Obba Changelog

What's new in Obba 4.2.2

Feb 10, 2015
  • Improved configuration of Obba for Excel: Allowing to hide the console window and shutting down Obba when client disconnects (these features are available if the client has started the server locally).

New in Obba 4.2.1 (Feb 9, 2015)

  • Create null references in the object handler using obCast (see documentation for details)

New in Obba 4.1.3 (Sep 2, 2014)

  • http://obba.info/download/release-notes-4.1.3.txt

New in Obba 4.1.2 (Sep 1, 2014)

  • Added support for variadic method arguments.

New in Obba 4.0.19 (Aug 25, 2014)

  • Added convenient way to create java.util.List (see "Datatypes Demo" in the Demo folder).

New in Obba 4.0.18 (Jun 6, 2014)

  • The installer of Obba for Excel no longer checks for an installed Java Runtime. Obba does require a Java runtime in most situations, but it is not required to install that prior of Obba. Also, if Obba is run in Client-Server setup, only the server requires a JRE. The client does not.
  • Fixed a bug resulting in obLoad and obSave failing in Obba for Excel.

New in Obba 4.0.17 (Jan 30, 2014)

  • Corrections to documentation.
  • Internal upgrade to ICE 3.5.1.

New in Obba 4.0.16 (Nov 18, 2013)

  • Added access of static fields obCall where class referes the the classname and method name is ".FIELDNAME". Prior to version 4.0.15 this worked on objects, but not on classes.

New in Obba 4.0.15 (Oct 16, 2013)

  • Obba for Excel: Implemented a workaround for an Excel bug which prevented sheets in "proctected view" to calculate after enabling (peviously the sheet had to be reopened or unblocked in its file properties).
  • Imrpoved exceptions handling displying cause for wrapped exceptions.

New in Obba 4.0.14 (Sep 30, 2013)

  • Obba for Excel: Fixed a rare compatiblity issue with Obba for LibreOffice/OpenOffice (this fix is needed to run Curve Calibration Sheets from finmath.net finmath lib 4.0.7)

New in Obba 4.0.12 (Sep 3, 2013)

  • Obba for Excel: Use of local path in obAddJar (etc.) is compatible with sheet running form Windows UNC path.

New in Obba 4.0.10 (Aug 22, 2013)

  • Improved performance of Obba for Excel for large arrays and ranges.
  • Added status tab to Obba Control Panel

New in Obba 4.0.8 (Aug 19, 2013)

  • Improved memory managment when runinng tasks concurrently (via obRun). (For details, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18292928/freeing-up-resources-in-completion-of-java-future-here-reference-to-callable (very deep details))

New in Obba 4.0.7 (Aug 19, 2013)

  • List of exceptions including the causing function call in Obba Control Panel (Obba for LibreOffice/OpenOffice only)
  • Improved compatiblity with VBA and XLW (for using Obba via VBA and passing XLW return values to Obba functions)

New in Obba 4.0.6 (Aug 10, 2013)

  • Improved compatiblity with VBA and XLW (for using Obba via VBA and passing XLW return values to Obba functions)

New in Obba 4.0.4 (Jul 6, 2013)

  • List of exceptions with the causing spreadsheet cells in Obba Control Panel (Obba for Excel only)
  • Improved exception handling of Obba for Excel.
  • Improved error treatment for Obba for Excel: If arguments are #NA, results will display #NA.
  • Allowed creation of empty arrays (use an array constructor with a missing or empty range)

New in Obba 4.0.3 (Jul 4, 2013)

  • Improved exception handling of Obba for Excel.
  • Improved error treatment for Obba for Excel: If arguments are #NA, results will display #NA.
  • Allowed creation of empty arrays (use an array constructor with a missing or empty range)

New in Obba 4.0.2 (May 15, 2013)

  • Obba now uses .Net Framework 4.0 and ICE Version 3.5.0 (note: youe need Obba server version 4.x for Obba client 4.x).
  • The unregistered version may be used for an unlimited time.
  • Improvements to performance and exception handling.

New in Obba 4.0.1 (May 13, 2013)

  • The default installation of Obba for Excel has been changed to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Obba (previously %APPDATA%\Obba).
  • The port of the server can be configured using Obba.Server.Port in Obba.properties and ObbaClient.properties (allows one machine to run different servers).
  • Fixed a problem in the uninstaller of Obba for Excel leaving a small (but harmless) file in the installation directory.

New in Obba 3.2.2 (Apr 25, 2013)

  • The default installation of Obba for Excel has been changed to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Obba (previously %APPDATA%\Obba).
  • The port of the server can be configured using Obba.Server.Port in Obba.properties and ObbaClient.properties (allows one machine to run different servers).
  • Fixed a problem in the uninstaller of Obba for Excel leaving a small (but harmless) file in the installation directory.

New in Obba 3.2.1 (Mar 18, 2013)

  • The default installation of Obba for Excel has been changed to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Obba (previously %APPDATA%\Obba).
  • Fixed ab problem in the uninstaller of Obba for Excel leaving a small (but harmless) file in the installation directory.

New in Obba 3.1.19 (Feb 25, 2013)

  • Fixed a problem with obGet operating on String[][] arrays (e.g. in VBA).

New in Obba 3.1.18 (Feb 21, 2013)

  • Fixed a problem related to locating Obba.properties.

New in Obba 3.1.15 (Feb 18, 2013)

  • If the JVM is started by the client ("local server"), it starts with 1GB of heap space (-Xmx1024m). The parameter may be configured via Obba.Client.LocalServer.Params in ObbaClient.properties
  • Improved startup of local server from Excel.

New in Obba 3.1.12 (Feb 18, 2013)

  • Added convenient way to create Maps from the Spreadsheet (see "Datatypes Demo").
  • Some log messages (java.uitl.logging) are now at LogLevel.FINE (instead of LogLevel.INFO).

New in Obba 3.1.10 (Feb 18, 2013)

  • Improved startup of local server from Microsoft Excel.

New in Obba 3.1.9 (Feb 18, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug which resulted in a manually started server shutting down when the client disconnects. The server now keeps on running. Note: The behavior can be customized in the servers Obba.properties file.
  • Fixed a bug which resulted in an error when creating an array consisting just on one element.
  • Some improvements to error messages.

New in Obba 3.1.8 (Oct 15, 2012)

  • Some improvements to error messages.

New in Obba 3.1.7 (Aug 27, 2012)

  • Calling obGet on an object for which not corresponding or suitable spreadsheet datatype is available, obGet makes a default conversion to a string (using the toString-method on the specific object).

New in Obba 3.1.6 (Jul 6, 2012)

  • Stability improvements to the OpenOffice version.

New in Obba 3.1.5 (Jun 18, 2012)

  • Stability improvements to the OpenOffice version.

New in Obba 3.1.2 (Jun 10, 2012)

  • Ability to dynamically compile a class from Java source (provided as a spreadsheet string) and instantiate objects from it (using the spreadsheet function obMake): Obba now includes a utility class (info.obba.javatool.Compiler) which allows to dynamically compile a class from a string source. Obba's obMake accepts object handles to java.lang.Class object to specify the class. See "04 - Class to Object Demo" in the "Demos" folder.

New in Obba 3.0.14 (Jun 7, 2012)

  • Ability to dynamically compile a class from Java source (provided as a spreadsheet string) and instantiate objects from it (using the spreadsheet function obMake). Obba includes a utility class (info.obba.javatool.Compiler) which allows to dynamically compile a class from a string source. Obba's obMake accepts object handles to java.lang.Class object to specify the class. See "04 - Class to Object Demo" in the "Demos" folder.

New in Obba 3.0.12 (Jun 2, 2012)

  • Stability improvements to the OpenOffice version.
  • In some situations an odt sheet failed to load external JARs through the spreadsheet function right after opening.
  • A forced manual re-calculation was necessary. (Note that it is no longer recommended to load a JAR via a spreadsheet function.
  • Instead place all JARs side by side to the server and lauch the server manually).

New in Obba 3.0.7 (Apr 9, 2012)

  • The Excel functions obLoadObjects / obSaveObjects were renamed to obLoad / obSave respectively (to create compatibility with the OO implementation).

New in Obba 3.0.6 (Mar 30, 2012)

  • Eeasier creation of java.util.Date form ExcelDate using obMake(;"Date";É).
  • Added conversion from java.util.Date to ExcelDate via obGet.
  • Added support for Excel 2010 64 bit.

New in Obba 3.0.2 (Mar 19, 2012)

  • Rewrite of Obba add-ins for Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice / LibreOffice / NeoOffice.
  • Allows to run the Obba server Java virtual machine in a separate process (run "java -jar Obba.jar").
  • Allows to run the Obba server Java virtual machine on a remote machine (edit the ip address in ObbaClient.properties).
  • The Excel functional obLoadObjects / obSaveObjects were renamed to obLoad / obSave respectively (to create compatibility with the OO implementation).
  • Worked around a problem resulting in Obba Control Panel not showing up under OS X
  • Fixed a bug resulting in a hang of OpenOffice (once) after installing Obba.

New in Obba 2.2.15 (Jan 3, 2011)

  • The Obba properties file allows to disable the access to the Obba control panel via "controlpanel=disallow".
  • The Obba properties file allows to hide the Obba menu in Excel via the "menu=hide".

New in Obba 2.2.10 (Apr 13, 2010)

  • Obba for Excel now prints the calling spreadsheet cell to the log file, when a Java exception occurs. This may come in handy when debugging spreadsheets.

New in Obba 1.9.34 (Feb 10, 2010)

  • More improvements for OpenOffice.

New in Obba 1.9.33 (Feb 8, 2010)

  • Fixed a problem which prevented installation of Obba for OpenOffice.

New in Obba 1.9.31 (Feb 2, 2010)

  • Fixed a problem which prevented loading of some classes. The current thread's context class loader was null. This appears to be a problem with the Java plugin. A workaround was created. Note: This problem resulted in the XMLDecoder not working.

New in Obba 1.9.29 (Dec 13, 2009)

  • Added a demo sheet showing how to access data from finance.yahoo.com. Include the Java source code for the class handling the web access.

New in Obba 1.9.28 (Dec 11, 2009)

  • Arrays of objects can be created using obMake with a class name of ClassName[] where ClassName is the component type (see documentation for an example).

New in Obba 1.9.13 (Dec 10, 2009)

  • Visualization of the object (implicit) dependency graph. Visualizes object and the arguments used to create them.
  • Better handling of transient object labels.
  • Significant performance improvements.

New in Obba 1.8.12 (Jan 12, 2009)

  • Obba no longer needs administrator privileges. It is installed in a user specific location (%APPDATA%Obba).
  • Significant performance improvements.