Data Turbine Changelog

What's new in Data Turbine 3.2

Mar 14, 2013
  • Server:
  • Added failsafe second-pass recursive delete-archive after short delay if an archive fails to delete. Some systems sometimes would fail to clean up old archives on close.
  • Added catch *any* exception on Timer(). One could slip thru doing Android port testing.
  • Add warning message for IPV6 (vs IPV4) address parsing. Eventually need to handle IPV6 addresses.
  • Handle Date parsing exception. The build-date info field had a parsing exception in latest Android JVM. Simple change to use current date in this case.
  • Compress point times to start+duration if it is net savings. Activated by -DcompressTol=X system property flag, where X is point-to-point relative time-tolerance.
  • Tweek to improve reliability of establishing shortcut routes.
  • Added flag to specify load-archive timeout (to give time for very large archives to load). Example: java -DarchiveLoadTimeout=300000 -jar rbnb.jar
  • rbnbPlot:
  • Add new File menu item: "Default ordinate settings..."; to specify the default scaling.
  • Removed unneeded mouse events from channel selection dialog to fix undesired channel selection events.
  • CSVDemux:
  • CSV output string is now flushed to channel "_IWG1" (same as XMLDemux).
  • Known Issues:
  • Certain recent version 64-bit Java JVMs have been noted to crash upon launch of RBNB server, most notably on Macs and Linux. This issue continues to be investigated. Work-around is to use older or 32 bit JVM.

New in Data Turbine 3.2B5 (Sep 2, 2010)

  • This release corresponds to RBNB Subversion repository revision number 199
  • Added convenience methods (CreateMirrorOut) to start a push mirror. This has been added to the SAPI Control class. Thus, in addition to starting a mirror from rbnbAdmin, users can now start a mirror from a Java program or from MATLAB.