MacTerm Changelog

What's new in MacTerm 4.1.0

Aug 27, 2018
  • Version 4.1.0 has been FINALIZED after additional testing and years of development. While 4.1.0 is out of beta, daily builds will switch to 5.0 alpha and remain potentially unstable.
  • This is the LAST VERSION TO SUPPORT MACOS VERSIONS 10.10 OR EARLIER. Version 5.0 alpha will likely require more recent versions of macOS.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20180615 Beta (Jun 17, 2018)

  • Vector graphics windows once again support dragging a rectangle to zoom into a certain area (double-click to restore default zoom, and hit Escape to cancel a drag).
  • Vector graphics windows now support touch-based zooming, gradually zooming in or out as you use a track pad.
  • Vector graphics windows now use their zoomed size for Copy and Print (processing only a portion of the total image).
  • Vector graphics windows now have a margin area, similar to a terminal window; and, when a Format is applied, they use the Format’s matte background color. In addition, if the graphic is zoomed out very far, the matte color fills in the region outside the graphic.
  • Help has been updated to accurately describe all of the features of vector graphics windows.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20180322 Beta (Mar 28, 2018)

  • Terminal view information tags are now implemented as blue pop-overs with white text, instead of using "tooltips". (These appear during window resize. They also appear after an interrupt, suspend, vector graphics page, image file dump, or local echo of a control character.)

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20180212 Beta (Feb 13, 2018)

  • Fixed commands such as "Bring Next to Front", which could sometimes do nothing instead of selecting another window.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20180105 Beta (Jan 8, 2018)

  • Terminals now support the DECRQSS sequence for DECSTBM (set top/bottom margins). This allows a program to determine the current scroll region.
  • The TELNET and regular FTP protocols are no longer supported in the graphical interface or in default URL handlers, since macOS High Sierra does not install the required tools. Secure shell (SSH) and secure FTP (SFTP) are still available. If you have a side installation of "telnet" or "ftp", you can use that by setting up a Session to run an appropriate command line. Also, you can use the MacTerm Quills interface in Python to define new URL handlers that run your side installations.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20180101 Beta (Jan 6, 2018)

  • Terminals now support the DECRQSS sequence, though the response is initially "unrecognized value" for all inputs except DECSCUSR (cursor shape). This helps to avoid glitchy terminal output at startup in recent versions of "vim".
  • Terminals now support the DECSCUSR (set cursor shape) sequence from VT520, although the value is currently just stored for report requests (DECRQSS) without allowing applications to change the terminal cursor display. This helps to avoid glitchy terminal output at startup in recent versions of "vim".
  • XTerm terminals will now respond to VT220 Secondary Device Attributes queries by hijacking the 2nd return value for "XFree86 patch level", as XTerm does. The default value is 95, the minimum defined by XTerm. (Previously, the value 10 was returned, and terminals configured as only VT220 will continue to return 10.) This can encourage applications that read this value, such as text editors, to have better behavior; though it will always be difficult to predict exactly how this number will be used by any given application.
  • New low-level terminal preference "terminal-emulator-xterm-reported-patch-level" can be used to customize the "XFree86 patch level" returned in Secondary Device Attributes queries by terminals that use the XTerm emulator type. This is basically an XTerm hack but applications may depend on the specific value. This should be considered highly experimental and used only to encourage applications to produce desired behavior; since MacTerm may not perfectly emulate an XTerm, changing the patch level to arbitrary values may not do the correct thing.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20171216 Beta (Dec 17, 2017)

  • Terminal view selections containing images can now be dragged.
  • Clipboard window now accepts image drags as a short-cut for Copy. (This is in addition to existing support for dragging text as an alias for Copy.)

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20171215 Beta (Dec 17, 2017)

  • Fixed case where Clipboard window did not update itself after a Copy was performed.
  • The Copy command now works for terminal view selections that contain an image: the entire image is put on the Clipboard in its original form (regardless of how much of the displayed image is highlighted), similar to "Save Selection" behavior.
  • Contextual menus now filter their commands if a terminal selection contains an image.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20171213 Beta (Dec 14, 2017)

  • The "Save Selection" command in the File menu (and corresponding contextual menu command) now automatically prompts to save an image format instead of text if the highlighted range contains any bitmap images. The entire original image is used, regardless of how much of the image is selected; also, the saved image will have the detail and dimensions of its original data format, without any distortions that may have been introduced by the in-terminal rendering.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20171211 Beta (Dec 12, 2017)

  • Terminal views can now display inline bitmap images that follow the protocol used by iTerm2, which is generated by tools such as "imgcat" and "imgls". (This is in addition to recently added support for Sixel data.) MacTerm does not currently download data into files; it will only display images that have been marked as "inline=1". Most iTerm2 image display parameters are supported.
  • Data sent using iTerm2 escape codes will now be read instead of being echoed, although initially only images are supported (above).
  • Preferences window Terminals pane Emulation tab now offers the tweak "iTerm Graphics", which is enabled by default.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20171018 Beta (Oct 19, 2017)

  • New:
  • Macros menu now displays the names and key equivalents of inherited macros when non-Default sets are in effect, prefixed by "(Default)". This clarifies behavior that has always existed: any menu item "slot" not filled by a particular macro set will continue to allow the Default action for that slot. This allows you to define a combination of behaviors: things you always want available (that you mark as Inherited in other sets), and things that are unique to a selected macro set. Note that technically inheritance is defined on a per-setting basis so you have the option of having a set that inherits an action but changes the corresponding key equivalent, for instance.
  • Contextual menus that display macros (when text is selected, for example) will now also display applicable macros inherited from Default.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20171016 Beta (Oct 17, 2017)

  • Macros with an Action of "Open URL", "New Window with Command" or "Select Window by Title" are now always enabled in the Macros menu, even if no terminal window is active.
  • The "Select Next Macro Set" and "Select Previous Macro Set" commands in the Macros menu are now always available, even if no terminal window is active.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20171012 Beta (Oct 13, 2017)

  • Fixed missing animations on macOS High Sierra.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20171008 Beta (Oct 9, 2017)

  • Changed main application icon artwork and added a much larger rendering that is visible in certain places such as Quick Look.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170925 Beta (Oct 6, 2017)

  • Fixed major problem with process launch failures on macOS High Sierra.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170807 Beta (Aug 8, 2017)

  • Six new default color schemes have been added, for a total of 10 schemes. These will NOT be automatically installed unless there are NO other custom Formats in your list (or you are a new user). You may also download the schemes individually from Multiple files can be easily installed at once by dragging downloaded ".plist" files onto the MacTerm application icon in the Dock.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170723 Beta (Jul 24, 2017)

  • New:
  • Preferences window collection list can now be resized horizontally.
  • Preferences window collection list now has a more modern appearance, with embedded icon buttons.
  • Preferences window Macros pane macro list can now be resized independently, and the macro editor is resizable.
  • Preferences window Workspaces pane Windows tab window list can now be resized independently.
  • Preferences window search field has moved into the toolbar, and the bottom bar has been removed.
  • Preferences window help button has moved into the lower-right corner of the panel region.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170709 Beta (Jul 11, 2017)

  • Fixed Preferences window Macros pane so that the panel shows the settings for the selected macro even after the list has been sorted differently.
  • Fixed Preferences window Workspaces pane Windows tab so that the panel shows the settings for the selected window even after the list has been sorted differently.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170708 Beta (Jul 11, 2017)

  • Fixed Print Preview keyboard focus chain (allowing the slider to be activated using the keyboard, for example).
  • Print Preview now shows only two decimal places for font sizes inserted by moving the slider.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170705 Beta (Jul 8, 2017)

  • Popover windows and sheets can now be resized.
  • Popover window and sheet appearances have been slightly tweaked.
  • Find dialog now spawns a window with a more normal button layout.
  • Rename dialog now spawns a window with a more normal button layout.
  • Server Browser expanded layout has slightly changed.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170627 Beta (Jul 8, 2017)

  • Fixed a possible crash triggered by moving the parent window of a sheet.
  • Fixed a possible crash triggered by immediately closing a sheet that had just opened.
  • Fixed zoom animations that kept the last frame visible.
  • Animations for opening sheets now display a complete picture of the content instead of just a frame.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170607 Beta (Jun 9, 2017)

  • Fixed a problem where animation frames would always have rectangular corners, even for shaped windows.
  • Animations are generally faster now.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170515 Beta (Jun 9, 2017)

  • Fixed Undo and Redo commands in certain text fields such as the floating Command Line.
  • Undo and Redo can once again be used for changes made with "Custom Screen Size...".
  • The "Custom Terminal Setup..." command has been removed (it was never implemented and always emitted an error sound when used). Several terminal settings can be changed dynamically using the commands in the Terminal menu. Screen dimensions can be changed with the "Custom Screen Size..." command in the View menu.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170511 Beta (Jun 9, 2017)

  • Macros with an Action of "Find in Local Terminal Verbatim" or "Find in Local Terminal with Substitutions" will now cause automatic scrolling when invoked, just like a normal search would do. This allows you to write macros that jump back to a certain point in the scrollback, for example, based on a pattern match.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170330 Beta (Mar 31, 2017)

  • Preferences window toolbar now has pop-up menu short-cuts to display particular tabs within a category. The button icon can be pressed for normal behavior, and the menu portion can be used to go directly to a tab.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170324 Beta (Mar 26, 2017)

  • Support for Voice Over and related technologies has significantly improved, as accessibility descriptions have been added to a wide variety of user interface elements. Voice Over will now clearly identify the effect of any control (such as, the group of settings that the control belongs to). Also, some controls that previously had no label at all are now identified by Voice Over.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170307 Beta (Mar 9, 2017)

  • Fixed keyboard navigation behavior when using Full Keyboard Access in some panels of the Preferences window and corresponding sheets. Previously, there were locations that stopped recognizing Tab key-presses.
  • Fixed a few remaining cases of incorrectly-rendered focus rings when using Full Keyboard Access to activate controls in the Preferences window and corresponding sheets.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20170112 Beta (Jan 13, 2017)

  • Fixed terminal view text selection in the scroll-back buffer, which was off by one line in some recent builds.
  • Fixed terminal view text selections to correctly auto-scroll the terminal in either direction when moving past the top or bottom.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161130 Beta (Dec 5, 2016)

  • Added "Select Next Macro Set" and "Select Previous Macro Set" commands to the Macros menu, for easier switching between macros.
  • The key equivalents for Delete key remapping commands have been removed, and now command-[ and command-] are used for the new macro-switching commands.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161129 Beta (Dec 5, 2016)

  • Fixed floating Command Line window so that pressing Return when the field is empty will send the appropriate new-line sequence for the target session instead of doing nothing.
  • Fixed floating Command Line window to also use the font, cursor color and text-selection colors from Default Format preferences (in addition to the existing use of foreground and background colors). This avoids contrast problems with certain default color schemes and gives the Command Line an appearance that is more consistent with a terminal.
  • Floating Command Line window now remaps Control-D for shell-like behavior, immediately sending all the text in the field (no new-line), followed by an end-of-file character. This allows shells to present multi-line completions, and allows other types of terminal programs to see an end-of-file (such as to terminate multi-line input or output).
  • Floating Command Line window now remaps Control-L, immediately sending a control-L character (no new-line). This usually causes the terminal screen to clear. Any command-line text entered so far is preserved.
  • Floating Command Line window now remaps the Tab key for shell-like behavior, immediately sending all the text in the field (no new-line), followed by a tab character. This allows shells to perform simple completions, and allows tabs to be typed into text editors. Since the Tab key has been remapped, the only supported method for switching keyboard focus within the Command Line window is to go backwards with shift-Tab.
  • Floating Command Line window now remaps command-Return to send text immediately WITHOUT a new-line at the end. This allows you to use the command-line window continuously no matter what the context (for instance, you can enter single-letter commands in terminal-based programs without adding a new-line).
  • Floating Command Line window now remaps the Delete key when the command-line field is empty, immediately sending the appropriate delete or backspace character for the target session (no new-line). If the target terminal is running a shell or other interactive program, this should cause an equivalent backspace by one. If the Command Line field is not empty, the deletion affects only the local field (as before).
  • Floating Command Line window now remaps the Escape key, immediately sending an escape character (no new-line). If for example the running program is the "vim" editor, this would cause a mode switch.
  • Floating Command Line window now displays "incomplete" text alongside the edit field if any text has been sent without a new-line (such as text sent by the new Tab key mapping). This text appears until the next Return key is pressed.
  • Floating Command Line window history now only stores "complete" commands (entered as one line with a Return when no "incomplete" fragments were sent previously).
  • Help has been updated to describe all the new key-mapping features of the Command Line.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161125 Beta (Dec 5, 2016)

  • The "Provide MacTerm Feedback" command (which launches a URL to help you compose E-mail) now tries to include the OS version and application version automatically. In addition, the E-mail trigger is now performed by a separate internal application that is sandboxed.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161115 Beta (Dec 5, 2016)

  • Preferences window has rudimentary (and experimental) support for the Touch Bar, initially only for Search.
  • Terminal windows have rudimentary (and experimental) support for the Touch Bar, initially only for Search and Full Screen.
  • Vector graphics windows have rudimentary (and experimental) support for the Touch Bar, initially only for Full Screen.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161031 Beta (Nov 1, 2016)

  • The "Make Screen Wider" and "Make Screen Taller" commands now cause a terminal window to adhere to the nearest screen edge if the right or bottom side of the window (respectively) is nearly touching the screen edge. The extra space is filled by the matte region, similar to how resizing behaves when the sides of a window are dragged with the mouse.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161028 Beta (Nov 1, 2016)

  • Preferences window search field can now be focused directly by using the Find command from the menu bar (command-F key sequence).

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161027 Beta (Oct 28, 2016)

  • Fixed the rendering of focus rings when using Full Keyboard Access to activate pop-up menus, square buttons, color boxes and list views in various windows, sheets and floating keypads.
  • The minimum OS version of 10.10 is now enforced (previously it was specified in documentation but not necessarily required).

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161024 Beta (Oct 24, 2016)

  • Fixed Find dialog to be less stubborn when the Escape key is used: now the window closes immediately and cancels any search text that had been entered, instead of requiring multiple Escape presses to clear the field and then hide the window.
  • Fixed Find dialog to not add text to the search history if the window is closed by the Escape key.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161023 Beta (Oct 24, 2016)

  • Preferences window "Export to File…" (unless requested otherwise) now includes copies of missing inherited settings from the Default for that preference category. This makes files easier to share, as they contain an exact snapshot of what was exported without any dependencies on the Default settings of the importing user.
  • Preferences window "Export to File…" now provides a checkbox in the save panel to control inherited settings: you can choose to copy the current Default values into the file for a perfect snapshot, or keep the previous behavior of only writing settings that are not inherited. Full copies may produce slightly larger files, and they do not make it easy to share settings between multiple collections.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161022 Beta (Oct 23, 2016)

  • Fixed the rendering of focus rings when using Full Keyboard Access to activate push-buttons and help buttons in various windows and sheets.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161018 Beta (Oct 23, 2016)

  • Fixed possible crash in Preferences window Macros and Workspaces panes, when clicking on table headings.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161017 Beta (Oct 18, 2016)

  • Fixed Preferences window General pane Notifications tab to show all available sound names for the bell setting.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161014 Beta (Oct 18, 2016)

  • Fixed "Network Addresses of This Mac" window to return correct results on macOS Sierra.
  • "IP Addresses of This Mac" is now called "Network Addresses of This Mac".
  • "Network Addresses of This Mac" window now refreshes its address list (asynchronously) whenever the system notes a significant change in the IPv4 or IPv6 configuration of the computer.
  • "Network Addresses of This Mac" window now has a toolbar, with an item for explicitly refreshing the address list at any time and an item for showing the status of any current query.
  • Macros of type "Enter Text with Substitutions" now recognize "I" as a space-separated list of ALL current addresses for the local host. This allows you to send multiple address candidates to a script (say) in order to select the most appropriate address, whereas the "i" sequence is limited to a single address that is chosen arbitrarily.
  • Macros using "i" or "I" now attempt to use cached results from the most recent address query. And, if the address list is in the process of being created or updated, they will now block briefly to increase the chance of using the most accurate information.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161009 Beta (Oct 10, 2016)

  • Fixed possible error when using the Open command to launch sessions.
  • Save Selected Text command now creates files with Unix-style line endings (LF characters).

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161008 Beta (Oct 10, 2016)

  • Fixed Preferences window General pane Special tab, which crashed when using the stacking-origin "Set…" button.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20161002 Beta (Oct 2, 2016)

  • Fixed highlighting for Find commands to correctly auto-scroll to matches in the scrollback buffer. Also, "Find Next" first visits all matches in the main screen top-down, before visiting matches in the scrollback bottom-up (newest first); and, "Find Previous" can be used to wrap around to matches starting from the top of the scrollback buffer.
  • Fixed the Preferences and Session Info windows on macOS Sierra so that tab-related commands are not enabled.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160927 Beta (Sep 28, 2016)

  • Fixed slight rounding errors in certain cases when reading color settings from Preferences.
  • Preferences window now supports import of ".itermcolors" files, such as the huge list of color schemes available at From the Preferences window, you can click-and-hold the "+" button and select "Import from File…", then choose as many files as you want to import. MacTerm translates most colors directly, with a few exceptions: the text selection colors are used as blink colors, the background color is reused for bold background and matte, and the cursor text color is ignored. The name of the Format collection is derived from the file name (minus any path or extension), and any existing collection with the same name is automatically updated by future imports.
  • Import of ".itermcolors" files can also be performed by dragging one or more files to the MacTerm dock icon.
  • Import of ".itermcolors" files can also be performed by using a Finder contextual menu to "Open With" MacTerm.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160924 Beta (Sep 28, 2016)

  • Fixed possible exception during certain offscreen animations, such as search results.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160920 Beta (Sep 21, 2016)

  • Fixed possible crash in Print Preview on macOS Sierra.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160915 Beta (Sep 16, 2016)

  • Fixed click areas so that background windows are easier to select when sheets are open.
  • Fixed Rename command in vector graphics windows so that the panel does not reopen as soon as it is closed.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160911 Beta (Sep 12, 2016)

  • Print Preview has been converted into an entirely separate sub-process, for added stability. The preview stays open and can print even if MacTerm quits.
  • Print Preview has been sandboxed, having only the basic permission to print.
  • Print Preview is no longer a modal dialog; you can have multiple previews open at once, if desired.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160904 Beta (Sep 5, 2016)

  • Fixed high CPU utilization after opening the Custom Format sheet.
  • Preferences window Formats pane (and similar sheet) now has a more accurate preview display, including character width and custom cursor color.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160901 Beta (Sep 2, 2016)

  • Preferences window Formats pane (and similar sheet) now also has a sample area in the Standard Colors tab.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160827 Beta (Sep 2, 2016)

  • Fixed minor bugs in the behavior of sheets and panels.
  • Alerts have been reimplemented in Cocoa, which makes them look much better on Retina displays.
  • Alerts now have a different border style than other windows.
  • Animations are now slightly faster.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160523 Beta (May 24, 2016)

  • Terminal graphics characters now cover the entire "Braille" set of Unicode 8.0. Some terminal programs also use these dot patterns to simulate LED text displays.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160519 Beta (May 24, 2016)

  • Fixed background notifications to respect preferences.
  • Fixed background notifications to render the Dock icon correctly, and to show it every time there is a notification.
  • Preferences window General pane Notifications tab now describes Dock effects more accurately.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160424 Beta (Apr 25, 2016)

  • Preferences window now provides a "Copy Collection Settings to Default…" item (in the "gear" contextual menu).
  • Preferences window collection deletion button ("-") now displays a confirmation warning.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160405 Beta (Apr 6, 2016)

  • Fixed flickering and other graphical bugs that could appear in certain sheets.
  • Sheets have been shifted slightly to fit toolbars better.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160117 Beta (Jan 18, 2016)

  • Fixed text selection tracking to not continue while a "Multi-Line Paste" message is open.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20160107 Beta (Jan 18, 2016)

  • Preferences window has been reimplemented in Cocoa, which makes it look much better on Retina displays.
  • Preferences window now has a search field for quickly locating relevant panels.
  • Preferences panels that are collection-based now all support inheritance from Default. (Previously, this was only available for Format settings.) Note that it is important to observe when the "Use Default" box is checked for a setting because this means that the value is entirely defined by the corresponding Default setting and will update if the Default changes. To override a "Use Default" setting, simply change the value to something different. To restore a "Use Default" setting, click the corresponding box.
  • Preferences window Sessions pane Data Flow tab now provides a graphical interface for the "Automatically write to directory:" option that previously existed as a low-level setting for capturing files.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20151222 Beta (Dec 23, 2015)

  • Terminals now support "true" color (24-bit, millions) by default. Both standard and common non-standard variants are emulated. For example, a shell command like 'printf "\033[1;38:2::245:;48:2:40:177:249m hello \033[0m\n"' would print the word 'hello' in bold green text on a bluish background, and so would 'printf "\033[1;38;2;0;245;0;48;2;40;177;249m hello \033[0m\n"'.
  • Terminals do not allow an unending set of "true" colors to be defined. Currently, after 2048 new colors have been requested in a particular terminal view, the oldest will start being reassigned. The original 256 indexed colors do not count toward this limit however, as long as they are requested using the simpler indexing color sequences.
  • Preferences window Terminals pane Emulation tab now offers the tweak "24-Bit Color (Millions)", which is enabled by default. It is recommended that this always be enabled; while a small amount of memory would be saved by disabling it, applications would also have access to fewer colors. It is possible however that old terminal-based programs may be confused by the non-standard color emulation that is supported in 24-bit color mode.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20151019 Beta (Nov 9, 2015)

  • Terminal graphics characters now include updated renderings for various arrows, diamonds and bullets.
  • Terminal graphics characters have been tweaked to look better at large font sizes (preventing over-scaling of line widths in some cases).
  • Terminal graphics characters now render a "replacement character" (�) for missing glyphs.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20151014 Beta (Oct 15, 2015)

  • The "I-beam" mouse pointer shape now looks better, fixing rendering issues such as a clipped shadow.
  • The "move terminal cursor" mouse pointer shape now looks better, fixing rendering issues such as a clipped shadow.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20150926 Beta (Sep 27, 2015)

  • Terminal graphics characters are now rendered in a new way, improving quality in many cases. Many of them are also rendered without system fonts, which allows MacTerm to carefully scale certain characters and connect them to neighboring cells where appropriate.
  • Terminal graphics characters now cover the entire "Box Drawing" set of Unicode 8.0. This adds new capabilities such as curved-corner lines, dotted lines, half-lines and other line variations.
  • Terminal graphics characters now cover the entire "Block Elements" set of Unicode 8.0.
  • Terminal graphics characters now include a variety of other glyphs, such as brackets used in mathematical expressions.
  • Terminal graphics characters now directly support "powerline" (a popular extension), providing renderings for several of its internal Unicode sequences without requiring patched fonts. This includes full-height triangles, chevrons, a "version control branch" character, a padlock, and others.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20150808 Beta (Aug 10, 2015)

  • Terminal windows now use significantly less memory while empty. For instance, a new terminal window now requires NO memory for its entire scrollback buffer, even if that buffer is thousands of lines long (the space is requested only as it is required).
  • Terminal window search is now MUCH faster by default, as a side effect of aggressively sharing blank space. The search performance degrades with the number of non-blank lines to be searched; windows with large scrollback buffers that have been open for a long time will take longer to scan.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20150807 Beta (Aug 8, 2015)

  • Preferences window Macros pane now offers two new Action types: "Find in Local Terminal Verbatim" and "Find in Local Terminal with Substitutions", to automatically highlight all matching search results based on the macro content. The "Find Next" and "Find Previous" commands rotate through the results normally.
  • Macros of type "Find in Local Terminal with Substitutions" recognize the same substitution characters as the similar action type "Enter Text with Substitutions". Note in particular, the sequences that operate on text selections ("\s", "\j" and "\q") can be used to initiate terminal searches based on text that you have selected. Also, an expression like "word\n" or "word\r" causes the search to only match at the end of a line (ignoring whitespace).
  • Contextual menus will now automatically display any named macro with an Action of "Find in Local Terminal with Substitutions" if it uses any of the text-selection sequences ("\s", "\j" or "\q") and there is currently text selected in the terminal window.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20150710 Beta (Jul 11, 2015)

  • Fixed Rename command to immediately update the title displayed in the Window menu.
  • Terminal window rendering performance has substantially improved.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20150630 Beta (Jul 1, 2015)

  • Custom New Session sheet has been reimplemented in Cocoa, which makes it look much better on Retina displays. The new sheet also supports inheritance features and the ability to quickly add settings to Preferences.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20150528 Beta (Jun 22, 2015)

  • Several sheets (Custom Screen Size, Custom Format, Custom Key Sequences, Custom Text Translation) have been reimplemented in Cocoa, which makes them look much better on Retina displays. The new sheets also support inheritance features that were previously only available in the Custom Format sheet.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20150308 Beta (Mar 9, 2015)

  • Fixed "Show Completions" for Full Screen windows (items in the completion menu are no longer disabled).

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20150303 Beta (Mar 5, 2015)

  • "Completions" for words can now be found by invoking the "Show Completions" command of the Edit menu (or using the Option-Escape key sequence). The base for search is either the currently-selected text or the word that is nearest the terminal cursor. Conceptually, completions behave as if you had performed a dynamic search for the base text in the terminal, and "double-clicked" each matching location to produce whole words.
  • "Completions" enter only a subset of the chosen string, based on the text currently at the cursor position. For example, if the characters at the cursor are "he" and you select the completion "hello", only "llo" will be sent to the terminal.
  • "Completions" display numerical key equivalents for the first few choices. And, like any menu, you can navigate items via the keyboard (use arrow keys, type letters to select items, or press Escape to dismiss the menu).
  • "Completions" do not require a text selection (the word nearest the cursor is used) but the existing keyboard-based text selection mode can be useful if a selection is desired. Namely, you can often hold down the Shift key and press arrow keys to highlight text prior to requesting completions.
  • "Completions" define "words" based on the same rules as double-clicks, which incidentally can be overridden using the Python API. Note that this can cause completions without punctuation to be included even when a base word has punctuation.
  • "Completions" can only match words that are somewhere in the terminal buffer. In particular, if your scrollback settings allow some unique text to scroll into oblivion, it can no longer appear in a completion.
  • "Completions" match any part of a word. Example: if the lower-case letter "e" is the base selection and the words "hello, "Echo" and "lace" all appear on the terminal screen or in its scrollback, all 3 words will be shown as completions.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20150101 Beta (Jan 5, 2015)

  • Preferences now exist for automatically starting a file capture when a session begins. Currently, this can only be set using the beta version of the new Preferences window that is available from the debug interface. A file may have a constant name or it may contain template variables (\D for the date in YYYY-MM-DD form, \T for the time in HHMMSS form, \\ for a backslash).

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20141210 Beta (Dec 11, 2014)

  • Terminal view cursor shape now includes a solid disk while in line-input mode (for example, when remote log-in programs ask for a password).
  • The default setup for terminals now specifies exactly the same control-key mappings as the Apple Terminal. This does not change very much (primarily the status character, control-T) but it may affect the behavior of applications in the terminal.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140929 Beta (Sep 30, 2014)

  • Service "Open Folder in MacTerm" is now more intelligent: if you have selected a file or bundle icon in the Finder, the new shell will target the parent directory of the file instead of failing entirely.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140909 Beta (Sep 30, 2014)

  • Full Screen icons have been redesigned.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140901 Beta (Sep 2, 2014)

  • The "move terminal cursor" mouse pointer shape has been completely redesigned for terminal windows. (This cursor appears when holding down the command and option keys.) The new pointer displays a cursor rectangle with triangle arrows on all sides, and it has a more detailed appearance on Retina displays.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140817 Beta (Sep 2, 2014)

  • Fixed a possible crash when opening the Preferences window.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140712 Beta (Jul 14, 2014)

  • Fixed a developer-ID issue that could prevent MacTerm from opening by default on some Macs.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140711 Beta (Jul 12, 2014)

  • New low-level session preferences "data-receive-when-idle" and "data-receive-when-in-background" can be used to automatically enable one of the event handlers in the Terminal menu at the time a session begins (that is, the items "Notify on Next Activity", "Notify on Inactivity (After Delay)" and "Send Keep-Alive on Inactivity"). See the Help page "low-level settings" for details on these preferences and the string values that they may have. A future version of MacTerm may integrate these into the Sessions preferences panel.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140514 Beta (May 16, 2014)

  • Fixed possible crashes in terminal window implementation that were most likely to be encountered when switching applications.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140311 Beta (Mar 12, 2014)

  • Fixed Preferences window Formats pane (and similar sheet) so that changes to the system Fonts panel will take effect even if the panel is displayed by using the font size button. Previously, although both the font and size buttons would cause the system Fonts panel to appear, the Fonts panel would only function correctly if the font button was used to display the panel.
  • The "I-beam" mouse pointer for terminal windows now contains a small middle bar to match the system version and make it slightly easier to find the mouse click location.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140118 Beta (Mar 12, 2014)

  • Preferences window (unreleased Cocoa version, not enabled by default yet) now contains a search field that helps you to find panels and tabs by matching settings against key words.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20140101 Beta (Jan 3, 2014)

  • Minor animation optimizations.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20131230 Beta (Jan 3, 2014)

  • Fixed Preferences window "-" button to always delete collections immediately. Previously, in certain circumstances a collection could only be deleted if the "-" button was clicked several times.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20131125 Beta (Nov 26, 2013)

  • Terminal window resize information is now displayed in a nicer-looking Cocoa window that has the black "heads-up display" style.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20131106 Beta (Nov 8, 2013)

  • Fixed "Automatically Copy selected text" preference to perform a normal Copy and not an implicit "Copy with Tab Substitution". The presence of tabs was particularly surprising when selecting a line and pasting it at a shell prompt because the tabs had no obvious effect and the pasted line lost all of its whitespace.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20131027 Beta (Oct 29, 2013)

  • Fixed a problem with the recognition of double-clicks and triple-clicks in terminal windows on Mac OS X 10.9.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20131024 Beta (Oct 29, 2013)

  • Fixed possible crashes in certain rare instances of the following actions: searching for text, changing the font size, and changing the screen dimensions.
  • Fixed environment of first shell window to not contain any variables related to MacTerm or its Python interpreter.
  • Rebuilt for Mac OS X 10.9 "Mavericks". Since 10.9 is a free upgrade from Apple for users of Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard" and beyond (the previous minimum supported by MacTerm), MacTerm now supports only Mac OS X version 10.9. (Note that MacTerm may happen to work on older OS versions for awhile but it is not officially supported. Future versions may stop working on these older OSes without warning.)

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20131005 Beta (Oct 7, 2013)

  • Preferences window Formats pane has been extended to allow a custom color for the terminal cursor, as well as a checkbox to keep the current "automatic" color setting.
  • Terminal view cursor, if set to blink, is now visible for longer periods of time and the animation is smoother.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130825 Beta (Sep 4, 2013)

  • Fixed a possible hang when, for instance, pasting text containing high-plane UTF-8 sequences.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130720 Beta (Jul 20, 2013)

  • Fixed recent issue where "x-man-page" URLs would not open correctly.
  • Fixed the "\n" substitution sequence in macros to be interpreted as "the new-line mapping specified for the session"; in other words, it could send: CR, CR-LF, CR-NULL or LF, depending on the current setting. Note that if you wish to explicitly request a line-feed you can use "\012" in a macro, and if you wish to explicitly request a carriage-return you can use either "\r" or "\015".
  • Macros of type "Enter Text with Substitutions" now recognize "\s" as a verbatim expansion of the currently-selected text in the terminal (including any new-lines).
  • Macros of type "Enter Text with Substitutions" now recognize "\j" as a joined expansion of the currently-selected text in the terminal (where new-lines are stripped, to form one line).
  • Macros of type "Enter Text with Substitutions" now recognize "\q" as a joined and quoted expansion of the currently-selected text in the terminal (where new-lines are stripped and rudimentary quoting is performed, such as inserting a backslash before a space).
  • Macros of type "Enter Text with Substitutions" now recognize "\b" as a short-cut for backspace ("\010").
  • Contextual menus will now automatically display any named macro with an Action of "Enter Text with Substitutions" if it uses any of the new text-selection sequences above ("\s", "\j" or "\q") and there is currently text selected in the terminal window.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130719 Beta (Jul 20, 2013)

  • The "crosshairs" mouse pointer that is displayed for rectangular text selections in terminal windows now has a design that is similar to the new I-beam.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130716 Beta (Jul 20, 2013)

  • Fixed a possible crash if a terminal-based application attempted to modify certain colors in the 256-color palette.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130713 Beta (Jul 15, 2013)

  • Contextual menus are now Cocoa-based and they display the key equivalents of any relevant commands.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130709 Beta (Jul 10, 2013)

  • A smaller version of the new "I-beam" mouse pointer is now chosen for terminals that have small font sizes.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130707 Beta (Jul 8, 2013)

  • The "I-beam" mouse pointer shape has been completely redesigned for terminal windows. The new I-beam is red (for high contrast on colored terminals) and it is twice the size of a normal mouse pointer. The new I-beam also looks good on Retina displays.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130705 Beta (Jul 6, 2013)

  • If the "Review..." button is selected from the Quit alert, the resulting series of Close alerts will no longer be displayed with the standard alert-opening animation (since this adds too much of a delay to the sequence).

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130704 Beta (Jul 5, 2013)

  • Fixed "Arrange All Windows in Front" to follow the stagger preference and keep windows from going under the menu bar.
  • Fixed "Arrange All Windows in Front" to stack windows on their own displays, never forcing a window back to the main display.
  • Fixed "Arrange All Windows in Front" to be aware of Spaces (now stacking only occurs for windows on the active Space).
  • Fixed window cycling to be aware of Spaces (now cycling only occurs between windows on the active Space).
  • "Arrange All Windows in Front" now stacks windows by size, to keep small windows from being covered by larger ones.
  • "Arrange All Windows in Front" now skips any window that would be placed partially offscreen after stacking, if it is already completely visible.
  • Window cycling with commands like "Bring Next to Front" is now significantly more useful. Windows such as Session Info, Preferences and the Clipboard are no longer skipped during cycling. Floating windows such as keypads are skipped during cycling because they all have menu key equivalents to focus them directly. In Full Screen mode, cycling is now automatically restricted to only visit Full Screen terminal windows.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130618 Beta (Jun 19, 2013)

  • Fixed the labels of the last two "Control Keys" palette buttons to use a caret (^) and an underscore (_), respectively.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130605 Beta (Jun 6, 2013)

  • The font size used to print may now be changed (though it defaults to the terminal font size, as before).

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130515 Beta (May 16, 2013)

  • Fixed a serious problem where the oldest lines in very large scrollback buffers might not be displayed at all.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130501 Beta (May 2, 2013)

  • New low-level preference "no-animations" to disable superfluous animations (e.g. using "defaults write net.macterm.MacTerm no-animations -bool YES" from the command line, and restarting MacTerm). Currently used to control animations for closing and hiding terminal windows, and the animations of pop-over displays.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130421 Beta (Apr 22, 2013)

  • Fixed Find dialog to avoid some misleading "not found" messages.
  • Find dialog now provides an option to search all open terminals at the same time.
  • Find dialog case-insensitivity checkbox replaced by an item in the new "gear" menu.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130325 Beta (Apr 22, 2013)

  • Fixed Help so that search results are returned properly (this also fixes the "?" buttons in MacTerm).

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130220 Beta (Feb 21, 2013)

  • Fixed the "Copy with Tab Substitution" command, which was leaving spaces intact instead of inserting tabs.

New in MacTerm 4.1.0 Build 20130205 Beta (Feb 6, 2013)

  • Version root has changed to 4.1; future builds will incorporate features intended for the upcoming 4.1 releease.
  • Due to continuing challenges presented by Apple development tools and a lack of suitable testing hardware, the decision has been made to DROP SUPPORT for PowerPC-based Macs and versions of Mac OS X prior to Snow Leopard (10.6). In other words, from now on, MacTerm will only work on Intel-based Macs that run Snow Leopard (10.6), Lion (10.7), Mountain Lion (10.8), or any system beyond that.
  • By dropping support for older systems and architectures, MacTerm is considerably smaller...less than half the size of any previous version! This build requires just 9.5 MB of disk space and it is also a faster download.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20130205 (Feb 6, 2013)

  • Version root has changed to 4.1; future builds will incorporate features intended for the upcoming 4.1 releease.
  • Due to continuing challenges presented by Apple development tools and a lack of suitable testing hardware, the decision has been made to DROP SUPPORT for PowerPC-based Macs and versions of Mac OS X prior to Snow Leopard (10.6). In other words, from now on, MacTerm will only work on Intel-based Macs that run Snow Leopard (10.6), Lion (10.7), Mountain Lion (10.8), or any system beyond that.
  • By dropping support for older systems and architectures, MacTerm is considerably smaller...less than half the size of any previous version! This build requires just 9.5 MB of disk space and it is also a faster download.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20121129 (Nov 30, 2012)

  • Terminal search is now much faster for average searches and less prone to blocking (beachball cursor).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20121119 (Nov 30, 2012)

  • The "Session Ended" notification (for successful process exits) is no longer sent to Mac OS X because this event is frequent and it can be distracting when prominently displayed and logged by Notification Center. Growl continues to receive all events because it is more flexible; for instance, not all events from an application must be displayed in exactly the same way so it is easier to find a useful way to display "Session Ended" with Growl. Also note that "Session Failed" is a separate type of notification that continues to be sent to both Mac OS X and Growl.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20121118 (Nov 19, 2012)

  • Fixed a long delay in the creation of new terminal windows if scrollback buffer preferences had a large or "Unlimited" size.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20121014 (Oct 15, 2012)

  • Fixed a possible crash when attempting to change screen formatting in various ways.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20121004 (Oct 15, 2012)

  • Animations now perform better if several are running at the same time.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20121003 (Oct 4, 2012)

  • VT220 keypad window now has a more sensible icon (magnifying glass) for its Find button.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120804 (Aug 4, 2012)

  • Terminal view text double-clicks (to identify words) are now significantly smarter, particularly in the presence of punctuation marks and various kinds of imbalanced bracketing characters.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120802 (Aug 3, 2012)

  • Terminal view colors for selecting text, highlighting search results and "blinking" have all been adjusted to suit the current Format better.
  • Preferences window Formats pane sample area now also shows the highlighting style for search results.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120802 (Aug 3, 2012)

  • Terminal view colors for selecting text, highlighting search results and "blinking" have all been adjusted to suit the current Format better.
  • Preferences window Formats pane sample area now also shows the highlighting style for search results.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120725 (Jul 26, 2012)

  • Added Mountain Lion compatibility.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120701 (Jul 2, 2012)

  • Sandboxing (restriction of default application privileges) is now available for users of Mac OS X 10.5 and beyond. It is currently experimental and off by default; it can only be enabled by setting an environment variable when running MacTerm. The entire default set of privileges can be seen in the file "". Note that since sub-processes inherit sandbox restrictions, MacTerm may choose defaults that are too strict for the particular programs that you choose to run. See the "" front-end script for more information on enabling and customizing the sandbox.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120602 (Jun 4, 2012)

  • Fixed Custom New Session sheet so that the window starts with the size and color scheme of the Default Session's associated Terminal and Format. Previously, the window size and colors were only corrected after the session began.
  • Fixed Custom New Session sheet so that the window resizes immediately when a Terminal configuration is selected from the menu (instead of only resizing after the session starts).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120526 (May 30, 2012)

  • Session Info status icons are now more detailed, especially on ultra-high-resolution displays.
  • Clipboard window minimum size has been reduced, allowing the window to take up less space.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120524 (May 30, 2012)

  • "Nudge Window to the Right" and similar commands now automatically align windows that are close to screen edges.
  • "Nudge Window to the Right" and similar commands now support multiple displays. If a window is directly on a boundary between displays (e.g. because a previous nudge or mouse movement put it there) then a single nudge in the direction of an adjacent display moves the entire window to that display.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120520 (May 21, 2012)

  • Fixed contextual menus in Full Screen mode to hide actions that should not be available.
  • Full Screen mode now includes "Exit Full Screen" as a contextual menu item.
  • "Print Screen..." is now also a contextual menu item.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120516 (May 17, 2012)

  • Vector graphics now use a thinner line for drawing text in vector fonts.
  • Vector graphics now render lone pixels (not in lines) slightly differently.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120514 (May 15, 2012)

  • Fixed vector graphics windows that were not displaying text labels in certain situations.
  • Vector graphics windows have been redone; lines are now rendered very smoothly.
  • Vector graphics can now be printed.
  • Vector graphics now include PDF versions when copied to the Clipboard, allowing other applications to use drawings at any size without degradation.
  • Vector graphics windows now enable Format items in the View menu so the foreground and background colors of a drawing may be changed. (The Default Format determines the initial colors, as before.) There is currently no way to customize any other colors that a drawing uses.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120412 (May 15, 2012)

  • Fixed automatic positioning of pop-over windows so that windows are more likely to stay on the screen.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120327 (Mar 29, 2012)

  • Fixed Full Screen exiting problem on older Mac OS X versions.
  • Full Screen "off switch" window is now only an icon and it occupies less screen space.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120303 (Mar 29, 2012)

  • Fixed the mouse pointer shape in terminal windows.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120228 (Mar 2, 2012)

  • MacTerm releases now contain a code signature.
  • Changed the artwork for the main application icon AGAIN, to add slightly more detail at larger sizes and to clean up the edges.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120206 (Feb 8, 2012)

  • Fixed a problem where "Automatically enter Full Screen" (workspace preference) might not arrange windows correctly.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120121 (Jan 23, 2012)

  • Changed the artwork for the main application icon and added a much larger rendering that is visible in certain places such as the Finder's Cover Flow view.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20120117 (Jan 18, 2012)

  • Fixed Full Screen mode so that the active terminal does not appear to cast a shadow on a neighboring display.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111229 (Dec 30, 2011)

  • Default color schemes (created only in brand new installations) have been tweaked slightly so that ANSI colors look better.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111228 (Dec 29, 2011)

  • Preferences window now supports generic import and export for ALL types of collections. When any collection drawer is open you will now find an "Export to File..." button in the submenu of the gear button and an "Import from File..." command in the submenu of the "+" button. These files are in XML property list format.
  • Added Prefs.import_from_file() to Quills, allowing preference file imports to be requested from Python.
  • Help has been updated to describe how collections of preferences generally work.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111226 (Dec 27, 2011)

  • Fixed command-click to once again be a short-cut for selecting and opening a URL. (It has always been possible to do this manually via the "Open URL" command in the File menu.)

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111225 (Dec 27, 2011)

  • Fixed certain rare alert messages to omit Quit buttons because catastrophic errors had not occurred.
  • Alert messages for certain rare errors are now better at explaining the problem.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111224 (Dec 27, 2011)

  • Servers panel now has a pop-over window style.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111206 (Dec 7, 2011)

  • Fixed Growl notifications, which were accidentally disabled several builds ago. Also added support for version 1.3.x of Growl (the App Store version).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111130 (Nov 30, 2011)

  • Preferences window Workspaces pane can now cause Full Screen to start automatically when a workspace is spawned. This also means that Full Screen begins at startup time if you enable the setting for your Default Workspace.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111126 (Nov 30, 2011)

  • Fixed Servers panel so that the host lookup progress icon is animated.
  • Servers panel has been modified so that discovered hosts appear in the panel instead of in a bottom drawer.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111121 (Nov 22, 2011)

  • Fixed minor behavioral problems with the new Find interface, such as when terminal windows were minimized.
  • The Rename menu command is now Cocoa-based and has a pop-over window style.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111116 (Nov 17, 2011)

  • Animation for highlighting search results has been further enhanced.
  • Animation for "Find Cursor" has been further enhanced.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111114 (Nov 17, 2011)

  • Terminal search is now Cocoa-based and has a more refined appearance and behavior.
  • Added Matt Gemmell's MAAttachedWindow to the project, which will be used to implement numerous pop-over windows.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111015 (Oct 25, 2011)

  • Fixed a problem where tilde markers (~) appeared repeatedly if sessions were killed and restarted.
  • Preferences window Macros pane now leaves more space for editing the content of a macro.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111014 (Oct 25, 2011)

  • Fixed a major inheritance problem where a collection (Macro Set, Workspace, Session, Terminal, Format or Translation) did not always fall back on the Default collection for undefined settings.
  • Fixed Preferences window Sessions pane Data Flow tab to save settings properly.
  • Preferences window Sessions pane Data Flow tab now contains a Line Insertion Delay setting, which is a graphical way to modify the recently-added low-level preference "data-send-paste-line-delay-milliseconds".
  • New "Force-Quit and Keep Window" command (hidden, requiring Control key in File menu); kills processes like "Restart Session" does, but without the restart.
  • New "Force Quit" toolbar item, which shares the space of the "Restart" item (based on whether or not anything is running). Note that regardless of the visibility of the Restart icon, the "Restart Session" command is always available in the File menu.
  • Preferences window Full Screen pane "Allow Force Quit command" setting now ensures that "Force-Quit and Keep Window" and "Restart Session" will not work in Full Screen mode (in addition to prohibiting the system-wide "Force Quit" command, as before).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111004 (Oct 5, 2011)

  • Fixed Preferences window Sessions pane Keyboard tab (and Custom Key Sequences sheet) to save and restore the mapping settings at the bottom of the interface.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If new-lines now behave unexpectedly, use the Preferences window Sessions pane Keyboard tab (or Custom Key Sequences sheet) to update your new-line setting.
  • The Emacs meta key mapping "control + command" has been removed because this key combination is no longer detectable (perhaps it is reserved by the OS). The meta key can now be mapped to "shift + option" however.
  • Preferences window Sessions pane Keyboard tab (and Custom Key Sequences sheet) now provide more options for new-line definitions.
  • The factory default new-line definition is now "line feed only". Note that this will only be seen when creating preferences from scratch.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20111003 (Oct 4, 2011)

  • Fixed "Select All" and other editing problems for floating windows like the Command Line and the Servers panel.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110930 (Oct 1, 2011)

  • Fixed certain timer-dependent features on Panther, such as updates to the Clipboard window.
  • Multiple-line text inserted by Paste or drag-and-drop is now sent line-by-line, and the target Session's preferred new-line sequence is inserted after each line that originally ended with a new-line character or sequence.
  • Multiple-line text inserted by Paste or drag-and-drop now supports more possible line separators; not just traditional sequences like CR or CR-LF, but even Unicode delimiters.
  • New low-level preference "data-send-paste-line-delay-milliseconds" to control the length of the short delay between lines during line-by-line Paste; the factory default is 10 (that is, it is nearly instantaneous).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110927 (Oct 1, 2011)

  • "Reset Graphics Characters" has been removed, as this is no longer feasible to support with Unicode storage and it is no longer likely to be a problem in a pure UTF-8 terminal.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110925 (Sep 27, 2011)

  • Fixed Preferences window Sessions pane Resource tab (and Custom New Session sheet) so that command lines won't be silently ignored in certain cases after being constructed by one of the top buttons or the predefined Sessions menu.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110924 (Sep 26, 2011)

  • Preferences window Sessions pane Resource tab (and Custom New Session sheet) now allow a command line to be initialized from the Shell or Log-In Shell types. The previous "Server Settings..." option is still available but it is now called Remote Shell.
  • Preferences window Sessions pane Resource tab (and Custom New Session sheet) now allow a command line to be initialized by copying the command line of any other Session Favorite. Note that this is not a permanent association, it is akin to copying and pasting from another set of preferences; and the command line can still be customized afterwards.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110910 (Sep 13, 2011)

  • Fixed Function Keys palette so that the pop-up menu is no longer killed by closing the window.
  • Fixed Function Keys palette so that the pop-up menu cannot be visible if the window is hidden.
  • Full Screen mode toolbar icon has been horizontally flipped for better consistency with Apple convention.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110902 (Sep 3, 2011)

  • Animation for highlighting search results has been greatly enhanced.
  • Animation for opening URLs has been greatly enhanced.
  • Animation for "Find Cursor" has been greatly enhanced.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110831 (Aug 31, 2011)

  • Fixed offscreen windows when "Duplication Session" was used repeatedly during an animation.
  • Animation for hiding terminal windows has been greatly enhanced.
  • Animation for closing terminal windows now scales the window size down as well.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110829 (Aug 30, 2011)

  • Animations for closing and duplicating terminal windows have been greatly enhanced.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110817 (Aug 18, 2011)

  • Fixed a problem with XTerm sequences (window titles and colors) in non-UTF-8 terminals.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110804 (Aug 5, 2011)

  • Fixed terminal device allocation so that sessions cannot fail to open in multi-user environments where some devices are already in use.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110803 (Aug 4, 2011)

  • Fixed a possible crash if the application was backgrounded after a session failed to open.
  • Fixed the font of alert message titles.
  • Session exit notification windows now include error descriptions for processes that return standard system exit status values.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110731 / 3.1.0a (Aug 1, 2011)

  • Since Mac OS X Lion has its own meaning for Option-resizing a window, MacTerm now requires the Control key to activate its "swap resize preference" behavior.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110729 (Jul 29, 2011)

  • Fixed a possible startup failure on older versions of Mac OS X.
  • Application-modal alert windows are now Cocoa-based and have a more refined appearance and behavior, including animation on Mac OS X Lion.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110728 (Jul 29, 2011)

  • Terminal views now correctly render diagonal line characters and the diagonal cross character.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110727 (Jul 28, 2011)

  • Fixed UTF-8 decoder corner cases based on problems discovered by Markus Kuhn's decoder stress test,
  • Fixed terminals to decode UTF-8 up front (when enabled by the current Translation) instead of at echo time.
  • Fixed VT220 and higher emulators to interpret 8-bit/unescaped control sequences correctly, even in UTF-8 terminals.
  • Terminals now recognize the sequences for entering and exiting "UTF-8 mode", as registered with ISO 2022.
  • On later versions of Mac OS X, UTF-8 sessions now configure pseudo-terminal devices so that backspace will remove as many bytes as necessary to delete the previous code point.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110723 (Jul 25, 2011)

  • The command for full-screen terminals is now named "Enter Full Screen" and has the key equivalent of control-command-F to match the convention of Mac OS X Lion.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110721 (Jul 22, 2011)

  • Preferences window General pane Options tab has a new "Fade in background" preference that makes all terminal windows semi-transparent when the application is in the background.
  • New low-level preference "terminal-fade-alpha" (float, in Formats), to determine the amount of fading in background windows; the factory default is 0.4.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110714 (Jul 15, 2011)

  • Fixed Preferences window Formats pane ANSI Colors tab so that a reset uses the right colors.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110713 (Jul 13, 2011)

  • Fixed color boxes to recognize non-RGB colors from the Colors panel.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110707 (Jul 8, 2011)

  • Fixed a problem where Font Panel or Color Panel sliders could erase MacTerm windows.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110702 (Jul 4, 2011)

  • Renamed! MacTelnet on Mac OS X will be known as "MacTerm" from now on.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110622 (Jun 23, 2011)

  • Fixed Full Screen mode when the scroll bar is set to hidden so that the terminal occupies all extra space on the side.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110619 (Jun 20, 2011)

  • Fixed alert messages that showed a miniature application icon in the wrong corner of the larger icon.
  • Notification windows (background alerts) are now Cocoa-based and have a more refined appearance and behavior.
  • MacTelnet now displays a background message at launch time if its version is more than 2 months old. The message has an Ignore button that quells future warnings.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110618 (Jun 20, 2011)

  • Fixed a problem with the Servers panel where user IDs were unreasonably limited to only letters and numbers.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110609 (Jun 10, 2011)

  • Fixed constraints on window resizing in certain sheets.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110608 (Jun 9, 2011)

  • Preferences window Macros pane now has an "Insert Control Key Character..." button, which simplifies escape code entry in macros that allow substitution.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110607 (Jun 8, 2011)

  • Fixed a preferences problem that caused blank collections to be saved under the old names of renamed collections.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110606 (Jun 7, 2011)

  • Preferences window Terminals pane Emulation tab now offers the tweak "XTerm Background Color Erase", which is enabled by default. This setting greatly improves the appearance of text editors and other "full window" programs that set their own terminal colors.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110605 (Jun 6, 2011)

  • Saved session files now remember and restore the name of the active macro set.
  • Preferences window Macros pane now uses no key mapping as a factory default instead of overriding function keys.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110527 (May 28, 2011)

  • Fixed some menu commands so that they are disabled when no terminal windows are open.
  • Terminal window toolbars now have a different default arrangement of items.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110521 (May 23, 2011)

  • Fixed display glitches on Mac OS X Panther in the "Servers" window and the "IP Addresses of This Mac" window.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110427 (May 2, 2011)

  • The factory default for "Treat backquote key like Escape" has changed to be false (though existing user preferences will not change).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110423 (May 2, 2011)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred on some versions of Mac OS X when the Dock icon was updated from the background (Trac #41).
  • The "Paste Buffering" preference has been removed, and buffering is now managed automatically.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110420 (Apr 21, 2011)

  • Significantly improved the performance of string transmissions, such as Paste, drag-and-drop and macros.
  • Alert messages now have a slightly different style.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110417 (Apr 18, 2011)

  • Fixed major bug affecting programs that inherit signal masks (like "bash"); they now handle control-C correctly.
  • Since IPv4 addresses are still quite common, the "IP Addresses of This Mac" window now shows both IPv4 and IPv6.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110408 (Apr 8, 2011)

  • Fixed a problem where erased parts of lines would not automatically refresh (was triggered in programs like "lynx").
  • Fixed VT220 to handle character insert and erase ("ICH" and "ECH") even if XTerm features are not enabled.
  • Fixed VT220 to support selective erase ("DECSCA", "DECSED", "DECSEL").

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110406 (Apr 7, 2011)

  • Fixed Local Echo to only float special key names, and insert all other text into the terminal.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110405 (Apr 6, 2011)

  • VT220 soft-reset sequence is now recognized.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110404 (Apr 5, 2011)

  • VT220 sequences for selecting 7-bit or 8-bit responses ("DECSCL", "S7C1T", "S8C1T") are now implemented.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110403 (Apr 4, 2011)

  • Fixed terminal window keyboard rotation on Mac OS X 10.6 so that only windows in the active Space can be chosen.
  • Fixed VT220 to correctly parse the software compatibility level sequence.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110331 (Apr 1, 2011)

  • Fixed Preferences window Sessions pane Data Flow tab to save and restore the Paste Buffering setting correctly.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110330 (Mar 31, 2011)

  • Fixed Local Echo to generate text in a few cases where echoes were previously suppressed.
  • Terminal text that is written by Local Echo now floats above the cursor instead of occupying the space of normal text.
  • Terminal text that is written by Local Echo is now converted into special symbols or key descriptions when appropriate.
  • Terminal text that is written by Local Echo now appears before equivalent text is sent to the session.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110329 (Mar 30, 2011)

  • Fixed VT220 device status reports.
  • Fixed VT220 "identify" sequence.
  • Fixed VT220 device attribute reports to include printer port information.
  • Fixed Local Echo for text sent by Paste, the floating command line and macros.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110328 (Mar 29, 2011)

  • Fixed terminal emulators to not try to render skipped characters, such as the VT100 null (0) and delete (127).
  • Fixed VT220 (and above) emulators to recognize various sequences for switching character sets.
  • Fixed VT220 device status reports.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110326 (Mar 28, 2011)

  • Fixed Full Screen mode to remove the resize control from the lower-right corner of the window.
  • Fixed Full Screen mode to disable scroll wheel actions that adjust the window size.
  • Fixed Full Screen mode to disable scroll wheel scrolling if the preference to hide the scroll bar is set.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110324 (Mar 25, 2011)

  • Fixed Full Screen mode so that a variety of menu commands are disabled (as they mess with the full screen view).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110323 (Mar 24, 2011)

  • Fixed some minor consistency issues with margins in terminal windows.
  • Fixed text zooming (such as in Full Screen) to properly take character width scaling into account.
  • Fixed a possible performance problem when resizing windows.
  • Selecting the name of a Format from the View menu now uses Default values for inherited settings.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110313 (Mar 14, 2011)

  • Fixed a possible crash after clicking in the terminal window margin near the window's size box.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110227 (Feb 28, 2011)

  • Fixed a problem with colors and formatting not being cleared in certain programs when lines were scrolled.
  • XTerm compatibility has significantly improved with this build, as detailed in the following notes.
  • XTerm sequences for character insert and erase ("ICH" and "ECH") are now implemented.
  • XTerm sequences for cursor positioning ("CHA", "HPA", "VPA", "CNL" and "CPL") are now implemented.
  • XTerm sequences for jumping by tab stop ("CHT" and "CBT") are now implemented.
  • XTerm sequences for arbitrary scrolling of lines ("SU" and "SD") are now implemented.
  • XTerm window and icon title sequences now allow new-style string terminators in addition to old-style bell terminators.
  • MacTelnet Help style and layout have improved, including changes to the font, text wrapping and headings.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110224 (Feb 25, 2011)

  • Fixed menus so that command keys for disabled items are no longer typed into the active terminal window.
  • Fixed "Make Text as Big as Possible" command so that the window frame stays on the screen.
  • Added a 4th default color scheme (only installed when no other Formats exist).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110212 (Feb 14, 2011)

  • Toolbar icon artwork has been completely redone; colors have been removed, and icons are crisper and flatter.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110210 (Feb 11, 2011)

  • Fixed a display problem that could cut off lines at the bottom when text was zoomed (such as in Full Screen).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110201 (Feb 2, 2011)

  • Fixed "Speak Incoming Lines of Text" command, though speech behavior is simplistic and improvements are planned.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110125 (Jan 25, 2011)

  • The "Log-In Shell" command in the File menu is now visible by default; the Control key shows the Shell command.
  • Terminal windows now join the frontmost tab stack when they first appear, if the frontmost window has tabs.
  • Terminal windows spawned by a tabbed workspace now use a separate tab stack instead of joining the frontmost one.
  • Terminal windows now use new workspaces if the Option key is down when a session is chosen from the File menu.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110124 (Jan 25, 2011)

  • Fixed Preferences window Macros pane to prevent new collections from copying part of the Default set.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110116 (Jan 17, 2011)

  • Fixed redundant Window menu items on older versions of Mac OS X

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110114 (Jan 15, 2011)

  • Fixed various problems that could occur when sessions fail (due to unreachable servers, etc.).
  • Preferences window General pane Notification tab can now open the Growl preferences pane, if it is installed.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110112 (Jan 13, 2011)

  • Fixed a possible crash when certain windows were opened, especially at startup time.
  • Fixed a problem that could spam warnings about missing preferences to the console.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110111 (Jan 12, 2011)

  • Fixed Macros menu to display all macro sets from Preferences.
  • Preferences window Formats pane Character Width setting may now be adjusted from 60% to 140%.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110108 (Jan 8, 2011)

  • Any "customize_mactelnet" Python module in the path is now imported implicitly; see "" for more.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110104 (Jan 4, 2011)

  • Fixed a problem where it was too hard to select text or otherwise use the mouse when close to the edge of a terminal.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20110101 (Jan 3, 2011)

  • Fixed a problem where floating windows could not transfer keyboard focus back to terminal windows that were clicked.
  • Fixed various cases of menu commands being enabled when they were not meant to be.
  • Certain terminal window commands, such as macros, nudging, printing, notification and suspend, are now available even while a sheet is open in the foreground.
  • Terminal views that use proportional fonts now look better, thanks to a letter-sensitive heuristic for manual alignment.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101221 (Dec 21, 2010)

  • Fixed a launch failure on older Mac OS X versions; now more resilient if the built-in Growl.framework is unusable.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101129 (Nov 29, 2010)

  • Fixed terminal views in various ways to slightly improve performance.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101128 (Nov 29, 2010)

  • Fixed renderer to avoid unnecessary cursor refreshes, which was consuming CPU time.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101126 (Nov 27, 2010)

  • Added a new type of Growl notification for script errors, to make exceptions in user Python code more prominent.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101125 (Nov 26, 2010)

  • Fixed terminal view double-clicks that would have no effect if the selection crossed the far right column.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101124 (Nov 25, 2010)

  • Fixed terminal view double-clicks in scrollback rows.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101122 (Nov 22, 2010)

  • Rendering of CP-437 (DOS character set) has been improved by adding Greek letters and other symbols.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101120 (Nov 22, 2010)

  • Fixed the appearance of the attention indicator on the application dock tile.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101115 (Nov 16, 2010)

  • Fixed the insert-character and delete-character sequences of the VT102 emulator.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101028 (Oct 29, 2010)

  • Fixed crash that was occurring recently when trying to use "Duplicate Session".

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101026 (Oct 27, 2010)

  • Fixed sessions spawned from Favorites, so settings such as screen size are copied from any associated Terminal.
  • Fixed sessions spawned from Favorites, so settings such as character set are copied from any associated Translation.
  • Fixed sessions spawned from macros, to use the correct workspace preferences.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101022 (Oct 27, 2010)

  • Fixed Full Screen mode so that the "Disable Full Screen" floating window will not steal keyboard focus.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20101011 (Oct 12, 2010)

  • Clipboard window information pane has been adjusted slightly, to take up less space.
  • Clipboard window information pane now does a better job of handling truncated text.
  • Clipboard window minimum size has been reduced, so that the window can take up less space.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100928 (Sep 29, 2010)

  • Fixed the "Start Speaking Text" contextual menu item to once again synthesize speech in the default system voice.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100919 (Sep 20, 2010)

  • Fixed Clipboard window to reset the color, font and size when a selection of styled text is replaced by plain text.
  • Clipboard window now automatically chooses the Default Format's font to display selections of plain (unstyled) text.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100911 (Sep 13, 2010)

  • Window menu items have been added for nudging the frontmost terminal window in any direction. Combined with the existing commands in the View menu for changing size, it is now possible to do terminal window layout entirely from the keyboard.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100910 (Sep 11, 2010)

  • Clipboard window has been reimplemented using Cocoa, improving text/image views and avoiding window bugs.
  • Clipboard window now has a Finder-style information pane, showing what is known about the data that can be pasted.
  • Clipboard window now renders text much more accurately than before, and allows partial selections and dragging.
  • Clipboard window now allows the image and text displays to scroll.
  • Clipboard window size and position are once again saved and restored automatically.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100830 (Aug 30, 2010)

  • Fixed session activity notifications to not open multiple alerts (or post multiple Growl notifications).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100801 (Aug 2, 2010)

  • Fixed TEK graphics to actually respect preferences that set the mode: 4105 (color), 4014, or disabled.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100720 (Jul 21, 2010)

  • Fixed a major bug with text highlighting in scrollback lines (Trac #39).
  • Fixed cases where text selections may not be drawn, such as when using "Select Entire Scrollback Buffer".
  • Fixed a case where a 2nd file capture may fail when the same file name is chosen.
  • Terminal search is now faster in certain situations.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100715 (Jul 21, 2010)

  • Fixed remaining contextual menu items displayed in terminal windows.
  • Fixed the enabled state of the "Move to New Workspace" menu item.
  • Removed the "Contextual Help" item from contextual menus, which did not work properly anyway.
  • Preferences window General pane Options tab has a new setting to disable the multi-line Paste warning (Trac #38).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100714 (Jul 15, 2010)

  • Fixed some of the contextual menu items displayed in terminal windows.
  • Terminal window tabs no longer have the up-arrow button to pop them out; instead, a contextual menu is provided.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100713 (Jul 14, 2010)

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when terminal windows are closed.
  • Fixed Preferences window to no longer even allow name editing for Default items (since renaming will not work).
  • The Copy command now stores small text selections in multiple formats, to help with application interoperability.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100712 (Jul 13, 2010)

  • Preferences window Workspaces pane now allows you to specify that multiple sessions should start at the same time.
  • The File menu now contains a section for opening multiple sessions, from any Workspace saved in Preferences.
  • The Default Workspace is now spawned at startup, instead of the session type from the command-N mapping. This means you can now spawn multiple windows automatically, or disable new windows entirely, using the Preferences window, Workspaces pane.
  • "Use tabs to arrange windows" can now be applied to specific Workspaces (in addition to Default).

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100708 (Jul 9, 2010)

  • Fixed a few minor problems that were causing console messages.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100608 (Jun 15, 2010)

  • Fixed a possible crash when changing preferences (among other things), due to improper cleanup in closed terminals

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20100406 (Apr 7, 2010)

  • Fixed a possible crash when opening certain menus while a terminated-but-still-open terminal window was frontmost.
  • Fixed Growl notifications, which were accidentally disabled several builds ago.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta Build 20090213 (Feb 18, 2009)

  • Fixed various bugs in the Preferences window Translations pane.

New in MacTerm 4.0.0 Beta (Nov 3, 2008)

  • Due to the huge number of changes in the code base, renamed this to version 4.0.0 beta.

New in MacTerm 3.1.0a (Feb 19, 2008)

  • Terminal bell sound can once again be arbitrary. See Preferences window, General pane, Notification tab.
  • The Print Screen command is no longer instantaneous, it displays a dialog (allowing export to PDF, among other print options).