MovieIndex Changelog

What's new in MovieIndex 2.00

Aug 10, 2017
  • Major bug fix: due some system updates, "Transport Stream videos" (like .ts or .m2ts) produced a blank page. Corrected !
  • User request: New preference to choose the size of the video captions (size: mini, medium or big)
  • Optimizations: The app is far speeder with "Transport Stream videos" and more reliable (ie: memory management bug fixes, to allow to load more than 500 videos).
  • Various minor bug fixes and improvements (45 changes).
  • New features:
  • Generate an additional summary of all your loaded movies (so, create a contact sheet for every videos and their summary).
  • New automatism: allow to directly load all videos from an SD card.

New in MovieIndex 1.70 (Feb 24, 2015)

  • New feature: Generate a Poster frame for your Multimedia Hard Disk. Your Multimedia Hard Disk can display a thumbnail of your videos (i.e.: WD TV Live)? So, generate it while making your contact sheet.
  • User request: Ability to customize the width of your contact sheet "to be seen onto computer".
  • The app is more reliable (memory management bug fixes)
  • Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

New in MovieIndex 1.2 (May 29, 2013)

  • Add a new automation: The number of thumbnails into your "contact sheet" is automatically adjusted depending on your video duration (e.g.: what the aim to produce 64 thumbnails for a 10 seconds length movie?
  • Notice: if you do not like this new automation, just disable it. This new setting is available in preferences pane, it is a checkbox to enable (or to disable if you want to restore the previous behavior… or if you do not like automations).
  • Various minor bug fixes.

New in MovieIndex 1.1 (Mar 14, 2013)

  • If the chosen output is "thumbnails+poster frame", avoid to pick the poster frame from a not-interesting image (…like a movie credits ;-)).
  • Various minor bug fixes.