IDA Pro Changelog

What's new in IDA Pro 8.3

Jun 18, 2023
  • IDA Teams and Lumina:
  • lumina: add a UI action to inspect a function's metadata history
  • lumina: allow specifying up to two Lumina servers (public or private, in any order)
  • lumina: metadata history can now be browsed on private Lumina servers
  • Teams: use licenses from vault server on IDA side (no more need for ida.key files on the client)
  • Procesor modules:
  • ARM: ARM64 system registers are now displayed using symbolic names
  • ARM: set offsets/xrefs for LDRD/STRD if the base register is known
  • Dalvik: support for const-method-handle and const-method-type bytecode instructions (DEX 039/Android 10)
  • MIPS: improved analysis of functions with large stack frames for MIPS16
  • MIPS: improved the regtracker
  • PPC: added Power ISA 3.0C Ultravisor-related instructions
  • PPC: support LSP (Lightweight Signal Processing) extension instructions, available in some MPC57xx cores
  • PPC: support Power ISA 3.1, including prefixed instructions
  • RISCV: register tracker can now be configured via settings in ida.cfg
  • File formats:
  • DEX: annotate hidden API section (DEX 039)
  • ELF: ppc: parse and use .gnu.attributes and .PPC.EMB.apuinfo sections to detect the used ISA extension
  • ESP: new loader for the Espressif images, supporting images from ESP8266 (Xtensa) to ESP32-C6 (RISC-V)
  • TIL: added type library for Android ARM64
  • TIL: suppport __attribute__((flag_enum)) or __bitmask attribute on enums
  • Standard plugins:
  • DWARF: improve handling of unsigned 'char' types; now they're mapped to 'char' on IDA's side (instead of 'unsigned __int8')
  • DWARF: significantly speed up importing of type information
  • golang: added "detect and parse golang metadata" command
  • golang: annotate funcInfo's funcFlag field
  • golang: handle different functions with the same name in pclntab
  • golang: use full package prefix for functions dirtree
  • goomba: new plugin for optimizing mixed boolean expressions (MBA) in pseudocode
  • idaclang: added presets of predefined arguments for common platforms
  • idaclang: updated libclang to 16.0.0
  • OBJC: set prototypes for some widely used objc methods (e.g. objc_alloc_init)
  • OBJC: support iOS16 optimized objc_retain_xY/objc_release_xY stubs
  • OBJC: support objc_msgSend$... stubs
  • Kernel/Misc:
  • installer: Missing dependencies on Linux are now checked and reported at install time
  • kernel: properly support operand types for 3rd to 8th operands
  • licensing: the EULA has been updated and unified across all IDA editions and license types
  • network: added ability to use an HTTP CONNECT-style proxy
  • network: added support for HTTP CONNECT proxy basic authentication
  • Scripting & SDK:
  • IDAPython: added an example showing how to paint over an existing graph's edges
  • IDAPython: added support for Python 3.12
  • IDAPython: enable access to the global debug variable+
  • IDAPython: improve doc for str2ea (use text from the SDK header)
  • SDK/Python: added get_config_value for retrieving arbitrary JSON values in config files
  • SDK/Python: notepad APIs (get_ida_notepad_text/set_ida_notepad_text) now synchronize the database/UI state
  • SDK/UI: added ability to dynamically change values in combobox in forms
  • SDK: added functions validate_idb(), move_privrange()
  • SDK: added methods edit_named_type_details()/edit_numbered_type_details() to edit local type enum/udt details
  • SDK: added parse_decl_ex()
  • UI:
  • UI: "Color instruction" action now also colorizes undefined items in the selection (previously they were skipped)
  • UI: Added support for Unicode 15.0, now more string literals are detected and displayed correctly
  • UI: allow editing struct.enum comments in the type editor
  • UI: during autoanalysis, mark choosers with a filter and/or sorting as outdated instead of updating immediately
  • UI: improved performance for refreshing choosers when there is no sorting or filtering
  • UI: provide the ability to specify icons for actions through CSS themes
  • UI: show comments for strlits or mangled names on each member of a string array in the disassembly listing
  • UI: the graph options are now saved in the desktop
  • UI: teams: Allow picking a chunk to use from the context menu in addition to the toolbar button/hotkey
  • UI: teams: save desktop layout in the database using user's name so that each user's desktop is not overridden by others
  • Decompilers:
  • decompiler: added a new API function change_hexrays_config() to update the hexrays configuration, e.g. to set the analysis options or disable warnings after IDA start
  • decompiler: added the option to disable some optimizations
  • decompiler: arm: detect usage of X8 for reurning structures on ARM64 and add a hidden 'retptr' argument when callee prototypes is guessed by IDA
  • decompiler: enable IDAPython API for the cloud decompiler (IDA Home, IDA Educational)
  • decompiler: exported set_lvar_name() which can be used to rename local variables
  • decompiler: improve callee type guessing (detect arguments passed by reference)
  • decompiler: improve fastcall/thiscall callee detection
  • decompiler: improved guessing of call types (detect more fastcall/thiscall calls without stack arguments)
  • decompiler: improved propagation of zero values
  • Bugfixes:
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: assignment to a stack variable used by reference in a syscall could be erroneously removed
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: corrupted info in the database could lead to crashes during decompilation
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: decompiler could cause IDA to crash if an error happened during plugin initialization
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: fixed a crash that could occur when deleting a function in the presence of outlined functions
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: fixed numerous interrs
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: indirect jumps in outlined code were handled incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: jumps to outlined functions were handled incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: the "select union member" action (Alt-Y) could fail in some cases
  • BUGFIX: ELF: Android ARM64 JNI files would incorrectly use 32-bit type library
  • BUGFIX: formatting golang metadata could fail for some 64-bit binaries if they used addresses above 32-bit address space
  • BUGFIX: IDA on Linux would not start if libsecret-1 or libglib-2.0 were not present
  • BUGFIX: idapyswitch would accept buggy Anaconda 2022 distributions which would later cause IDA to crash
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: ida_dbg.get_dbg_byte() was not usable
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: non-modal Python forms (using class Form) could cause crashes on the ARM macOS build of IDA
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: the bookmarks_t object was not usable from IDAPython
  • BUGFIX: kernel: fixed printing of opcode bytes for processors which use two-byte grouping (PR_WORD_INS flag)
  • BUGFIX: kernel: idat64 would try to load picture_search plugin, although it only works in GUI version
  • BUGFIX: Lumina: fixed interr 1512 which could occur on wrong directives in lumina.conf
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: IDA 8.2 would fail to recover tagged pointers in arm64e dyld caches
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: iOS16+ branch mappings/stubs regions were not loaded in "complete" and "dependencies" modes, leading to missing symbols
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: when loading a complete dyld cache for iOS16, authenticated pointers would retain tagged values
  • BUGFIX: MIPS: TX19A-only MIPS16 BAL does not have a delay slot
  • BUGFIX: PDB: IDA would fail to load PDBs with page size 8192 (e.g. from recent Chrome builds)
  • BUGFIX: PE: Load Config Directory comments for ProcessHeapFlags and ProcessAffinityMask fields were swapped in 32-bit files
  • BUGFIX: PE: some files using EH4 metadata (__CxxFrameHandler4) could produce bogus "DATABASE IS CORRUPTED" warnings on load
  • BUGFIX: Teams: IDA would crash silently on start if the license was expired but within the grace period
  • BUGFIX: teams: IDA would sometime fail to save the login credentials
  • BUGFIX: Teams: Vault server no longer refuses to work when there are not enough licenses
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: get_viewer_graph wouldn't return the mutable_graph_t instance for proximity views
  • BUGFIX: UI: binary search with selection would fail if cursor was at the end of selection
  • BUGFIX: UI: fixed an accelerator clash in the Cross-references tab of the Options dialog box
  • BUGFIX: UI: graph printing did not work on Windows and macOS
  • BUGFIX: UI: license agreement dialog was mis-interpreting UTF-8 text for Latin-1
  • BUGFIX: UI: renaming a structure (or an enum) from the listing, could result in the left-hand list being outdated
  • BUGFIX: UI: some of the search actions were not respecting user selection

New in IDA Pro 8.2 (Feb 2, 2023)

  • IDA Teams and Lumina:
  • lumina: added support for recent MySQL versions which default to TLS connection
  • teams: the password for Vault is now saved securely in the OS-specific keychain
  • vault/lumina: allow any local MAC address to match the one specified in .lic file
  • Procesor modules:
  • XTENSA: added support for many additional instructions, registers, stack variables (thanks to Zak Escano)
  • XTENSA: added support for many standard switch patterns (thanks to Zak Escano)
  • XTENSA: detect used ABI (CALL0 or windowed)
  • RISC-V: added support for vector extension instructions
  • TRICORE: decode FTOHP and HPTOF instructions from TC1.6.2
  • File formats:
  • macho: added USE_SEG_PREFIXES option to macho.cfg, which instructs IDA to use the Mach-O segment name as a prefix for IDA segment names, e.g. "__TEXT:__text"
  • FLIRT: added signatures for vc1434 (Visual Studio 16.11)
  • FLIRT: added MFC signatures for vc1434 (Visual Studio 16.11)
  • FLIRT: added signatures for icl 222 (Intel C++ 2021.2)
  • FLIRT: added signatures for icl 2221 (Intel C++ 2021.2.1)
  • TIL: added a type library for Aarch64 (ARM64) UEFI 2.5
  • idaclang: added "--idaclang-mangle-format" switch. it works similarly to the -G option for tilib when the user wants to set a custom name mangling format
  • Standard plugins:
  • PDB: on Windows, enabled fallback mode by default so that MSDIA is used to load legacy PDB files
  • picture_search: new plugin for finding and displaying raster images embedded in the binary
  • svdimport: added support for cluster, derivedFrom and dim/dimIncrement peripheral attributes
  • svdimport: use a folder-based tree for the plugin's UI
  • swift: parse and format Swift metadata
  • swift: import simple types (enums, structs) into Local Types
  • Kernel:
  • kernel: added a new flag REFINFO_SELFREF for offsets (base is equal to the address of the current element)
  • Scripting & SDK:
  • IDAPython: expose the C++ SDK's processor_t (as ida_idp._processor_t)
  • SDK: added capture_process_output() to capture output of an external program;
  • SDK: added support for lazy-loaded dirtree choosers. CH2_LAZY_LOADED flag can be used with dirtree-based choosers to load contents of a directory when it's expanded.
  • SDK: deprecated qerrcode() (errno can be accessed directly instead)
  • UI:
  • UI: added an easy way to take memory snapshot of current segment
  • UI: improved highlighting of matching registers on platforms which use various prefixes (e.g. @r1)
  • UI: in the disassembly, addresses in the line prefixes of structure or array members now increase with those members' offsets.
  • UI: it is now possible to attribute an image as background to the listings (IDA View, Pseudocode, ...) using CSS in themes
  • UI: jumping to an address in the middle of a struct or an array now positions cursor on the correct line of the disassembly listing
  • UI: the "Wait" dialog now only shows after a certain timeout (thereby reducing the number of interfering popping dialogs)
  • Decompilers:
  • decompiler: added an action to jump to a new pseudocode windows with 'alt+enter' shortcut
  • decompiler: enabled decompiling of 32-bit files in IDA64 if a corresponding 32-bit decompiler license is available
  • Bugfixes:
  • BUGFIX: arm: "set callee" (Alt-F11) failed to create cross-references for BLR instructions
  • BUGFIX: alpha: 'lda' instructions could cause wrong sized stack variables to be created
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: Debug information present in .dwz companion files (pointed to by .gnu_debugaltlink) would be skipped when the link is absolute
  • BUGFIX: FLAIR: The pelf utility could crash when used with incorrect 'pelf.rtb' files
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash if an array typedef was replaced by a structure of the same size
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail to detect dyld (and any loaded modules) after attaching to a process on macOS 13.
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail to parse Objective-C method data during debugging.
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: cfunc_t.arguments array could have function arguments in wrong order
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: documentation for ida_kernwin.Choose callbacks was missing
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: get_reg_vals() was not usable
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: using values in the range [128,255) as 'tag' for ida_netnode functions, would fail
  • BUGFIX: ios_deploy "symbols" phase would fail on iOS 14-16.
  • BUGFIX: lumina: private lumina server could fail starting with certain MySQL setups, due to case sensitivity in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS fields
  • BUGFIX: PC: callee target was not printed for some call instructions
  • BUGFIX: svdimport: fixed problem with odd (+1) start addresses in segments
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: IDA could crash when passed the wrong widget to ida_kernwin.get_highlight()
  • BUGFIX: ui: "size" expressions in 'Structure offset' context menu differed from 'T' hotkey
  • BUGFIX: ui: exporting data from hex view with non-default item width could produce wrong output
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA on Windows would hang if the accessibilty option "Use text cursor indicator" was enabled
  • BUGFIX: ui: improvements for accessibility under Windows for "Text Cursor Indicator" on "Output" widget
  • BUGFIX: vault: 'hv purge' command was not usable
  • BUGFIX: xtensa: write acccesses for stack variables were not shown properly

New in IDA Pro 8.1 (Oct 7, 2022)

  • IDA Teams and Lumina:
  • Lumina: private Lumina server is now available
  • Lumina: got rid of LUMINA_HOST and LUMINA_PORT configuration parameters (those values are saved/retrieved in the registry instead)
  • Teams: switched to PBKDF2 hash for the password storage in the vault server
  • Procesor modules:
  • ARM: improved recognition of A32 switch patterns produced by Android NDK 19 toolchain
  • XTENSA: added decoding of the nop.n instruction
  • XTENSA: print a1 register as 'sp'
  • File formats:
  • ELF: ARM: added support for the R_AARCH64_IRELATIVE relocation
  • FLIRT: added signatures for icl 221 (Intel C++ 2022.1)
  • FLIRT: added signatures for ucrt 22621
  • FLIRT: VC: added signatures for vc1431 (Visual Studio 16.11.10) 64bit
  • FLIRT: VC: added signatures for vc1432 (Visual Studio 16.11)
  • Standard plugins:
  • golang: added support for the regabi calling convention
  • Kernel:
  • noret.cfg: added more __noreturn function names
  • Scripting & SDK:
  • SDK: changing the application bitness (e.g. inf_set_64bit()) now also adjusts the basic type sizes
  • SDK: now the processor modules that support 64-bit mode must have PR_USE64 set; previously this was not enforced
  • UI:
  • UI: IDA now uses new icons specific to the edition (Pro/Home/Free/Teams)
  • Decompilers:
  • decompiler: x86: improved detection of __fascall functions with stack arguments
  • Bugfixes:
  • BUGFIX: ARM: fixed decoding of T32 UMAAL instruction (wrong operands)
  • BUGFIX: debugger: pressing F8 on jXcx might resume the application and let it run freely
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: during debugging, hovering over stack variables could show wrong data
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: tail calls in outlined functions could lead to truncated pseudocode
  • BUGFIX: idapyswitch could fail to create the libpython symlink on arm64 macOS.
  • BUGFIX: interr 1784 could be produced when loading databases which were rebased multiple times
  • BUGFIX: PC: improved the analysis speed in presence of thunk functions
  • BUGFIX: SDK: get_db_byte() would return bytes from process memory instead of IDB
  • BUGFIX: some debugger plugins would fail with an error message about the 'dbg' variable
  • BUGFIX: teams: merging was not implemented for manual memory regions
  • BUGFIX: tilib could not open files with double extension (file.ext.til)
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA could crash when using the "New instance" action on macOS
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA could incorrectly highlight non-ascii characters during filtering in list views
  • BUGFIX: UI: it was impossible to set COMMENTS_INDENTION or INDENTION to more than 132 in the config file (the UI allows up to 255)
  • BUGFIX: UI: some menu actions could be erroneously disabled during auto-analysis
  • BUGFIX: UI: current item focus in the Functions window kept jumping during autoanalysis
  • BUGFIX: vault: multiple IDA instances run by the same user on the same host would consume multiple licenses

New in IDA Pro 8.0 (Oct 7, 2022)

  • Procesor modules:
  • 68K: support switches which use cmpa for the range check
  • ARM: improve handling of manual setting of ARM/Thumb mode via the T pseudo-register
  • AVR: added config for ATmega640
  • PC: improve function recognition
  • Debuggers:
  • PIN: support PIN 3.22-98547
  • File formats:
  • COFF: support ARM64 and ARMv7 object files compiled with /bigobj option
  • DWARF: upgrade libdwarf to version 20220625 (aka 0.4.1)
  • MACHO: improve symbolication of branch mappings in iOS16+ dyldcaches
  • MACHO: support for iOS16 dyld caches
  • MACHO: when loading a dyld shared cache, make "single module" option the default choice
  • FLIRT: GO: increased coverage of golang signatures
  • FLIRT: MFC: added signatures for vc1431 (Visual Studio 16.11.10)
  • FLIRT: VC: added signatures for vc1431 32bit(Visual Studio 16.11.10)
  • idaclang: added "--idaclang-parse-static" option to the cmdline tool
  • idaclang: introduced the "--idaclang-extra-c-mangling" option for building type libs for mixed-language inputs (e.g. C++, C, and Objective-C)
  • idaclang: try to pre-set a default target configuration that corresponds to the currently loaded file
  • Standard plugins
  • DSCU: support loading (and symbolicating) global offset tables from iOS16
  • dyldcaches
  • golang: support for go1.18 (function names, types)
  • OBJC: improved decompilation of functions that use objc_alloc_init() to initialize Objective-C objects
  • OBJC: improved decompilation of Objective-C binaries by creating artificial imports for to methods not present in the idb
  • patfind: new plugin to discover code patterns in otherwise unmarked binaries
  • Scripting & SDK
  • IDAPython: removed Python 2 support
  • SDK: added a new method qstring::rtrim() to trim whitespaces
  • SDK: added get_stdact_descs() for choosers for customizing the standard actions (Insert, Delete, Edit, Refresh)
  • SDK: added wildcard_path_match(), that can match entire paths against a pattern following the same rules as a shell (e.g. ** and ranges like [a-z])
  • SDK: improved comment for has_external_refs()
  • SDK: support usage of qstring in hashed STL containers
  • UI:
  • UI: the command-line arguments in the Debugger>Process options... dialog are no longer limited to 1024 characters
  • Decompilers:
  • added option HO_PROP_VOLATILE_LDX to propagate load instructions without checking for volatile memory access
  • added support for outlined functions
  • arm: recognize thunk functions with suffixes _from_thumb, _from_arm, _veneer
  • improve handling of scattered return values (=using mutiple registers/stack locations)
  • new decompiler: HEXARC (for the ARC processor family)
  • pc: control register maniplation intrinsics (e.g __writecr0) work with 32-bit values in 32-bit mode
  • support WCHAR, wchar16_t, wchar32_t as character element types
  • Bugfixes:
  • BUFGIX: IDC: definitions of SN_CHECK/SN_NOCHECK (flags for set_name()) were wrong
  • BUGFIX: ARM: fixed an endless loop which could occur when analyzing code switching between ARM/Thumb modes
  • BUGFIX: ARM: IDA could display a "bad instruction decoding" warning when trying to decode an undefined instruction
  • BUGFIX: ARM: some undefined A64 instructions were wrongly decoded as FCMEQ
  • BUGFIX: ARM: arm64 function arguments with wrong attributes could crash ida
  • BUGFIX: automatically created string literal names would have repeating symbols in place of embedded zeroes in the string
  • BUGFIX: dbg: IDA could produce an internal error when undo was used during debugging
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: do not crash if nullptr is passed to various save_.. functions
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: do not optimize away successive volatile memory reads
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: fix sometimes wrong decompilation when loading values from memory in big-endian mode
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: fixed multiple interrs
  • BUGFIX: decompiler: modifies_d() was incorrectly returning true for instructions without the 'd' operand
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: during source-level debugging, location of some items wouldn't be properly resolved
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: The plugin could INTERR because of how duplicate types were handled
  • BUGFIX: golang: IDA could hang when parisng metadata in some Go binaries
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash when loading PE files if IDS debugging was enabled (-z40 switch)
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail to load bytes from modules in iOS 15 dyldcaches for older iphones (iphone X and earlier)
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail to load symbols for some modules in iOS 15 dyldcaches
  • BUGFIX: idaclang could create invalid types after parsing a "using" declaration that has the same name as an existing type
  • BUGFIX: idaclang could fail to parse c++ type declarations that use the "auto" keyword
  • BUGFIX: idaclang would fail to parse function prototypes that have an unspecified number of arguments
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: fixed multiple crashes and infinite loops when wrong arguments are passed to IDA APIs
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: IDA could crash if 'has_insn_feature' was called with improper data
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: internal errors in IDA API wrappers which are called bypassing IDA UI (e.g. from alternative IDAPython shells) are now caught and reported properly
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: when trying to create a too big segment, produce a warning instead of fatal error
  • BUGFIX: IDC: calling get_tev_reg() with wrong data could produce "No error" message instead of showing the correct error
  • BUGFIX: installer: PIN debugger plugin was not shipped with Mac builds of IDA by mistake
  • BUGFIX: kernel: compact_numbered_types() was mishandling aliased types
  • BUGFIX: kernel: fixed an endless loop which could occur during application of startup signatures
  • BUGFIX: kernel: fixed interr 641 that could occur when parsing a bad function prototype
  • BUGFIX: kernel: get_strlit_contents() could loop very long time even when maxcps was set to a reasonable value
  • BUGFIX: kernel: IDA could produce "database corrupted" when undoing some operations
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: some ARM64e binaries could have wrong pointer values, leading to wrong parsing of Objective-C metadata
  • BUGFIX: MIPS: bltzal and bgezal were not handled as call instructions
  • BUGFIX: OBJC: "Run until message received" action could fail on macOS 12
  • BUGFIX: PC: some 64-bit functions would lose offsets when Lumina metadata was applied
  • BUGFIX: PC: ud1 instruction was decoded incorrectly (the mod r/m byte was not parsed)
  • BUGFIX: PDB: fixed interr 984 which could occur when loading PDBs with types from recent Windows builds
  • BUGFIX: PDB: the PDB file download could be cancelled unexpectedly when using symsrv.dll from WinDbg Preview
  • BUGFIX: PPC: functions using 'ba' for tail calls to noret functions were not marked as noret
  • BUGFIX: SDK: get_name_ea() would return non-BADADDR results for structure or enum names
  • BUGFIX: svdimport: plugin could crash when processing certain SVD files
  • BUGFIX: tilib: fixed interr 157 that could occur when listing til contents in the presence of type aliases
  • BUGFIX: UI: database snapshots were added to the recent files list and could fill it completely
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA could produce internal errror 40225 after some user manipulations with the function graphs
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA would not display shortcuts for actions in context menus on macOS
  • BUGFIX: UI: strings containing rn could be printed as empty in the Output window and the log file
  • BUGFIX: UI: TOOL_CLOSED_BY_ESC in idagui.cfg did not work
  • BUGFIX: windbg: IDA could crash if a breakpoint it added became invalid (e.g. by user's actions bypassing IDA's UI)

New in IDA Pro 7.0.170920 (Oct 10, 2017)

  • Processor Modules:
  • ARM: added one more pattern of thumb->arm transition
  • ARM: arm64: use simplified aliases for UBFM/SBFM instructions when applicable
  • ARM: handle vfp instructions: VMOV immediate, VCVTB, VCVTT, VCVT with a fixed point operand
  • ARM: reduced complexity of the SP-analysis from quadratic to linear;
  • ARM: added a fix for Thumb switches with full addresses
  • ARM: added support of the new clang's switch pattern for arm64
  • ARM: extended LDRB switch pattern
  • ARM64: take into account instruction STP can load callee arguments into stack - add corresponding comments to such instructions
  • MIPS: recover more cross-references from stripped statically-linked PIC ELF files
  • MSP430: added simplification "movx @SP+, dst" -> "popx dst"
  • PC: added decoding of Control-flow Enforcement extension
  • PC: added decoding of newer AVX-512 extensions (4FMAPS, 4VNNIW, and VPOPCNTDQ)
  • PC: added new switch pattern
  • PC: decode PTWRITE instruction
  • PC: decode VMFUNC instruction
  • PC: detect more switch patterns from clang
  • PC: improved epilog detection
  • PC: improved prolog detection
  • PC: improved stack frame analysis in x64 files
  • PC: support another variation of x64 table-based switch with switch variable stored on the stack
  • PPC: added missed extended mnemonics 'rotld'
  • PPC: added new config flag PPC_ABI_EMBEDDED/ISA_EABI;
  • PPC: added support of PowerPC64 ELF V2 ABI
  • PPC: improved switch patterns;
  • PPC: r13-based operands are printed using simplified @sda suffix
  • SuperH: improved detection of functions when addresses are calculated with movi20s + add/sub
  • SuperH: added register definitions for SH7256
  • TMS320C3: improved stack tracing
  • tricore: added TRICORE_DEVICE and TRICODE_IORESP config parameters so that they can be set from scripts
  • File Formats:
  • DWARF: Store file/line number information in IDB (only if requested, since it comes with a performance penalty)
  • ELF: added processing of many previously unsupported PPC64 relocations
  • ELF: annotate headers (ELF, PHT, SHT) and convert more known data to structs (symtab, strtab, relocations, dynamic information)
  • ELF: annotate preinit/init/fini function arrays
  • ELF: convert all strtab entries to ascii strings (even the ones that are not referenced)
  • ELF: describe DT_HASH and DT_GNU_HASH
  • ELF: describe symbols using symtab from DYNAMIC section
  • ELF: detect overlapping sections in SHT and prevent them from processing data (but still load them in the database)
  • ELF: don't obliterate data when patching PLT
  • ELF: don't skip processing relocations if symbol index is 0 (happens with IRELATIVE relocs)
  • ELF: IDA now uses the PHT by default instead of the SHT to load segments from ELF files
  • ELF: improved support for TLS variables in relocatable files
  • ELF: load symbols using symtab from DYNAMIC section when .dynamic section yields no symbols
  • ELF: PLT relocations for pc are now processed at relocation-application-time, instead of relying on the presence of a .plt section
  • ELF: ppc: added new ida.cfg variable PPC_FIX_GNU_VLEADRELOC_BUG to work around binutils bug 20744
  • ELF: process .ctors/.dtors sections for all architectures
  • ELF: recognize PLT stub functions from R_386_GLOB_DAT relocations
  • MACHO: support dyld_shared_cache files from OSX 10.13 and iOS 11
  • MACHO: support dyld cache slide info v2. This should improve analysis for dyld_shared_cache files from iOS 10 and OSX 10.12
  • MACHO: improved analysis of single modules within dyld_shared_cache files that have slide info
  • MACHO: added an option to load for single module plus its dependencies for dyld cache
  • MACHO: fixed incorrect resolution of Mach-O import table entries in files using both LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY and LC_SYMTAB
  • MACHO: improved speed of objc metadata parsing
  • MACHO: support for apple-protected binaries from OSX versions < 10.6
  • MACHO: support x64 macOS kernelcaches with ketxs relocated at runtime
  • MACHO: added processing of the ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND relocation;
  • MACHO: allow the user to override the ASLR slide for dyld_shared_cache files
  • OBJC: added Objective-C Analysis Plugin; the plugin tries to create an xref between calls to objc_msgSend and the function that will ultimately be called by msgSend
  • OBJC: perform Objective-C specific analysis on the decompiler output
  • OBJC: implemented a "step into" action for Objective-C (Debugger>Run until message received)
  • OBJC: allow user to jump to a method definition given a selector string (Jump>Jump by selector)
  • OBJC/MACHO: IDA can now extract Objective-C type info via 'Load debug info' in the Modules view during debugging
  • OBJC: now objc metadata can be parsed on demand, not just at load time
  • OBJC: implement demangling of objective-C methods in Swift classes
  • TDS: added support for executable with debug info appended to the end of the file
  • PDB: added an explicit check for odd paths (e.g. UNC) of pdb files; if such a path is detected, we display one more warning to the user
  • Debugger:
  • debugger: iOS: support debugging on iOS 11
  • debugger: iOS: support source-level debugging in Remote iOS Debugger
  • debugger: iOS: support Appcalls in Remote iOS Debugger
  • debugger: iOS: added support for ARM(64) FPU/NEON registers
  • debugger: iOS: identify regions of process memory in greater detail
  • debugger: iOS: always allow the user to specify a pid when attaching to a process
  • debugger: OSX: support debugging on OSX 10.13
  • debugger: OSX: improved support for debugging system libs from /usr/lib and /System/Library/Frameworks (any libs included in the dyld_shared_cache)
  • debugger: OSX: identify regions of process memory in greater detail
  • debugger: remote mac debuggers are signed and don't have to be run as root
  • debugger: BOCHS: added support for Bochs 2.6.9
  • debugger: LINUX: added environment variable IDA_SKIP_SYMS to ignore the exported names from the main module
  • debugger: LINUX: try to load separate debug info file for, if environment variable DEBUG_FILE_DIRECTORY is set
  • debugger: GDB: added software breakpoint for powerpc
  • debugger: GDB: added support for banked ARM register layouts
  • debugger: GDB: added support for no-acknowledgment mode (QStartNoAckMode) for reliable connections (set by default; unset by changing the stub options)
  • debugger: GDB: added support for uploading files to the server
  • debugger: GDB: enable "run a program before starting debugging" option and "Choose a configuration" for all processors including x86/x64
  • debugger: GDB: fetch processes list from gdbserver if supported
  • debugger: GDB: fetch target description from gdb stub as early as possible (mimic GDB behavior)
  • debugger: GDB: show the full path to be run if the user enabled "Run external program before debugging" before actually executing it
  • debugger: PIN: added support for appcall
  • debugger: debug servers can now be launched with '-kk' to specify that in case the connection between IDA & them is broken, the process should be terminated immediately
  • ios_deploy: added "codesign" and "appify" phases
  • ios_deploy: added "usbproxy" phase
  • ios_deploy: added "launch" phase
  • ios_deploy: added "kill" and "proclist" phases
  • ios_deploy: added "install_ex" phase
  • Kernel/Misc:
  • kernel: switched to PCRE2 for the regular expression engine. Now Perl extensions (s, d, w and so on) can be used in regular expressions
  • kernel: improved handling of 'noret' function attribute (fix endless looping in some cases);
  • kernel: documented ABANDON_DATABASE in ida.cfg
  • kernel: added separate "mingw" abi name; it can be specified for the visual studio compiler
  • kernel: renamed environment variable NONAMES to be IDA_NONAMES
  • FLIRT: Added detection of 32-bit mingw/mingw-w64 startup functions
  • FLIRT: Added detection of 64-bit mingw-w64 startup functions
  • FLIRT: Added detection of Android Bionic libc startup for ARM
  • FLIRT: Added MFC signatures for vc1410 (Visual Studio 2017)
  • FLIRT: Added MFC signatures for vc143 (Visual Studio 2015 Update 3)
  • FLIRT: Added signatures for Android NDK/ARM (up to version 13b)
  • FLIRT: BC: added signatures for xe102 (RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo)
  • FLIRT: DM: added signatures for Digital Mars 2.073.0
  • FLIRT: ICL: Added signatures for icl164 (Intel C++ 16.4)
  • FLIRT: ICL: Added signatures for icl170 (Intel C++ 17.0)
  • FLIRT: ICL: Added signatures for icl171 (Intel C++ 17.1)
  • FLIRT: ICL: Added signatures for icl174 (Intel C++ 17.4)
  • FLIRT: VC: Added signatures for vc1410 (Visual Studio 2017)
  • FLIRT: VC/VC64: added signatures for ucrt 15063 (Windows 10 Creators Update SDK)
  • FLIRT: pcf/pelf/plb/...: added option to modify pattern using regex (-E)
  • FLIRT: pcf/pelf/plb/...: added option to skip bytes before first label at pattern beginning
  • FLIRT: remove __ehhandler and __unwindfunclet pseudo-functions from signatures
  • FLIRT: the parser tools now remove by default any bytes before the first label (unset with -L)
  • FLIRT: mingw, mingw-w64: added detection of 32- and 64-bit mingw-w64 startup functions from the sourceforge builds (7.1.0rev2 and 7.2.0rev0)
  • FLIRT: sigmake: document -v (verbose) switch
  • FLIRT: upgraded ulink signatures
  • IDS: Added IDS files for MFC120 and MFC140
  • PCF: added option to specify startup segment name
  • PCF: the -s option (skip unknown relocations) has been renamed to -k
  • SIG: added signatures for VS ucrt 14393 (Windows 10 Anniversary Update SDK)
  • TIL: Updated UEFI TILs to version 2.5
  • TIL: Updated NTAPI type library
  • TIL: Added type library for Android NDK
  • RTTI: new plugin for parsing RTTI (run-time type information) produced by MSVC, GCC and LLVM in PE, COFF and ELF files
  • RTTI: added detection for MSVC's ThrowInfo and related sub structures
  • RTTI: added type information to comment for catchable types
  • EH_PARSE: new plugin to parse EH (exception handling) information present in ELF, COFF, Mach-O, and PE files. NOTE: enable display in Options-General-Try block lines
  • User Interface:
  • UI/qt: ability to delete breakpoints by group
  • UI/qt: ability to toggle between mangled & demangled versions of "Imports" & "Exports"
  • UI/qt: added fuzzy-searching in choosers
  • UI/qt: implemented ability to write custom actions for individual registers in the "General registers" (and similar) view (E.g., during a debugging session)
  • UI/qt: on Windows, text in message boxes (and warnings, errors, ...) can now be selected with the mouse, and copied to clipboard (it was already the case on OSX & Linux)
  • UI/qt: when copying tabular data (e.g. from choosers) to the clipboard, IDA now generates tab-separated values instead of aligning the text with spaces
  • UI/qt: when running on Linux/X11, selecting parts of the disassembly with the mouse (or Shift+navigation), will update the X11 'selection' clipboard (limited to what's visible on the screen.)
  • UI/qt: the Python/IDC command line auto-completion now responds to "Shift+Tab" appropriately, and goes back in history
  • UI/debugging: improve the formatting of the Call Stack window
  • UI/txt: decompiler can now be used interactively in the text version of IDA
  • UI: create/add/delete segment messages could be mixed up in the log
  • UI: do not ask permission to overwrite empty files, no info will be lost anyway
  • UI: pressing F9 with no debugger selected now starts the process automatically after user selects a debugger
  • UI: added a new action "copy field info to pointers"; it copies name and type info from a struct definition to the pointed locations for the current struct variable;
  • UI: all navigation actions are now proper actions, allowing their shortcuts to be overriden (and to be triggered programmatically.)
  • UI: many cursor movement actions can now be assigned another user-defined shortcuts
  • UI: mention that selector values are in paragraphs
  • UI: proximity view: added option to not show the collapsed nodes
  • UI: script snippets are now automatically saved to the database (and thus persisted to disk when the user presses Ctrl+W)
  • UI: script snippets: Pressing or while there is a selection, will cause that selection to be "block indented" (or unindented)
  • UI: on Windows, use Consolas font by default, as the venerable FixedSys is lacking glyphs for many Unicode characters
  • Scripts & SDK:
  • IDAPython: ability to programmatically query or set the graph position + zoom level
  • IDAPython: ability to store attributes on tinfo_t objects
  • IDAPython: added example showing how to synchronize two graph views (i.e., IDA View-B follows IDA View-A, at another zoom level)
  • IDAPython: added IDAPython module ida_dex to access loaded DEX file information
  • IDAPython: hexrays: cexpr_t & cinsn_t are now writeable, allowing many modifications of the C tree
  • IDAPython: opened many low-level graphviewer-related functions (those were previously unavailable)
  • IDAPython: support for microcode_filter_t (see example)
  • IDAPython: added View_Hooks for hooking IDAView events
  • IDAPython: fix dependencies
  • IDAPython: exposed get_predef_insn_cmt()
  • IDC: fix documentation for the StepUntilRet() function
  • IDC: support 64bit file/linput size/offset
  • SDK: numerous changes. see this page for details.
  • BUGFIX: "Dump to IDC" command could create incorrect idc files (the entry point of some functions would not be marked as code)
  • BUGFIX: "step into" debugger action would fail for ARM64 BR/BLR instructions
  • BUGFIX: 32-bit iOS targets would erroneously segfault on iOS 10
  • BUGFIX: AD218X: Direct Instruction Type 27 was being incorrectly decoded
  • BUGFIX: AD218X: some branch instructions would refer to data instead of code memory
  • BUGFIX: AskUsingForm could crash if a space was present in the form's description, before the field type
  • BUGFIX: COFF (mips): the relocations REL_MIPS_REFHI, REL_MIPS_PAIR, REL_MIPS_REFLO was processed incorrectly when the relocation value (addend) is non zero;
  • BUGFIX: COFF: fixed recognition of files produced by TI's Code Composer Studio 6
  • BUGFIX: DWARF could erroneously deduce calling conventions as __fastcall even if some registers that take part in a __fastcall were skipped
  • BUGFIX: DWARF could fail to set the function prototype in some Mach-O files, in case Obj-C parser already typed it
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: Better handling of types whose DW_AT_byte_size is a (improper) unsigned 32-bit 0xffffffff value
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: Could fail with INTERR 782 with some variable-sized structures constructs
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: Do not apply TINFO_DEFINITE to __usercall prototypes
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: Do not mark function prototypes as TINFO_DEFINITE if producer is clang IDA register mappings for ARM64
  • BUGFIX: For processor modules that aren't capable of reporting the minEA/maxEA, IDA wouldn't show scrollbars to scroll through the disassembly
  • BUGFIX: GDB: the 64-bit ELF files created by IDA for snippet debugging were using incorrect layout of program header entries
  • BUGFIX: GDB: the ELF files created by IDA for snippet debugging were missing information about BSS segments
  • BUGFIX: GDB: the GDB plugin would not activate for big-endian ARM binaries
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash at startup on OSX 10.8
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash when editing code in the "Scripts snippets" dialog
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash when parsing corrupted codeview data
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash when saving types with attributes
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash while in proximity view, when performing path-related operations
  • BUGFIX: IDA could die with a fatal error during sp analysis
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail to display first lines of disassembly for IDBs created in pre-4.0 IDA versions
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail to distinguish between ARM VCVT/VCVTR instructions
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail to load some elf core files
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail to set a breakpoint at an address inside dyld_shared_cache
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail to step over ARM TBZ/TBNZ instructions
  • BUGFIX: IDA could fail with interr 1263 if 2 different definitions of the same enum group were encountered
  • BUGFIX: IDA could hang momentarily at startup when many iOS devices were connected, even if the iOS Debugger was not being used
  • BUGFIX: IDA could hang trying to load a corrupted elf file
  • BUGFIX: IDA could hang trying to load a corrupted pe file
  • BUGFIX: IDA could hang while loading corrupted macho files
  • BUGFIX: IDA could interr 20016 on corrupted dyld_shared_cache files
  • BUGFIX: IDA could interr when loading pdb info for mozilla's xul.dll
  • BUGFIX: IDA could sometimes crash at startup (or after a debugging session) when the IDA View-A is a graph
  • BUGFIX: IDA would display a not-so-useful error message when trying to attach to a process on iOS 10 if fetching process list failed; now user can enter a PID to attachh
  • BUGFIX: IDA would fail to launch on OSX case-sensitive volumes because it couldn't find the cocoa plugin
  • BUGFIX: IDA would fail to step over ARM BR/BLR instructions
  • BUGFIX: IDA32 could try to load PE+ files and fail; now we explicitly advise to use ida64 for these files
  • BUGFIX: IDA64 could accept invalid files correctly rejected by ida32
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: "atoa" was returning erroneous results for programs with a real segmentation
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: 'delay_slot_insn' was not usable
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: 6.95 introduced a regression in idc.GetMarkedPos()
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: FindImmediate() was broken and could not be called
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: IDA could crash at exit-time when no IDB was opened, and a timer fires right during the closing sequence
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: IDA could crash if a simplecustviewer_t subclass closed itself by reacting to the "Escape" key
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: back/front in qvector's were not usable
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: don't rely on internal tool for building on OSX
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: hexrays callbacks could not handle the 'hxe_create_hint' notification
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: ida_idaapi.require() would set a binding to the imported module as attribute on the importing module's globals(), only if no the imported module was not already present (and possibly require()d by another module.)
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: ida_ua.get_dtyp_by_size() would return a python 'str', incompatible with the 'dt_*' enumeration
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: ida_ua.get_operand_immvals() wasn't functional
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: idc.ExtLinA() & idc.ExtLinB() were broken
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: idc.GetMarkedPos() & idc.GetMarkComment() couldn't be called with '-1' to prompt for the position
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: idc.GetStringType() could return something other than None for locations that have offsets (but no strings.)
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: netnode.get_name() was broken
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: remove_tinfo_pointer() was unusable
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: simplecustviewer_t::AddLine wouldn't apply the fg/bg colors unless they were provided as long
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: simplecustviewer_t::RefreshCurrent() was not refreshing the view
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: some ARM-specific operand type definitions were incorrect
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: some SDK functions could cause IDA to crash if NULL pointers were passed (through 'None'.)
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: the makefile was unconditionally trying to build the hexrays module, even when no '--with-hexrays' was specified to
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: use_regarg_type3 was impossible to use
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: using ida_graph.GraphViewer with 'close_open=True' would cause an error because '_ida_kernwin' wasn't imported
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: was not exposing ida_bytes.update_hidden_area() anymore (on which idc.SetHiddenArea relies)
  • BUGFIX: It was impossible to change the font for the 'Execute script' window
  • BUGFIX: Launching remote debug sessions could fail at the second attempt (and later ones) in some cases
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: IDA could crash on bad data in dyld export info
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: IDA could hang on corrupted bind info
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: analysis of dyld_shared_cache files could fail due to miscalculated dyld slide values
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: classic relocations could be applied incorrectly for x86_64 MH_BUNDLE files
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: corrupted macho-o files could hang ida
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: dyld pcrel32 relocations were applied incorrectly in some cases
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: fixed incorrect handling of ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF12 and ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: fixed processing of the ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR relocation;
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: ida could loop endlessly when loading corrupted files
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: objc class structure could be reconstructed incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: MACHO: stubs for weak imports could be incorrectly converted to infinite loops
  • BUGFIX: MSP430: fixed display of 20-bit values from instructions with extension word
  • BUGFIX: NTAPI: the wrong calling convention was used for InterlockedIncrement() from ntdll.dll
  • BUGFIX: OBJC: objc parser did not handle anonymous structures properly
  • BUGFIX: OMF: corrupted omf file could lead to interr 20066
  • BUGFIX: On Windows, "File > Produce file > Create XXX file" would fail to add the extension to a file name that is entered without it
  • BUGFIX: Opening a stack frame and programmatically changing the function stack's extents, would not update the scroller of the view nor allow jumping to the new beginning/endings of the stack frame
  • BUGFIX: Opening decompilation for small functions whose body fits in the view, could cause the first few lines to not be shown until manually scrolled to
  • BUGFIX: PC: fixed "mov sreg, r/m16" to always uses 16-bit memory references
  • BUGFIX: PC: some XOP instructions could be incorrectly decoded in 32-bit mode
  • BUGFIX: PC: some invalid VEX/EVEX/XOP instructions would be decoded as if they were valid
  • BUGFIX: PC: the crc32 instruction could be incorrectly decoded in 64-bit mode
  • BUGFIX: PC: the rdmsr and wrmsr instructions were decoded by "Intel Pentium real with MMX" (they're only available in protected mode)
  • BUGFIX: PCF: the "skip unknown relocations" option was being ignored
  • BUGFIX: PDB: could cause IDA to crash on some files
  • BUGFIX: PDB: in some situations IDA did not release PDB symbols after debugging sessions
  • BUGFIX: PDB: the pdb plugin could cause _guard_dispatch_icall_nop to be incorrectly marked as noreturn, leading to broken code flow in some x64 PE files with PDB information
  • BUGFIX: PDB: the remote win32 server could crash when closing connections while opening pdb files
  • BUGFIX: PE: IDA would ask about loading segments twice in manual loading mode
  • BUGFIX: PE: fixed endless loop when analyzing SEH handlers
  • BUGFIX: PPC: a conversion of the pair of immediates value to the dword which is displayed as a comment did not work after the initial phase of the analysis;
  • BUGFIX: PPC: incorrect call of add_dref occurred when emulating an indexed access to an array;
  • BUGFIX: PPC: restored displaying a comment for xrefs from the current instruction as it was done in IDA 6.9
  • BUGFIX: PPC: segments registers incorrectly converted from v.6.8 (from v.6.9 everything is OK);
  • BUGFIX: PPC: some instructions were incorrectly disassembled (r0 should be treated as zero instead of a register)
  • BUGFIX: PPC: the referencing address (from) in the call of add_dref should be a head
  • BUGFIX: Pressing Shift+Up/Down while at a listing boundary, wouldn't move the cursor's X position to the beginning or end of the line (for start & end of listings, respectively, allowing selection of text to comfortably reach the beginning or end of the view.)
  • BUGFIX: Pressing left or right while in Pseudocode view and auto-analysis was not finished, could eat the key and not move the cursor
  • BUGFIX: Proximity: collapsing children of nodes that are part of a 'path' could cause IDA to INTERR
  • BUGFIX: SDK: arm.hpp was attempting to include non-existent files
  • BUGFIX: TMS32028: fixed the plain binary file loading, the bytes in the word were swapped
  • BUGFIX: TMS320C28: added tracking of DP register value in 'mov DP,#10bit' instruction
  • BUGFIX: TMS320C28: do not create a redundant variable at the start of DP page
  • BUGFIX: TMS320C28: removed the obsolete hints when reanalazing a program
  • BUGFIX: TMS320C28x: added decoding for 'CLRC/SETC CNF' instructions
  • BUGFIX: TMS320C28x: instruction 'MPY ACC,loc16,#16bit' was wrongly decoded
  • BUGFIX: TMS320C3: graph view could be wrong
  • BUGFIX: TMS320C3: instructions LDI||LDI and LDF||LDF were incorrectly decoded
  • BUGFIX: Toggling fullscreen (F11) in a disassembly view and back, could result in IDA not realizing that the number of displayed lines became smaller and make the cursor invisible
  • BUGFIX: Using enums (or names) in IDC snippets could lead to a compilation error, while it would work if the same code was run from an .idc file
  • BUGFIX: Using the "Shortcuts" editor to save a shortcut such as '', will cause IDA to complain at next startup
  • BUGFIX: WINDBG: double-clicking on an empty line in output window during a windbg session would crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: When evaluating low-level conditions, the debugger module could fail reporting some events
  • BUGFIX: When no enumerations were present in the "Enums" view, pressing 'PageDown' would result in the comment being duplicated
  • BUGFIX: WinDbg: when run under text IDA (idaw.exe), console processes could share the same stdout as idaw.exe itself, causing a possible deadlock any time a debug event happens
  • BUGFIX: accessing Aarch64 decompiler plugin (hexarm64) in a script passed with '-S' would crash IDA, because that plugin wasn't pre-loaded
  • BUGFIX: ad218x: the "Modify Flag Out" (ena/dis) instruction was disassembled incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: analysis of dyld_shared_cache files could fail due to miscalculated dyld slide values
  • BUGFIX: analyze_area() would hang if analysis was enabled
  • BUGFIX: arm64: request calc_arglocs3 could return wrong size of stack arguments
  • BUGFIX: arm64: request calc_arglocs3 did not reject functions with wrong argument types
  • BUGFIX: arm: IDA could generate incorrect instruction VMOV Rt, Rt2, S31, CF
  • BUGFIX: arm: analysis could loop endlessly on a trivial "b self" loop
  • BUGFIX: backward binary search would hang on debugger segments
  • BUGFIX: base2file() could hang when given erroneous input
  • BUGFIX: calling ida_dbg.enable_[func|insn]_trace() with no debugger loaded, could crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: choose_enum_by_value() should display symbols that correspond to the sign extended value in addition to the specified value
  • BUGFIX: corrupted mach-o files could hang ida
  • BUGFIX: dalvik: xref from the call instruction was wrongly marked as jump xref
  • BUGFIX: dbg: dalvik: get method accessibility flags from DEX-method description, not from Java properties
  • BUGFIX: dbg: fixed the value of ptrace request for ARM architecture
  • BUGFIX: debugger: win32: IDA would fail to properly restore page breakpoints when restarting a process
  • BUGFIX: debugger: win32: read/write breakpoints of length 8 were not supported on x64
  • BUGFIX: dwarf plugin could fail to retrieve the register number from a location entry (off by 1 error)
  • BUGFIX: elf files with wrong arm attribute section could not be loaded
  • BUGFIX: elf, ppc: fixed processing relocation R_PPC_JMP_SLOT from the dynamic table;
  • BUGFIX: elf: in some cases reloc R_ARM_THM_PC8 could be computed incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: fix processoing of the R_AARCH64_ADR_GOT_PAGE/R_AARCH64_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC relocations
  • BUGFIX: fixed a crash in some rare cases
  • BUGFIX: fixed a potential vulnerability in davlik_debmod
  • BUGFIX: fixed display of required DIA SDK for x64
  • BUGFIX: fixed vulnerability in davlik_debmod
  • BUGFIX: floating licesense build of IDA could crash on systems using the latest glibc compiled with SSE optimizations enabled
  • BUGFIX: gdb: ARM: IDA could fail to stop while single-stepping in Thumb mode
  • BUGFIX: gdb: ARM: software breakpoints in Thumb mode could fail with SIGBUS signal
  • BUGFIX: gdb: IDA could fail to start debugging a 64-bit process with error "unknown register 'rax'" if "Intel x64" wasn't explicitly set in the gdb options
  • BUGFIX: gdb: IDA would not remember some options set in the gdb configuration dialog
  • BUGFIX: gdb: IDA would use stepping by default for non-x86 if the options dialog wasn't used
  • BUGFIX: gdb: start gdb connection by sending an ack for any possible packet sent by the remote side (mimic GDB)
  • BUGFIX: gdb: the PacketSize feature was not being respected
  • BUGFIX: gdb: the gdb debugger could misdetect some files as 64-bit for some architectures
  • BUGFIX: get_import_module_name() could return true and empty module name
  • BUGFIX: hexview: rendering, and synchronization between an IDA View & an Hex View, could be erroneous for processors with bytes that consist of more than 8 bits
  • BUGFIX: hexview: when a line starts by blanks (because it is the beginning of a segment, and that segment is not aligned on the same alignment of the view), the line contents could be shifted
  • BUGFIX: hexview: when scrolling, some lines could be duplicated if they started at an unaligned address
  • BUGFIX: hexview: when standing on an invalid position (i.e., BADADDR), pressing twice in a row would successfully enter edit mode (it should not)
  • BUGFIX: iOS Debugger could fail to retrieve the remote process list in some cases
  • BUGFIX: iOS debugger could produce incomplete stack traces when the process was stopped in the epilogue of a function
  • BUGFIX: iOS debugger would demand a remote hostname, even when AUTOLAUNCH was enabled in dbg_ios.cfg
  • BUGFIX: iOS debugger would fail to step after attaching to a process that needed to be rebased
  • BUGFIX: idaq64: IDC's SetCharPrm(INF_TRIBYTE_ORDER, ...) was not working
  • BUGFIX: idc expression "GetLocalTinfo(-1)" would cause interr 952
  • BUGFIX: idc: %f format specifier was not honoring the width and precision
  • BUGFIX: idc: ida could crash when adding a struct member which is a pointer to the struct itself
  • BUGFIX: if the same enum member was present in different tils but it had different values, it was not always possible to select it
  • BUGFIX: if the user cancels the attach-process selection dialog and then terminates the debugger server, then ida would continue to assume that the connection to the debugger server is intact
  • BUGFIX: in rare cases IDA could crash during rebasing
  • BUGFIX: in the "Structures" view, allow changing the type of an array of elements, if that type can fit in the size of the array
  • BUGFIX: installer: installation on a Windows machine without installed Python would fail to install Python
  • BUGFIX: kernel: search_* functions were not honoring the SEARCH_NOSHOW flag
  • BUGFIX: load_plugin() could fail to load a plugin from an alternate plugin directory
  • BUGFIX: loading of some PE+ files was taking too long time
  • BUGFIX: mac debugger was broken on OSX Sierra
  • BUGFIX: move_segm() would not move a segment into a free area under debugger in some cases
  • BUGFIX: moving the vertical scrollbar's thumb in Hex-Rays (or source-level debugging) views, could cause the view to jump to unexpected locations
  • BUGFIX: moving the vertical scrollbar's thumb to the very bottom in Hex-Rays (or source-level debugging) views, could fail to show the last line of code
  • BUGFIX: nec v850: IDA could generate wrong xrefs for some of reg+N operands
  • BUGFIX: noType() on an instruction operand, could remove the 'sign' or 'bitwise-negation' representation of the other operand in the process
  • BUGFIX: objc parser would not decode long types properly
  • BUGFIX: on Linux, the installer would unpack most of the precompiled Python runtime, even when asked not to
  • BUGFIX: on some versions of OSX, large stack traces could be incomplete
  • BUGFIX: pc: SP analysis could fail in functions with basic blocks unreachable from entry point such as exception handlers
  • BUGFIX: Linux/OS X: search results in the help viewer were always labelled "Untitled"
  • BUGFIX: set_member_type() was not checking for recursive struct nesting and could crash
  • BUGFIX: setting a breakpoint condition through "update_bpt()" could cause the condition to be unusable at breakpoint trigger-time
  • BUGFIX: setting a struct member type as an array without explicit size (like int[]) would set the member size to be zero; this is not what we usually want
  • BUGFIX: source debugging: the line number printed in the status bar was off by 1 from the number printed in the leftmost column
  • BUGFIX: source debugging: the status bar would show the file offset, but not the current address
  • BUGFIX: stack tracing was broken for x86_64
  • BUGFIX: the PDB plugin could cause internal error if called with invalid data (now it only results in a non-fatal warning)
  • BUGFIX: the SNES loader could interfere and cause IDA to exit on very large files (> 2GB)
  • BUGFIX: the decompiler would not take into account wide user-specified variables and would create additional variables that would overlap with them
  • BUGFIX: the navband could disappear when using a debugger that uses manual memory regions (e.g. iOS or GDB)
  • BUGFIX: the presence of the decompiler plugin on the disk without a license in ida.key would lead to error
  • BUGFIX: tms320c6: branch detection for bnop instructions was flawed
  • BUGFIX: type information propagation from unnamed array function parameters would result in incorrectly named data
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: "Jump in new hex window" wouldn't jump to the right address
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: IDA could leave F11-style fullscreen while navigating around and/or performing other actions
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: If IDA encountered an error at startup, it might not have had time to create the taskbar icon yet, sometimes leaving that error/warning dialog hard to reach
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: Using special mouse buttons 4 & 5 to move forward & backward in history, would change the cursor coordinates
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: deleting a script snippet would mark the one that gets selected afterwards as 'modified'
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: double-clicking on the 1st member of a struct, would cause the view to jump
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: it was impossible to select the font from some listing widgets
  • BUGFIX: ui/qt: on Windows or OSX when a screen reader is used (e.g., JAWS or VoiceOver), the IDA View-A will automatically switch to flat listing since graph views are not accessible
  • BUGFIX: ui: ExportData action would silently overwite the output file if it already existed
  • BUGFIX: ui: IDA could lose the preferences for synchronization between views (and possibly registers, in case of debugging.)
  • BUGFIX: ui: OSX: idaq64 would always launch idaq if a file was dragged onto the dock icon
  • BUGFIX: ui: On Windows, the "Load a new file" dialog wouldn't create a taskbar entry, meaning it could be hard to find it on the desktop if another window showed up in front
  • BUGFIX: ui: Renaming an unsaved script snippet could lose its contents
  • BUGFIX: ui: The 'Default CLI' wouldn't be applied if IDA opened w/o a database
  • BUGFIX: ui: re-enabled building graph of code and data xrefs to current address
  • BUGFIX: ui: the "Functions window" could spend too much time refreshing the list of function names, even when no functions were modified
  • BUGFIX: ui: the "Segment registers" view had fixed minimum size, meaning it was impossible to resize other tabs in case it was opened in a tabbed view
  • BUGFIX: version info in idaq for windows was stored incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: when debugging a macho shared lib, IDA could throw INTERR(40201) if the application exited prematurely
  • BUGFIX: when debugging, toggling breakpoints could become impossible if the last closed widget was a hex view or stack view
  • BUGFIX: windbg: some registers (typically ST0) could lose their value after stepping

New in IDA Pro 6.95.160808 (Jan 20, 2017)

  • Processor Modules:
  • ARM: improved register tracking
  • CLI: skip unknown metadata streams instead of exiting with a fatal error
  • CLI: support .net files with tables stream named "#-" instead of the standard "#~"
  • PC: added decoding of CLZERO, MONITORX and MWAITX instructions
  • PC: added decoding of HLE prefixes (XACQUIRE and XRELEASE)
  • PC: adjusted handling of chained unwind-information
  • PC: calls with address-size override prefix could truncate the target address
  • SPARC: added support for UA2005
  • V850: convert gp-based movea references to offset expressions
  • V850: resolve callt addresses when user provides CTBP option
  • File Formats:
  • ELF: added R_386_GOT32X relocation
  • ELF: added R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX and R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX relocations
  • ELF: added R_X86_64_RELATIVE64 relocation
  • PDB: added support for obtaining types for global data
  • PE: added detection of entry point from incremental linking by Visual Studio
  • PE: handle non-ASCII PDB filenames
  • MACHO: improved constant CFString parsing (handle Unicode CFStrings and CFStrings not in the __cfstring section)
  • Debugger:
  • GDB: added support for MIPS64 and SPARC
  • PIN: build pintool with PIN 3.0.76991
  • Remote PDB debugging from non-Windows machines, with the help of a remote Windows debugger server
  • Remote iOS Debugger:
  • added support for Intel x64 Android binaries (android_x64_server)
  • dalvik: added Dalvik debugger specific IDC function: DalvikGetLocalTyped()
  • gdb: added support for ARM M-Profile debugging
  • Kernel/Misc:
  • FLIRT: signature files for PC must now be placed in the sig/pc/ subdirectory
  • FLIRT: added signatures for Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin
  • FLIRT: added signatures for icl163 (Intel C++ 16.3)
  • FLIRT: added signatures for Windows Driver Kits 7-10
  • FLIRT: added detection of GsDriverEntry for Windows Drivers
  • FLIRT: dm: added signatures for Digital Mars 2.071.0
  • TIL: fixed 64-bit macros, which were either truncated or not sign-extended correctly
  • TIL: fixed values for macros that contained casts
  • TIL: updated list of known WM_ messages
  • TIL: added processor specific til files for linux
  • now we build idal/idaq as PIE on Linux
  • more aggressive string detection
  • the IDASGN, IDAIDS, IDAIDC, and IDATIL environment variables have been deprecated: the more versatile IDAUSR should be used instead
  • the IDAUSR environment variable has been extended to all IDA subdirectories (idc, ids, sig, and til)
  • updated Mac OS X (xnu) syscall list
  • User Interface:
  • ui: (windows) added a workaround to allow opening files in directories with paths which are not representable in the system 8-bit encoding
  • ui: IDA now updates the mac dock tile with the idb name when multiple IDA instances are running
  • ui/qt: added envvar IDA_STYLESHEET allowing to load contents from a CSS file without having to make a wrapper invoking "idaq.exe -stylesheet=..."
  • ui/qt: the colorizer passed through set_nav_colorizer() can now be used to update the colors of the legend in the navigation band
  • ui: ability to programmatically create_menu() & delete_menu()
  • ui: ability to programmatically create_toolbar() & delete_toolbar()
  • ui: ability to query choosers for their data
  • ui: get_registered_actions() can now be used to retrieve a list of all registered actions
  • Scripts & SDK:
  • IDAPython: IDAPython is now split in multiple modules
  • IDAPython: added tinfo_t::serialize()
  • SDK: added IDA syntax highlighter
  • SDK: added cleanup_name() to convert a name into some kind of canonical form (strip underscores, module name, etc)
  • BUGFIX: "Select all" was not selecting anything
  • BUGFIX: About program...->Addons... dialog could show incorrect info if both HEXARM and HEXARM64 were present in the same ida.key file
  • BUGFIX: CLI: stack buffer overrun could happen when disassembling .net files with very long method prototypes
  • BUGFIX: DWARF could fail while attempting to persist arrays with huge numbers of elements (e.g. >= 0x80000000)
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: Don't try to apply DWARF relocations if the file is not properly relocatable
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: Files with DWARF relocations of type 0 (i.e., 'NONE') would prevent loading DWARF information
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: GNU ADA can use strange constructs for specifying bitfield type dependencies, which the DWARF plugin wouldn't properly handle
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: pressing Esc at the "DWARF info found" dialog did not cancel DWARF loading
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: some types with virtual inheritance could cause IDA to interr
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: two enumerations of different byte size that contain the same list on enumerators would be considered equal
  • BUGFIX: Deleting bookmarks from the menu could crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: Double-clicking in the "Output window" would cause the selection to span from the beginning of the word, to the end of the line instead of the end of the word (and would sometimes fail to recognize some identifiers & jump to them.)
  • BUGFIX: During source-level debugging, the source view scrollbars wouldn't follow the position in the file
  • BUGFIX: ELF: code relocations for big-endian Aarch64 files were applied incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: Fujitsu FR: segments were 16bit (must be 32bit)
  • BUGFIX: GDB: register view in GDB was missing jump arrows and address display
  • BUGFIX: Graph view: when searching (e.g., "Alt+Up/Down", or "Alt+T/Ctrl+T"), IDA could fail placing the cursor's X position at the beginning of the match
  • BUGFIX: IDA View-A wouldn't apply the node_info_t::text property for non-group nodes
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash while parsing header files with recursive macro definitions
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash right after having loaded the dyld_shared_cache (on linux.)
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash when jumping to another function while in graph view, or when switching to the graph view
  • BUGFIX: IDA did not remove xref and switch records when deleted debug segments
  • BUGFIX: IDA on Linux could crash while Tab-completing in the file chooser if 1) 'New' was selected at startup, and 2) Qt couldn't load the GTK2 theme
  • BUGFIX: IDA would attempt to auto-analyze binary files with no known entry point
  • BUGFIX: IDA would fail to keep the cursor on the instruction (or operand) when switching between flat & graph views
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: IDP_Hooks instances could prevent the decompiler from working properly
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: decompile_many() wouldn't accept a list of ea_t's
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: running a long script that cause an IDAPython processor module to kick in, could fail to be properly interruptible because the processor module could receive the error instead of the script itself
  • BUGFIX: IDC's MakeLocal was broken
  • BUGFIX: In hex view, when the first edit takes place at EA 0, the line could fail showing the first byte
  • BUGFIX: On OS X, searching for binary patterns might fail for some values in the [0x80 - 0xff] range
  • BUGFIX: PE: IDA would not detect DLL exports with empty names
  • BUGFIX: PE: IDA would show no exports if the export directory's DLL name was an empty string
  • BUGFIX: Pressing Alt+ as an accelerator to (e.g.,) toggle a checkbox in a form, while a text field is being filled and a "completion" overlay is visible, wouldn't transfer focus to the checkbox (because of the auto-completion overlay swallowing those key presses)
  • BUGFIX: Proximity viewer: clicking on nodes representing addresses that fall in the middle of a data item, could cause IDA to INTERR (40467)
  • BUGFIX: SetFunctionFlags() could modify FUNC_SP_READY and FUNC_NORET_PENDING bits, which should be managed by IDA
  • BUGFIX: When performing PDB debugging across multiple modules, IDA could show locals variables that belong to another function
  • BUGFIX: When remote debugging, segment permissions could contain unexpected bits set in the upper nibble
  • BUGFIX: When selecting a union member in the "Structure offsets" view, IDA could crash when hovering that member
  • BUGFIX: When selecting negative "standard constant" enumerators, IDA could display the operand as a faulty number, instead of as that symbolic constant
  • BUGFIX: When trying to load PDB information remotely and no MSDIA DLL could be found, no clear error message was printed on the console
  • BUGFIX: accessibility: reading last word of line, could overflow to following lines
  • BUGFIX: accessibility: when the cursor was after the text on a line, accessibility tools could read the wrong data
  • BUGFIX: arm64: incorrect type of the first operand in instructions UADDLV, SADDLV
  • BUGFIX: arm: in some rare cases undefined data could be disassembled as VLDM/VSTM instructions
  • BUGFIX: arm: incorrect decoding of double presision registers D15-D31 in some VFP instructions
  • BUGFIX: corrupted idbs with wrong segment names info could cause interr 1248
  • BUGFIX: debugger: in the watch view the first member of a struct would be printed in more complete way than other members
  • BUGFIX: f2mc: callp/jmpp instructions did not create proper cross-references
  • BUGFIX: f2mc: operands of callp/jmpp instructions could be decoded incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: flirt: parsing of Digital Mars OMF libraries was broken
  • BUGFIX: gdb: attaching to 64-bit processes would give warnings about unknown registers and CPU_NOT_SUPPORTED
  • BUGFIX: gdb: attaching to ppc64 would fail with 'more than one special register present' message
  • BUGFIX: gdb: memory contents could become undefined while single stepping in the debugger
  • BUGFIX: gdb: some cpu flags could not be edited
  • BUGFIX: ida could loop endlessly trying to create a function and deleting it; overall the idea of deleting a function because it has no call xrefs is not very good; for example, functions referenced from vtable won't have any xrefs; also compilers use tail call optimization and this coverts call xrefs and jump xrefs
  • BUGFIX: idapython: SetFchunkOwner was broken
  • BUGFIX: jump-to-node-by-doubleclick in proximity view was broken
  • BUGFIX: load_debugger() was requiring an underscore in the file name of the debugger plugin; it is not really necessary
  • BUGFIX: on linux/MAC IDA did not apply umask when created some output files
  • BUGFIX: pc: fixed operands for MONITOR and MWAIT instructions
  • BUGFIX: pc: incorrect handling of 16byte aligned function argument/return types of size

New in IDA Pro 6.7.141229 (Dec 30, 2014)

  • Highlights:
  • A lot of work was done on the UI internals to improve the speed and responsiveness, and reduce unnecessary screen redrawing
  • UI: no more resetting to the default desktop layout when moving your IDB to another PC/monitor - the saved layout is scaled to fit the new resolution
  • SDK/UI: new set of functions for dealing with user-provided actions
  • [un]register_action
  • [at|de]tach_action_[to|from]_menu
  • attach_action_to_custom_viewer_popup
  • attach_action_to_output_popup
  • [at|de]tach_action_[to|from]_toolbar
  • All of them are also available in IDAPython
  • DWARF: much improved support for DWARF4, and added support for DWZ (compressed DWARF) files
  • MIPS: support for microMIPS, DSP extensions and Cavium Octeon II instructions
  • PIN and Dalvik debuggers were improved considerably to be faster, more robust and easier to use
  • Position-independent build of ARM Android remore debugger server (required for Android Lollipop)
  • UEFI type libraries and TE (Terse Executable) file format support
  • Many vulnerabilities fixed thanks to the submissions to our bug bounty program
  • Complete changelist:
  • Processor Modules:
  • 6809: added support for data page segment register (DP)
  • ARM: detect several additional variations of the __rt_switch8 helper in binaries produced by the ARM compiler (armcc)
  • ARM: improve no-ret analysis for calls performed using BX and BLX instructions
  • Dalvik: 'T' can be used to apply structure offsets to odex "quick" instruction operands
  • Dalvik: decode return-void-barrier (opcode 0xf1) instruction
  • f2mc: Added PCB to the list of segment registers
  • m740: added I/O port definitions for m3804x
  • Mach-O: add init pointers as entrypoints (similar to PE's TLS callbacks)
  • Mach-O: improve the loader to handle unusual and deliberately modified files
  • Mach-O: use the LC_MAIN command, if present, to determine the program entrypoint
  • MIPS: added support for Cavium Octeon II instructions
  • MIPS: added DSP ASE support
  • MIPS: added MSA ASE support
  • MIPS: added microMIPS instruction set support
  • MIPS: provide auto-comment for floating point and dword-sized stack args
  • MIPS: resolve gp-relative references on N64 ABI
  • MIPS: simplify some instruction sequences to dla/dli on N32/N64 ABIs
  • MIPS: Support for R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL relocations
  • PC/PE/kernel: define entrypoint prototype for UEFI files NB: DXE entrypoint is used for all UEFI files, since it's impossible to distingish PEI and DXE files by the header flags
  • PC: decode FMA4 instructions
  • PC: handle switches produced by the Sun C compiler
  • PC: improve recognition of GCC switches in non-PIC x64 binaries
  • PC: improve switch analysis (again)
  • PC: improved frame analysis (some 'lea ebp' insns were recognized as part of prolog while they were not)
  • PC: improved prolog recognition
  • PE: handle unwind info version 2 in x64 .pdata sections
  • PE: support ARM64 files
  • PE: when applying relocations, mark relocations which apply to code as such (improves autoanalysis)
  • PPC: PPC_TOC, PPC_SDA_BASE, PPC_MMIO_BASE can now be set from IDC scripts
  • PPC: support for SPE 2.0 instructions
  • Tricore: apply mapping to offsets recognized in standard instruction sequences
  • File Formats:
  • IDA automatically uses sparse storage for uninitialized segments
  • ELF: add support for R_MIPS_64 reloc
  • ELF: DT_MIPS_LOCAL_GOTNO-declared relocations in MIPS shared libraries will now be properly handled on rebasing/segment move
  • ELF: handle x86/x64 files with bogus EI_CLASS and EI_DATA values (these fields are ignored by Linux kernel)
  • ELF: if a dynamic shared object file has ".interp" section, do not mark it as DLL (it's a position-independent executable)
  • ELF: MIPS: detect microMIPS functions
  • ELF: MIPS: try to find initial gp value even when DT_MIPS_GP_VALUE is missing
  • ELF: PPC: handle R_PPC_ADDR24 relocation
  • ELF: support files that use bogus R_ARM_REL32 relocations for self-decryption
  • ELF: Support for R_386_TLS_TPOFF32 relocation
  • HEX: split the file being loaded into several segments if there are big gaps in addressing
  • Java: support loading of .class files produced by Java 8
  • CLI: IDA on Windows can now make use of the built-in CLI metadata loader, if the environment variable 'PE_CLI_FORCE_RAW' is set
  • TE: added support for TE (Terse Executable) file format, used in UEFI firmwares
  • Debugger:
  • BOCHS: enabled manual memory regions in disk image mode
  • BOCHS: support for Bochs 2.6.6
  • debugger: Android: added a position-independent build of the debugging server (android_server_pie); necessary for Android Lollipop
  • Debugger: Dalvik: added an ability to preset breakpoints at methods of Activity to start with, controlled by Debug specific options
  • Debugger: linux: try to detect if the dynamic interpreter ( is loaded at runtime and start reporting shared libraries at that time This helps with debugging of compressed programs
  • DWARF: Don't try and use DWARF info from files that have a .gnu_debugaltlink companion file
  • DWARF: Golang: Better handling of some poorly-defined arrays dimensions
  • DWARF: Initial support for CFA(Call Frame Activation)-based stack arguments
  • DWARF: Moved to libdwarf 20140805, which provides much better DWARF V4 support
  • DWARF: Support for decimal floating point values
  • DWARF: Support for ELF files with a companion 'DWZ' file (i.e., "compressed" DWARF information.)
  • DWARF: Support for Free Pascal-style UDT-member-as-subroutine (lacks a '*' DIE)
  • PIN: implemented write memory request
  • PIN: print PIN toolkit version when starting pintool
  • PIN: provide access to FPU/XMM registers
  • PIN: support PIN toolkin version 2.14
  • PIN: support register modification
  • Kernel/Misc:
  • demangler: added support for the .eh suffix
  • demangler: handle rvalue reference and nullptr_t in VC++ mangled names
  • generate a xref to the target struct type when 'struct offset' applied to a struct member
  • installer: enable SEHOP and Force ASLR mitigations on Windows at install time
  • kernel: reimplemented storage of segment register changepoints. Now ARM files with many ARM-Thumb changepoints consume much less memory
  • Linux installer will warn the user about missing 32-bit support instead of failing silently on pure x64 distros
  • show string tail as a comment if cross-refence points into the middle of the string
  • sync all imported types from loaded tils to the local til file; we need this to ensure that an imported type does not suddently change because of til manipulations
  • PELF: add support for ARCompact relocations
  • TIL: added a type library for UEFI (x86 and x64, version 2.4)
  • kernel: virtual array was flushing pages to the disk every time we changed its size; removed that
  • User Interface:
  • UI/QT: When holding Shift or Ctrl while mouse wheel scrolling, entire pages are scrolled at once. When doing so in hint windows, they are grown/reduced faster, too
  • UI: add 'Undefine operand', and 'Alignment' to the context menu, when applicable
  • UI: Added "Copy to clipboard" functionality to "Export Data"
  • UI: added a setting for the number of xrefs for structs/enums in the Options dialog
  • UI: distinguish the main entrypoint in the list of exports/entry points
  • UI: double-clicking on a register value during debugging allows to edit it
  • UI: force randomization of Python DLLs load addresses, to reduce the risk of vulnerabilities; also enable Force ASLR if available (Windows 8 or later)
  • UI: handle gracefully lack of disk space when trying to save the database - allow the user to retry saving
  • UI: if one of the recent file entries in the File menu is selected while Shift key is held down, the file is opened in a new IDA instance
  • UI: improved the "Edit Segment" form; segment access permissions can be edited now
  • UI: on Windows, offer to create a minidump in case of an internal error
  • UI: options dialog: added a "graph" or "nongraph" suffix to the settings which are mode-specific
  • UI: print detailed function argument information when the user presses 'F'
  • UI: QT: remove requirement for compatible screen resolution when loading desktop from IDB. If some floating windows do not fit into the screen, they're resized
  • UI: remember the last used directory for the "Script file..." dialog (if OPEN_DEFAULT_IDC_PATH is not set)
  • Scripts & SDK:
  • IDAPython: add idaapi.get_kernel_version()
  • IDAPython: added ability to build IDAPython with Hex-Rays bindings by specifying a path to a directory where to find the 'hexrays.hpp' file
  • IDAPython: added APIs for accessing the registry
  • IDAPython: added APIs for working with breakpoint groups
  • IDAPython: added umsg() for printing UTF-8 text into the Output Window
  • IDAPython: construct_macro() is now available to IDAPython processor modules
  • IDAPython: export get_custom_viewer_place(), and allow place_t clone() & related functions
  • IDAPython: expose QueueDel(qtype_t, ea_t), to complete APIs for manipulating entries from the "known list of problems"
  • IDAPython: get_tform_type()/get_tform_title(), & current_tform_changed callback
  • IDAPython: give users the ability to access the underlying TForm/TCutsomControl objects that back higher-level Pythony wrappers, so that the rest of the SDK API can be used as well
  • IDAPython: improve stability and error reporting for Python processor modules
  • IDAPython: Scripts can use OnViewMouseMoved() callback to be notified of mouse movement on views (both user-created, as well as core IDA views)
  • IDAPython: User graphs: double-clicking on a graph edge, will (by default) jump to the node on the other side of that edge
  • IDC: Added UMessage(), to print UTF-8 strings
  • IDC: 'Dump Database to IDC' now exports function comments too
  • IDC: SetType/ApplyType can be used with struct member IDs
  • SDK: Added 'umsg', which is in all aspects similar to 'msg', except that it works exclusively with UTF-8 strings
  • SDK: added build_stkvar_xrefs(), to get a list of all the xrefs in a function for a given argument/variable in that function's stack frame
  • SDK: added function to retrieve action attributes
  • SDK: added lower_type2(), that accepts a helper capable of providing additional information about the function, that lower_type2() itself doesn't know about
  • SDK: Added patch_qword(), (and PatchQword for IDC.)
  • SDK: added qfindclose64() to the destructor of qffblk64_t; there is no need to call it explicitly anymore
  • SDK: added qfstat64()
  • SDK: added unpack_xleb128() to read sleb/uleb128 values
  • SDK: attach_action_to_popup()/detach_action_from_popup() can now be used to register and remove 'permanent' popup actions
  • SDK: deprecated 32-bit findfirst/findnext functions and qstat()
  • SDK: deprecated guess_func_tinfo2 (use guess_tinfo2)
  • SDK: deprecated ui_showauto and ui_setstate
  • SDK: extend APIs for working with breakpoint groups
  • SDK: extended set_dock_pos usage. Now it can be applied for the complex widgets by specifying the window title, f.e. "IDA View-B, Enums, Exports"
  • SDK: extensive reworking of comments in the headers (converted to Doxygen format). HTML documentation is avilable for
  • SDK: introduced debugger_t::set_resume_mode to be able to specify various resuming kinds (it replaces 'thread_set_step')
  • SDK: new set of functions for dealing with user-provided actions
  • SDK: qfileexist() now returns false if the specified path is a directory (use qisdir() for directories)
  • SDK: since the return value of malloc/calloc with zero size is implementation dependent, the qalloc/qcalloc functions check for zero and return NULL
  • SDK: added qgetcwd()
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: made 'extract_name' available again
  • BUGFIX: 32bit offsets in 16-bit segments were interpreted as seg:off pairs for all processors (should happen only for x86)
  • BUGFIX: 64bit windows debugger: read/write of FPU/MMX was handled incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: 6809: low/high offset expressions were displayed incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: a signed comparison was used to validate the 'maxord' field of .til files; this is a vulnerability that can be exploited by creating a specially crafted .idb file, at least in theory
  • BUGFIX: AOF: AOF loader could access out-of-bounds memory
  • BUGFIX: AOUT: IDA could crash trying to load a corrupted a.out file
  • BUGFIX: ARC: ARC4 ld/st were incorrectly treated as having delay slots
  • BUGFIX: ARC: brCC and bbitX instructions were printed incorrectly (no delay slot and unnecessary period)
  • BUGFIX: ARC: some ARCompact instructions were missing flag-setting bits
  • BUGFIX: ARM: IDA could hang if there were three or more thunk functions calling each other in a loop
  • BUGFIX: ARM: IDA could loop endlessly on some files (if the byte sequence would be resemble valid code but still had many inconsistencies)
  • BUGFIX: ARM: instructions belonging to TBH/TBB switches were not properly marked
  • BUGFIX: ARM: instructions inside IT blocks would lose their condition suffixes on rebasing
  • BUGFIX: ARM: single stepping inside IT blocks was broken
  • BUGFIX: autoanalysis could endlessly loop in some (rare) cases
  • BUGFIX: BOCHS: IDA could fail to start debugging in snippet mode (IDB mode) if there was a big .bss segment at the end of address space in the database
  • BUGFIX: BOCHS: IDB mode would work incorrectly with files that have many small, non-page-aligned segments (e.g. many ELF files)
  • BUGFIX: BOCHS: in protected mode (disk image mode), mappping of segment selectors that use LDT (and not GDT) was done incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: check_process_exit() could not handle the processes that were terminated by a signal (unix)
  • BUGFIX: choose2() in batch mode could return wrong answer (if the default answer was wrong)
  • BUGFIX: CLI: IDA could crash when loading a corrupted .NET file on Linux/OS X (double free)
  • BUGFIX: CLI: IDA could hang on some corrupted .net files
  • BUGFIX: CLI: IDA could spend enormous amount of time trying to load some corrupted .net files
  • BUGFIX: CLI: Incorrect .net metadata could cause IDA to quit on Linux & OSX
  • BUGFIX: CLI: specially crafted .net file could crash IDA on unix
  • BUGFIX: Closing the IDB and calling 'get_import_module_name()' (e.g., through a PLUGIN_FIX plugin) would crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: COFF: corrupted file could crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: COFF: IDA could crash on some corrupted files
  • BUGFIX: COFF: truncated string tables could lead to memory corruption
  • BUGFIX: Dalvik debugger could crash when switching to the debugger desktop
  • BUGFIX: Dalvik: move/16 and move-object/16 instructions were decoded incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: DBG/COFF: IDA could crash when parsing a COFF symbol with bogus count of aux records
  • BUGFIX: debugger: Android debugger could miss some memory areas (if the same starting address was listed twice in 'maps')
  • BUGFIX: debugger: in some cases debugger could not continue execution after suspending on 'start process' event
  • BUGFIX: debugger: it was impossible to read MMX registers from 64bit linux debugger
  • BUGFIX: debugger: mac: IDA would fail to read debuggee's memory at or close to address 0 even when it was valid
  • BUGFIX: Debugger: some debugger modules could still send BREAKPOINT events after receiving the termination request; IDA should ignore them
  • BUGFIX: DEX: a specially crafted DEX could crash ida
  • BUGFIX: DEX: fixed a buffer overflow in the DEX loader
  • BUGFIX: DEX: IDA could crash trying to load a corrupted DEX file
  • BUGFIX: DOS: MZ EXE relocations with values >0x8000 were processed incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: could fail recognizing some types as being equivalent, and end up in an INTERR
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: could crash when generating some variations of a type, to make its size suitable for inheritance
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: some badly corrupted DWARF data could cause IDA to quit
  • BUGFIX: ELF: bogus PT_NOTE entries could cause IDA to hang for a long time
  • BUGFIX: ELF: could crash on corrupted elf files
  • BUGFIX: ELF: IDA could crash when loading a specially crafted ELF file
  • BUGFIX: ELF: MIPS HI16 RELA relocations were incorrectly applied
  • BUGFIX: ELF: specially crafted file could result in stack buffer overrun
  • BUGFIX: ELF: STB_WEAK symbols were not listed in the 'exports' window
  • BUGFIX: EPOC: handcrafted EPOC files could cause an endless recursion and eventual crash (but IDA would ask for a confirmation at each iteration)
  • BUGFIX: EPOC: IDA could crash trying to load corrupted EPOC files
  • BUGFIX: EPOC: malicious deflate-compressed EPOC files could crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: EPOC: specially crafted .sis file may cause memory corruption
  • BUGFIX: fixed behavior of highlight + scrolling to be like IDA pre-6.6
  • BUGFIX: Fixed exporting to C header file of types with fileds of referenced by name type
  • BUGFIX: GDB: the "Use CS:IP in real mode" option was treated as always active, leading to incorrect EIP values in real mode in some stubs (e.g. VMWare)
  • BUGFIX: HPSOM: HP-UX SOM loader could access out-of-boundary memory
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash at the exit time if tinfo_t objects were leaked by a plugin or script
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash if an attempt to match a jump table instruction sequence was made on an ea without a segment
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash on specially crafted DEX file (trying to allocate a huge segment)
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash trying to guess a function type (stack overflow)
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash trying to load corrupted PharLap extender files
  • BUGFIX: IDA could hang trying to move a segment from the top of the addressing space
  • BUGFIX: IDA could interr if the program was rebased in the presence of orphan bytes (bytes that do not belong to any segment)
  • BUGFIX: IDA could not parse 'static int inline x;'
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython Decompiler bindings could abort IDA because of some uncaught C++ exception
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython processor modules' outop-produced op_t references were leaked
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: Activate() callback was not functional
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: Exceptions in GraphViewer.OnRefresh() were silently ignored
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: exceptions thrown inside the code called by SWIG wrappers must be caught, or IDA might abort
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: Form.Close() was not working in most cases
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: gen_disasm_text() was expecting a 'text_t' instance, which is not exposed
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: get_ascii_contents2() was not honoring the possible output encoding request
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: GetLocalType() could produce errors with some local types
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: GraphViewer would not allow grouping of nodes, unless OnCreatingGroup was implemented
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: GraphViewer.Select() method was always selecting node 0 regardless of the argument
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: It was not possible to use 'tag' and 'reg' functions of a segreg_t instance returned by get_srarea()
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: Some char arrays-derived Python strings could contain garbage in some cases
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: some functions which returned a ssize_t, were wrapped incorrectly and were unusable
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: udt_type_data_t was not exposed as a qvector, and thus couldn't be iterated on
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: When using the Strings() class, bytes could be erroneously retrieved
  • BUGFIX: IDC's SetShortPrm(INF_BINPREF, gt;) would not properly change the current renderer's amount of displayed bytes
  • BUGFIX: IDC: GetLocalTinfo() would return a non-zero number upon failure (must return 0)
  • BUGFIX: IDC: IDA could interr if an IDC function was called with wrong number of arguments
  • BUGFIX: IDC: SetMemberType() with struct offset would use wrong struct offset delta
  • BUGFIX: IDC: the function SetRegValue() could set incorrect value for FPU registers
  • BUGFIX: it was possible to create an item across function chunk boundaries (only in some cases)
  • BUGFIX: kernel: instruction emulator could destroy the current insn in some cases and this would cause an interr later
  • BUGFIX: LE: LE files without the MZ header could not be loaded
  • BUGFIX: linux debmod could interr on low-level conditions
  • BUGFIX: Mach-O: __stubs section was processed incorrectly for x64 files
  • BUGFIX: Mach-O: corrupted export data could cause buffer overflow and crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: Mach-O: Fixed crash in Mach-O loader (endless recursion)
  • BUGFIX: Mach-O: fixed off-by-one bug in many places; efd was crashing on the sample files we received today; probably IDA too
  • BUGFIX: Mach-O: Fixed potential endless recursion
  • BUGFIX: Mach-O: IDA could crash on some corrupted Mach-O files the number of sections or section boundaries are bad
  • BUGFIX: Mach-O: IDA could crash when loading Mach-O files with malformed LC_LOAD_DYLIB commands
  • BUGFIX: Mach-O: IDA could not load files with over-sized sections
  • BUGFIX: MIPS: building mips16 macro instructions could consume too many bytes, preventing some following instructions from being decoded
  • BUGFIX: MIPS: registers could be tracked incorrectly for mips16 code
  • BUGFIX: MIPS: some references to local symbols loaded from the GOT could not be converted to offsets
  • BUGFIX: msp430: was using 16-bit segments by default
  • BUGFIX: MSP430: some BRA instructions were decoded incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: NE: IDA could crash on specially crafted NE file (zero pointer dereference)
  • BUGFIX: on Linux some of concurrently started instances of IDA could fail to load the registry
  • BUGFIX: our C parser was supporting only "ui64" suffix for 64-bit constants; the 'll' prefix was silently skipped
  • BUGFIX: Patched bytes are now reverted before the segment and its data are deleted
  • BUGFIX: PC: 'ymmword' keyword was not defined for PC module which caused 32-byte data items to be displayed with (null) prefix
  • BUGFIX: PC: AVX instructions that refer to r8..r15 should not be decoded in 32-bit mode
  • BUGFIX: PC: some instructions using repeated 66 and 67 prefixes (operand/address size override) were not decoded correctly
  • BUGFIX: PDB: IDA could fail to load a PDB file when using File->gt;Load additional file->gt;PDB file... dialog
  • BUGFIX: PE: files with corrupted CodeView debug info could trigger a double free
  • BUGFIX: PE: heap overwrite in processing of x64 .pdata entries
  • BUGFIX: PE: IDA could access invalid memory when a corrupted COFF symbol table was present
  • BUGFIX: PE: IDA could take a very long time loading a file with bad debug directory
  • BUGFIX: PE: specially crafted PE file could lead to memory corruption
  • BUGFIX: PEF: fixed multiple vulnerabilities
  • BUGFIX: PEF: specially crafted PEF files could crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: PIN: get rid of duplicates in trace buffer (basic block tracing mode)
  • BUGFIX: PIN: in some cases IDA tried to launch pintool even if 'autolaunch' option was disabled by the user
  • BUGFIX: PIN: in some cases pintool could provide incorrect memory configuration
  • BUGFIX: PIN: incorrect tooltips for memory operands in the disassembly window
  • BUGFIX: PIN: not all threads appeared in IDA after initial attach to a process
  • BUGFIX: PIN: register values/threads could be lost when debugger stops on "Process start"/"Library loaded" events (in case 'Suspend on debugging start' or "Suspend on library load/unload' option is enabled)
  • BUGFIX: PIN: take into account actual flags of segments/function when enabled options 'Trace over debugger segments', 'Trace over library functions'
  • BUGFIX: PPC: undecorating a name could yield an empty name and that could cause a crash
  • BUGFIX: PPC: VLE instruction se_addi was incorrectly simplified into se_li when r0 was used as a source operand
  • BUGFIX: Producing files with only structures/enums gave erroneous feedback on the line count
  • BUGFIX: Proximity view could crash when asked to expand/collapse multiple nodes, when some of those are "(+)" nodes
  • BUGFIX: qrealloc() with BADMEMSIZE could succeed on some flavors of linux64 (it should fail)
  • BUGFIX: qwingraph: could crash on some huge graphs; now we nicely display a message and exit
  • BUGFIX: references to unexisting types would be saved with explicit struct/union/enum keywords even if the reference was simply by name; the keyword would be derived on the fly from the forward declaration, if it existed
  • BUGFIX: renaming a struct/enum would break references to it because IDA was using references by name instead of by ordinal
  • BUGFIX: SDK: tinfo_t::is_forward_decl() could incorrectly return false in some cases
  • BUGFIX: searching for the next unknown byte in sparse storage was buggy
  • BUGFIX: some -D command line options could be effectively ignored because IDA could load a new processor module immediately after applying them; now we apply -D switches after loading the input file
  • BUGFIX: some anonymous unions of bitfields could be handled incorrectly in pdb files
  • BUGFIX: some register names were duplicated by some debugger backends
  • BUGFIX: SPARC: IDA would miss delay slots in little endian mode
  • BUGFIX: structure alignment was incorrectly calculated when copying from the struct window to the local types;
  • BUGFIX: switch idioms that had the default jump target inside (but unmarked) would still be decompiled incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: Syncing a Hex-View to the value of a register would cause an interr
  • BUGFIX: the 'local types' window was not refreshed after importing some types to the IDB
  • BUGFIX: tilib: could interr when trying to calculate the alignment of a 'long double' type when the compiler is set to 'Borland' (long double is 10 bytes but has alignment of 8)
  • BUGFIX: tinfo_t::print() could crash if PRTYPE_DEF was passed for a trivial type
  • BUGFIX: tracing, basic block tracing mode: broken order of instructions in the trace buffer
  • BUGFIX: Tricore: some ld16/st16 instructions were decoded incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: UI: after switching Hex View to one-column it was not displaying anything
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA could confuse structs with members when renaming in the structures view
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA could crash when showing proximity graph coming from a trace
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA could crash when trying to display a proximity view graph for a newly opened file, if that graph exceeded the max node limit
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA could show "undefined type" message when loading some PE files into IDB
  • BUGFIX: UI: IDA was generating bogus idb_event::op_type_changed when showing the context menu
  • BUGFIX: UI: in some cases picking a standard numeric constants (enum) for the value in the disassembly did not work
  • BUGFIX: UI: load-time warnings could be shown again even if the user checked "Don't show again in current session"
  • BUGFIX: UI: Pressing '.' when in the "Output window"'s messages widget wouldn't switch control to the CLI widget
  • BUGFIX: ui: qt: Changed meaning of 'width' field parameter in forms descriptions. Now it is buffer size -1 for text fields and the number of characters for digital fields
  • BUGFIX: UI: QT: Open... file dialog was displaying only "All files(*)"; now extensions idagui.cfg are used
  • BUGFIX: UI: Right-clicking on a graph view, and then clicking on the "Zoom 100%" action could lead the view to zoom to the wrong place
  • BUGFIX: UI: Right-clicking on an edge, and requesting a grouping of nodes while none are selected could crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: UI: some IDBs created on Windows and used on Unix could have problems with the 'struct offset' command in the gui verion
  • BUGFIX: UI: switching from graph view to flat view and back would change the current disassembly position if the current node was a group node
  • BUGFIX: UI: the import window would display wrong library names if a new database was opened without quitting IDA
  • BUGFIX: UI: tracing actions (Instruction tracing etc.) were not enabled for some debuggers which do support tracing (e.g. Bochs)
  • BUGFIX: UI: TXT: Changed meaning of 'width' field parameter in forms descriptions. Now it is buffer size -1 for text fields and the number of characters for digital fields
  • BUGFIX: UI: Using IDA in a Windows 8 RDP session might cause a freeze of the session when dragging & dropping widgets
  • BUGFIX: UI: When animations were turned off, IDA could temporarily freeze
  • BUGFIX: UI: when creating 32-bit segments with base 0, a selector was not allocated for it, leading to various issues
  • BUGFIX: UI: when creating a new script snippet, the previous snippet text was not always cleared from text field
  • BUGFIX: UI: When double-clicking a result in a non-modal "Xrefs to ..." view, in order to jump in the (previously hidden) tabbed graph view, the graph view might center on an incorrect place
  • BUGFIX: uiswitch: it was impossible to specify a switch with zero elbase but nonzero shift
  • BUGFIX: unreachable meaningless fpu instructions could hinder fpu stack analysis
  • BUGFIX: User graphs: paint nodes background even when text is not painted (i.e., zoom level is too far away.)
  • BUGFIX: when a struct was deleted, the corresponding type was not always deleted from the local types
  • BUGFIX: When changing a variable/argument type in a function frame, 'Structures' xrefs might not be updated
  • BUGFIX: when debugging, the cursor could be positioned on a multiline comment line in the pseudocode view, instead of the line with the real code
  • BUGFIX: When horizontally scrolled, IDA View-A could fail to highlight the word on which the cursor is currently placed
  • BUGFIX: When in graph view, jumping to the current function's call sites through the node title's "Jump to xref" icon could focus on the wrong node in the calling function
  • BUGFIX: when opening an old IDB for a processor without the type system there could be a significant delay (a dozen of seconds or more)
  • BUGFIX: When performing some keyboard shortcut sequences very fast, and then moving up/down with the keyboard's line up/down, or page up/down, the disassembly listing could show a single line (or jump one page off)
  • BUGFIX: While grouping/ungrouping some nodes, IDA could freeze until 'Esc' is pressed
  • BUGFIX: WinDbg: windbg debugger could not write FPU register values
  • BUGFIX: 64bit linux debugger: Incorrect reading of FPU registers
  • BUGFIX: ARM: arm module would display 'LDR R0, =0xFFFFFFFF' or similar in case the LDR instruction was referrring to a non-existing or uninitialized memory address
  • BUGFIX: DWARF: Could misinterpret very large types (> 0x1fffffff bytes-large)
  • BUGFIX: GDB: a malicious GDB stub could cause heap memory overwrite in IDA during debugging
  • BUGFIX: IDA could abort with message "index file is bad" when compressing database
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash at DWARF-loading time, because the DWARF plugin would try and retrieve too many bytes from the file
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash/hang on corrupted databases
  • BUGFIX: IDA could hang trying to load corrupted input files
  • BUGFIX: IDA could hang trying to read symbols from an erroneously-large symbols table
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: internal_get_sreg_base() wasn't usable
  • BUGFIX: IDAPython: set_nav_colorizer() was not accepting Python callables as implementation. Issue 1370
  • BUGFIX: PC: some FPU instructions were not decoded if they had a REX prefix
  • BUGFIX: Pressing 'p' to create a procedure, then keyboard-navigating to another piece of code and pressing 'p' again could not work (unless something caused the actions to be updated again; e.g., opening a dialog.)
  • BUGFIX: IDA could interr when guessing a function prototype if the stack was growing up for the current processor
  • BUGFIX: IDA could spend too much time generating the listing if there were too many lines in .net files
  • BUGFIX: kernel: handling of switches with SWI_JMP_INV flag set was broken
  • BUGFIX: specially crafted .sig files could crash IDA
  • BUGFIX: PPC: some simplified instruction forms were missed

New in IDA Pro 6.0 (Jan 21, 2011)

  • 6812: support an alternative memory layout for paged segments which allows to use short offsets inside the segment
  • ARM: added a switch pattern that uses BX to jump to case labels
  • ARM: display the optional operand of the MRC/MCR instructions, as preferred by the ARM documentation
  • ARM: support another variation of GCC Thumb-2 switches
  • PPC: added SPE (Signal Processing Engine) instructions, including floating-point and vector FP
  • PPC: trace stack pointer for 64-bit code
  • SuperH: added SH-4a instructions
  • SuperH: display immediates loaded from literal pool in the instruction itself
  • SuperH: trace stack pointer and create stack variables
  • TMS320C54x: added register definitions for TI Calypso chipset (thanks to Sylvain Munaut)
  • TMS320C54x: better handling of multi-section files (thanks to Sylvain Munaut)
  • TMS320C54x: better handling of multi-section files (thanks to Sylvain Munaut)
  • Added loader for HP-UX core files (non-ELF), provided by Avi Cohen Stuart
  • ELF: added support for more IA64 relocations
  • LE: added support for bound DOS/4G executables
  • kernel: improved database loading and saving times (new crc32 algorithm)
  • Configurable plugins can specify which platform they can operate on in plugins.cfg
  • demangler: demangle GCC local names (_ZLxxx)
  • FLIRT: added parser for Mach-O object files (pmacho)
  • 'volatile' keyword is automatically removed from function return types
  • IDC & SDK:
  • IDAPython: added auto completion support
  • IDC: added ItemHead()
  • IDC: added Exec() to execute IDC statement(s)
  • SDK: added idb events for segment name/class modifications
  • SDK: get_many_bytes_ex() to retrieve bytes and information about initialized and unitialized bytes from the database
  • it is now possible to jump to a structure cross-reference (default hotkey: Ctrl-X in the structures window)
  • Added "Save to file" to save the trace window contents
  • added a checkbox for sparse segments to the 'create segment' dialog box
  • multiple segments can be selected and moved using the segments window
  • debugger: added support for virtual modules (user-defined modules can be added from api)
  • debugger: non-integer register values can be displayed as hints
  • BUGFIX: 'analyze module' was failing on modules with unknown size; now it tries to estimate it
  • BUGFIX: -B switch fails to generate ASM files if idb path contains the '.' character
  • BUGFIX: a structure with pointers to functions with non-empty argument names was incorrectly converted to a local type
  • BUGFIX: adding a segment could erroneously delete a selector (if the start address of the new segment was equal to the start address of an existing segment and the selector was used only by that segment and the selector of the new segment was equal to the selector of the existing segment)
  • BUGFIX: after attaching to a linux process the names of the main process module were not available
  • BUGFIX: arm relative-mode elf files were loaded incorrectly (thumb was not used when required)
  • BUGFIX: ARM: LDMFD SP (no writeback) was incorrectly decoded as POP in Thumb-2 mode
  • BUGFIX: binary search could return a result outside of the search region
  • BUGFIX: Bochs could crash in some cases when setting a bp at data locations
  • BUGFIX: bochs direct commands were not working under linux
  • BUGFIX: calc_bare_name() could not handle gcc mangled names with '.' prefix
  • BUGFIX: command line arguments with backslashes were parsed incorrectly under MS Windows: backslashes were escaped even without quotes
  • BUGFIX: dummy_name_ea() was failing for dword_xxx dummy names
  • BUGFIX: GDB debugger: resolved incompatibility with VMWare 7.x GDB stub
  • BUGFIX: global idc variables of object type would crash ida if they were present at the exit time; now we get rid of them when we close the database
  • BUGFIX: GUI: chooser window may be improperly resized if moved from a low resolution screen to a higher resolution screen
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash if an unsuccessful search backwards was done while the debugger was active
  • BUGFIX: IDA could crash when trying to display custom data items bigger than 16 bytes in size on big-endian processors
  • BUGFIX: IDA could endlessly loop on some x86 files
  • BUGFIX: if a search was performed within a selected text, the screen was not redrawn correctly
  • BUGFIX: if full stack analysis was turned off and a pdb file was loaded at the idb creation time, the decompiler would interr
  • BUGFIX: it was not possible to create 64-bit segments from UI for PowerPC
  • BUGFIX: kernel: user-defined offsets with non-zero bases were not adjusted properly during rebasing
  • BUGFIX: linux debugger was processing 'detach from process' command not quite correctly
  • BUGFIX: MIPS: basic block boundaries were determined incorrectly for MIPS16 code (MIPS16 branches do not have a delay slot)
  • BUGFIX: modal recent script box would crash if no script was selected
  • BUGFIX: moving the vertical scrollbar thumb in the disassembly listing was not handled correctly for 64-bit programs
  • BUGFIX: MS DOS: rebasing EXE files was not properly adjusting relocations
  • BUGFIX: PE loader: a bad load config directory can cause an infinite loop
  • BUGFIX: qvector's insert/erase methods were moving vector elements incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: replacing a type the comes from a til file might lead to a crash (if there were no defined local types yet)
  • BUGFIX: script processor module could crash if 'codestart' and 'retcodes' fields were used under Linux/MAC
  • BUGFIX: the 'switch debugger' command was available only when a disassembly window had focus
  • BUGFIX: the disassembly text that was copied to clipboard could contain odd characters at the begining in some cases
  • BUGFIX: the help subsystem of the text version was using memory allocation functions incorrectly
  • BUGFIX: UI: indexes printed for array of structures were incorrect
  • BUGFIX: UI: it was not possible to set the type of a structure member ('Y' key) if the cursor was on an undefined area in the disassembly view.
  • BUGFIX: Windbg plugin now forbids starting a process in non-invasive mode. Only non-invasive attach is supported.