IUP Changelog

What's new in IUP 3.14

May 22, 2015
  • New: support for Lua 5.3.
  • New: INFOTIP attribute for IupTree on Windows.
  • New: OPENCOLOR and HIGHCOLOR attributes for IupExpander to change the title text color in different situations. New TITLEIMAGE* attributes to use a title image instead of a text. New TITLEEXPAND attribute to enable expand/contract action in the title.
  • New: ANIMATION attribute for IupExpander to enable animation during open/close.
  • New: MULTIVALUECOUNT and MULTIVALUEid attributes for IupFileDlg when MULTIPLEFILES=Yes.
  • New: AXS_AUTOSCALEEQUAL and VIEWPORTSQUARE attributes for IupPlot.
  • New: CHILDOFFSET attribute for native containers (IupTabs, IupFrame, IupDialog, IupBackgroundBox, IupScrollBox).
  • New: CELL attribute in IupMatrix to return the displayed value.
  • New: EDITFITVALUE, EDITVALUE, EDITTEXT, EDITALIGN, EDITHIDEONFOCUS attributes for IupMatrix to control editing cell values and focus.
  • New: EDITCLICK_CB, EDITRELEASE_CB and EDITMOUSEMOVE_CB callbacks for IupMatrix called when EDITHIDEONFOCUS=NO and editing is on going right before CLICK_CB, RELEASE_CB and MOUSEMOVE_CB callbacks.
  • New: CELLNAMES attributes for IupMatrix when using formulas.
  • Changed: IupMap will now call IupRefresh when mapping the dialog after all other processing. This affects the MAP_CB callback of the children, that it will be called before the layout is updated, so the children current size will still be 0x0 during MAP_CB.
  • Changed: IupExpander internally remodeled to use other IUP elements to compose its handler area. The controls can be accessed by IupGetChild* and then reconfigured if necessary. There are no size limitations for images anymore. Extra buttons are now creation-only.
  • Changed: when editing a cell value the caret will now be possitione closest to where the user double clicked in IupMatrix.
  • Fixed: visual feedback when interactively moving the title or the legend box in IupPlot.
  • Fixed: transparency for images in IupTabs on Windows. Thanks to Nodir Temirkhodjaev.
  • Fixed: COPYDATA_CB callback for Unicode support in IupDialog on Windows. Thanks to Nodir Temirkhodjaev.
  • Fixed: setting TITLE attribute to NULL in IupPlot.
  • Fixed: automatic margin calculation in IupPlot when TITLE is not defined, top margin is automatic and bottom margin is manually set.
  • Fixed: Fixed FGCOLOR and FONT, when set before map in IupScintilla.
  • Fixed: update of CMARGIN and CGAP attributes when FONT is changed in IupGridBox, IupHbox, and IupVbox.
  • Fixed: resize of a IupButton with just a color on GTK.
  • Fixed: ACTION callback for IupBackgroundBox in Lua.
  • Fixed: ENTERWINDOW_CB/LEAVEWINDOW_CB call order in Windows.
  • Fixed: memory leaks in drag&drop processing in Windows. Memory leaks in internal IupImage cache.
  • Fixed: Enter and Esc keys behavior in IupList when DROPDOWN=Yes on Windows, while the dropdown list is shown they must simply close the list and do not forward the action to the dialog.
  • Fixed: VALUE attribute during VALUECHANGED_CB in IupList when EDITBOX=Yes on Windows and an item is selected with the keyboard.
  • Fixed: add new units of an existing quantity in IupMatrixEx.
  • Fixed: font parsing when using old invalid names.
  • Fixed: range and cell functions inside formulas when reference another cell that also uses formulas in IupMatrix. Recurrence in range and cell functions.
  • Fixed: DIRECTORY attribute return value when MULTIPLEFILES=Yes in IupFileDlg on Windows and GTK.
  • Fixed: toggle visible state when moving or copying a node in IupTree in Windows.
  • Fixed: keys processing in IupMatrixEx that were disabling IupMatrix regular processing.
  • Fixed: column resize feedback for IupMatrix when in GTK3.
  • Fixed: CLEAR attribute in IupPlot.

New in IUP 3.10.1 (Apr 8, 2014)

  • New: RESIZEMATRIX_CB callback in IupMatrix.
  • New: internal IupMatrix callbacks BUTTON_CB, MOTION_CB and KEYPRESS_CB are now exported to Lua as "MatButtonCb", "MatMotionCb" and "MatKeyPressCb".
  • Fixed: key names in IupLua when modifiers are used. Thanks to kmx.
  • Fixed: text with computation in UTF-8 in Windows. Thanks to kmx.
  • Fixed: 3 state check box size in IupTree on Windows when using Classic Style. Thanks to kmx.
  • Fixed: IUP_MOUSEPOS in Windows when the taskbar is at the top, or left of the screen.
  • Fixed: TABTITLE return value after tabs are added or removed.
  • Fixed: IupBackgroundBox creation in Lua.
  • Fixed: map error in IupTabs in GTK.

New in IUP 3.10 (Apr 8, 2014)

  • New: DRAGDROPTREE attribute to enable automatic drag&drop between IupTrees in the same application.
  • New: DRAGDROPLIST attribute to enable automatic drag&drop between IupLists in the same application.
  • New: SHOWCLOSE attribute and TABCLOSE_CB callback for IupTabs to show a close button in each tab.
  • New: RIGHTCLICK_CB callback for IupTabs.
  • New: TASKBARPROGRESS, TASKBARPROGRESSSTATE and TASKBARPROGRESSVALUE attributes for IupDialog on Windows to show a progress feedback on the taskbar running in Windows 7+.
  • New: COPY, SELECTALL, PRINT and ZOOM attributes in IupWebBrowser.
  • New: function IupImageFromImImage in the IUP-IM library.
  • New: FITTOCHILDREN attribute for IupGridBox.
  • New: IupDetachBox container element to allow interactively detach of an element and insert it in a new dialog.
  • New: TEXTNUMERICLOCALE attribute for IupMatrixEx to allow a different locale during paste of numeric values.
  • New: IupBackgroundBox native container to allow more control of children visibility.
  • Changed: "IUP_EditErase" image to use "gtk-delete" definition instead of "gtk-close" in IupImageLib.
  • Changed: TABIMAGEn and TABTITLEn attributes in IupTabs to update the respective child attribute.
  • Fixed: VALUE_HANDLE attribute in IupZbox was write-only.
  • Fixed: missing IupMatrixList Lua binding.
  • Fixed: SAVEUNDER attribute in IupDialog on Windows.
  • Fixed: IupWebBrowser in GTK.
  • Fixed: horizontal frame color in IupMatrix.
  • Fixed: IupLoadBuffer.
  • Fixed: TIP attribute on Windows when not using Visual Styles.
  • Fixed: EXPANDCHILDREN in IupHbox, IupVbox and IupGridBox when children contains an IupFill.
  • Fixed: Caps Lock processing in Windows.
  • Fixed: COUNT, APPENDITEM, INSERTITEMid and REMOVEITEM in IupMatrixList when EDITABLE=Yes. Drawing of the empty line when there is no other items. Insertion of the empty line when there is less than 2 items in the list.
  • Fixed: ACTION callback in IupText when using UTF-8.
  • Fixed: SCROLLTO and SCROLLTOPOS attributes in IupText on Windows when FORMATTING=Yes.
  • Fixed: support for UTF-8 in IupClipboard on Windows that affected paste in IupText.

New in IUP 3.2 (Jun 28, 2010)

  • New: function IupResetAttribute.
  • New: MINMAX attribute for IupSplit.
  • New: global attribute SINGLEINSTANCE so the application can restrict the number of its instances in Windows. COPYDATA_CB callback for IupDialog in Windows to receive the command line of the secondary instances when SINGLEINSTANCE is used.
  • New: attributes WMFAVAILABLE, EMFAVAILABLE, SAVEWMF and SAVEEMF for IupClipboard in Windows.
  • Changed: some Lua parameters that use "number" to "integer".
  • Changed: replaced old "arg" usage for "..." to improve better compatibility with LuaJIT. Thanks to J.-F. Cap.
  • Changed: IupSaveClassAttributes to not save values that are equal to the default values.
  • Changed: IupFileDlg behavior in Motif to avoid auto resize when a directory is changed.
  • Changed: C function iuplua_dofile will now check for the IUPLUA_DIR environment variable when file could not be opened.
  • Changed: control of LOHs inclusion moved from the source code to the makefile.
  • Changed: removed compatibility with require"iuplua51", now LuaBinaries must be used or LUA_CPATH must be set.
  • Changed: added compatibility with Lua 5.2.
  • Changed: global variable SYSTEM in Mac OS X, renamed from Darwin to MacOS.
  • Fixed: the cleaner syntax feature for menu creation in Lua.
  • Fixed: stack overflow when "MARKL:C" is set inside MARKEDIT_CB because MARK_CB is not defined in IupMatrix.
  • Fixed: iup.TreeSetUserId error in Lua.
  • Fixed: IupView executable in Win64.
  • Fixed: RIGHTCLICK_CB called twice when IupTree is inside two IupTabs in Windows.
  • Fixed: IupLoopStep in Windows to process the IDLE callback.
  • Fixed: natural size of IupText and IupMatrix when SCROLLBAR is VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL only.
  • Fixed: IupSplit were not considering MINSIZE and MAXSIZE.
  • Fixed: EXPANDWEIGHT implementation.
  • Fixed: MARK=CLEARALL in IupTree on Windows. DELNODE=MARKED in IupTree on all drivers, so the node 0 can also be removed.
  • Fixed: return value of SIZE and RASTERSIZE of the IupDialog when reset to NULL after the dialog was mapped.
  • Fixed: a right click in a node in IupTree on Windows was causing an invalid redraw of the selected node.
  • Fixed: parameter indexing when using the new button names parameter in IupGetParam.