Naked Light Changelog

What's new in Naked Light Beta 3.2

Jun 10, 2011
  • Basic Aperture support

New in Naked Light Preview 6R3 Beta (Jun 1, 2010)

  • Bug fixes:
  • This is mainly a bug fix release.
  • This biggest bug was really an OpenCL bug. To render a node (or group of nodes), I send several commands to OpenCL, and then wait for them to complete (with a function named clWaitForEvents(…)). About 1 in 5000 of these never would, and my code, from that point further, would do absolutely nothing. Since dragging a slider can easily generate 100s of events, that happened frequently, particularly in more complicated documents. In a move that doesn’t exactly increase my faith in Apple’s OpenCL implementation, removing a call to a function named clGetEventInfo(…) fixed this.
  • Another bug occurred on startup. The item view in the library is actually an NSOpenGLView subclass. NSOpenGLView creates it’s own OpenGL ‘context’ by default, which would later be replaced with my own context. I overrode the code that NSOpenGLView calls to create its own context, which might speed things up and seems to mitigate the bug. Since this occurred fairly rarely, I won’t actually know for a while.
  • Finally, one is fixed and a half bugs related to saving. When you save a composition, the preview and thumbnails generated are no longer flipped. Additionally, the icon in the library gets updated immediately.
  • Inspector Tabs:
  • There’s now tabs in the Inspector that’ll help manage screen real estate as the Inspector gets more complicated.
  • There always used to be icons there, but they never actually functioned as tabs until now.

New in Naked Light Preview 5.2 (Mar 19, 2009)

  • 5.2 adds intersection (conjunction) and exclusion (xor.) With these primitives, re-ordering, and inversion, it’s possible to create the results of all logical connectives.