur when quitting and discarding changes with multiple documents open.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that could occur when closing a document after switching between documents.
  • Model Display / Image Export:
  • Re-wrote how we display transparency, including making the following changes:
  • Improved performance significantly.
  • Improved the accuracy of the appearance of the model.
  • Removed “Medium” transparency from the Transparency Quality dropdown. Pre SU 2017 models which use “Medium” transparency will now default to “Faster” transparency.
  • Added an “X-ray opacity” slider which applies when x-ray mode and nicer transparency are selected (defaulting to 65% for nicer transparency and remaining at 50% for faster transparency).
  • Improved the enable/disable behavior on the Face tab of the Styles dialog so that the controls are enabled only when they will actually change the model.
  • Fixed an issue where shadows on face me component flashed in exported animations.
  • Fixed an issue where, when using color by axis, lines could incorrectly display as if they were on axis when they were not.
  • Fixed an issue where the selection highlight for a nested section plane looked wrong.
  • Fixed an issue where alpha images did not display when using the wireframe face style (when other images did display).
  • Fixed an issue where the leader for view-based text drawn close to faces drew incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where sketchy edges could appear blurry when using the Maximum Texture size option.
  • Fixed an issue where the face selection highlight did not display correctly when using the Fade Similar Components option.
  • Fixed an issue where nested section planes did not always cut geometry as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where components in large models degraded to bounding boxes / other display elements dropped out of the model faster on AMD cards than other graphics cards.
  • Fixed an issue where materials incorrectly displayed as transparent when material transparency was off and x-ray was on.
  • Fixed an issue where the ground plane could z-fight with faces when in top view.
  • Fixed an issue where, when turning off section cuts, the foreground image of a matched photo was not always displayed.
  • High DPI / Cursors:
  • Elements in the modeling window (e.g., edges/edges effects, inference icons/linework, selection highlight, the matched photo/texture position grids, the model/component axes, guides, text/dimensions and the component bounding box) are now scaled and should look better on high DPI monitors
  • Select region for edges and general “snapping” is now scaled and should improve selection on high DPI monitors. This will change the way SketchUp “feels” on larger resolution screens or when the display has been scaled in the OS preferences.
  • Updated inference icons graphics including new “Origin” inference icon.
  • Updated Position Texture tool icons.
  • (Win) Fixed issue where tool cursors would not show up when using shortcuts until the mouse was moved with Instructor dialog open.
  • Tools and Inferencing:
  • Added the ability to create guidelines from “On Face” inferences with the Tape Measure Tool.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rectangle tool in which dimensions displayed in the VCB (Measurements toolbar) did not always match the actual dimensions.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rectangle tool where a square or golden section could not be found when there was an active From Point inference.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rotated Rectangle tool where the protractor remained visible when moving the cursor out of the drawing window.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rotated Rectangle tool where an invalid input message was not received when entering invalid input in the VCB (Measurements toolbar) in some specific cases.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rotated Rectangle tool where an invalid input message was displayed when entering the same dimensions in the VCB (Measurements toolbar) after rectangle was drawn.
  • Added Instructor content for Rotated Rectangle to reference click and drag functionality.
  • Fixed an issue with the Circle/Polygon tools in which they could snap to axis inferences that didn't exist when off axis.
  • Fixed an issue with the Circle/Polygon tools in which they seemed to disappear during drawing and couldn't be completed when the radius was aligned with the axis normal to the circle/polygon.
  • Added error checking when entering number of segments in the VCB (Measurements toolbar) for Arcs/Circles/Polygons.
  • Removed the visual cues (endpoints and center) for Arcs/Circles/Polygons at small pixel views. Zoom in to see the cues if they are not visible.
  • Fixed an issue where an arrow key axis constraint was not released as expected if the last visited edge was outside the locked plan for protractor based tools.
  • Fixed an issue with protractor based tools where the locked/unlocked plane tooltip would continue to show and highlighting would not reset after pressing escape.
  • Fixed an issue where a parallel inference was lost after escaping out of Arc, Pie, and Move tools.
  • Fixed an issue where the Line, Tape Measure, and Move tools would lock a direction using arrow keys before first click.
  • Fixed an issue with the Move tool in which the angle value in the VCB (Measurements toolbar) did not always update appropriately when rotating with the Move tool while on an inference.
  • Added ability to inference original selection set when using rotate/copy.
  • Fixed an issue where an inference remained locked when panning followed by orbiting after having released shift.
  • Fixed an issue with the Scale tool in which Reset Scale did not redraw the scale boundaries correctly.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the 2 Point Arc in which it would incorrectly highlight magenta when constrained with an axis arrow key after second click.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the 3 Point Arc in which the line connecting the endpoints would lose axis coloring if the arc was a quarter, half, or three quarter circle.
  • Updated the VCB (Measurements toolbar) label for the Move tool from “Length” to “Distance” to more accurately describe the action.
  • Standardized references to shift in Instructor content for protractor/plane based tools.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue with Rotated Rectangle in which it could snap to an angle that was one degree off of what was expected.
  • Groups, Components and Solid Tools:
  • Updated labels for Components/Groups in Entity Info (“Name” changed to “Instance”) and Create Component Dialog (“Name” changed to “Definition”) for added clarity.
  • Group Instance name is populated as the Component Definition in the create component dialog when converting a group to a component.
  • Revised message when editing or reloading a component with locked instances to clarify what will occur.
  • Fixed an issue in which the file name could be truncated when trying to reload a component that was previously imported or downloaded from 3D Warehouse.
  • Added ability to modify one instance of a component with Solid Tools and have all instances reflect that change by leveraging the updated group to component workflow. After modifying with a Solid Tool, right click and select Make Component, choose the definition name to be overwritten and this will then replace all instances of the component.
  • Add Location:
  • Fixed an issue where Add Location buttons could overlap each other.
  • Fixed an issue where the Add Location dialog could display poorly at high DPI.
  • Fixed the Add Location window from resizing when grabbing consecutive locations.
  • Licensing:
  • Fixed the error message that was displayed for expired private network licenses.
  • Fixed an issue in which a license was unable to be activated if there was an ë character in the username.
  • Updated the message seen when launching SketchUp with all of the network license seats in use.
  • Updated the message seen when launching SketchUp while offline with a network license.
  • Updated the message seen when an offline checked out network license has expired.
  • Updated the message seen when trying to check out a network license that has no checkout days associated with the license.
  • Mac Improvements:
  • (Mac) Added the ability to toggle the scroll direction for zooming. This option is available under the new “Compatibility” pane in SketchUp Preferences.
  • (Mac) Added the ability to show model previews in Finder.
  • (Mac) Added ⌘, shortcut to display SketchUp Preferences.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Improved performance of move/copy operation with multiple copies of a component.
  • Made a change in which a modified style that has not yet been updated will revert to the original style when switching scenes or clicking on the same scene.
  • Changed the default value in the warning message you see when adding a new style to “Save as a new style”.
  • Fixed an issue with the Components and Scenes dialog in which the list views did not resize properly when the dialogs were resized.
  • Fixed an issue where long layer names did not display when in the Layers toolbar.
  • Added a Persistent ID validation to the validity check to check for duplicate or missing Persistent IDs.
  • Potentially fixed an issue where, on a few configurations, saving a model caused a hang which could only be fixed by running a special registry script.
  • Darkened the Instructor text to make it easier to read.
  • Fixed an issue where non-Administrator users could not save templates.
  • Improved error message when trying to import a model into itself.
  • Added an error message when attempting to reload a higher version component and revised the message when attempting to import a higher version file.
  • Fixed an issue where file paths with Unicode characters could not be exported/imported via Preferences > Files.
  • Fixed an issue in which animation exports were skipping section plane animations.
  • Fixed an issue in which the length of an ellipse or a copied ellipse was reported incorrectly.
  • Removed Endpoints and Extension edge settings from the Architectural Design Style.
  • Fixed a typo in the Interior and Production Design template descriptions.
  • Removed an unused “Material1” from the 3D Printing templates.
  • Updated our Welcome dialog and product images.
  • Improved an issue where SketchUp would incorrectly display offline Learn tab content when online.
  • Added a Polish build.
  • Fixed a number of translation and truncation errors in localized builds.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where snappy dialog containing Entity Info could break apart when selecting entities or could show a gap when switching between documents.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where the desktop would switch unexpectedly when using multiple desktops.
  • (Mac) Moved the “Component/Group Highlighting” bounding box option to the new “Compatibility” pane in SketchUp Preferences for consistency with Windows.
  • (Mac) Fixed issue in which SketchUp would overwrite a read only file on save. A warning message now appears when attempting to save a read only file.
  • (Mac) Added file locking so that if a file is open and then an attempt is made to open it in a separate session or version of SketchUp on the same machine, a message will pop up indicating it will open as Read Only.
  • (Mac) Fixed an inconsistency in the Choose Watermark dialog text.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where SketchUp did not show user created material folder if they were named the same as our standard material folders.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which a material could be replaced unexpectedly when in edit mode and selecting a different In Model material.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where the icon for the Trim tool was incorrect.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where SketchUp could get confused when moving your cursor between two open models while drawing.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where fonts printed larger when Vector Printing was selected.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where a material's HSB values were not refreshed to show the values for the material being edited.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where the Preferences dialog could disappear behind the SketchUp drawing window when clicking in the drawing window.
  • (Mac - Sierra) Fixed an issue in which a crash message appeared when toggling section planes or section cuts from the View menu.
  • (Mac - Sierra) Fixed an issue in which you could see duplicate icons in the dock when launching SU and File > Send to Layout was grayed out.

New in SketchUp Pro 16.1.2418 (Sep 22, 2016)

  • Fixed a crash which occurred when closing a tab in full-screen mode.
  • Fixed some resources in SketchUp which didn’t display as translated.

New in SketchUp Pro 16.1.1451 (Mar 1, 2016)

  • Stability:
  • Fixed a crash when saving a model after importing a .dwg file that had a component definition name the same as one already in the model.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when auto-folding certain geometry and using an arrow key to lock direction.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a new file or switching documents while in the middle of some operations (including importing a 2d image, viewing an image igloo, or using the Dimensions/Text tool).
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that occurred by deleting an in model component’s definition name or description via the Components browser dialog.
  • Tools & Inferencing:
  • Fixed an issue where SketchUp was incorrectly parsing negative lengths for specific formats such as feet and inches (e.g. -2’ 8”) and fractional (e.g. -15 1/2”) when entered in the VCB (Measurements toolbar) or the Ruby Console.
  • Removed Shift + Press Alt (Win) and Shift + Press Command (Mac) functionality from Rotate and Protractor tools which freed the center of the protractor. Shift + Alt functionality clashes with the Windows shortcut default setting that changes keyboard language on Windows if multiple languages are installed. The down arrow key provides the same functionality.
  • Fixed an issue with the Protractor and Rotate tools in which the protractor jumped to the corner of the screen when making multiple slope entries in the VCB (Measurements toolbar).
  • Updated the Section Plane tool so it is colored based on the axis it is normal to when being placed (for consistency with other tools). Also, added a tooltip to indicate “Unlocked plane” or “Locked plane”.
  • Added ability to Circle/Polygon tools to use Shift to lock through different point inferences (including endpoints, midpoints, arc centers, and guide points).
  • Fixed an issue with Arc, Pie, Circle, and Polygon tools in which the tool could remain locked to a plane after releasing Shift with the down arrow key active.
  • Fixed some cosmetic issues with several tools in which the drawing line could be incorrectly colored when locked with the down arrow key.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with surface based tools in which the tool cursor could be incorrectly colored when locking with an arrow key and parallel to an axis plane.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with several surface based tools in which the tool highlighted in magenta when pressing Shift to lock normal to an axis.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which you couldn’t update two consecutive arcs/pies/circles/polygons with the same number of segments in Entity Info.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where arc/pie/circle/polygon segments temporarily updated to 0 or last valid entry in Entity Info when an invalid entry was made.
  • Localization:
  • Fixed an issue where the "Use Image As" text was not translated for our localized builds.
  • Fixed missing carousel arrows on our Spanish version of the Learn tab.
  • Fixed several German translation issues on our About dialog.
  • Fixed the German translation of ‘Knowledge Center’.
  • Various other translation quality fixes.
  • General fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where Ruby extensions fail to load / gave errors on launch if you have certain non-English characters in your Ruby path (which can occur if your Windows user name has certain non-English characters). If you’re still seeing an error with the Trimble Connect extension, please update that extension in the Extension Warehouse.
  • Fixed our Updater Service so that the user is notified at a more appropriate frequency.
  • Fixed issue where cameras were not being exported in the Collada exporter.
  • Fixed an issue where temp files were not removed when exporting a 3D model.
  • Fixed an issue where the text "This is a very long string. How long do we want?" could show up in the status bar on launch under rare circumstances.
  • (Mac - El Capitan) Fixed an issue where Toolbars containing dropdown arrows got misaligned when accessing the Customize Toolbar dialog.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which a component could no longer be replaced if it had the same name as another component.
  • (Mac) Fixed the ‘SketchUp License Agreement’ link on the About SketchUp dialog.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in which BugSplat technical support responses were not being displayed.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where adding 3D Text created an “unreferenced fonts” validity error.
  • Fixes/Improvements:
  • (Mac) Inserted pdfs will no longer be influenced by the image compression setting while exporting a document to pdf. Thus, your inserted pdf images will remain sharp even if you use heavy compression when exporting to pdf.
  • We made changes to prevent drawing pattern fills for single-segmented lines. This may prevent some memory related crashes.
  • We added check marks in the Move to Layer context menu next to any layers that the selection set currently has entities on.
  • Fixed an issue where LayOut was incorrectly parsing negative lengths for specific formats such as feet and inches (e.g. -2’ 8”) and fractional (e.g. -15 1/2”) when entered in the VCB (Measurements toolbar).
  • Fixes/Improvements:
  • (Mac) Fixed issue where custom image importers were not being honored.
  • Fixed issue where Sketchup.require/load fails to indicate a load failure.
  • Fixed issue where load_on_start was not being honored on extensions that were manually placed within the Plugins folder.
  • Fixed issue where extensions fail to load / gave errors on launch if you have certain non-English characters in your Ruby path (which can occur if your Windows user name has certain non-English characters). If you’re still seeing an error with the Trimble Connect extension, please update that extension in the Extension Warehouse.
  • Fixed issue where the Trimble Connect Extension fails to load due to an invalid byte sequence error. Users will need to update to SketchUp 2016 M1 and update the Trimble Connect Extension to version 1.1.1 (via the Extension Warehouse) to see this change.
  • Fixed issue where unchecking an Extension within the Extensions dialog did not change the appearance of the checkbox.
  • Fixed issue where the Extension Status dialog incorrectly stated a user was under the "Identified Extensions Only" policy.
  • Updated dialog content for extensions that were installed but not loaded. The dialog now clearly states that the user must load the extension in order to use it.
  • Fixed issue where an extra dialog appeared on startup when loading an uncertified extension that was previously certified.
  • (Mac) Fixed issue where exporter progress dialog had the incorrect title of 'Import progress.
  • Fixed issue where the language handler treated all double slashes (//) as comments.
  • (Mac) Fixed issue where the 'Uncertified Extension detected' dialog did not appear when installing an extension through the Preferences dialog.
  • Prevent the unsigned extension dialog from appearing unless the number of unsigned and loaded extensions has changed.
  • On startup, only extensions.rb, langhandler.rb and sketchup.rb will be loaded from the Tools directory.
  • On startup, users will be prompted if any of the following files have been modified since being digitally signed: extensions.rb, langhandler.rb and sketchup.rb.
  • Modified the Ruby file loading priority to be .rbe, .rbs then .rb.
  • Fixed issue where extensions installed in the Plugins directory were not respecting the load_on_start value.
  • Added Sketchup::RegionalSettings.decimal_separator
  • Added Sketchup::RegionalSettings.list_separator

New in SketchUp Pro 16.0.19913 (Nov 18, 2015)

  • Trimble Connect:
  • Trimble Connect is a new way to store, sync, reference, share, and collaborate on design/build projects. Once you've signed up then start uploading .skp, .pdf, .dxf, .ifc. files. If you already have an account for 3D Warehouse or Extension Warehouse, we recommend that you use the same login (email) when creating a Trimble Connect Account. Trimble Connect allows users to publish, open, import reference files and update SKPs from Trimble Connect project folders. As you’re modeling you can even pull in and update reference SketchUp models as if they were locally hosted components. To learn more about Trimble Connect read this article.
  • Reload Components with 3D Warehouse models:
  • In SketchUp 2016, a context click on a component gives you the opportunity to reload (or swap out) a new component directly from 3D Warehouse. This action will reload every instance of that component in your model (similar to the same action in the Components dialog), so it’s a helpful method for working with proxy models. And if your component was downloaded from 3D Warehouse, you can also use the context-click to quickly access its 3DWH details page.
  • Generate Report 2.0:
  • The new Generate Report feature allows you to choose which attributes are exported (including a new attribute for capturing quantities), assign an order for the columns in your report, and specify a units format. You can even save your formatted report as a reporting template, to speed the process of re-running the same reports as the design changes.
  • Enhanced inferencing and tool improvements:
  • Learning and utilizing SketchUp’s inference engine makes for fast and precise modeling. In this release, we’ve oiled that engine to provide slicker inferencing and locking across the board. This improvement is actually an entire set of smart tweaks we’ve made to inferencing and locking. Here’s a brief description of what’s new::
  • Improved Parallel and Perpendicular Inferences: We’ve improved parallel and perpendicular inference display along with the ability to force the last referenced edge or plane (depending on tool) with the down arrow. This is particularly handy for drawing extending edges on off-axis planes. Now when you are using the parallel and perpendicular inferences, sketchUp will highlight in magenta, the entity which direction is based off of. Also keep an eye out for the new “Extend Edge” tooltip with magenta highlighting when extending lines with the pencil tool.
  • Expanded Arrow Key locking: More tools now allow the use of arrow keys to quickly lock to a direction or plane. Each arrow key corresponds to a lockable color. Right = Red, Left = Green, Up = Blue, Down = Magenta. Additionally, you can now lock normals or rotation axis or surface normals prior to first click for tools that leverage a protractor or create a surface. These tools include Arc/Pie, Rotated Rectangle, Rotation, Protractor, Polygon, Circle and the Section Plane tool.
  • Arc/circle: SketchUp will now easily inference circle and arc centers. While we were at it, we improved SketchUp’s ability to visualize arc endpoints. Another bonus, you can now change the number of segments using new modifier keys (check out the status bar right after you’ve drawn an arc/circle).
  • Axes tool flexibility: A small but useful change: when changing axes orientation, you can now toggle through the exact axes you’d like to pick first using the Alt (PC)/Command (Mac) modifier.
  • Inference hidden, active section planes: SketchUp will now recognize intersection points with hidden section planes. This functionality extends to snapping to elements of a SketchUp model in LayOut too: pay attention for a new inference tip “Intersection with Hidden Section.”:
  • Miscellaneous improvements: We’ve also tweaked the Move, Protractor, Offset, and Rotate tools with miscellaneous improvements to improve usability and close up a few loose ends. Additional improvements are identified in the “Tools” and “Inferencing” sections below.
  • Customizeable Utility Trays on Windows:
  • On Windows machines, we’ve re-worked SketchUp’s floating utility dialogs (Styles, Scenes, Components, etc.) so that they neatly stack inside customizable, completely collapsible trays. This functionality also allows you to group dialogs that you may often use at the same time, and is incredibly useful for hiding, browsing, and revealing your go-to utilities.
  • Refreshed Textures:
  • Textures make your models pop off the screen (and the page). In this release, we’ve reworked our default material libraries, adding contemporary textures and entirely new categories.
  • Support for High DPI Graphics:
  • We’re now rendering all of SketchUp, LayOut, and Style Builder toolbar and cursor icons from vector graphics. This means they will scale well for a variety of resolution settings, with a much cleaner look and better sized icons on High DPI screens in particular.
  • Extensions Loading Policy:
  • SketchUp now has three different Extension policies you can select that affect what extensions can and cannot be loaded when SketchUp starts. Starting with SketchUp 2016, Registered Extension Developers can claim their software by signing it digitally, saying “I made this”, but in a secure coded format. The three extension loading modes correspond to this digital signature that Registered Extension Developers add to their extension.
  • “Identified Extensions Only” mode means that SketchUp will only load extensions that have been signed by one of our Registered Developers.
  • “Approve Unidentified Extensions” will load all signed extensions, and pop up an approval dialog window on startup that that lets you manually select which unsigned extensions you would like to load.
  • “Unrestricted” mode will load all extensions, signed or unsigned. You can use this mode to continue to load old extensions that have not yet been signed by their author.
  • Visit the Help Center article for more information.
  • Welcome Dialog Refresh:
  • We’ve given our Welcome Dialog a refresh for SketchUp 2016. Everything works mostly the same, but we’re happy to say that the “Start SketchUp” button is bigger than ever!
  • Knowledge Center Update:
  • Our Knowledge Center has been rewritten and redesigned for this release. Content is now organized in a hierarchy of “books” that focuses on learning SketchUp’s tools in the context of using SketchUp.
  • Support for El Capitan and Windows 10:
  • Our QA team has smashed and banged on these new operating systems enough to say that SketchUp 2016 is fully compatible with Apple’s El Capitan and Microsoft’s Windows 10.
  • In addition to the above, we’ve been heads down fixing bugs and adding some smaller features:
  • Stability:
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when importing an image into a model that had a corrupt image (0x0 size).
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when auto-folding certain geometry.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when copy/pasting geometry or closing models. This crash is caused by component instances that have bad definitions. We added a validity check to catch and repair this condition, so if you are crashing, especially on copy/paste, please go to Model Info > Statistics > Fix Problems to see if SketchUp finds and fixes an issue related to component instances.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when downloading a model from the 3D Warehouse by clicking on buttons rapidly.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when moving geometry and toggling auto-fold.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing arc segments in Entity Info. Added a new message to indicate if the number of segments is too large for a given angle and radius when changing arc segments in Entity Info.
  • Fixed a specific case in which a file could not be saved or fixed with a validity check related to a bad component. This led to a crash when closing the file.
  • Added a validity check to detect and fix components that have duplicate definition names (which can cause bugs/crashes when doing other things in SketchUp).
  • Many “under the hood” changes to resolve warnings and improve product stability.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that could occur when closing a file in SketchUp Viewer.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing the pasting of certain components.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that could occur when opening and closing multiple large models.
  • (Mac) Fixed a hang that occur when closing the “Warning - Scenes and Styles” dialog.
  • Performance:
  • Improved the performance of Stamp and Drape and other operations where geometry is intersected.
  • Improved the performance of erasing entities within groups in large models.
  • Improved the performance of undoing changes to geometry.
  • Trimble Connect:
  • Located underneath the File menu on both Windows and Mac.
  • Requires use of a Google account to access Trimble Connect (either a Gmail account or an email associated with Google will work).
  • Generate Report 2.0 (New!):
  • The Metric system is now supported.
  • The ability to choose and order the report columns has been added.
  • One or more reports can now be saved with a model as a template for future use. Templates can also be duplicated and edited as needed.
  • The ability to filter based on component levels has been added.
  • Notes::
  • Generate Report is a Pro only feature.
  • You must be online for the new version of Generate Report to work. Offline users will see the older version
  • Users with Internet Explorer 8 Installed will see the older version of Generate Report. Upgrade IE to version 9 or newer for best results.
  • 3D Warehouse:
  • Made the following UI changes:
  • Added a Window > 3D Warehouse menu item.
  • Renamed the *Get Models* button to *3D Warehouse”.
  • Added a new “3D Warehouse” component context sub-menu.
  • Moved the “Share Component” menu item to be under the new “3D Warehouse” component context sub-menu.
  • Fixed an issue where Unicode characters were not always maintained/404 errors were issued when downloading models with Unicode definition names/file names from 3D Warehouse.
  • Fixed an issue where an uploaded model could get out of sync with the model saved to disk - we now require that a model be saved before uploading.
  • Made the following set of changes to retain a component’s definition name and original filename when uploading and downloading models from 3D Warehouse and when importing and exporting components locally:
  • When downloading components from 3D Warehouse, SketchUp now retains the component’s original definition name and description (if defined) vs using the model’s 3D Warehouse title and description.
  • Changed SketchUp to remember the definition name of components on import vs overwriting the definition name with the component’s filename.
  • Added a Name field to Model Info > File to allow a user to directly specify the model’s name which will become the component’s definition name if that model is inserted as a component from 3D Warehouse or directly imported as a component.
  • When using the context Save As menu to save a component, SketchUp suggests the component’s original filename (if known) vs suggesting the component’s definition name.
  • Added the ability to upload the current model via the Upload Model command that is visible within the 3D Warehouse dialog (Window > 3D Warehouse > User menu).
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where a suffix could be appended to the definition name of downloaded components.
  • Tools:
  • Fixed an issue with the 2 Point Arc tool in which an arc endpoint could be misplaced when drawing in small dimensions. An excess line was created.
  • Fixed an issue where the edges were not removed when creating a fillet if the arc endpoint ended on another endpoint.
  • Fixed an issue where Arc and Pie detent radius tooltips were only displayed when parallel to an axis.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the Arc and Pie tool drawing lines were hard-coded black and not using colors style-specific colors.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue in which the Rotated Rectangle, Arc, and Pie cursors were not updating based on clicks or typing values in the VCB (Measurements toolbar).
  • Fixed an issue where the Rotated Rectangle protractor was not displayed with dotted lines when on a back edge.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the Rotated Rectangle tool where a line could remain while locking to an axis using the arrow keys.
  • Fixed an issue in which an edge could not be directly extended when the edge was too close to an axis line. With this fix, the more you zoom in, the smaller this snapping tolerance becomes allowing you to extend an edge easier and eliminate undesired snapping of edges to axes during tracing.
  • Fixed a crash with the Rotate tool when using Ctrl/Option in between typing in values in the VCB (Measurements toolbar).
  • Updated status bar for Paint Bucket to identify modifier keys for sampling materials.
  • Changed the hotspot for the Eraser tool to be smaller.
  • Fixed an issue where, when performing two offsets with manually selected items, the first offset could be undone.
  • Added new modifier keys to lock just protractor orientation for Rotate and Protractor tools.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing Shift would release a constraint that was locked using an arrow key.
  • Fixed an issue where an invalid input in the VCB (Measurements toolbar) broke the copy mode.
  • Inferencing:
  • Improved consistency across drawing tools with using shift to lock through different point inferences (including endpoints, midpoints, arc centers, and guide points). This functionality is new to several tools.
  • Added inferencing when using the rotation handles within the Move tool.
  • Fixed an issue in which inference points could not always be found with the Move tool for points that were off of the gluing surface for glued groups or components. Expanded the list of inference types that can be found for this case.
  • Fixed an issue in which an incorrect parallel inference was found after undoing a rotation or move.
  • Fixed an issue in which an incorrect parallel inference was found after rotating an edge that was in a group or component.
  • Fixed an issue in which an incorrect parallel/perpendicular inference was found when editing a group or component and inferencing an edge of a rotated group or component.
  • Fixed an issue where Arc and Pie could show a parallel inference for a non-parallel edge.
  • Fixed an issue where the Circle and Polygon tools showed axis inferences when it wasn’t possible.
  • Fixed an issue in which a perpendicular inference couldn’t be found for Circle, Polygon, Rotate, and Protractor if the reference edge wasn’t parallel to the xy plane.
  • Updated protractor-based tools (e.g. Arc, Pie) and Circle/Polygon to ensure consistency with using shift to lock to a plane before first click instead of just locking orientation in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue in which Arc and Pie did not draw in the correct plane when using shift before first click.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rotated Rectangle tool was not showing Intersection, Guide Point, and On Face inferences.
  • Fixed an issue where the Arc and Pie tools were not showing Intersection inferences after first click.
  • Improved inferencing with Protractor tool while outside of a component/group.
  • Fixed an issue where the Center of a Circle could not be found when the Circle was contained within a Group.
  • Added arc segment “Midpoint” inferences and updated the actual arc midpoint to “Arc Midpoint”.
  • Fixed an issue where midpoints on Polygon segments could not be found if Polygon was split by an edge.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rotated Rectangle, Arc, and Pie tools were not always showing From Point inferencing along an axis.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue where the Tape Measure, Rotate, and Protractor lines did not turn magenta when parallel/perpendicular to an edge.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue where a magenta, dotted line was not drawn between the first and third points of a 3 Point Arc when parallel/perpendicular to an edge.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue where the Circle and Polygon radii were not turning bold when locked to an inference using shift.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the 2 Point and 3 Point Arc tools where the drawing line could change appearance when locked using shift.
  • Support for High DPI Graphics:
  • User may see graphics on certain Ruby Extensions that look small or low resolution, as the author for the extension may not have updated their graphics (Vector based graphics) to support High DPI yet.
  • Operating systems: El Capitan & Win 10:
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where importing Classifications was very slow.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where exporting 3D formats took an exorbitant amount of time.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where the original file was not visible in Finder (or on the Desktop) after saving a file a second time.
  • (Mac) Fixed a crash that could occur when closing SketchUp in Full Screen Mode using the Red X or Command+W to close the window.
  • (Mac) Changed SketchUp to now correctly save files with the “staff” group vs the “wheel” group.
  • Fonts / 3D Text:
  • (Mac) The Fonts dialog was refactored to fix the following:
  • Fixed an issue in which a fixed height text size could not be set. The height changes were applied as a font point size change.
  • Fixed an issue in which the height option was not working for Dimensions.
  • Fixed an issue in which 3D Text dialog did not always remember the last used typeface.
  • Fixed an issue in which the 3D Text dialog was resulting in 100% cpu usage while the dialog was open.
  • Provided a more complete fix for a crash on Yosemite when the dialog was opened.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where 3D Text could not be placed after clicking on a component in the Components browser.
  • Entity Info:
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where Entity Info could sometimes get stuck at the top of your display window or be taller than expected.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where Entity Info could grow in size after SketchUp crashed.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue in the Entity Info dialog where the "Text Position" and Endpoints" labels were swapped for linear dimensions.
  • Miscellaneous:
  • We removed the EULA license agreement from the installer. It is now displayed and must be agreed to at first launch by each unique user.
  • Changed SketchUp to display the major version number in the title bar.
  • Created new templates featuring Lisanne, one of our cheerful Customer Support representatives.
  • Fixed an issue where exploding components sometimes unsoftened softened edges.
  • Fixed an issue where hiding dialogs/minimizing SU smoothed/unsmoothed selected geometry.
  • Changed the Create Component dialog to remember what was last checked in the "replace selection with component" check box.
  • Fixed an issue where panning did not work in models with only construction points (e.g. point cloud models).
  • Fixed an issue where a blank component definition name could be added in the Create Component dialog.
  • Changed the section slice DWG exporter to export the model units (vs always exporting inches).
  • Renamed the Geo-location functionality in SketchUp to be more generic including:
  • renaming the location layers to “Location Terrain” and “Location Snapshot”.
  • renaming the “Google” toolbar to “Location”
  • removing the “Preview in Google Earth” button. Note: models can still be previewed in Google Earth by exporting them to the kmz format.
  • Added the ability to extend expiring (single-user) Enterprise licenses without a user needing to re-license SU.
  • Improved parsing of classification schema.
  • Added classification information to Model Info > Statistics.
  • Fixed an issue where the Aspect Ratio value chosen for animation exports was not saved between sessions.
  • Fixed a number of translation and truncation errors in our localized builds.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where textures created on Windows could not be edited via the "Edit Texture Image" context menu.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where the text seen when renaming a scene via right clicking on a scene tab was tiny on Retina displays.
  • (Mac) Fixed an issue where users were able to create duplicate named scenes in the Scenes dialog.
  • (Mac) Renamed the preference that checks for Software Updates in Preferences > General to “Allow checking for updates” to better reflect what the preference does.
  • (Mac) Increased the time interval that SU uses when it does a check to determine if you are online.

New in SketchUp Pro 15.3.329 (Feb 6, 2015)

  • Fixed an issue where the Dynamic Components and Classified badges were not always visible for online models in the Components browser.
  • Fixed an issue where the Component browser was showing an older model version than when downloading the component in a browser.
  • Fixed an issue where a Rotated Rectangle would incorrectly rotate when entering a length/width without an angle.
  • Changed the SketchUp Pro title bar to show trial days remaining when in a trial.
  • Windows: fixed an issue where thumbnails of SketchUp models were not visible in Windows Explorer on some machines.
  • Windows: fixed an issue where links on the Learn tab of the Welcome dialog wouldn’t open in a user’s default browser.
  • Mac: fixed an issue on Yosemite where month abbreviations did not fit in the Shadows dialog.
  • Mac: fixed an issue where Ruby tool icons could turn into an icon of a green zombie when the Ruby extension was removed or disabled.
  • Localization: various fixes for incorrect translations and truncated translations.
  • Fixed a crash with the Push/Pull tool when using the VCB after pushing a face up twice, selecting undo, and then selecting the face.
  • Fixed a crash with the Push/Pull tool in a particular case when double clicking to repeat an operation and using the VCB.
  • Fixed a crash with the Offset tool when using the VCB after offsetting certain faces.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the Move tool when toggling on auto-fold during a copy.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting certain models with text to an animation.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting certain models with different style changes between scenes to an animation.
  • Fixed a crash when drawing lines connecting vertices in extremely large geometry.
  • Mac: fixed a crash when using Outliner to drag a component into another component which has subcomponents and is not yet expanded.
  • Mac: fixed a crash when switching to another application during an animation export.
  • Windows: fixed a crash that could occur on some machines when using Windows Explorer to view SketchUp models.
  • Windows: fixed a crash that could occur in certain complex models when exporting to .3ds, .obj, .xsi, or vrml file types.
  • Windows: fixed a crash when inserting certain components, undoing the insert, and pressing Escape while trying to drag/drop the component again.
  • IFC: added the ability to export transparent materials.
  • IFC: added the ability to export geometry that was classified as IfcSite, IfcBuilding, or IfcBuildingStorey.
  • Fixed a bug on Windows related to particular fonts of symbol character sets (as opposed to ANSI) not properly rendering. We updated a text library to add support for symbol character sets, e.g., Flux Architect.
  • Fixed a bug with exploding labels and dimensions, where auto-text wouldn't work anymore after undoing the explode.
  • We put in a fix that changes the horizontal constrainment behavior of the label leader. The label tool will now constrain the second leader line to horizontal. Previously, the user needed to hold Shift to constrain to horizontal.
  • Fixed a dwg export issue that would cause some templates to export with a landscape orientation when portrait was expected and vice versa.
  • Fixed a bug where window restoration would interfere with LayOut's ability to show the recovered files at launch after a crash.
  • Fixed a Yosemite bug where LO's font panel accessory view wouldn't be correctly initialized when the font panel was restored (if previously open when LO quit).
  • Fixed a bad German translation for the text that appears in the delete layers dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the version number from showing in the About dialog for some localized versions of Style Builder.
  • Mac only: Fixed a bug that caused scrapbooks to save to the app bundle instead of the users’ application support directory or any custom directory.

New in SketchUp Pro 15.2.686 (Dec 19, 2014)

  • Fixes/Improvements:
  • Fixed a crash that occurred at program startup on some computers.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while exporting certain complex models.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing the number of segments in a circle or polygon.
  • Fixed an issue that caused SketchUp Make to launch with a “SketchUp Pro is expired” dialog on some computers.
  • Fixed an issue where escaping from the Classifier tool resulted in no tool being active.
  • Added all currently supported IFC export Types to the IFC exporter Options dialog.
  • Fixed an issue where certain labels on the Welcome dialog could temporarily be blank after entering a license.
  • Mac: fixed an issue where SketchUp could lag when switching from a document that has lots of scenes to a different document with few or no scenes.
  • Fixes/Improvements:
  • Windows: fixed an issue where the gray text could go missing in the label attribute picker.
  • Fixed the issue that was causing the left align button icon to include the tool text when dragged to a toolbar (customizing toolbars).
  • Windows: fixed a rare crash in LayOut that would occur during the close process.
  • Fixed a rare crash due to a problem within the text inspector when LayOut launches.

New in SketchUp Pro 15.1.104 (Nov 26, 2014)

  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the flyout picker button would disappear on Mac as you typed custom text.

New in SketchUp Pro 15.0.9349 (Nov 4, 2014)

  • Improved the Polygon tool to allow the creation of both circumscribed and inscribed polygons via a modifier key (Ctrl on Microsoft Windows, Option on Mac OS X).
  • Added the ability to delete all in model materials.
  • We renamed the Plugins menu to Extensions to be more inline with our current naming conventions. This should not break existing plugins. Adding a menu item to the Plugins menu will still work, but that menu item will be added to the Extensions menu instead.
  • Fixed an issue where DWG/DXF files imported into other applications were scaled incorrectly if SketchUp and the other application were not using inches.
  • Fixed an issue where Intersect with Selection would fail when it should have worked.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause glued components to move when moving other model geometry.
  • Fixed an issue where Guide lines could fail to display or could display incorrectly in some models.
  • Fixed an issue where the Axes tool could fail to display in some scenes.
  • Improved the error message you see when a component created in a newer version of SketchUp is imported into an older version of SketchUp.
  • Fixed an issue where Entity Info could display incorrect information when components and groups are selected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused ground shadows for profile edges to sometimes draw incorrectly.
  • Fixed the Measurements toolbar to no longer cut off labels.
  • Changed Entity Info to report the correct value for a polygon perimeter.
  • Mac: Added the ability to export animations using the Theora codec.
  • Mac: Fixed an issue that caused the BugSplat dialog to not be displayed on some machines.
  • Mac: Fixed an issue where icons for Ruby commands on the main toolbar were not visible until clicking File > New.
  • Mac: Fixed an issue where the incorrect scene tab could be highlighted when using the Scenes dialog to select a scene whose scene tab is not visible.
  • Mac: Changed the Styles dialog to disable Back Edges when Edges are unchecked and to disable Depth Cue, Extensions, Endpoints, and Jitter when Profiles are unchecked.
  • Mac: Fixed an issue where you could create blank layers when working in the Layers toolbar.
  • Mac: Fixed an issue where duplicate styles could be created when saving new styles.
  • Mac: Fixed a bug where the Restore Defaults button for animation export was not restoring all defaults.
  • Mac: Fixed an issue where the files that are shown as available for import were incorrect when switching between import formats.
  • Fixed an issue where move/copy could be very slow when copying geometry.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some models, the Edit menu displayed slowly.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some models, performance could drop after clicking Model Info > Statistics.
  • Improved the performance of Model Info > Statistics which previously could lag when viewing statistics for large models.
  • Fixed a long-standing crash that could happen when stamping and draping entities.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing Arc segments.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when dividing a circle and push pulling it.
  • Mac: Fixed a very frequent image-related crash that could occur when working in models (many different actions triggered it).
  • Changed the Arc tools to more easily create fillets
  • Dragging out an arc from an edge now shows a tangent arc (colored blue) vs a dotted line.
  • Double clicking when the fillet turns magenta completes the fillet.
  • Double clicking on a face near a vertex connecting two edges automatically creates a fillet with the last used radius, allowing you to quickly fillet multiple corners with the same radius.
  • Arc and Pie tools: Added the ability to click-drag on the first click, allowing the setting of the protractors plane.
  • Arc and Pie tools: Added the ability, after the first click, to inference another object and lock that inference.
  • Arc and Pie tools: Added the ability, when defining the second arc point, to find the intersection between the arc being drawn and an extension from an existing line that intersects it.
  • Arc and Pie tools: Changed the tools to display a full protractor on tool activation.
  • 2 Point Arc tool: Added the ability to enter circle sides.
  • Arc tools: Fixed a bug where the Measurements toolbar label could be wrong when entering multiple values.
  • Mac OS X 10.10:
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when using the Fonts dialog.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when hiding components via the Outliner.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an "atos needs to take control" message to pop up when SketchUp crashed.
  • Fixed an issue where Ruby tool icons were not displayed in the main toolbar when relaunching SketchUp.
  • Fixed a bug where the Instructor dialog failed to close unless it was minimized.
  • Made it easier to erase Types from objects via adding a modifier key that puts the Classifier tool into erase mode.
  • Fixed an issue where copy/pasting a component several times could cause duplicated GUIDS (used by the IFC exporter).
  • Added the ability to import classification systems with circular dependencies.
  • Type data is now sorted alphabetically.
  • Added the ability to undo some actions that were missing (e.g. setting the active Type, importing a classification system and deleting a classification system).
  • Changed the Classifications panel to allow deleting only one classification system at a time to fix several issues related to deleting multiple, simultaneous classifications.
  • Mac: Fixed an issue where schema names could temporarily disappear from Model Info when copy/pasting a classified component.
  • Various fixes to address incorrect and missing translations.
  • Made a change to no longer translate “Extension Warehouse” and “3D Warehouse”.
  • In order to support the Trimble Vision Technology Integration feature listed above, we made the following enhancements:
  • Added a Photo Point tool on the Match Photo dialog that allows the picking of a point you are trying to locate which will cast a Guide line from the eye through a Matched photo. Once cast, the point you clicked on can be found in 3D by picking along the Guide line in another Matched Photo scene.
  • Enhanced the Image Igloo tool to better handle V10 image data, including adding new modifier keys for navigating between the model’s images.
  • Enhanced the warning message you see when editing an API-created Matched Photo scene.
  • Prevented vanishing points from being created when editing an API-created matched Photo scene.
  • Added the ability for users to change the axes location for API-created Matched Photo scenes.
  • Added Instructor content for the Image Igloo tool.
  • Fixed a bug where scene names could fail to display when using the Image Igloo tool.
  • Fixed an issue where documents with metric units and using a tool whose output of a drawing event featured polar coordinates would be wrong by a factor of 25.6 degrees.
  • Fixed a JPEG export issue when a document’s paper size had been changed after it had been started. The image export would not respect the new paper size dimensions.
  • Fixed an issue where Section planes would disappear from the model after entering and exiting 3D edit mode, if the style was set to a modified active style.
  • Fixed Label and Dimension connections to SketchUp models or LayOut elements which weren’t preserved after the following events:
  • Layers were shared.
  • Pages were duplicated.
  • Entities were copy and pasted.
  • Entities were made into scrapbooks and inserted into the document.
  • Mac: Fixed a crash on Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) which would occur while labeling and then switching to another application using Command + Tab.
  • We touched up a few tool icons. These were the New, Open, Save, Print, Paste, and Delete buttons.
  • Mac: Fixed a limitation in Style Builder that would only allow you to choose up to four strokes per set when generating a template.
  • Fixed an issue where commas, which were being used as decimal separators, were not working as such while interacting with the Measurements toolbar.
  • We relaxed the frequency of file I/O by caching scale information. Before, the constant I/O could have lead to a crash.
  • We fine-tuned the vector rendering engine to more accurately detect and eliminate what would have previously been considered “noise” during the render event.
  • Fixed an issue when using hybrid render mode on a SketchUp model and toggling “Preserve Scale on Resize. Resizing would cause the underlying raster image of the model to change but not it’s vector lines.
  • Fixed an issue where LayOut wasn’t respecting the auto-rendering setting after changing from raster to vector/hybrid.
  • Fixed an issue where Profile and Section Cut edge lines would disappear from a model when vector rendered - if edges had been turned off within SketchUp’s Style settings.
  • Fixed Section Cut edge lines that would disappear if rendered in Hybrid mode.
  • LayOut will now load potentially corrupt documents by discarding the corrupted page(s) and load the remaining healthy pages.
  • Fixed an issue where SketchUp components that use the Cut Opening option in Styles were rendering neighboring faces with the wrong color. This only happened when using Vector rendering.

New in SketchUp Pro 14.1.1283 (Jun 9, 2014)

  • General:
  • Fixed the File > Generate Report functionality which was failing to generate a report.
  • Note: if you are installing SketchUp 2014 M1 over a previous version of SketchUp 2014, you will need to go to the Extension Warehouse and update the Dynamic Components extension to receive this fix. If you are installing SketchUp 2014 M1 for the first time, no further action is needed.
  • Fixed a "Callback function" error that could occur when a single non-component (or non-group) entity was selected and Component Options dialog was opened.
  • Fixed the Component Browser search box to no longer show the text "Is:downloadable" when paging through search results.
  • Fixed an issue where shadows did not update properly when switching between scenes in models where scene transitions were turned off and the "Shadow setting" Property to Save was unchecked.
  • Changed the status bar text for the Paint tool to fix some text that was incorrect.
  • Mac: fixed an issue where Photo Texturing could fail after uploading a model to the 3d Warehouse.
  • Note: if you are installing SketchUp 2014 M1 over a previous version of SketchUp 2014, you will need to go to the Extension Warehouse and update the Photo Textures extension to receive this fix. If you are installing SketchUp 2014 M1 for the first time, no further action is needed.
  • Mac: fixed an issue where dropdown toolbar icons could sometimes disappear, leaving only arrows.
  • Mac: updated the Advanced Camera Tools so that the + and - keys work again.
  • Note: if you are installing SketchUp 2014 M1 over a previous version of SketchUp 2014, you will need to go to the Extension Warehouse and update the Advanced Camera Tool extension to receive this fix. If you are installing SketchUp 2014 M1 for the first time, no further action is needed.
  • Classifier:
  • Added the ability to import classification systems that reference external files.
  • Fixed the filter box to accurately find Type information when searching on a keyword that matches the classification system name.
  • Added an error message when importing classification systems that have circular dependencies (which are currently not supported).
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate attributes could be seen when importing certain classification systems.
  • Relaxed the strict format requirements for the "created" and "modified" date fields in the documentProperties.xml file within the SKC format.
  • Mac: fixed a crash that occurred when filtering on a keyword and toggling simplification in models with multiple classification systems.
  • Mac: fixed an issue where the IFC Options Cancel button didn't cancel changes made to the options.
  • Localization:
  • Unicode languages: fixed a very common crash that could occur when saving some models with validity errors.
  • Made numerous fixes for incorrect translations.
  • Ruby:
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when exporting an animation while any Ruby tool was active.
  • Fixed an EntityObserver crash in onEraseEntity that could occur if the observer removed itself.
  • Fixed a bug in ViewObserver which caused observer methods to not fire properly in certain rare cases. This occurred when an observer was being removed and a new one being added within the same notification loop of another event.
  • Fixed an issue where launching SketchUp by double-clicking a skp file on another drive would corrupt $LOAD_PATH and render the Standard Library inaccessible. This bug caused many people to run into plugin loading problems if they were opening files located on drives other than their "C:" drive.
  • Fixed a bug on Windows where plugins would not load if the user name contained single quotes.
  • Fixed a regression in Face.position_material. Under SketchUp 2014.0.4900 a (caught) exception generated by a failed Face.position_material call appears to cause SketchUp to unwind everything back to the last Model.start_operation.
  • Fixed a ruby unicode issue where ruby could not require .so files from unicode paths.
  • Added support to SketchUp Mac to load SURubyDebugger.dylib. Developers can now use our debugger on Mac. Installation information will eventually make it to our github repo once we go live with the M1 release.
  • Fixed an issue where the LayersObserver would cause SketchUp to crash when the user would do an undo then a redo.
  • SDK:
  • Mac: changed the deprecated SDK (SkpReader) to be able to read SketchUp 2014 files.
  • SketchUp Viewer:
  • Mac: fixed an issue that caused SketchUp Viewer to crash when launching it on a machine where SketchUp was not installed.
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Mac: Model surfaces containing "cut opening" components would sometimes disappear when vector or hybrid rendered, revealing linework that should have otherwise been hidden.
  • Mac: LayOut would freeze or crash during a vector or hybrid render of certain models and has been resolved.

New in SketchUp Pro 14.0.4899 (Mar 20, 2014)

  • General:
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading models with invalid match photo images.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening models containing images with certain Exif data on them.
  • Fixed an issue where certain models with large textures and nicer transparency could become unusable after toggling x-ray mode off and on.
  • Fixed an issue where SketchUp could appear to hang after switching between a scene with no transparency and one with nicer transparency.
  • Fixed the Layers toolbar to perform a case-insensitive sort when sorting layers.
  • Fixed an issue where 64-bit 4 x 16-bit RGBA alpha images displayed opaque.
  • Fixed an issue where artifacts could be seen when holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse rapidly with the Select tool active.
  • Fixed an issue where drag selection did not always work properly after doing a triple-click select.
  • Changed the units display of areas and volumes to now follow ISO conventions - e.g., we now display 100 mm2 vs 100 Millimeters2
  • Added better error reporting when entering the wrong type of license to SketchUp.
  • Changed the Text tool to report the xyz coordinate location when adding text to construction points.
  • Windows: fixed a common crash that could occur when opening certain models with large images on XP.
  • Windows: fixed an issue where thumbnail images in the Component Options dialog did not display for standard, non-admin users.
  • Windows: fixed an issue where cancelling from saving a file with the "File > Save As" menu resulted in a failure to prompt you to save unfinished work.
  • Windows: fixed an issue where material (*.skm) files saved on Windows would not display material thumbnails on the Mac.
  • Mac: fixed an issue where in model materials were not visible until opening or creating a model.
  • Mac: fixed an issue where the Layers toolbar did not change the current layer.
  • Mac: fixed Photo Textures to accurately grab textures on Retina displays.
  • User Interface:
  • Added, to the Getting Started toolbar, new drop down toolbars that group together tool sets.
  • Changed the Draw menu to group certain tool sets together.
  • Changed the Large Tool Set on the PC to be fixed at 2 columns and to dock vertically.
  • Fixed a bug where the status bar was not showing text when hovering over a menu or toolbar.
  • Changed the "Zoom Extents" context menu to "Zoom to Selected" to more accurately describe what it does.
  • Mac: fixed a Mavericks-specific bug where snappy dialogs don't stay together when they are collapsed/expanded.
  • Mac: fixed an issue where SketchUp would not remember that Ruby toolbars were opened.
  • Mac: fixed a case where a snappy dialog stack containing the Styles dialog could break apart when being expanded/collapsed.
  • Mac: added a warning message when deleting a scene via the scene context menu.
  • Windows: increased the size of the face style buttons in the Styles browser.
  • Exporters and Importers:
  • We updated the DWG libraries to support AutoCAD 2013.
  • Fixed an issue with the DWG importer where some arcs could import inverted/displaced.
  • Fixed an issue where some *.kmz files failed to import into SketchUp.
  • Mac: DWG import now imports solid, region and body entities!
  • Mac: fixed animation export to work when specifying a custom frame size.
  • Windows: fixed EPS export to work and no longer create blank files.
  • Windows: fixed mp4 animation export to no longer drop frames right before the video pauses on each scene.
  • Windows: fixed an issue where you saw an "Unable to create video file" error when exporting animations to the mp4 format with certain custom settings.
  • Shadows:
  • Hidden geometry made visible via View > Hidden geometry used to incorrectly cast a shadow. With SU 2014, it no longer casts shadows.
  • Fixed an issue where, if the "enable transparency" setting is turned off, SketchUp would ignore that setting and still treat faces as transparent for shadow casting, resulting in shadows not being cast that should have been.
  • Fixed an issue where face me components with transparent materials that should not cast shadows (opacity < 70), previously cast shadows.
  • Fixed an issue where edge shadows were incorrectly cast when a section plane lies right on a face.
  • Fixed an issue where, in models with faces that are slightly non-planar, stringy shadows could be seen.
  • Ruby API:
  • We upgraded the Ruby API runtime to Ruby 2.0 with full Standard Library, giving Developers a better platform for creating new SketchUp tools and one that offers improved support for non-English characters, section planes, text and dimensions and more.
  • If you use Ruby plugins, be sure to read this article which explains how to migrate your plugins to SketchUp 2014. If you don't follow these instructions, some of your plugins may not work!
  • If you are a Ruby Developer, check out our Developer Release Notes to see what has changed.
  • 3D Warehouse:
  • Things to know
  • Our new integrated WebGL viewer, which allows you to preview and orbit models in full 3D before downloading them into your own project, is accessible via the "View 3D Views of this model" button when viewing a model in the 3D Warehouse. The WebGL viewer works in WebGL enabled browsers - you can find out if your web browser is WebGL enabled by clicking here.
  • If you used the previous 3D Warehouse and had an avatar image associated with your account, that image will not be shown to other users by default for privacy reasons until you log in to the Warehouse.
  • We have improved the web upload form to support SketchUp (.skp) and KMZ file formats. This means you now have the option to upload SketchUp models via SketchUp's embedded 3D Warehouse window (File > Share Model & File > Share Component), or when signed in to 3D Warehouse via your web browser and clicking Upload Model from the user menu. Note: The web upload form supports the upload of new models: it does not support the upload of edited versions of models that have previously been uploaded to 3D Warehouse.
  • Models on 3D Warehouse can either be private or public and all public models are downloadable. If you had a model on the old 3D Warehouse that was set to 'public but not downloadable' that model is now private and you have the option of either keeping it private, or making it public.
  • LayOut:
  • Issues fixed
  • On Macs, templates, scrapbooks, and pattern fills would disappear if you had moved from it's default install location to somewhere else on your hard drive.
  • When a scene was aligned to a section plane, dimension measurements were incorrect. Views aligned to a section plane will now have paper space dimensions, just like standard top/front/right/etc. views did previously.
  • LO used to crash on close if the user didn't have write-access for their PLO or xml files. LO will now display an error dialog if it fails to write the PLO file, and will no longer crash.
  • The ending arrowhead of a polygon was drawing in the wrong location (usually in the center of the polygon).
  • The use of maximum texture size and hardware acceleration SketchUp was not reflected in LayOut. Now, all OpenGL settings from SU are reflected in LayOut. The use of hardware acceleration is carried over into LayOut. Also, high resolution images and textures brought into LayOut will be the same size as they were in SketchUp.
  • Pattern Fills inside groups were not appearing in the "In-Document Patterns" list.
  • Trying to save a corrupt file would also corrupt the autosaved file. We now detect the case where an auto-save is available (and newer than the saved document), and allow the user to revert to the auto-saved version.
  • Chinese and Japanese Input method editor (IME): there was some focus confusion between the IME and the in edit text cell. This was causing the IME to fail to update the the edit cell.
  • The IME window position and font size was not correctly updating if the user had zoomed or scrolled during a text edit.
  • Scaling about center using the the alt modifier on a SketchUp model was not respecting the "Preserve Scale on Resize" option.
  • Picking through styles, we found that a SketchUp model would sometimes not update to the style selected. This despite the expected style being highlighted in the Styles tab.
  • On Macs, the Ungroup button was not working if added from the Customize Toolbar dialog.
  • Radians would sometimes show if angle degrees had been selected in the Dimensions inspector (and vice versa).
  • LayOut pointer icons were inverted on 64-bit machines running Windows XP. This fix will require the user to add a special key to the SketchUp Preferences registry.
  • Undoing a layer deletion (with all of the entities on that layer) would put the layer back, but not it's deleted entities.
  • Line break logic for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages was not right for line closing and line beginning punctuation marks during a text edit.
  • Sometimes rendering a SketchUp model in Vector or Hybrid would show lines that shouldn't be there (and wouldn't be there in a Raster rendering).
  • Right-clicking on blank space would clear the selection set. We improved this by showing the blank-space-context-menu while maintaining the selection set.
  • If a save fails we now offer to restore the auto-saved version or revert.
  • On Windows, you couldn't change text font as you were creating the text. In order to change the font, you had to first create the text then select the text and change the font. This occurred with the Text and Label tools.
  • There was an extraneous space between the document scroll bars and the inspector tray and status bar when LayOut was ran on a Windows machine with display scaling greater than 100 percent.
  • Inspectors were not expanding and collapsing properly on OS X

New in SketchUp Pro 13.0.4811 (Aug 22, 2013)

  • SketchUp:
  • The following issues have been fixed:
  • Graphics card-related crash when updating scenes which use a standard view (e.g., Top, Front) on some machines.
  • Mac: crash when exporting a model with dimensions or text to 2d DWG.
  • Mac: VCB does not work if you give it focus. Previously, when clicking in or tabbing to the VCB on the Mac and typing data, the VCB didn't behave as expected.
  • Mac: machines with a 10.8 operating system show instructor content that is Windows-specific.
  • Windows: crash when selecting the "File" menu item on a small subset of machines. Previously, on some machines, selecting the File menu item crashed SketchUp. This crash was caused by the fact that we used to load all exporters and importers when the File menu item was selected and, on some machines, loading the FBX exporter caused SketchUp to crash. Now, we only load exporters and importers when exporting or importing files. This should lessen the likelihood of experiencing the crash - i.e., the crash should occur now only when selecting File > Export > 2d graphic and File > Export > 3d graphic vs when selecting the File menu item. We are still working on fixing the FBX crash itself.
  • The workaround to this crash is as follows:
  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Navigate to the C:\Program Files (x86)\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\Exporters directory (or wherever you have installed SketchUp)
  • Rename the file 'Skp2Fbx.dll' to some other name - e.g., Skp2Fbx.bak
  • Launch SketchUp again - the crash should no longer occur
  • Windows: SketchUp loses floating toolbar visibility state when closing from a minimized state. Previously, floating Ruby toolbars would no longer be visible when re-launching SketchUp if SketchUp were closed from a minimized state via the Windows taskbar.
  • SketchUp quits extracting at first failure when extracting files from *.rbz zip files. Previously, when extracting *.rbz files, SketchUp would quit on first failure. Now, SketchUp continues to extract files if it encounters failures.
  • Clicking on the "Name" column header in the Layers dialog doesn't sort layers as expected.
  • Model Info > Geolocation Dialog does not always refresh after adding a location. Previously, after adding a location, the Model Info > Geolocation dialog did not always reflect that a location had been added.
  • Crash when clicking on a material or style on some Unicode configurations. SketchUp previously crashed when clicking on a material or style when it was run using a username containing Japanese/Chinese characters on a native operating system.
  • SketchUp fails to export and import for some Unicode configurations. SketchUp previously failed to import and export files when it was run using a username containing Japanese/Chinese characters on a native operating system.
  • Bad translations, missing translations and string truncations for the FIGS languages.
  • Crash when de-authorizing SU when using the Italian Windows build.
  • The following new things have been added:
  • We have new installs for the following languages - Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
  • LayOut:
  • The following issues have been fixed:
  • Crash on startup, or shortly after initialization, on Windows machines with user account names that were composed of at least one special character. Typically, this was more present with localized builds.
  • Bad translations, missing translations and string truncations for the FIGS languages.
  • The following new things have been added:
  • We have new installs for the following languages - Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

New in SketchUp Pro 13.0.3688 (May 29, 2013)

  • Copy Array:
  • You know how SketchUp lets you easily create multiple copies of an object with your keyboard? Those are called arrays, and now LayOut lets you make them, too. Move a copy, type how many copies you want, type the letter ‘x’ and Enter.
  • Curved Label Leader Lines:
  • Creating a jauntily curved callout line for a label used to be a five-step, two-handed operation:
  • Click. Click. Tool switch. Double-click. Click-drag-with-a-modifier-key.
  • Dashes in Dimensions:
  • Ask the guy with the 86 foot ceiling if readable dimensions are important. It’s a little thing, but we added dashes to LayOut’s dimension labels to make them easier to read.
  • Faster Screen Redraw:
  • Every time you zoom, pan or move an entity on the page, LayOut has to re-draw the picture you see on your screen. For this version, we massaged the code so there’s a noticeable improvement in the speed at which this happens. LayOut should feel snappier, especially as your document gets more complex.
  • Introducing Extension Warehouse:
  • What if adding new extensions to SketchUp was as easy as installing an app on your smartphone? In 2013, we’ve made it dead simple to turn SketchUp into exactly what you need it to be. Need a special tool? There’s an excellent chance someone’s already built it. Now you can research, download and install extensions without ever having to leave SketchUp. Every useful extension in one place-that’s the all-new Extension Warehouse.
  • Numbered Pages in the Pages panel:
  • Another small but incredibly useful tweak: LayOut’s Pages panel now displays page numbers, which makes it easier to print and export portions of your document.
  • Pattern Fills:
  • Drawing a sectional view? Now you can fill shapes in LayOut with hatching and other patterns. Choose from a large library of standards-construction materials, geometric tiles, dot screens-or create your own favorites. Patterns can be rotated, scaled or used as-is. You can even combine Pattern Fills with solid colors to create an endless number of variations.
  • Smarter Toolbars in Windows:
  • It used to be that the toolbars for all of your delicious plugins would move around your screen between SketchUp sessions. We heard that drove you crazy, so we re-engineered our Windows UI to make things a whole lot better. In 2013, you can even drag native tool icons between toolbars.
  • Speedier Vector Rendering:
  • When you need to print a drawing really big, sometimes it’s helpful to vector-render your SketchUp model views. Doing so makes lines look smooth and reduces wait times for all but the most complex models. In the latest version of LayOut, vector rendering is faster than it’s ever been.
  • Video Export:
  • Exporting high-quality animations from SketchUp 2013 is easier than ever. Using the default settings yields HD videos at 720p, encoded in any of the three most popular, modern formats: H.264, AVI and WebM. Picture quality is much better, and file sizes are smaller as well.
  • Zoom In More:
  • Iincreased LayOut’s maximum zoom capability by a factor of ten, from 1000% to 10,000%. At that magnification level, your sofa would be the size of Jupiter.

New in SketchUp Pro 8.0.16845 (Dec 29, 2012)

  • SketchUp:
  • We have new versions of both SketchUp and SketchUp Pro for the following languages: French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese. We have new SketchUp versions of Russian and Dutch.
  • Windows: We fixed a bug in the DWG exporter that was preventing 2D from exporting properly.
  • Mac: Drop down menus on the Dynamic Component Options dialog were missing arrows, making it hard to know that they could be “dropped down” to show different options. This issue should now be fixed.
  • Mac: The new installer did set some folder permissions incorrectly. This issue should now be fixed.
  • Ruby: Extension creator/copyright was incorrect when an extension creator/copyright was not specified. Previously, when a Ruby extension did not specify a creator via the extension.creator and extension.copyright methods, the extension defaulted to being created by “SketchUp” with a copyright attributed to “Trimble Navigation Limited.” With M5, the creator/copyright fields are left blank in this case.
  • LayOut:
  • We have new versions of LayOut for the following languages: French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Portuguese.