Quaik Changelog

What's new in Quaik 1.2.2

Apr 26, 2016
  • Maintenance update

New in Quaik 1.2.1 (Feb 18, 2015)

  • Maintenance update for Mac OS 10.10.1
  • Added Help menu link to the app's website.

New in Quaik 1.2 (Mar 20, 2014)

  • Fixed choosing groups from the Contacts window
  • Updated pictures in Help for Mac OS 10.9
  • Clarified some UI elements by adjusting labels

New in Quaik 1.0.9 (Jan 18, 2014)

  • Update for Mavericks.

New in Quaik 1.0.8 (May 12, 2011)

  • Bug fix: when sending email, the list of email recipients was being modified in a way that could cause some recipients to be skipped.
  • All "status messages" displayed in the main window are now also copied to the Quaik log file. To view the log file you can click the console log button in the main window, or select "Open Console" in the File menu.
  • The Quaik log file is now located in ~/Library/Application Support/Limit Point Software/Quaik, rather than in the Logs folder of your Home folder, in order to comply with Apple Guidlines.
  • The app has a new icon to support sizes up to 512x512.

New in Quaik 1.0.7 (May 12, 2011)

  • You can now send web pages. Enter the URL of the web page into the new "Web Page" text field of the mailer window. Or, use the "Web Page" button to automatically copy the URL from the frontmost window of your supported web browser (Safari, FireFox, Camino or OmniWeb.) If you also compose a message it will act as the "preamble" to the web page body.
  • You can now use template tags in the message whether or not it is HTML, and the same applies to web pages.
  • The default character set has been changed to UTF-8, and the default content type HTML.
  • Enhanced status messaging.
  • Fixed a bug where when an SMTP error occurred the actual error message and code was not displayed in the status field of the mailer window or logged to the console log.
  • To facilitate resending a mailing which encountered an error the program now maintains a list of all recipient email addresses that were successfully sent to. These email addresses are displayed in a new "Recipients" window. When you resend a mailing, only recipients not in this list will be emailed.
  • A button to open the console log has been added to the mailer window to facilitate accessing it.
  • Changes in the preferences did not always immediately take effect. This synchronization problem has been fixed.