BugZero Changelog

What's new in BugZero

Jan 20, 2016
  • An installation bug related to the database setting was fixed. A record that is newly copied or moved from another project is now treated as a new record permission wise.

New in BugZero (Jan 12, 2015)

  • A disabled field can now be either grayed out or hidden.
  • A new button is added along with the UP and DOWN buttons to sort the drop-down menu options in natural alphabetical order.
  • A bug in the query using two dates was fxied. A URL forward issue was fixed.
  • The default show columns and order in a query is now configurable.

New in BugZero (Jan 4, 2014)

  • Emails that failed to be saved due to a permission issue are now sent back to the
  • senders, even for guest users. Write permission is now properly handled for the
  • secondary responsible user.

New in BugZero (Sep 12, 2013)

  • An issue with not being able to clear a field value has been fixed. The first option
  • is longer saved as a default to a disabled drop-down field or a multi-select field.
  • A "hosts.allow" file for email spam control and a system flag for disabling the
  • Guest user email trigger have been added.

New in BugZero (Aug 15, 2013)

  • An alternate userid can now be used for the login purpose.
  • The single-sign-on code was refactored.
  • A case can now be submitted and followed up by a non-registered web user.
  • Emails with HTML content are now better handled.
  • A startup timing issue between the application and the database server and an issue related to the "Assign" button have been fixed.
  • Spambots registrations are now better controlled.

New in BugZero 6.6.0233 (May 14, 2013)

  • A total of 72 new custom fields have been added. Password encryption is now salted.
  • The email header "Date" is now used as the timestamp when saving an email submission.
  • The javascript function "remove" was renamed to avoid conflict with Chrome browsers.
  • A disabled field is now grayed out instead of removed. The default value of a drop-down
  • menu field that is mandatory based on another field has been corrected.

New in BugZero (Apr 22, 2013)

  • Fixed an issue with the timestamp of a subsequent record can be the same as the previous one.

New in BugZero (Mar 20, 2013)

  • An issue of not setting the "Responsible" field based on the routing configuration
  • was fixed.

New in BugZero (Feb 6, 2013)

  • Mailbox connection and read timeouts are now better handled.
  • The Detail table column has been changed to MEDIUMTEXT for MySQL databases.
  • A 'Method Not Allowed' problem on a query page with dependent fields and a problem when refreshing a changed query result page listing multiple projects were fixed.

New in BugZero (Jan 16, 2013)

  • A problem with non-ASCII username was fixed. Setting URIEncoding to UTF-8 is no
  • longer required.
  • A potential AWT-Windows memory leak problem and an IE caching issue in AJAX requests were fixed.
  • The default option for drop down fields is now better handled on the server side.

New in BugZero (Oct 3, 2012)

  • JavaMail has been updated to javamail-1.4.5. Connect errors to remote mailboxes are
  • now better handled.

New in BugZero (Sep 11, 2012)

  • The issue ID number is now guaranteed to be consecutive and continuous.
  • A potential NPE exception after initializing user groups from an empty database was fixed.
  • JSPF files are now better handled.

New in BugZero 6.5.1 (Aug 3, 2012)

  • Form fields can now be disabled or made mandatory through a date time or text input
  • field.
  • Some issues in handling the username and email address have been fixed.

New in BugZero 6.5 (Apr 30, 2012)

  • A new acknowledgement email template was added.
  • A 'No email notification" checkbox can now be added to the Responsible data type fields.
  • A potential SQLException with MySQL related to a timestamp column was fixed.
  • A bug that removed the group access to all projects instead of the one project was fixed.
  • The code used to split the usernames from the CC email addresses was improved.

New in BugZero 6.2.4 (Jan 5, 2012)

  • An issue related to adding mailboxes that cannot be started and an issue related to saving the responsible and original author flags were fixed.
  • The Html parsing code was improved.
  • An NPE exception that occurred on a non-existent cross project record was fixed.
  • A SQL statement used for logging the previous responsible and state in the Detail field was modified to fix a problem that may occur in some databases.

New in BugZero 6.2.3 (Nov 24, 2011)

  • An hyperlink to download the application log is added on the admin UI.

New in BugZero 6.2.2 (Oct 11, 2011)

  • The Oracle LONGs are now changed to BLOBs or CLOBs. You are advised to test it on
  • a staging database first.
  • A more recent Oracle jdbc driver is also required. Note that, each time the upgrade script is run, any existing old Oracle jdbc driver like the classes12.zip is copied over and it must be deleted.
  • The related db.properties and SQL files were modified. A bug that prevented deleting links before saving in records created through a same-project copy was fixed. Deactivated users are no longer included in the User type drop down fields.

New in BugZero 6.1.3 (Apr 26, 2011)

  • A bug in the encryption code, a bug in setting the timestamp in the cases of email submission, a mismatch between the mail headers of From and Return-Path, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, and an ORA-00600 error due to too many values in the INLIST were fixed. Potential issues during upgrade were fixed. A new Responsible data type was added. Fields of the User type can now be reset to null.

New in BugZero 6.1.2 (Mar 19, 2011)

  • A bug in the upgrade code and a database duplicate key error upon saving the work flow were fixed.

New in BugZero 6.1.1 (Mar 8, 2011)

  • A potential memory leak caused by repeatedly redeploying the application without
  • restarting the app server was fixed. A mechanism for handling mailboxes in
  • cluster environments was added.

New in BugZero 6.1 (Feb 22, 2011)

  • The routing and automatic assignment function has been changed and is now configured separately from the base project configuration page.
  • The Reminder function and session caching mechanism were improved. Additional custom fields were added.
  • A new GZIP compression filter was added. Some code was refactored.
  • A potential SunJCE class not found problem in version 6.0.4 was fixed.
  • A bug in the catch all queries for users of a grouped type was fixed.

New in BugZero 6.0.4 (Oct 26, 2010)

  • Passwords in properties files are now encrypted.
  • Some JavaScript functions have been changed.
  • Various default settings for the reference type projects have been improved.
  • A bug that prevented the saving of multiple project type fields on the EDIT page was fixed.

New in BugZero 6.0.3 (Oct 4, 2010)

  • The User type fields now list all users instead of just those that have the edit permission.
  • An issue of not displaying the Object fields properly on the query result page was fixed.

New in BugZero 6.0.2 (Sep 22, 2010)

  • A warning message is to be displayed on the admin's home page if there is a write permission problem on the log file.
  • The Query button is now permission-based.
  • A user of guest type can now view or edit issues that were either originally submitted by or currently assigned to the user.
  • A new "editboth" access code was added.
  • A bug that displayed the original author's username instead of full name in the query result was fixed.

New in BugZero 6.0.1 (Aug 20, 2010)

  • Some issues related to the 'lock to edit' function were fixed. A database data
  • truncation issue on the cc_mail column was also fixed.

New in BugZero 6.0 (Aug 11, 2010)

  • A new user account lockout feature was added.
  • The Reminder feature was improved by adding the ability to perform an arbitrary action instead of just sending an email.
  • A potential NPE exception that occurred on a missing target project record
  • was fixed.
  • A workaround was added to avoid the potential ORA-01467 error on Oracle
  • databases.
  • JavaMail has been updated to javamail-1.4.2 and jaf-1.1.1.
  • Email is now saved as an attachment un-parsed in cases of any parsing errors. An index on the ts column of table trail was added.

New in BugZero 5.8.7 (Apr 14, 2010)

  • New features for Cc and Bcc email were added.
  • A workaround was added to solve the lost session problem in the screenshot capture function with Google Chrome browsers.
  • The ability to include a footer page was added.
  • The debug console can now be launched from the admin page.

New in BugZero 5.8.6 (Apr 14, 2010)

  • This release added more advanced end user customization capability.
  • A form field can now be enabled, disabled, or made mandatory upon state change. The HTML links to Forgot Password and New User Registration, and whether the audit fields carry over the current value, are now configurable. The user type fields are now carried over by default.
  • A bug that removed dependent fields of name field_1* upon saving the project and a bug that prevented deleting a user due to database foreign key constraints were fixed. The log level in error.jsp and a potential NPE exception that occurred in sending email and was logged in the app server log were fixed.
  • A potential SQLException with MySQL related to the reminder's timestamp column
  • ('0000-00-00 00:00:00') was fixed. Session is now regenerated upon successful user login. A SQL file was renamed.

New in BugZero 5.8.5 (Apr 14, 2010)

  • The application was made more secure. Previous page content can no longer be viewed in browser history after user logout. Issues related to the msg parameter in the URI
  • were fixed.
  • The GET method is now either disabled or more strictly controlled.
  • A token identifier has been added to HTML form submission to prevent potential CSRF forgery attacks.
  • An issue of not carrying over existing values of the drop down audit fields in email submission was fixed.

New in BugZero 5.8.4 (Nov 17, 2009)

  • Mailboxes can now be reloaded if the initial loading from the database failed.
  • The 'Show Projects' drop-down on the Query page can now be enabled on the Report page.
  • A file attachment issue with email submission was fixed.
  • Added installation support to Jetty application servers.

New in BugZero 5.8.3 (Nov 17, 2009)

  • The JSP code was refactored. The first field cursor focus feature was made configurable.
  • File attachment in Email notification can now be configured independently.

New in BugZero 5.8.2 (Nov 17, 2009)

  • Number formats are now localized for the decimal separator and the webapp root path
  • is now logged during server start-up to help trouble-shooting.
  • A null pointer exception on the USER page when there is no end user in the system was fixed. A potential NPE when reloading the issue list page was fixed.

New in BugZero 5.8.1 (Aug 20, 2009)

  • Project name and user full name are now displayed in the project and user
  • drop-down lists for admin.
  • A mechanism for handling Reminder in cluster environment
  • was added.
  • A browse mode issue in version 5.8 and a bug related to the original
  • author group in the email notification template were fixed.

New in BugZero 5.7.2 (Jun 24, 2009)

  • This release adds enhanced integration with LDAP.
  • Some issues related to the'original author user group' function and a problem with the onsubmit of Javascript were fixed.
  • An error saving the Move button permission was fixed.

New in BugZero 5.7.1 (Apr 28, 2009)

  • Some issues with the Chrome browsers were fixed.

New in BugZero 5.7 (Apr 15, 2009)

  • This release adds a 'Show Times' feature to the query page. User login is now timestamped. The last modified date is no longer updated when the change is done
  • through the quick close function. A bug that in-correctly saved the assignable/user
  • options into the fieldset table was fixed, this bug has apparently caused the null user problem in the assignment box in certain Java environment. A bug involving the dependent fields, a bug in searching multi-select field, and a bug related to the original author were fixed. The system flag of always notify original author is now also applied to the cases of email submission. Some JSP code was refactored.

New in BugZero 5.5.7 (May 8, 2008)

  • Missing dependent fields on the query page were added back, and the 'multi-select' fields were added to the parent field list. Query on the fields of object type is better handled. The issue of page reloading on issue status change was fixed.

New in BugZero 5.5.3 (Jan 29, 2008)

  • This release adds a 'Show Projects' feature to the query page. Two columns
  • in the fieldname table were modified to use the TEXT data type instead of
  • VARCHAR. A bug related to the group-based project access and an issue
  • with counting skipped days were fixed.