LogMX Changelog

What's new in LogMX 5.3.4

Apr 17, 2015
  • New Features:
  • Now also providing TGZ archive to install LogMX on Mac/Linux (same content than legacy ZIP archive, but avoids having to type "chmod +x logmx.sh")
  • Now also including IntelliJ projects (already set up) to build Log Parsers & Managers
  • Now also including Maven scripts to build Log Parsers & Managers
  • Now also including Gradle scripts to build Log Parsers & Managers
  • Changes:
  • In "Alerts" window, added a new 2-states button "always on top" (so that this "Alerts" window can be set on top of all other windows to be always visible)
  • [Parsers/Managers development]: Eclipse projects now easier to setup (no variable to define anymore to access LogMX jar file)
  • Improved layout in "Export" window (can now use smaller window without hiding any graphical component)
  • Alerts window icons redesigned, and minor quality improvement on some pictures
  • Bugfixes:
  • When editing the "entries filter" part of a Filtering State, the calendar popup was not displayed for date filters
  • When editing a time-based filter, some parts of the calendar popup could be outside of current window boundaries (alert editor or filtering state editor)
  • When a filter was re-used (using the "favorites" icon), a text field was displayed at the right of this filter even if it dealt with log levels (log levels combo was displayed as expected, but a text field was displayed too)
  • "Find" window was not closed once the button "Find" was hit when option "display result in new tab" was checked (regression introduced in v5.3.3)
  • In Alerts settings window, clicking on button "Show Alerts window" did not display the Alerts window if it was behind main window
  • "Open logs" window: when using a "Directory" Manager (e.g. SFTP Directory), now displaying available credentials icons in "login" field for the underlying Manager (e.g. SFTP), since these credentials are shared between those Managers
  • Fixed internal logging component that could not produce some logs in some cases

New in LogMX 5.3.3 (Mar 10, 2015)

  • Can now choose to use word-wrap for text layout in Entry details panel (thanks to the new toggle button on Entry details panel toolbar)
  • "Find" feature: can now search some text across all opened files
  • "Find" feature: when browsing found matches, now also showing and highlighting found match in entry details panel (useful when found match did not show in main entries table because found match was outside the table cell visible area)
  • Marked and found entries are now displayed in Timeline (can be turned off)
  • "Find" window can now be used to browse results (window is now kept opened by default once browsing starts)
  • "Open logs" window: In eval version, now displaying the file limit dialog box only one time, and only once the LogManager successfully browsed the directory
  • Now saving "Find" window's position and size in user options
  • When editing a Log4j/Logback Pattern Parser, the tags settings are now no more reseted when a tag option is modified (e.g. from "%d{dd/MM/yy}" to "%d{dd/MM/yyyy}")
  • If a user-defined LogManager returns 'null' in "prepareForReading()" (should not occur), now detecting it and throwing a nice Exception with a clear message to ease LogManager development (a NullPointerException occurred and user could not tell why using the stack trace)
  • When LogMX is started using "logmx.sh", "logmx.command", or "LogMX.bat", now allowing variable "JAVA_PATH" (in "startup.conf") to point to Java root directory instead of its "bin" directory (common mistake) (".exe" launchers already allowed this)
  • Improved some graphical elements (re-designed checkboxes/radiobuttons, some icons quality improved, blue color now used for all selected elements, more homogeneous and coherent colors)
  • Fixed a major bug that prevented several LogManagers (eg: FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP) to connect to the desired host: the system proxy (defined at OS level) was used even if LogMX option "use system proxy" was not chosen (it occurred when system proxy was set for sockets).
  • [Timeline] When timeline graph's width changed (e.g. main window resized), its blue selection rectangle was not located at the right position
  • When using a Log4j/Logback Pattern Parser containing something like "t" or "%-10t" (Thread left/right justified), LogMX did not remove the extra whitespace characters before or after Thread name
  • Timeline did not display correct graph if Log Parser provided relative dates (graph started in 1970), now first trying to use absolute date if available
  • In "Open log" dialog, when a browser panel was closed because a connection parameter was changed, clicking on the "Browse" button had no effect in some cases (a second click was needed in these cases to display the browser)
  • When editing a Log4j/Logback Pattern Parser, the tags settings might not be used to parse the previously entered sample text when the dialog reappeared
  • If memory status graph was detached from toolbar, and its detached window was closed, the menu item still displayed "Hide memory status" instead of "Show memory status"

New in LogMX 5.3.2 (Feb 17, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Now providing a Wizard to open logs, in order to ease LogMX set up (selection/creation of Managers/Parsers)
  • New HTTP/HTTPS log Managers (can now read logs from HTTP/HTTPS, even with an Evaluation version)
  • Changes:
  • Improved Workspaces management dialog: can now select multiple tree elements to open/remove all of them at the same time, can now expand/collapse the whole tree using a right-click on the tree, and now automatically collapsing tree by default when dialog opens if there are more than 30 elements (visibility improved)
  • Maximizing the "Entry details panel" (by double-clicking on its toolbar) now also uses all available space at the left of the window (not only at the top)
  • For Log4j/Logback/Regex parsers, now handling the 'f' character in date format as an alias for 'S' (milliseconds), in order to also handle Log4Net date format (which is very similar to Log4J/Logback/Java date format)
  • Added links to "Parsers" and "Managers" options in "File" menu
  • Web links to download LogMX updates are now specific for eval/pro versions (popup when a new LogMX version is available)
  • Bug fixes:
  • When sorting log entries using 2 or 3 columns, entries might not be sorted correctly on columns 2 or 3 when column 1 or 2 contained the same value repeated several times (see forum)
  • In "Network" tab of "Options" window, when editing a saved account while accounts table is sorted (by any column), the wrong account was modified
  • Fixed "Filtering State" editor: when opening an existing Filtering State, the "OK" button might be disabled but it should not (and also fixed some tooltips in this dialog window)
  • In "Open logs" dialog, credentials availability for selected account (e.g. password, private key) might not be updated correctly without a restart

New in LogMX 5.3.1 (Jan 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Can now sort log entries by any column(s) (3 max columns at the same time)
  • In LogParser creation wizard, can now directly choose a file to test the Parser
  • Changes:
  • In "Options" window, when going to the "Encoding" tab, now all Font stuff is loaded in background ("Options" window is not frozen anymore while fonts are loading (which could take a few seconds if a great number of fonts are installed)
  • Added a parameter in startup configuration file ("startup.conf") to customize JVM options (useful to fix memory issues with some 64-bits JVMs on multi-processors configurations)
  • Now automatically adding new parameters to startup configuration file "startup.conf" on all OSes (and not only when using the Windows installer)
  • Added details on date format to use to create filters
  • [AutoRefresh] When a great number of log entries are removed from entries table due to log entries limit set by user, the operation took more than 30 seconds, without any feedback for this background operation (now takes less than 1 or 2 seconds, with an hourglass mouse pointer)
  • FTPS Log Manager now always accept all X509 certificates (some FTPS connections could fail in previous versions)
  • Can now quickly go to log levels options doing a right click on log levels sliders
  • Minor graphical improvements in "Open file" window for remote Managers (tooltips now also available on multiple-choice parameters, and clickable area of check boxes now reduced to checkbox size only instead of full row width)
  • For all text fields, can now use Ctrl+Home/Ctrl+End to go to the begin/end of the line (only Home/End worked)
  • Bugfixes:
  • When LogMX could not completely load a file due to a "OutOfMemory" error, the associated error message (and its note to avoid this) might not be always displayed correctly (due to low memory)
  • In Options window, some graphical tables might not be displayed correctly if their columns were reordered
  • Timeline tooltip might not be always visible if mouse was on the right hand side of the timeline, and next to screen right border

New in LogMX 5.3.0 (Nov 25, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • New "Timeline" feature: adds a timeline view in main window, to see the quantity of log entries over time, with warnings/errors highlight, direct access to log entries using the mouse, and fast filtering by date using mouse right button
  • Now supporting file flush feature on merged files, and directories (local, SFTP, FTP[S])
  • Now supporting file deletion feature on merged files, and directories (local, SFTP, FTP[S])
  • Changes:
  • When no suitable parser was found for a log file, and user chooses to create a new Parser, now using the beginning of this log file as the sample text to parse in Parser creation wizard, to ease Parser creation
  • When a FTP[S] file could not be deleted via "Delete file" feature (e.g. file locked), no error message was displayed in some cases
  • Added details about ISO8601 date format in help files
  • Default configuration now allows LogMX to use up to 600 MB of RAM, instead of 400 MB
  • Exported options (i.e. parsers, accounts, levels, ...) can now be manually opened (ZIP format), modified, then re-ZIPPed and be imported back in LogMX (in previous versions, modifying the exported file prevented this file to be imported due to strict ZIP entries ordering)
  • [Windows installer] In full installer (i.e. with Java included), now including Java 1.7.0_u71 instead of Java 1.7.0_u45 (for security reasons)
  • Upgraded from JSch v0.1.49 + JZlib v1.1.1 to JSch v0.1.51 + JZlib v1.1.3 (library used for SCP/SFTP connections)
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a GUI freeze that could occur if a Manager took too long to respond
  • [Log4j socket Appender] Fixed a compatibility issue with Log4j v1.2.13 and Log4j v1.2.14 that prevented LogMX to receive log events sent by these (old) Log4j versions (see forum)
  • When Auto-refresh was used on a merged file and one of the merged files was flushed, main log entries table might not be refreshed correctly
  • Fixed a minor bug that occurred when selecting a LogMX file tab for which the file could not be loaded, while the "Find" window is displayed
  • In the Parser creation wizard, the log entries table header displayed filter icons (like for main window entries table) but it should not
  • Fixed typos and a bad link in API docs
  • Fixed typos in License file

New in LogMX 5.2.1 (Oct 24, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Can now read/monitor SFTP/FTP/FTPS directories thanks to new LogManagers (read/monitor all remote directory files, taking into account added/removed files)
  • Can now export log entries to a file that can be re-imported later in LogMX (new export format based on legacy XML export, and added a Parser to read the exported XML files)
  • Changes:
  • [FTP/FTPS] Better handling of session timeout when log file is not modified for a long time
  • Can now start a Tail on merged files (on previous versions, files had to be merged, then Auto-refresh started ; can now use both "Tail" and "Merge" features directly from "Open log file" window)
  • Can now monitor a merged file in Console mode
  • When the SFTP/FTP file browsers ("Open file" window) are not displayed anymore, associated SFTP/FTP session is now closed (then re-opened when needed): it caused some issues with some servers limiting the number of active sessions per user
  • When a merge operation is not supported (e.g. merge includes an export/search result, a local/remote directory), now displaying a nicer message that explicitly explains that this operation is not supported at this time, instead of a technical error message
  • [API] Can now remove a parameter from a LogURL
  • Bugfixes:
  • On evaluation version, going to "Options" then applying some changes shortened the delay before the message "Eval version is over" was displayed
  • In "Open log file" window, when choosing a host (e.g. for SFTP logs) in the combo box listing known hosts, the 'host' text field was not refreshed with this selected host (the host had to be selected a second time from the combo box to refresh the text field)
  • Simple files (i.e. not Workspace/Bookmark) could not be monitored anymore in Console mode (regression)
  • In Options, when listing Parsers, now hiding internal LogMX parsers (that cannot be used as Parsers)
  • In Options, when listing Managers, now hiding internal LogMX managers (that cannot be used as Managers)
  • With some merged files, "Activity" graph was empty (i.e. no log entry on the graph)
  • When a date filter was used on merged files, the default date in date-picker was not the selected entry's date but the current date

New in LogMX 5.2.0 (Sep 26, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Can now read & parse compressed log files (zip/gzip/tar/bz2/lzma/xz) automatically and on-the-fly for all Managers (i.e local files, SFTP/SCP/FTP/FTPS/HTTP, ...)
  • New TCP/UDP Socket Manager, supporting Log4j v1, Log4j v2, and Logback SocketAppender logs, as well as any other raw text logs over TCP/UDP
  • Can now merge any set of files directly from the "Open file" dialog, for any Manager (e.g. SFTP/FTP/FTPS browser)
  • Can now import/export log levels settings (from/to an external file)
  • Added new "live stream" Manager type (usefull when reading from a pipe, socket, serial port, ...)
  • Added new "entry-extraction" Manager capability: Manager directly extracting log entries objects from underlying source, instead of lines of text (usefull when reading binary logs, like serialized logs, database, ...)
  • New ManagerSpecVersion (v1.2), allowing custom Managers to use compressed logs, live stream logs, and log entries extraction (yet, v1.2 is not mandatory, LogMX can still use v1.1 Managers)
  • Changes:
  • When a filter is removed, now automatically focusing on the last selected log entry
  • Can now remove several log levels at the same time in "Levels" tab of "Options" window
  • By default, now parsing the 100 first lines of a log file before switching to another parser (instead of 50)
  • Now handling a 32x32 icon for each Log Manager, now used in "Open file" dialog
  • Levels slider redesigned
  • [Windows .exe launcher] Now adding "lib/*.jar" to classpath (easier to add JARs to classpath for custom Parsers/Managers, or Logback/Log4j deserialization for SocketManager)
  • Bug fixes:
  • [Text search] When a text was found deep down a very long log message, all log entries were highlighted
  • When the window "Add a new Log Manager" and then "Options" window were validated, the window "Add a new Log Manager" appeared again
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent LogMX to start, in some cases, when a non-fatal error message was displayed (displaying this error message might then produce a fatal error)
  • [AutoRefresh] When a log file was flushed or totally re-written, the log entries outline (vertical bar at the right of log entries) was not always refreshed
  • In multiple screens configuration, some dialogs were not opened on the screen currently used by LogMX
  • Fixed a minor graphical issue with levels slider gradients

New in LogMX 5.1.2 (Aug 8, 2014)

  • Changes:
  • Parsers now handling ISO 8601 timezones for date formats ('X' letter in date format)
  • Can now close a file tab with the mouse middle button, even if the mouse moves while clicking
  • Improved explaining of how to use a filter date in eval version (Ctrl+Click)
  • AutoRefresh "ScrollLock" feature now replaced with "Focus on new entries" feature
  • Mac OS keyboard shortcuts: Meta key now also used on all text components, instead of Ctrl
  • Mac OS keyboard shortcuts: Can now use Meta+A to select all text in text components and all rows in tables, instead of Ctrl+A
  • Bugfixes:
  • Could not move file tabs anymore using mouse drag, now fixed
  • [AutoRefresh] When new log entries were received and entries limit was exceeded, currently selected entries were un-selected, and the view scrolled down automatically, but it should not
  • When searching text in "Entry details" panel, the found text did not appear selected (highlighted) if this panel did not have the focus before opening the "Find" window
  • When a user-defined field was used in a "Simple Parser", this field was replaced with a "UUID" field
  • Some log files written by Log4j2 XMLLayout were not recognized as Log4j XML, so could not be parsed with built-in parser "Log4jXMLParser"
  • When reading log files written by Log4j2 HTMLLayout, the built-in parser "Log4jHTMLParser" was not able to read "Emitter" and "Location" fields.
  • Some log files using Syslog format could not be parsed using built-int Parser "SyslogParser" (RFC5424 with VERSION field)
  • Now supporting log level names containing special characters like ",", "=", "[" (it used to produce errors during LogMX startup/exit when reading/writing user options)
  • "File information" window did not report the right file tab title when this tab was renamed (the old name was displayed)

New in LogMX 2.0.3 (Nov 23, 2010)

  • New Features:
  • LogMX can now be run in Console mode to perform command-line automatic procedures. At this time, this Console mode can run the existing "Export" feature, so that you can export log entries (CSV, XML, ...) directly through command-line
  • Can now filter entries by numeric conditions on their ID (=, ...)
  • Can now create alerts on entries by numeric conditions on their ID (=, ...)
  • Changes:
  • Can now cancel the load of raw-text files (see forum)
  • LogMX Options are now saved when they are modified and not only when LogMX is closed (can go back to previous behaviour through new option "Saving LogMX options when") (see forum)
  • Can now filter entries using new operators ">" and "=" and "" and "=" and " "Parsers") whose Class is not present, all LogMX windows were disabled, no user input action was possible (user had to manually kill LogMX process)
  • When modifying a Java Class Parser ("Options" > "Parsers"), parser name was reset to its class name

New in LogMX 2.0.1 (May 22, 2010)

  • New Features:
  • Can now ignore extra Log4j tags (%F, %l, %L, %M, %r, %x, %X tags were automatically displayed since v2.0.0 if present in Log4j pattern)
  • Bugfixes:
  • Due to a regression in v2.0.0, couldn't parse log entries dates with date patterns like "*M*d*" (e.g. yyyy-MM-dd) => Delta-T computation and interlaced files merge didn't work for these log entries.
  • Filtering log entries by date didn't work on merged log files
  • Fixed an error in API Javadoc (LogFileParser.getLocale())