PFTrack Changelog

What's new in PFTrack 2013.3.1

Sep 17, 2013
  • Added a coordinate system menu option below the tracker list in the Survey Solver node that allows the user to specify the coordinate system of survey data being entered into the table or imported from a file. Also added a preferences option to General Preferences that specifies the default value for this coordinate system menu (support case 4536).
  • Added numerical scale value to Scene object list in Test Object node allowing a comparison between the scale of objects in the scene to assist with scaling scene elements in third-party applications (support case 5374).
  • When loading geometry in the Geometry Track node, if geometry already exists the user is now asked if they want to keep the existing tracking transformation. This allows geometry to be easily replaced after tracking (support case 4176).
  • Added per-primitive show/hide options, and per-primitive render style options to the Image Modelling node. Also, separated render style to allow different choices for selected and un-selected primitives, and added a display option to show/hide back-facing vertices (support case 5372).
  • Allowed easy de-selection of image modelling primitives by clicking on already selected items in the primitive list to clear the current selection (support case 5307).
  • Added Ctrl key modifier to perspective/orthographic window zoom to allow finer scale adjustment of zoom (support case 5419).
  • Added buttons (and keyboard shortcuts) to the mask UI to allow quick movement to the previous/key keyframe (support case 5621).
  • Fixed file reading issues when trying to attach a tracker to LIDAR data stored on disk instead of cached in RAM (support case 6048).
  • Fixed potential crash when refining a geometry track in whilst using masks (support case 6015).
  • Fixed mouse cursor when attaching a tracker to a LIDAR point in the Survey Solver and clicking in empty space (support case 5986).
  • Fixed mouse shortcut tests for navigating in a 3D viewer window (support case 4823).
  • Fixed issue which caused installer to fail if firewall not running (support cases 5875 and 5710).
  • TIFF files incorrectly being exported with compression (support case 6037).
  • Updates to keyboard shortcut handling for 3D viewer window navigation.
  • Changed default coordinate system for LIDAR data import to Right-handed, Z-Up.
  • Updated handling of coordinate systems with Z and the up vector.
  • Fixed bug where switching off the Show Handles option in the mask editor would hide X-Spline vertices as well as the handles.
  • Improved ProRes support.
  • Fixed issue with partial importation of Quicktime files.
  • Updated Value edit box in curves editor so focus is not lost when moving the mouse outside the box.
  • Added extra comments to python node script example.
  • Reduced cinema flicker when using undo/redo.
  • Updated Image Modelling node to better handle undo/redo when connecting and drawing polygons, and to avoid issues when drawing polygons in multiple windows.
  • Updated Image Modelling node documentation to make it clearer about how to move and pin vertices, and how to snap to image corners. Fixed some bugs related to mouse events.
  • Fixed bug in Test Object node where using the Fly mode after scaling an object would result in an incorrect transformation.
  • Fixed issue dragging and dropping a file into the license manager .
  • Added "Show Frustum" check-box to Geometry Track nodes to display the current camera frustum in the viewer windows.
  • Added preference to allow Quicktime files to start at frame 0.
  • Fixed mask duplication bug causing edits on the duplicated mask to be ignored when re-loading the application.