Adobe AIR Changelog

What's new in Adobe AIR Beta

Aug 8, 2018
  • [iOS 12]Failing to launch any AIR application (FLASH-4190352)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 4, 2018)

  • Apple store REJECTION - AIR SDK using non-public APIs (AIR-4198623)
  • Error installing ad-hoc application on device using ad-hoc provisioning
  • Error with App Upload to Apple app store for missing NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
  • keys
  • ADT to correctly sign dynamic frameworks included packaged with iOS app (AIR-4198407)
  • Echo during video conference (AIR-4198549)
  • iphone8 and iphonex, map using atf the etc2 map will appear maze or color variegated.(AIR-4198515)
  • [Swift ANE] Framework doesn't get signed when already signed framework is used while packaging

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Feb 16, 2018)

  • Ability to disable/enable vsync on the fly:
  • Till AIR 28, frame buffer rendering rate of the AIR Runtime was synchronized to the display device refresh rate.
  • We have provided an enhancement in AIR 29 where a user will have an extra ability to sync or a-sync the display device rate. The
  • synchronization feature can be toggled with the help of a property added to a stage variable “vsyncEnabled”.
  • The “vsyncEnabled” variable is available to toggle between true and false, if and only if an event “VsyncStateChangeAvailabilityEvent” returns
  • true.
  • On windows 7 machine DisplayContext object, Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE will be triggered again whenever the vsyncEnabled value is set as
  • true and flickering may be observed.This phenomenon will not be reflected on Windows 8 and above and on MAC machines.
  • Increase GPU memory Limits:
  • Until AIR 28, maximum GPU memory provided for uploading the Normal and Rectangular textures was 512 MB. With AIR 29 beta, we have
  • enhanced the GPU memory limits to 2048MB. These new limits will be available with the Stage3D profile “Standard_Extended” and "Enhanced".
  • For other profiles, maximum GPU limit will be 512MB.
  • This feature is AIR 64 bit only and will be available for Normal and Rectangular textures. For Cube texture, memory limits will be same as before
  • i.e. 256 MB.
  • Increase in Texture Limit:
  • Till AIR 28, maximum texture size supported by AIR is 4096x4096. In AIR 29 beta(SWF version 40), we have increased the texture limit to
  • 8192x8192 pixels. A new read-only property Context3D::supports8kTexture has been introduced which returns true only if the 8k texture is
  • supported by the hardware.
  • This feature only supports the rendering of Normal and Rectangular textures. Textures such as Cube, Video, Compressed, and
  • Compressed_Alpha will not be supported. The feature is available in AIR 64 for Mac, Windows 8.1 and above.
  • Since 8K textures are quite heavy, it is recommended to upload the textures asynchronously

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 18, 2017)

  • Flash Builder quits unexpectedly on High Sierra when "Export release build" is selected from the Project menu.
  • GESTURE_PAN event is not triggered on Mac.
  • Some rendering issues related to direct render mode are known for e.g. BitmapData, CacheAsBitmap, cacheAsBitmapMatrix, Perspectiv eTransform and related areas.
  • [Android] Stage shift offset error on StageText focus (AIR-4198421)
  • [Android] Camera miniature display at top-left corner when StageVideo video playback (AIR-4130641)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 23, 2017)

  • Video Texture keeps accessing camera even after being disposed.(AIR-4198123)
  • [iOS ] TextField Input position is largely deviated (AIR-4198324)
  • [iOS] AIR app rotation broken on iOS Beta 3 when using -platformSDK (AIR-4198406)
  • [Android] Bug fixes related to Secure Socket on Android for TLS protocol.
  • [Android] flag has been added to aapt tool

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 11, 2017)

  • [iOS ]AIR app rotation broken on iOS Beta 3 when using -platformSDK (AIR-4198406)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 3, 2017)

  • [iOS] ADT to correctly sign dynamic frameworks included packaged with iOS app (AIR-4198407)
  • [iOS] ADT to correctly sign dynamic frameworks (AIR-4198408)

New in Adobe AIR (Jul 12, 2017)

  • Drag and drop is not working as expected with AIR runtime 26(AIR-4198378, AIR-4198374, AIR-4198376, AIR-4198375)
  • Copy of elements are created in the initial list when drag and dropped to the new list.( AIR-4198373)
  • NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_COMPLETE is not triggered with AIR 26 (AIR-4198381)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jun 22, 2017)

  • Flex DragManger is not working on masked object in AIR applications(4188202)Drag and drop is not working as expected with AIR runtime 26(AIR-4198378, AIR-4198374, AIR-4198376, AIR-4198375, AIR-4198373)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 17, 2017)

  • New and Updated Features:
  • Disabling Packaging of Shared Android Applications
  • Starting with AIR 26, packaging of shared applications for Android is disabled. With this change, published applications will always have a captive copy of the runtime included in their installation package irrespective of the target selected (that is, apk or apk-captive-runtime). This change allows us to focus our testing and engineering on captive installation - by far, the most popular option.
  • Moving to WKWebView for StageWebView on iOS
  • Starting AIR 26, For StageWebView on iOS, we now use WKWebView (instead of UIWebView) behind the scene, which uses WebKit engine to render WebViews. For more information on WKWebView, see This does not impact AS developers directly. However, because of a few known WebKit bugs, there may be some workflow changes in the existing iOS Apps. Do report them on Adobe AIR forums for us to investigate.
  • This change also allows developers to debug StageWebView content in iOS. To enable web inspector on iOS, complete the following steps:
  • Open the Settings app.
  • Tap Safari.
  • Scroll down and select Advanced.
  • gen_adv_2x.png
  • Switch Web Inspector to ON.
  • After Web Inspector is enabled, connect your device to your desktop machine with a USB cable. The name of your device appears in the Develop menu of Safari.
  • Alternately, developers can use iOS Simulator to take advantage of Web Inspector’s debugging capabilities. Use the same instructions to enable Web Inspector on iOS, from within the iOS Simulator’s Settings app.
  • Apple TV support (Beta Quality)
  • We have made some enhancements to tvOS support, which was introduced in AIR 24 beta channel. For more information, see the Release Notes specific to this feature.
  • DeviceRotation Event Handler for Mobile
  • When a device is rotated, the orientation of the plane defining device screen changes. This change can be depicted in terms of a Rotation Vector, which can be represented by Roll-Pitch-Yaw or Quaternions data. The DeviceRotation event handler is used to fetch this data. One scenario where this data can be useful is to update the viewport of Spherical videos when the device is rotated.
  • This event handler has been introduced in AIR 26, where we have added a new DeviceRotation class which dispatches DeviceRotationEvent based on the activity detected by the device’s motion sensors namely Accelerometer and Gyroscope.
  • DeviceRotation object
  • The user can create an object of DeviceRotation class and can access its properties or register for events on this object. For example:
  • var deviceRotation:DeviceRotation = new DeviceRotation();
  • DeviceRotation.isSupported returns true if the following conditions are satisfied:
  • The device has Accelerometer and Gyroscope sensors.
  • Android devices with versions 4.3(JELLY_BEAN_MR2) and above.
  • iOS devices with versions 4.0 and above.
  • DeviceRotationEvent.UPDATE is the event, attached to a DeviceRotation object. The event is used in the following scenarios:
  • When a new listener function is attached using addEventListener.
  • When the value of the DeviceRotation vector changes, this event is delivered at some device-determined interval.
  • When the player may have missed a change in the DeviceRotation (for example, if the player is waking up after sleep), this event is delivered.
  • DeviceRotationEvent object
  • When an update event is fired on DeviceRotation object, it is caught as a DeviceRotationEvent object. For example:
  • private function updateHandler(event : DeviceRotationEvent ) : void { }
  • Properties for DeviceRotationEvent are exposed as:
  • Timestamp - The duration in milliseconds from the application launch time.
  • Roll, along Y-Axis - Its unit is Number and the value is an angle in degrees.
  • Pitch, along X-Axis - Its unit is Number and the value is an angle in degrees.
  • Yaw, along Z-Axis - Its unit is Number and the value is an angle in degrees.
  • Quaternion - It is an array that represents the quaternion values in [w, x, y, z] format.
  • Enhanced Profile:
  • With AIR 26, we are introducing a new stage3D profile “Enhanced” for AIR Mobile. This will be a new constant in Context3DProfile class. Availability of "enhanced" profile indicates the availability of AGAL4. The same profile name can be used in requestContext3D and requestContext3DMatchingProfiles methods of Stage3D.
  • AGAL 4 introduces a new opcode “tld” and new Vertex Sampler register “vs” for fetching texture in a vertex shader. ‘tld’ is similar to 'tex' opcode used in the fragment shader. But unlike ‘tex’ opcode, ‘tld’ requires a level of detail ( LOD ) value for parameter since GPU does not support the automatic calculation of LOD in the vertex shader.
  • Latest version of AGAL is available at
  • Vertex Texture Fetch:
  • With the introduction of new Stage3D profile i.e. ‘ENHANCED’, Vertex Texture Fetch is now available in AIR mobile. Texture Data will be available in Vertex Shader using AGAL4 and Enhanced profile.
  • AGAL 4 introduces a new opcode “tld” and new Vertex Sampler register “vs” for fetching texture in the vertex shader. ‘tld’ is similar to 'tex' opcode used in the fragment shader. But unlike ‘tex’ opcode, ‘tld’ requires a level of detail ( LOD ) value as a parameter since GPU does not support the automatic calculation of LOD in the vertex shader.
  • tld usage:
  • tld dst, src, sampler
  • dst: a destination register for the sampler texture pixel
  • src: a register containing texture coordinate where the pixel is sampled and containing a level of detail indication as an index of mipmap to use.
  • The XY components of the src register: a texture coordinate where a texture pixel is sampled. The z component will be used for indicating the side of the cube map texture if the vertex texture is a cube map.
  • The w component of the src register: an index of mipmap to use, with a value range from 0 to n-1 where n is the total number of the mipmaps. The zero index indicates a mipmap in the highest resolution. The fractional part of src.w is how much a selected mipmap would be interpolated with the next level of the mipmap in lower resolution based on the mipmap filter (mipnearest or miplinear) passed in the shader or set from the setSamplerStateAt() API. Mipnearest uses nearest-neighbor mipmap, while miplinear uses linearly filtered mipmapping.
  • vertex sampler ‘vs’
  • tld vt0, va0, vs0
  • The above example code fetches texture pixels from the texture bound to vertex sampler 0 (vs0) to a vertex temporary register 0 (vt0) with a texture coordinate provided in a vertex attribute register 0 (va0) and a sampler state(< 2d, linear, miplinear >) provided in the vertex shader. The LOD value is provided in va0.w in the example.
  • A total number of vertex samplers available will be 4. The sum of vertex and fragment samplers is restricted to 16.
  • Please note that tld opcode cannot be used inside fragment sampler.
  • To provide a texture for a vertex sampler in the vertex shader, developers should use existing ActionScript API, SetTextureAt().
  • SetTextureAT(0, texture);
  • The above example code binds 'texture' to the vertex sampler 0 (vs0). Note that this call would set up 'texture' to the fragment sampler in the same index, which is the fragment sampler 0 (fs0), if there is access to fs0 in the fragment shader.
  • A sampler state of the vertex sampler in the vertex shader code could be overridden with the existing AS API, SetSamplerStateAt:
  • SetSamplerStateAt(0, Context3DWrapMode.CLAMP, Context3DTextureFilter.LINEAR, Context3DMipFilter.MIPNEAREST );
  • Like the SetTextureAt API, the above call would also set up the state of the fragment sampler in the same index, which is the fragment sampler 0 (fs0), if fs0 is used in the fragment shader.
  • Please note, Anisotropic Filtering is not available for texture sampling used in vertex shaders.
  • Vertex Texture Fetch feature is useful for a number of effects like displacement mapping, water simulation, and explosion mapping etc.
  • Fixed Issues:
  • Starling masking is not working on iOS with Anti-Aliasing ON (AIR-4198229)
  • [Android] StageText not firing ENTER event (AIR-4198260)
  • [iOS] Unable to launch iPad Pro on iOS Simulator from ADT (AIR-4198314)
  • [iOS] AudioPlaybackMode.VOICE not working with Bluetooth headset (AIR-4196360)
  • "Could not generate timestamp: Connection error" is displayed while packaging the AIR application (AIR-4195221, AIR-4198332, AIR-4172255)
  • Authoring for Flash Player 26 and AIR 26:
  • Update application descriptor namespace to 26
  • SWF version should be 37

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 3, 2017)

  • Fixed issues:
  • "Could not generate timestamp: Connection error" was observed while packaging the AIR application(AIR-4195221, AIR-4198332, AIR-4172255)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Apr 27, 2017)

  • [iOS] Unable to launch iPad Pro on iOS Simulator from ADT (AIR-4198314)
  • [iOS] AudioPlaybackMode.VOICE not working with Bluetooth headset (AIR-4196360)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Feb 22, 2017)

  • [Android] Allocations made by async texture upload are not freed up after multiple asynchronous uploads(AIR-4198245)
  • [iOS]Starling apps using starling.image.mask quits unexpectedly on low-end devices(4187140)
  • [iOS] App is rotating even given autoOrients=false in app xml(AIR-4198217).
  • [iOS] TextField with TextFieldType.INPUT cuts off text on left side when focused and stage.quality is set as "8x8","8x8linear", "16x16",
  • "16x16linear"

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Feb 3, 2017)

  • Starling does not display any content on Integrated GPU Intel HD Graphics with AIR 24( AIR-4198176, AIR-4198227 ).
  • Unable to install the application on iOS Simulator
  • TEXTURE_READY event is dispatched very soon when uploading the RectangleTexture repeatedly(AIR-4198247)
  • [Android] OpenSSL library upgraded to 1.0.2j version
  • [Android] Context loss in Stage3D on android after displaying native dialog
  • [Android] Capabilities.screenResolution return a wrong values
  • (AIR-4198240)
  • [iOS] Clipboard.clear() crashes application on iOS 10 (AIR-4198156)
  • Packaging of application fails with message ANE is not a valid native extension file (AIR-4198128)
  • [iOS] ANE on Android fails to load shared native objects when app is installed on a SD card
  • [Android] stage.fullScreenHeight is returning wrong value on Android with immersive full screen
  • [Android] On using Ane's which contain resources having attribute names same as any of the attribute names of the AppCompat
  • resources, the packaging will fail.
  • [Android] tag in Android manifestAdditions prevents project from building (AIR-4123604)
  • [iOS] Sound starts to crackle on using SampleDataEvent with microphone and sound class.
  • [iOS]Flare 3D is rendered incorrectly when anti-aliasing is used.
  • Authoring for Flash Player 25 and AIR 25:
  • Update application descriptor namespace to 25
  • SWF version should be 36

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 23, 2016)

  • Starling.display.Image mask is not rendering on mobile when rendered with starling.textures.RenderTexture (4196946). Starling applications getting crashed on iOS lower end devices (4186744)
  • Android - Status bar appears when soft keyboard opens and then stays indefinitely (4184348)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 11, 2016)

  • Fixed issues:
  • setAspectRatio(StageAspectRatio.PORTRAIT) doesn't work if the device is held in landscape orientation [4197162]

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 4, 2016)

  • Fixed issues:
  • Exponential Increase in GDI object handler due to which application quits unexpectedly (4194045).
  • Desktop Runtime(4192545). Apple TV simulator does not launch using the launchApp command.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Sep 28, 2016)

  • Glitches are observed when graphic content is transformed with 2.5D transformation in AIR 23
  • Artifacts are observed when Z axis depth of the display object is changed
  • Triangle is either blank or filled with artifacts when using Graphics.drawTriangles() in AIR 23.0
  • Glitches are observed when using 3D rotation is applied on a Bitmap or any containers

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 24, 2016)

  • [iOS] StageWebView makes application crash (4180325)
  • [Andriod] MP4 Video rendering completely broken in Air 22 on all version of Android (4167492)
  • [iOS] Context3D.drawToBitmapData uses wrong offset on mobile (4147414)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 3, 2016)

  • Fixed issues:
  • The "Tab" and "Shift+Tab" keyboard shortcuts do not work on Text Field(4174808)
  • [iOS] Capabilities.screenDPI gives a wrong value on AIR 22 simulator (4157457)
  • [iOS] TextField with TextFieldType.INPUT cuts off text on the left when focused (4009346) [Android] Full screen display states must use immersive mode on Android 4.4+ (4100625)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jul 27, 2016)

  • Fixed:
  • [Android] OpenSSL library upgraded to 1.0.2h
  • version
  • [iOS] App using concurrency closes when a class is instantiated on the worker .swf (4067035)
  • [iOS] CameraRoll on iOS returns Bitmap in incorrect orientation (4070057)
  • [iOS] sharedobjects fail when available storage is low (3711301)
  • [iOS] [Windows] Error, ld: in section __TEXT,__text reloc 153: R_ABS reloc but no absolute symbol at target address for architecture
  • arm64 while packaging Application with Social.ane using flag -hideAneLibSymbols yes (4005515)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 25, 2016)

  • Fixed issues:
  • ATF containing RGB888 format are not getting rendered properly(4154433) [ iOS] App crashes when compiled with AIR 20 or higher (4151370) [Android]memory problem on airSDK20 (4101613)
  • [iOS9] AIR crashed when use sounds in background mode (4083774)
  • [iOS] [Win SDK] Compilation Failed While executing ld64 error on packaging ipa in Windows machine using -hideAneLibSymbols yes (4118588)
  • [Android] FLV videos don't work with StageVideo (3943664)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Feb 4, 2016)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • Mobile: [iOS] Crash when debugging on iOS 7 (4079709)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jan 31, 2016)

  • New Features:
  • Media Auto Play for iOS & Android
  • Android StageWebView debugging
  • GPU Memory Information In Context3D
  • Fixed Issues:
  • Multiple security and stability fixes

New in Adobe AIR (Oct 15, 2015)

  • Captive version of Flash Player used in WebKit has been updated

New in Adobe AIR (Sep 22, 2015)

  • Fixed issues:
  • [Windows] Graphical glitches when rotating an element inside of a sprite [3949851]
  • [iOS] SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING event is not fired when soft keyboard is up and device orientation is changed (4014835)
  • [Android]Application hangs and crashes after some time on playing rtmp video on some devices (4018065)
  • [iOS] Application orientation changes from portrait to landscape , if device is rotated to landscape while browsing gallery (3993869)
  • [iOS9 Beta 3] Incorrect launch image is displayed on iPad for landscape applications. (4018599)
  • [Android ] Georgian chars are not getting displayed on Android L onwards. (4028503)
  • Multiple security and functional fixes
  • New Features:
  • iOS Concurrency:
Our popular desktop and Android feature, AIR Workers, is now making its debut on iOS! We have added support on iOS devices so that you will be able to execute code in the background without interrupting your application’s main code. Your UI will remain responsive, enhancing the user experience.
  • Your implementation will remain the same between iOS and Android, except for differences in swf loading and passing byte arrays to the worker.
  • Because dynamically loading a ‘remote‘ SWF that contains ActionScript code will not work in iOS, remote swf's must be passed to workers as stripped swf's.
  • Embedding SWFs (which have ABC code) using the [Embed] tag will not work on iOS.
  • Each additional worker is created from a separate swf. To create a new instance of the Worker class, pass a ByteArray with the bytes of the background worker's swf as an argument to the WorkerDomain class's createWorker()method.
  • Improved Stage3D Error Messages:

  • We've added new Stage3D error codes to provide developers with additional debugging and error information.
  • This feature is available for both Flash Player and AIR. Swf's compiled with a version less than 30 will throw the old error code messages. Swf's compiled with version 30 and above will throw the new error code messages.
  • We have also updated the AS3 documentation for various Stage3D APIs to provide more information about the reasons for the errors thrown.
  • New insertAt() and removeAt() Vector and Array APIs:

  • With Flash Player and AIR 19, we have introduced two new APIs for element insertion or removal in Vector and Arrays.
  • Methods added:
  • insertAt(index:int, element:*):void;
  • Please use swf-version 30 or greater and namespace 19.0 or greater to access the new APIs.

  • Added ability to disable browser zoom factor scaling via HTML:
  • In Flash Player 15, we added code to improve the resolution of Stage3D content when the browser's zoom factor (BZF) was changed.
  • This was extended to the PPAPI and Windows XP/Vista/7 Active X control in Flash Player 18. In Flash Player 19, we're providing the developer the ability to enabled or disabled this functionality.
  • BZF is turned on by default but can now be turn on/off by setting a new attribute browserzoom to two possible values scale/noscale in HTML EMBEDSWF and OBJECT tag.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jul 30, 2015)

  • Graphical glitches when rotating an element inside of a sprite [3949851]

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jul 17, 2015)

  • New and Updated Features:
  • insertAt() and removeAt() feature:
  • "Starting FP/AIR 19, we have introduced two new APIs for an element insertion or removal in Vector and Arrays. They are implemented to perform better than existing splice method when used for single element. Following is the definitions of the new APIs.
  • Methods added to class Array: insertAt(index:int, element:*):void; removeAt(index:int):*;
  • Methods added to class Vector. : insertAt(index:int, element:T):void; removeAt(index:int):T;
  • Please use swf-version 30 or greater and namespace 19.0 or greater to access the new APIs.
  • Concurrency on iOS:
  • Worker object represents a worker, which is a virtual instance of the Flash runtime. Each Worker instance controls and provides access to the lifecycle and shared data of a single worker. More details about workers can be found at ctionscript/3/flash/system/Worker.html.
  • We're introducing the Concurrency feature for iOS in AIR 19, please use swf-version 30 or greater and namespace 19.0 or greater to access the APIs. Everything remains coherent to AIR Android except for differences in loading of swf and passing byte array to worker.
  • 1. As dynamically loading a ‘remote‘ SWF that contains ActionScript code doesn't work. Remote swf have to be passed to worker as stripped swf. 2. Embedding SWFs(having ABC code) using [Embed] tag will not work on iOS.
  • Each additional worker is created from a separate swf. To create a new instance of the Worker class, pass a ByteArray with the bytes of the background worker's swf as an argument to the WorkerDomain class's createWorker()method. There are two common ways to access the bytes of a swf for this purpose on iOS:
  • Sample snippet:
  • Load an external SWF file using a Loader
  • primordial worker( AS Code :
  • var _urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("BackgroundWorkerSwf.swf");
  • var _loader:Loader = new Loader();
  • var _lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,completeHandler); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,errorHandler); _loader.load(_urlRequest, _lc);
  • private function completeHandler(e:Event):void {
  • //TODO : do your stuff after the swf is loaded.
  • worker = WorkerDomain.current.createWorker(; }
  • As the code is executed while load function of Loader is called we need to put isPrimordial property check in background worker:
  • Background worker Swf( AS Code ) :
  • if(!Worker.Current.isPrimordial) {
  • //TODO : do your stuff for the worker thread }
  • Stage3D Error Messages:
  • We have introduced new Stage3D error codes with new error messages, to provide detailed information of the errors.
  • This feature is enabled in swf-version 30 for both Flash Player and AIR. Swf compiled with version less than 30 will throw old error code message.
  • Swf compiled with version 30 and above will throw new error code message.
  • We have updated AS3 documentation for various Stage3D APIs to provide more information about the reasons for the errors thrown while calling stage3D APIs.

New in Adobe AIR (Jun 10, 2015)

  • Build Number in AIR iOS:
  • This feature allows developers to simply update the build number while keeping the version number the same so that their application is available quickly on Apple’s Testflight for beta testing.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Apr 29, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • VideoTexture Support for Android - The current ActionScript (AS) implementation on Android doesn't allow direct access to texture from video or camera for use with Stage3D. Currently, in order to use video or camera frames as textures with stage3D, the SWF content developer must use a bitmap representation of a video or camera frame. Once a bitmap is created from the video or camera object, the developer needs to create a texture and update the created texture with the bitmap. This process normally requires multiple copying of the bitmap, which can be slow and resource intensive.
  • To resolve this problem, this feature provides video texture objects that support NetStream and Cameras in a manner consistent/similar to StageVideo. Such textures can be used as source textures in stage3D rendering pipeline.
  • This feature is already supported on Win,Mac and iOS and in this release we have implemented this feature it on Android. This will be supported on Android devices with OS version >= Icecream-Sandwich (i.e. Android 4.0)
  • Build Number in AIR iOS - This feature will allow developers to update only the build number while keeping the version number same so that their application is available quickly on Testflight for beta testing. Now tag will be used to populate CFBundleShortVersionString and for CFBundleVersion. Previously we used only to populate both the keys in info.plist. CFBundleShortVersionString will be the final release version application version of the application. This is useful in case of TestFlight because if developers do only minor changes in application , then they can only update CFBundleVersion to skip the app review phase by Apple(which is time consuming).
  • ADT Packaging Time Improvement with Support for Parallel Compilation for iOS
  • Air 18 introduced multi-threading support in compiler. With this improvement, we have gained around 20% in packaging time on the top of last improvement which was made in Air 17.
  • Stage3D - Standard Extended Profile for Mobile - In version 17 of the Runtime, Standard Extended Profile was introduced for iOS and Android devices that support GLES. In version 18, Standard Extended Profile support is now available for Flash Player and AIR desktop.
  • VideoTexture Support in AIR for Windows, Mac and iOS - Air 18 introduced multi-threading support in compiler. With this improvement, we have gained around 20% in packaging time on the top of last improvement which was made in Air 17. It is represented by a new constant ‘STANDARD_EXTENDED’ in the Context3DProfile class. This constant can be used in the requestContext3D and requestContext3DMatchingProfiles methods of Stage3D. The “standardExtended” profile can only be accessed if the swf version is 28 or more.
  • ETC2 Support for ATF - With OpenGL ES 3.0 a new texture compression technique i.e. ETC2 (Ericsson Texture Compression 2) was introduced as a standard feature.
  • ATF (Adobe Texture Format) is a container format provided by Adobe for different compression formats supported by different platforms. It supported three gpu texture compression formats till now which are DXT1/5(desktop), ETC1 (Ericsson Texture Compression 1) (android) and PVRTC (iOS). In AIR SDK 18, ETC2 support is added (Ericsson Texture Compression 2) in ATF. Now app developers can use ATF with ETC2 which will work both on Android and iOS devices which are OpenGL ES 3.0 compliant.
  • Earlier ATF could only be created for either one or all three texture compression formats, now user can use any combination of compression formats to create an ATF. By default –c argument in png2atf now creates an ATF having all four textures (etc1, etc2, dxt1 and pvrtc). Argument “e2” is introduced for creating ATF having etc2 texture.
  • This feature is enabled with swf-version 29.
  • ATF tools (png2atf, pvr2atf, atfinfo and atfviewer) are upgraded to provide support for etc2 for ATF. These tools will be available in the AIR SDK under the AIRSDK/atftools directory.
  • Fixed Issues:
  • "Error #3672: Buffer creation failed" while calling createVertexBuffer() to a Texture on Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 (3960859)
  • "Texture format mismatch" while uploading BitmapData to a Texture on Samsung Galaxy Tab (3959595)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Apr 23, 2015)

  • Fixed issues:
  • ld error “ld: in , unsupported address encoding (13) of personality function in CIE for architecture arm64 Compilation failed while executing : ld64 on packaging with WIN SDK. (Bug 3950027)
  • Can not obtain contex3d in nexus 6 and samsung note 4 having Lollipop 5.1 (3967293)
  • Error occurred while installing the application:Installation Error: PackageExtractionFailed on iOS from Flash Builder (3963902)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Mar 25, 2015)

  • Fixed issues:
  • [iPhone 6 +] if Landscape image is not provided for iphone 6+, Stretched Portrait launch image is displayed when application is launched in landscape mode. (3945056)
  • [iPhone 6+][Upside down]: Inverted launch image is displayed, if device is kept at upsidedown position and AO is portrait and AR true. (3945046)
  • Stage alignment get distorted on returning back from Camera UI. (3946793)
  • App crashes on launch, when Permit debugging option is UNTICKED in Flash CC. ( Bug 3949916) Non-compliant handling of orientation in iOS 8 root view controller. (Bug 3942292)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Feb 19, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • ADT Packaging time Improvement with Support for Parallel Compilation - AIR 16 introduced support for compilation and packaging of iOS applications for both 32 bit and 64 bit platforms. With this improvement, we can now compile 32 and 64 bit architecture in parallel to cut packaging times up to 50 percent.
  • Stage3D - Standard Extended Profile for Mobile - In version 14 of the Runtime we added the new Standard profile to desktop systems. In Version 15 we expanded that to mobile devices in AIR. In Flash Player 16 we added a new Standard Constrained profile. Now with version 17 we're adding a new Standard Extended Profile for iOS and Android devices that support GLES3 which is a new constant in Context3DProfile class. Availability of “standardExtended" profile indicates the availability of AGAL3. The same profile name can then be used in requestContext3D and requestContext3DMatchingProfiles methods of Stage3D. The “standardExtended” profile requires OpenGL ES 3.0 on mobile platform. Nowadays, there are many high-end smartphones and tablets that have support for OpenGL ES3.0, (iPhone 5S/6/6 Plus, iPad Air, Samsung S5, Samsung Note3, Nexus 5/9/ etc.). AGAL3 increases register limits for vertex attributes, fragment constants and tokens. While we're focusing on mobile first, we anticipate bringing this functionality to the desktop in a future update.
  • VideoTexture Support in AIR for Windows, Mac and iOS - We've introduced a new ActionScript feature that allows hardware accelerated video to be used as a source texture in a Stage3D environment. Currently, using video with Stage3D requires the use of the Video object, which is not accelerated, and manipulation of the bitmap representations of the video frames. This new feature, called VideoTexture, allows direct access to a texture object that is sourced from a Netstream or Camera object. As of the first Flash Player 17 beta this feature is back and now available on AIR Mac, Windows and iOS. Please see our release notes for complete details.
  • Fixed Issues:
  • App screen does not render properly for fraction of seconds (i.e. flickers) but gradually gets rendered properly on first rotation but gradually gets rendered properly. (Bug 3929295)
  • App Crashes while pressing the backspace in Text Field.
  • Status bar starts appearing after returning back to stage from camera roll UI for a full screen application.
  • [iPhone only][landscape app]: Keyboard changes its orientation from landscape to portrait, if user comes back to stage from camera roll UI.
  • [Windows] After installing the latest version of iTunes adt -devices -platform ios command cannot detect the connected ios device. Please note that the latest AIR SDK now requires iTunes or higher.
  • [AIR Desktop]Adobe Air Application Crash Run Time (2915184).

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Feb 5, 2015)

  • New features as well as enhancements and bug fixes related to security, stability, performance, and device compatibility for AIR 17.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 19, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Stage3D Wireframe Mode Support - To help designers and developers create robust and efficient 3D content, we've added Wireframe support into AIR desktop. This option can be changed by setting Context3D's setFillMode() to "wireframe" or "solid".
  • VideoTexture Support in AIR (Windows and Mac Beta) - We've introduced a new ActionScript feature that allows hardware accelerated video to be used as a source texture in a Stage3D environment. Currently, using video with Stage3D requires the use of the Video object, which is not accelerated, and manipulation of the bitmap representations of the video frames. This new feature, called VideoTexture, allows direct access to a texture object that is sourced from a Netstream or Camera object.
  • Stage3D - Standard Constrained Profile - In version 14 of the Runtime we added the new Standard profile to desktop systems. In Version 15 we expanded that to mobile devices in AIR. In Flash Player 16 we've added a new Standard Constrained profile. Like Baseline Constrained, Standard Constrained targets older and lower powered GPUs on both desktop and mobile devices. While Standard profile reached ~21% of iOS devices, Standard Constrained can now reach more than 85%. Developers can access this by using the new STANDARD_CONSTRAINED constant in Context3DProfile. The chart below breaks down the differences between the different profiles that are available.
  • Fixed Issues:
  • Android 5.0] Stage3D fails to create context on Android 5.0.
  • Crash on iOS devices on calling CameraRoll.LoadPromise function with new fast packaging engine.
  • [Launch Image] Adobe Air Runtime initiates the wrong launch image ([email protected]), when [email protected] and Default-375w-667h@2
  • x.png images are packaged.
  • [iPhone 6 Plus] Launch image [email protected] is not appearing on iPhone 6 Plus in standard display mode.
  • Multiple security and stability issues

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Oct 23, 2014)

  • Multiple security and stability issues

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Oct 4, 2014)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • [iOS] Runtime is built using Xcode 6 and iOS8 SDK.
  • [iOS] ERROR-ITMS-9000 - Not able to submit app on AppStore as Application Loader says that " Invalid Segment Alignment. This app
  • does not have proper segment alignment and should be rebuilt with the latest version of Xcode. Please contact Developer Technical
  • Support if you need further assistance.“.
  • [iPhone 6 Plus] [Launch image] A blank screen observed in apps when Default-568h@2x is packaged.
  • [iOS] [Fast Packager] FPS reduces for Feathers Components Explorer app on iPad when packaged with fast packager.
  • [iOS8 simulator][iPhone6]Application doesn't launch in iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus simulator using -launchApp command.
  • [iOS8 simulator] Installation on ipa fails on iOS8 simulator inside XCode 6 with " Unable to find dvtFoundationBundle " error.
  • [iPhone 6/6+] New icons support.
  • [iOS8] Requesting microphone access terminates all further audio.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Sep 25, 2014)

  • Stability and Security Fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Sep 19, 2014)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • [3781622] Runtime is built using Xcode 6 and iOS8 SDK.
  • [3809809] [iOS8 simulator] Installation on ipa fails on iOS8 simulator inside Xcode6 with " Unable to find dvtFoundationBundle " error
  • [3824523] [iPhone 6/6+] New icons support
  • [3801262] [iOS8] Requesting microphone access terminates all further audio
  • [3824552] [iOS8 simulator][iPhone6]Application doesn't launch in iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus simulator using -launchApp command
  • [3776055][Fast Packager] FPS reduces for Feathers Components Explorer app on iPad when packaged with fast packager
  • Stability and Security Fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Sep 11, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Stage3D “Standard” profile support for iOS and Android - In the Flash Runtime 14 release we introduced the Stage3D “Standard” profile which provided many advanced 3D features. At that time, the “Standard” profile was only available on desktop platforms. In the AIR 15 release we are extending this coverage to mobile platforms. If a device supports OpenGL ES3, it can successfully request the “Standard” profile and use the same advanced features as the desktop platform. For additional information, please see our Stage3D Standard Profile article.
  • Relaxing Stage3D Render Target Clear - In previous versions of Stage3D, after switching the render texture through Context3D::setRenderToTexture, you were required to clear it before drawing. In this release, we're removing this limitation and optimizing the use of render textures. This change will allow you to further optimize and reuse depth and stencil buffers between different render textures. For additional information, please see Relaxing Render Target Clear Operation in Stage 3D.
  • StageText.drawViewPortToBitmapData now supports Retina displays - Currently, AIR will allow a bitmap with the same width/height of the StageText object to be passed into drawViewPortToBitmapData. While fine for standard resolution displays, this is not sufficient for Apple's Retina HiDPI displays. Based on customer feedback, we've altered the drawViewPortToBitmapData method to accept a doubled size BitmapData with StageText's view port on a Mac Retina display, and then draw a HiDPI image from the view port.
  • Improved Packaging Engine is now default - iOS - Starting AIR 15, new improved IPA packaging engine is now the default packaging mode when packaging for AOT targets ipa-app-store, ipa-test, ipa-ad-hoc and ipa-debug. If you encounter any packaging or runtime issues, please report at To use older packaging mode, use "-useLegacyAOT yes" in the ADT command, before the signing options. To learn more about the feature, please read Faster Compiling with AIR for iOS
  • AIR Gamepad Enhancements - AIR Gamepad feature enables the app developers to provide a second screen on Android mobile devices for the Flash based browser games. AIR Gamepad API enables Flash based browser apps to connect to a paired Android device running the AIR Runtime app and therefore allowing the Android devices to be used as game controllers or second-screen interfaces. Following enhancements are available starting AIR 15.
  • Multiplayer Support
  • Gyroscope Events
  • Magnetometer Events
  • Applying skin as AIR gamepad screen
  • AIR Cross Promotion - Adobe AIR 15 now supports cross promotion of AIR games for mobile devices. Cross promotions can be effective in saving some amount of advertising cost. With the right partnership, you gain access to a wider customer base with a demographic similar to that of your application. This cross promotion is free and works on a credit system. All you need is to earn enough credit points by promoting other AIR games to begin your own promotion campaign. The AIR SDK offers the new AdViewer API for promotion campaigns as a SWC, it provides functions to load and show in-game advertisements. You earn credit points for promoting AIR games by other developers based on ad impressions and clicks.
  • Fixed Issues:
  • Multiple stability fixes

New in Adobe AIR (Sep 10, 2014)

  • AIR Bugs:
  • Android - Auto resolve conflicting common library JARs and common resources for multiple ANEs. ADT will throw warning in case of auto-resolve. (3780590)
  • iOS8] - A notification dialog is coming after launching any AIR applications.( 3771162)
  • Android - StageText restrict = "A-Z" not blocked lowercase letters input. (3768302)
  • Android - Missing support for XXXHDPI icon on Android 4.4. (3730948)
  • iOS Fast Packager - Performance of apps degrades when packaged with fast packager. (3695884)
  • Android - Stage.restrict A-Z property gets applied to the programmatically entered text, on entering text via Keyboard with cursor placed at the end of text (3771860)
  • Android - StageText displayAsPassword displays text without mask in landscape on Android. (3745033)
  • iOS Fast Packager - "Compilation failed while executing: compile-abc" error pops out when packaging large AS code application. (3753783)
  • Android L – Rendering issues with Direct and GPU render mode. (3786719)
  • Failing to call Context3D.clear before drawing on every frame no longer throws a runtime error (3726980)
  • Poor AIR performance while starting app after restarting Windows OS (3690665)
  • ADL crashes when Workers attempt to open local shared object (3768436)
  • Context3D "driverInfo" property allocates a String on each call (3790478)
  • "requestContext3DMatchingProfiles" fails when user deactivated hardware acceleration (3760760)
  • StageVideo with camera doesn't work properly, no video is displayed. (3781244)
  • Multiple security and stability fixes
  • StageText.drawViewPortToBitmapData now supports Retina displays:
  • Currently, AIR will allow a bitmap with the same width/height of the StageText object to be passed into drawViewPortToBitmapData. While fine for standard resolution displays, this is not sufficient for Apple's Retina HiDPI displays. Based on customer feedback, we've altered the drawViewPortToBitmapData method to accept a doubled size BitmapData with StageText's view port on a Mac Retina display, and then draw a HiDPI image from the view port.
  • Improved Packaging Engine is now default - iOS:
  • Starting AIR 15, new improved IPA packaging engine is now the default packaging mode when packaging for AOT targets ipa-app-store, ipa-test, ipa-ad-hoc and ipa-debug. If you encounter any packaging or runtime issues, please report at To use the older packaging mode, use "-useLegacyAOT yes" in the ADT command, before the signing options. To learn more about the feature, please read Faster Compiling with AIR for iOS
  • AIR Gamepad Enhancements:
  • AIR Gamepad feature enables the app developers to provide a second screen on Android mobile devices for the Flash based browser games. AIR Gamepad API enables Flash based browser apps to connect to a paired Android device running the AIR Runtime app and therefore allowing the Android devices to be used as game controllers or second-screen interfaces. Following enhancements are available starting AIR 15.
  • Multiplayer Support
  • Gyroscope Events
  • Magnetometer Events
  • Applying skin as AIR gamepad screen
  • AIR Cross Promotion:
  • Adobe AIR 15 now supports cross promotion of AIR games for mobile devices. Cross promotions can be effective in saving some amount of advertising cost. With the right partnership, you gain access to a wider customer base with a demographic similar to that of your application.
  • This cross promotion is free and works on a credit system. All you need is to earn enough credit points by promoting other AIR games to begin your own promotion campaign.
  • The AIR SDK offers the new AdViewer API for promotion campaigns as a SWC, it provides functions to load and show in-game advertisements. You earn credit points for promoting AIR games by other developers based on ad impressions and clicks.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 21, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Stage3D “Standard” profile support for iOS and Android - In the Flash Runtime 14 release we introduced the Stage3D “Standard” profile which provided many advanced 3D features. At that time, the “Standard” profile was only available on desktop platforms. In the AIR 15 release we are extending this coverage to mobile platforms. If a device supports OpenGL ES3, it can successfully request the “Standard” profile and use the same advanced features as the desktop platform.
  • Relaxing Stage3D Render Target Clear - In previous versions of Stage3D, after switching the render texture through Context3D::setRenderToTexture, you were required to clear it before drawing. In this release, we're removing this limitation and optimizing the use of render textures. This change will allow you to further optimize and reuse depth and stencil buffers between different render textures.
  • StageText.drawViewPortToBitmapData now supports Retina displays - Currently, AIR will allow a bitmap with the same width/height of the StageText object to be passed into drawViewPortToBitmapData. While fine for standard resolution displays, this is not sufficient for Apple's Retina HiDPI displays. Based on customer feedback, we've altered the drawViewPortToBitmapData method to accept a doubled size BitmapData with StageText's view port on a Mac Retina display, and then draw a HiDPI image from the view port.
  • Improved Packaging Engine is now default - iOS:
  • Starting AIR 15, new improved IPA packaging engine is now the default packaging mode when packaging for AOT targets ipa-app-store, ipa-test, ipa-ad-hoc and ipa-debug. If you encounter any packaging or runtime issues, please report at To use older packaging mode, use "-useLegacyAOT yes" in the ADT command, before the signing options. To learn more about the feature, please follow
  • AIR Gamepad Enhancements:
  • AIR Gamepad feature enables the app developers to provide a second screen on Android mobile devices for the Flash based browser games. AIR Gamepad API enables Flash based browser apps to connect to a paired Android device running the AIR Runtime app and therefore allowing the Android devices to be used as game controllers or second-screen interfaces. Following enhancements are available starting AIR 15.
  • Multiplayer Support
  • Gyroscope Events
  • Magnetometer Events
  • Applying skin as AIR gamepad screen
  • To learn more about the feature and usage guidelines, please follow
  • AIR Cross Promotion:
  • Adobe AIR 15 now supports cross promotion of AIR games for mobile devices. Cross promotions can be effective in saving some amount of advertising cost. With the right partnership, you gain access to a wider customer base with a demographic similar to that of your application. This cross promotion is free and works on a credit system. All you need is to earn enough credit points by promoting other AIR games to begin your own promotion campaign. The AIR SDK offers the new AdViewer API for promotion campaigns as a SWC, it provides functions to load and show in-game advertisements. You earn credit points for promoting AIR games by other developers based on ad impressions and clicks. To learn more about the feature and usage guidelines, please follow
  • Fixed Issues:
  • Multiple stability fixes
  • Failing to call Context3D.clear before drawing on every frame no longer throws a runtime error. (3726980)
  • Poor AIR performance while starting app after restarting Windows OS. (3690665)
  • ADL crashes when Workers attempt to open local shared object. (3768436)
  • StageVideo with camera doesn't work properly, no video is displayed. (3781244)
  • [iOS] [Fast Packager] Couple of runtime performance fixes in new fast packager.(3695884)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 7, 2014)

  • [iOS8] A notification dialog is coming after launching any AIR applications. (3771162)
  • Stage.restrict A­Z property gets applied to the programmatically entered text, on entering text via Keyboard with cursor placed at the end of text (3771860)
  • StageText displayAsPassword displays text without mask in landscape on Android (3745033)
  • Failing to call Context3D.clear before drawing on every frame no longer throws a runtime error. (3726980)
  • ADL crashes when Workers attempt to open local shared object. (3768436)
  • StageVideo with camera doesn't work properly, no video is displayed. (3781244)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jul 24, 2014)

  • Multiple stability fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jul 17, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Anisotropic Filtering - This new texture sampling filter can enhance the image quality of textures on surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles.  There are two ways to enable this feature:
  • In AGAL, set one of the values – "anisotropic2x", "anisotropic4x", "anisotropic8x", or "anisotropic16x" to the filter option in the sampling instructions.
  • Call Context3D::setSamplerStateAt with the 3rd parameter "filter" being one of the values defined in Context3DTextureFilter - "ANISOTROPIC2X", "ANISOTROPIC4X", "ANISOTROPIC8X", or "ANISOTROPIC16X"
  • New Stage3D "Standard" Profile - Developers can now request this high level profile when creating Context3D.  Three new features are available in this profile:
  • Multiple render target allows to you to draw geometry to multiple outputs (up to 4) during one drawing
  • Floating point texture allows you to create Texture, RectangleTexture and CubeTuxture with the RGBA16F folder.
  • AGAL v2 contains these improvements:
  • Increased register size
  • Partial derivative instructions
  • Fragment depth output
  • Conditional forward jump
  • Intel x86 Android Support - As announced in our Flash Runtime blog, we're adding support for Intel x86 Android to AIR.  An ADT command line option (-arch) has been added to allow packaging apps with Android x86 support. Please note that both shared and captive packaging is now allowed for x86 architecture. More information can be found in this blog post.
  • Sample APK packaging command for x86 devices:
  • adt -package -target ( apk | apk-captive-runtime ) -arch x86 -storetype pkcs12 -keystore abc.p12
  • HelloWorld.apk HelloWorld-app.xml HelloWorld.swf
  • adt -package -target apk-debug -arch x86 -storetype pkcs12 -keystore abc.p12 HelloWorld.apk
  • HelloWorld-app.xml HelloWorld.swf
  • Note that -arch is optional. If not specified, armv7 is assumed.
  • Packaging for x86 architecture in Flash Builder:
  • Open the debug/run configurations of the project in Flash Builder and click on "Customize launch.." button. Add new parameter "-arch" with value
  • "x86" and place it before "-storetype". Click "OK" to apply changes.  Except RTMPE and DRM, all other features and capabilities are completely functional and supported. Native extensions written for the x86 platform can also be packaged and used by an app for an x86 devices. To support this, a new ANE platform 'Android-x86' is now available. The following
  • example highlights the usage of the same -
  • com.adobe.sample.ane
  • 1.0
  • sample.jar
  • com.example.ane.Extension
  • com.example.ane.Extension

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jul 9, 2014)

  • Preview: PPAPI Debugger for Mac OS X and Windows:
  • An early preview of the PPAPI content debugger is available for Mac OS X and Windows. Flash Developers using Opera (dev) and Goo gle Chrome (dev and Canary) can now try out the PPAPI-based content debugger.
  • AnisotropicFiltering:
  • This new texture sampling filter can enhance the image quality of textures on surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles.
  • New Stage3D "Standard" Profile:
  • Developers can now request this high level profile when creating Context3D.
  • Intel x86 Android Support:
  • As announced in our Flash Runtime blog, we're adding support for Intel x86 Android to AIR.
  • Packaging for x86 architecture in Flash Builder:
  • Open the debug/run configurations of the project in Flash Builder and click on "Customize launch.." button. Add new parameter "-arch" with value "x86" and place it before "-storetype". Click "OK" to apply changes.
  • Improved Packaging Engine - iOS:
  • Based on the feedback recieved from the developer community, tons of improvements and bug fixes have been made in the new packaging engine for iOS. We still encourage developers to report issues to, to ensure that we are able to deliver a solid packager with the final release.
  • AIR Gamepad:
  • AIR Gamepad feature enables the app developers to provide a second screen on Android mobile devices for the Flash based browser games. AIR Gamepad API enables Flash based browser apps to connect to a paired Android device running the AIR Runtime app and therefore allowing the Android devices to be used as game controllers or second-screen interfaces.
  • Key Functionality of this feature:
  • Gesture events Touch events Accelerometer events Vibration
  • Applying skin onto AIR gamepad screen
  • To learn more about the AIR Gamepad APIs, please refer to the documentation found here. To try out the Wand.swc which can be downloaded from here.
To try out live samples of AIR Gamepad open the following links:
  • ModelViewer HungryHero
  • AIR
  • 3778961: StageVideo with camera doesn't work properly in AIR and Flash Player 14

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 22, 2014)

  • Fixed:
  • 3760138: [AIR Gamepad] App is not getting disconnected when it is going into background.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 7, 2014)

  • Fixed issues:
  • 3743946 - ANE doesn't include libraries through platform.xml and throws error on packaging the IPA
  • 3728052 - Not able to debug/launch iPad iOS Simulator from Flash Builder. Note: One needs to set a environment variable using the command: launchctl setenv AIR_IOS_SIMULATOR_DEVICE "iPad Retina" Then restart the process and run the application on simulator device of his/her choice. By default iPhone is launched.
  • 3727760 - Not able to debug AIR app in iOS Simulator from Flash Builder when Xcode below 5.x is installed.
  • Multiple stability fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 1, 2014)

  • Anisotropic Filtering:
  • This new texture sampling filter can enhance the image quality of textures on surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles. There are two ways to enable this feature:
  • In AGAL, set one of the values – "anisotropic2x", "anisotropic4x", "anisotropic8x", or "anisotropic16x" to the filter option in the sampling instructions. Call Context3D::setSamplerStateAt with the 3rd parameter "filter" being one of the values defined in Context3DTextureFilter - "ANISOTROPIC2X", "ANISOTROPIC4X", "ANISOTROPIC8X", or "ANISOTROPIC16X"
  • New Stage3D "Standard" Profile:
  • Developers can now request this high level profile when creating Context3D. Three new features are available in this profile:
  • Multiple render target allows to you to draw geometry to multiple outputs (up to 4) during one drawing
  • Floating point texture allows you to create Texture, RectangleTexture and CubeTuxture with the RGBA16F folder.
  • AGAL v2 contains these improvements:
  • Increased register size
  • Partial derivative instructions
  • Fragment depth output
  • Conditional forward jump
  • Intel x86 Android Support:
  • As announced in our Flash Runtime blog, we're adding support for Intel x86 Android to AIR.
  • An ADT command line option (-arch) has been added to allow packaging apps with Android x86 support.
  • Except for RTMPE and DRM, all other features and capabilities are completely functional and supported. Native extensions written for x86 platforms can also be packaged and used by an app for x86 devices. To support that, a new ANE platform 'Android-x86' is now available.
  • Improved Packaging Engine - iOS - BETA:
  • Based on the feedback recieved from the developer community, tons of improvements and bug fixes have been made in the new packaging engine for iOS. We still encourage developers to report issues to, to ensure that we are able to deliver a solid packager with the final release.
  • To enable this feature, please use "-useLegacyAOT no" in the ADT command, before the signing options. As of now, this feature is not available within Flash Pro but it can still be used with Flash builder by adding the parameter -useLegacyAOT under the "Customize launch" option.
  • Open issues:
  • Bug 3752591: Android AIR captive runtime can cause a crash if using DRM video content
  • Bug 3747105: x86 Runtime fails to install on x86 devices, when installed by Flash Builder.[Workaround: Install x86 Runtime.apk from command prompt or use captive runtime when testing through Flash Builder.].]
  • Bug 3747382: DatagramSocket not receiving packets on iOS
  • Bug 3743946: ANE doesn't include libraries through platform.xml and throws error on packaging the IPA
  • Bug 3730948: Missing support for XXXHDPI icon on Android 4.4
  • Bug 3727274: Not able to debug AIR app in iOS Simulator from Flash Builder when Xcode below 5.x is installed.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Bug 3723876: [Android]R$Styleable.class goes missing from the final AIR app APK though is included in ANE.
  • Multiple stability fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Apr 16, 2014)

  • Bug 3718581:compile-abc.exe crashes when package a nape physics game with -useLegacyAOT
  • Bug 3694360:-useLegacyAOT no causes logic failures in static function special scenario.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Apr 9, 2014)

  • GamePreview with Adobe AIR:
  • Adobe AIR’s new Game Preview feature (for Android platforms only) lets users try your game and experience it first hand without installing a separate application. Feature is not restricted to games built using AIR but is available to all developers, irrespective of the tec hnology that you may use to build your application. The fact that the AIR runtime is installed on more than 50 million devices, greatly multiplies the chances of your game being previewed and subsequently installed by game enthusiasts.
  • Debugging and Telemetry Support for Improved Packaging Engine - iOS - BETA:
  • The new packaging engine is now more stable and works fine with a lots of apps. We have added support for Action Script debugging and Advanced Telemetry support.
  • To enable this feature, please use "-useLegacyAOT no" in the ADT command, before the signing options. As of now, this feature is not available with FlashPro but it can be used with Flash builder by adding a parameter -useLegacyAOT under "Customize launch" option.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Mar 27, 2014)

  • Fixed issues:
  • 3722002 [External]Not able to debug AIR app in iOS iPhone Simulator after updating Xcode to 5.1

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Mar 19, 2014)

  • New and Updated Features:
  • Enhanced Supplementary Character Support for TextField:
  • Characters from the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) with Unicode code points between U+10000 and U+10FFFF nowl work correctly in TextField controls. This change greatly enlarges the code point range we support, and now includes characters like emoticons and complex CCJK characters.
  • Relocated Full Screen Video Warning to Top of Screen:
  • We have made a small tweak to the "Press Esc to exit full screen mode" warning that is displayed for full screen video. We've received a lot of feedback from developers because the dialog obscures content, and we wanted to make a change that both satisfies security concerns and customer viewing enjoyment. To reduce the impact of the dialog on the on-screen content, we've moved the dialog to the top of the screen.
  • New Stage3D Texture Wrapping Modes:
  • Developers can currently set the wrapping mode of a texture to either clamp or repeat. Using the repeat option will repeat the texture on both the U and V axis. However, in some use cases, you may only want to repeat the texture on either the u or v axis. This is now possible with the introduction of two new parameters: REPEAT_U_CLAMP_V and CLAMP_U_REPEAT_V
  • Stage3D Anti-Aliasing for Texture Rendering:
  • Anti-Aliasing is a useful for improving perceived image quality. Hardware based Multisampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) is now available on all desktop platforms.
  • Multiple stability fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Mar 12, 2014)

  • Fixed issues:
  • Stability fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Mar 7, 2014)

  • Stability fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Feb 26, 2014)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • 3681900 Deprecated API usage for QuickTime in AIR runtime
  • Multiple stability fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Feb 21, 2014)

  • Supplementary Characters Enhancement Support for TextField:
  • This is a desktop enhancement for supporting surrogate pairs in the TextField control. Now, characters out of the Basic Multilingual Plane(BMP) with Unicode code points between U+10000 and U+10FFFF will work correctly in the TextField control. It greatly enlarges the code point range we support and includes characters like emotion symbols (emoticons) and complex CCJK characters. This feature has been under an extended beta period. We anticipate this being included into the release version of the Runtime 13 release.
  • New Stage3D texture wrapping modes:
  • Currently you can set the wrapping mode of a texture to either clamp or repeat. Using the repeat option will repeat the texture on both the U and V axis. However, in some use cases, you might only want to repeat the texture on only one axis, either u or v. This is now possible with two new parameters: REPEAT_U_CLAMP_V and CLAMP_U_REPEAT_V.
  • Stage3D Anti-Aliasing for Render texture :
  • Anti-Aliasing is a useful technology to improve image quality. We've now implemented hardware based Multisampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) on desktop platforms. To enable this please set the level from 0 to 4 in Context3D's setRenderToTexture().
  • 3697497 : [iOS] Icon 60x60 support should be added for iPhones with iOs 7.
  • 3705986 : [iOS] New packaging engine fails to package KingsRoad
  • 3697213 : [iOS] -useLegacyAOT no doesn't seem to work when Debugging on Device
  • 3690077 : [iOS][7]Stage goes blank after device rotation
  • 3689122 : [iOS]StageText charcode always return 0 on iOS.
  • 3688307 - Creating an associative array element supplied with a blank name maps to array[0] when casting ObjectEncoding.AMF3 or ObjectEncoding.DEFAULT on a ByteArray instead of throwing an Exception
  • 3693068: [Android] Android 4.2.2 update causes AIR app to show black screen on app launch.
  • 3710513 - playerglobal.swc has not been updated to the latest version

New in Adobe AIR (Jan 15, 2014)

  • Improved Packaging Engine - iOS - BETA:
  • We're very excited about this new feature. The new packaging engine we're working on can improve iOS packaging time up to 10 times over the current packager! However this feature is still early in development and we'd like to get your feedback. To enable this feature, please use "-useLegacyAOT no" in the ADT command, before the signing options.
  • Mobile Workers (concurrency) - Android:
  • Introduced as a beta feature in AIR 3.9, we've continued to improve this feature based on your feedback for its official release in AIR 4.
  • Support for native resources access by R* mechanism in native extension - Android:
  • Currently, to use the native Android resources in the Android Native Extension one has to use getResourceID() API while typically to access the resource IDs developers use the R.* mechanism. AIR 4.0 onwards, apps developers will be able to access the resources by R.* mechanism. All the dependencies need to be specified in platform.xml as following and all the dependencies and resources to be packaged in the ANE.
  • Graphics: Buffer Usage flag for Stage3D:
  • We've added a new enum Class called Context3DBufferUsage which defines two constants, STATIC_DRAW (default) and DYNAMIC_DRAW. These constants specify how buffers will be used in Stage3D. We've also added a new parameter, called "bufferUsage", to the constructors of VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer. This "bufferUsage" parameter uses one of the constants form Context3DBufferUsage, which will allow you to select the appropriate buffer type according to your needs.
  • Stage3D Creation of Context3D with Profile Array:
  • We've added a new interface to Stage3D.requestContext3DMatchingProfiles(profiles:Vector. ) which will create a Context3D with highest level suitable profile that is in profile array, based on the current hardware. A developer can check the newly added property 'profile' to obtain the current profile that was chosen by the Flash Runtime.
  • Support for Android 4.4 (KitKat):
  • We've completed our support testing with AIR against the latest Android 4.4 release. Please let us know if you encounter any problems.
  • [3559420] [Win8] inconsistent freeze in performance moments after your finger(s) leave the touch screen (touch display only, not mouse)
  • [3632481] Flash App created using Flex sdk 3.3 take about 10 seconds longer on Windows 7 thank on the Windows XP
  • [3613482] [Mac]MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN/MOUSE_UP does not be fired when is pressed
  • [3597533] [Mac] PDF doesn't render when rendermode is set to direct or gpu on Mac OS
  • [3635216][Win8] Certain MouseEvents are either not dispatched or dispatched at incorrect times.
  • [3635356] compiling in "ipa-debug-interpreter" mode results in PackageExtractionFailed
  • [3511656] [Mac]Packaging multiple SWFs fails
  • [3667964] Improve error message when app update fails due to certificate issues
  • [3682685] when switching video quality, the audio quality changes, but not the video quality

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Dec 11, 2013)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • [3679894] [Android] Returning from Alarm Clock on Android causes black screen
  • [3655695] Sound gets stop on clicking Power button even when UIBackground tag value set to Audio in application.xml
  • [3650915] Packaging multiple SWFs fails, even with ample memory
  • [3648374] Timeline animation does not play properly in Air 3.9
  • [3658462] Text field stops updating on iOS7 after giving voice input.

New in Adobe AIR (Dec 11, 2013)

  • Notable bug fixes:
  • [AIR] [Mac] [CCJK] - The IME will now be presented correctly after attempting to enter text in a read-only textfield

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Dec 5, 2013)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • [iOS] Context3D 'drawToBitmapData' does not adhere to device orientation changes. [3638742]
  • [Android] ANE gives error on calling System.loadLibrary() method when APK is packaged in target apk-captive-runtime. [3676327]
  • [Android 4.4] No events are honored on microphone object. [3668138]
  • [Workers] AIR 3.9 for android, can not load file in non-primordial worker. [3643406]
  • [iOS] Rotating app to landscape on iOS 7 pushes view off screen and shows status bar [3648197]
  • [iOS] Unable to compile an application in Flash builder using -useLegacyAOT switch [3676175]

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 27, 2013)

  • iOS - Improved Packaging Engine:
  • We're very excited about this new feature. The new packaging engine we're working on can improve iOS packaging time up to 10 times over the current packager! However this feature is still early in development and we'd like to get your feedback. To enable this feature, please use "-useLegacyAOT no" in the ADT command, before the signing options.
  • Android Workers:
  • Introduced as a beta feature in AIR 3.9, we're continuing to improve this feature based on your feedback in preparation for an official release in AIR 4.
  • Supplementary Characters Enhancement Support for TextField – EXTENDED BETA:
  • This is a desktop enhancement for supporting surrogate pairs in the TextField control. Now, characters out of the Basic Multilingual Plane(BMP) with Unicode code points between U+10000 and U+10FFFF will work correctly in the TextField control. It greatly enlarges the code point range we support and includes characters like emotion symbols (emoticons) and complex CCJK characters. This feature is being introduced in the AIR 4 beta but will go live in a subsequent release. Due to the sensitive nature of text display, we would like an extended test period to ensure no bugs are introduced.
  • Stage3D Creation of Context3D with Profile Array:
  • We've added a new interface to Stage3D.requestContext3DMatchingProfiles(profiles:Vector. ) which will create a Context3D with highest level suitable profile that is in profile array, based on the current hardware. A developer can check the newly added property 'profile' to obtain the current profile that was chosen by the Flash Runtime.
  • 3658462: [iOS] Text field stops updating on iOS7 after giving voice input.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 20, 2013)

  • Graphics: Buffer Usage flag for Stage3D:
  • We've added a new enum Class called Context3DBufferUsage which defines two constants, STATIC_DRAW (default) and DYNAMIC_DRAW. These constants specify how buffers will be used in Stage3D. We've also added a new parameter, called "bufferUsage", to the constructors of VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer. This "bufferUsage" parameter uses one of the constants form Context3DBufferUsage, which will allow you to select the appropriate buffer type according to your needs.
  • Android - Support for native resources access by R* mechanism in native extension:
  • Currently, to use the native Android resources in the Android Native Extension one has to use getResourceID() API while typically to access the resource IDs developers use the R.* mechanism. AIR 4.0 onwards, apps developers will be able to access the resources by R.* mechanism.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 15, 2013)

  • Android Workers:
  • Introduced as a beta feature in AIR 3.9, we're continuing to improve this feature based on your feedback in preperation for an official release in AIR 4.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Oct 30, 2013)

  • Fixes:
  • 3650590: [OSX] App Updater Crashes on MacOS with Air 3.9
  • 3648442: [iOS7] Leftmost part of the text in spark TextArea and stageText get clipped when mulitline property is true.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Oct 10, 2013)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • Stability fixes to bring in line with our released build

New in Adobe AIR (Oct 9, 2013)

  • Mobile Workers (concurrency) BETA - Android:
  • Our hugely popular desktop feature, AIR Workers, is now making its debut on mobile! We have added support on Android devices so that you will be able to execute code in the background without interrupting your application’s main code. Your UI will remain responsive, enhancing the user experience. We haven’t forgotten about iOS! Look for news on iOS workers in an upcoming release (NOTE: this feature will undergo an extended beta period.)
  • AIR Mobile Support for Background Execution in “Direct” Render Mode:
  • AIR now supports background execution on iOS and Android when render mode is set to “direct”. This will allow your applications to perform tasks such as audio playback even when invisible to the user. Due to power and CPU considerations, we recommend reviewing our release notes for additional details and guidance.
  • AIR Support for iOS7:
  • iOS7 has launched and we are making sure that AIR is compatible and performs as expected.
  • AIR Mac OS 10.9 Support:
  • We have tested against the latest developer releases of OS X 10.9 and are making sure that your applications support the latest technologies such as “App Nap”.
  • AIR XXHDPI (144 x 144) Icon Support for Android:
  • With this feature we have added support for beautiful, high resolution icons on devices such as the Nexus 10.
  • [3622405] [AIR] [iOS7] - iOS7 requires 5 new icon sizes: 76px, 120px, 152px, 40px, 80px
  • [3621111] [AIR] [Android] - Cannot load files asynchronously in StageWebView
  • [3613819] [AIR] [iOS7] - on using app asks permission for accessing the Microphone even when microphone API is not used in the app.
  • [3587773] [AIR] [iOS] - Creating too many FileStream objects will cause app to crash on iOS
  • [3587452] [AIR] [Android] - 144x144 image size icon should be supported on android

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Sep 25, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3632886: [Background Execution][Mobile] Error 3768 is coming when executeInBackground is set to false with notification center pulled down, incoming call, double tab on Home button..
  • 3627065: [iOS7] Issue with debug dialog UI. No textfield present on dialog with -connect option and No text information with -listen option.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Sep 18, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3584066: [Desktop][Webkit][API][External] Add a property to StageWebView to switch between the Native engine and the embedded WebKit engine from AIR 3.5 and prior. By popular demand, we'd modified the StageWebView API to add a parameter allowing the developer to switch between the system and built in webkit engines. By default, this parameter is false.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Sep 11, 2013)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • 3622405: [iOS7] iOS7 requires 5 new icon sizes: 76px, 120 px, 152px, 40px and 80px
  • 3588923: [iOS7] switch to fullscreen mode is not working on iOS7
  • 3621111: [Android] Cannot load files asynchronously in StageWebView

New in Adobe AIR (Sep 11, 2013)

  • Notable bug fixes:
  • 3587773 - [External bug][iOS]Creating too many FileStream objects will cause app to crash on iOS
  • 3613819 - [iOS7] - Using app asks permission for accessing the Microphone even when microphone API is not used in the app
  • 3587452 - [Android] - 144x144 image size icon should be supported on android
  • 3606308 - [Android][SecureSocket] - Application getting crash when trying to connect with host contains SSL certificate.
  • 3077653 - [iOS] - Creating too many FileStream objects will cause app to crash on iOS.
  • 3560721 - [iOS] - Application crashes having Microphone running for 10 to 20 mins
  • 3572885 - [Android] - 'orienationChange' event is not fired when Stage rotated through setOrientation() method
  • 3554585 - [Android] - Stage is blank in GPU mode because of rotationY property
  • Multiple stability and security fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Sep 4, 2013)

  • Support for iOS7:
  • iOS7 is approaching and we are making sure that AIR is compatible and performs as expected.
  • Mac OS 10.9 Support:
  • We have tested against the latest developer releases of OS X 10.9 and are making sure that your applications support the latest technologies such as “App Nap”.
  • Mobile Workers (concurrency) for Android - BETA:
  • Our hugely popular desktop feature, AIR Workers, is now making its debut on mobile! We have added support on Android devices so that you will be able to execute code in the background without interrupting your application’s main code. Your UI will remain responsive, enhancing the user experience. We haven’t forgotten about iOS! Look for news on iOS workers in an upcoming release (NOTE: this feature will undergo an extended beta period).
  • Mobile Support for Background Execution in “Direct” Render Mode:
  • AIR now supports background execution of code on iOS and Android when render mode is set to “direct”. This will allow your applications to perform tasks such as audio playback even when invisible to the user. Due to power and CPU considerations, we recommend reviewing our release notes for additional details and guidance.
  • New and Improved AOT for AIR iOS - BETA:
  • With our new AOT compiler, we’re improving the build time for iOS applications dramatically. (NOTE: this feature will undergo an extended beta period).
  • XXHDPI Icon Support:
  • With this feature we have added support for beautiful, high resolution icons on devices such as the Nexus 10.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 28, 2013)

  • Multiple stability and security fixes

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 21, 2013)

  • Sandboxing enhancements - This feature adds enhancements to the existing sandbox feature by better addressing application launches in protected mode
  • Recursive stop on MovieClip - For Flash Player, this feature allows a game developer to effectively pause/stop a running SWF without having to iterate through all of the objects on the DisplayList.
  • Datagram Socket (iOS & Android) - DatagramSocket APIs are now supported for iOS and Android also. This will work only with swf-version 21 or later.
  • Server Socket (iOS & Android) - ServerSocket APIs are now supported for iOS and Android also. This will work only with swf-version 21 or later.
  • LZMA SWF support (iOS & Android) - LZMA compressed swfs can now be packaged for iOS and Android targets and are supported.
  • 4096x4096 texture support - With this feature, a new profile, BASELINE_EXTENDED is introduced in the class flash.display3D.Context3DProfile, which will support a maximum texture size of 4096X4096.
  • Rectangle Texture Support - Rectangle Textures are now supported in BASELINE as well as BASELINE_EXTENDED profile. The texture formats supported for Rectangle Textures are BGRA, BGR_PACKED and BGRA_PACKED. Details for usage can be found in the language reference.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Aug 14, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3603433 - User input missed with SWF content loaded with the HTML/HtmlLoader components
  • 3606308 - [Android][SecureSocket] Application getting crash when trying to connect with host contains SSL certificate.
  • 3077653 - [iOS] Creating too many FileStream objects will cause app to crash on iOS.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jul 26, 2013)

  • Multiple stability and security enhancements

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jul 18, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3560721: iOS - Application crashes having Microphone running for 10 to 20 mins
  • 3572885: Android - 'orienattionChange' event is not fired when Stage rotated through setOrientation() method
  • 3554585 : Android - Stage is blank in GPU mode because of rotationY property

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jun 19, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3574893: Android - Singleline works as multiline on TextField and Classic Text
  • 3549068: Android – USB Debugging, When waiting for a connection, applications show black screen instead of the waiting dialog.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jun 12, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3560721: iOS - Application crashes having Microphone running for 10 to 20 mins
  • 3572885: Android - 'orienattionChange' event is not fired when Stage rotated through setOrientation() method
  • 3554585 : Android - Stage is blank in GPU mode because of rotationY property

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jun 5, 2013)

  • New:
  • Rectangle Texture Support – Rectangle Textures are now supported in BASELINE as well as BASELINE_EXTENDED profile. The texture formats supported for Rectangle Textures are BGRA, BGR_PACKED and BGRA_PACKED. Details for usage can be found in the language reference.
  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • Multiple stability and security enhancements

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 29, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3558990: Android 2.x - Application crashes when try to play a sound using
  • 3558247: iOS - Camera is not working with stageVideo
  • 3527549: Android - Korean Font not displayed in Android 4.2

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 22, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3556281: iOS - IPA should be PIE enabled, as Apple now discourages non PIE-enabled binaries. Due to this change, an ANE using the linkerOption -ios_version_min less than 4.2 in its platform.xml will need to update it to use 4.2 or later.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 15, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • 4096x4096 texture support
  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3536911: Touch events lag on Air with Stage3D

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 8, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • LZMA Support – On iOS and Android, LZMA compressed swfs can now be packaged and are supported.
  • ServerSocket – ServerSocket APIs are now supported on iOS and Android.
  • DatagramSocket – DatagramSockets APIs are now supported on iOS and Android.
  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3536911: Touch events lag on Air with Stage3D

New in Adobe AIR Beta (May 1, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Android Captive Runtime Support:
  • Android developers will now use the captive runtime exclusively when packaging their applications.
  • Preventing backup of Shared Objects (iOS):
  • To comply with Apple updated guidelines, only user data can be backed up on iCloud. Any files that can be downloaded or generated should not be backed up and it should be marked as "DoNotBackup". This feature allows developers to control which files should be backed up or excluded using the "DoNotBackup" attribute.
  • Forcing CPU Rendermode on some devices (iOS):
  • This feature allows developers to control the render mode on different iOS devices. Using this feature developers can turn on CPU rendering for specific iOS devices, and utilize GPU rendering for others.
  • Loading External SWFs (iOS):
  • This feature allows developer to externally host SWFs and load them as needed. External SWFs could contain game assets, different game levels, etc. Benefits of this feature are faster initialization time, smaller apps, and more control over your game or app.
  • GameInput API (Android):
  • This feature allows applications to communicate with attached game input devices (joysticks, gamepads, wands, etc). There is a wide range of game input devices, which have different capabilities and controls. This API is supported on devices running Android OS version 4.1 and higher. It is implemented such that it might function well with different (and possibly unknown) types of game input devices.
  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3520768 - [Android] No pop-up appears for accepting the invalid security certificate on 4.1.2
  • 3499443 - [iOS] Java OutOfMemoryError when packaging IPA with swf compiled using FlasCC
  • 3514198 - [Mac] Error code 3343 thrown when playing encrypted content
  • 3504874 - [Android] Android xhdpi icons (96x96) are not supported
  • 3543696 - [Android] There are duplicate icon.png files present in the res/drawable-xhdpi folder in the packaged APK

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Apr 24, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3543696 - [Android] There are duplicate icon.png files present in the res/drawable-xhdpi folder in the packaged APK

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Apr 17, 2013)

  • Includes the AIR 3.7 SDK for Flex developers

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Apr 10, 2013)

  • Sandboxing enhancements:
  • This feature adds enhancements to the existing sandbox feature by better addressing application launches in protected mode
  • Prevent Cloud backup for Shared Objects (iOS):
  • Currently in AIR applications for iOS, there is no way for developer to prevent the local shared object data from being backup on Apple iCloud. With AIR 3.7, a new static property, called ‘preventBackup’ has been introduced to SharedObject ActionScript class which will enable developers to address this limitation. This property can be used only with 3.7 or greater namespaces (swf-version=>20). Setting this property to true will prevent all the shared objects from being backed up. The default value of the property is false, this property will work only on devices having iOS 5.1 or higher.
  • Use CPU Render Mode For selected devices while using GPU on others (iOS):
  • A new tag, has been added for iOS devices and it would be applicable from AIR 3.7 (swf-version = 20 ). This tag would force CPU render mode for a given set of iOS devices and have gpu renderMode for all the remaining iOS devices. This feature could be used, when using gpu render mode results in insufficient memory on some of the low end devices (like iPad1 and iPod4).
  • External hosting of secondary swf files (iOS):
  • Application developers will be able to host their secondary SWFs on an External server and load them on demand as per their application logic using this feature. The loading secondary SWFs which have any ABC code in AOT mode, which worked for just locally packaged SWFs earlier, will now work for loading SWFs externally as well.
  • GameInput API (Android):
  • The GameInput API is an interface that allows applications to communicate with attached game input devices (joysticks, gamepads, wands, etc). There is a wide range of game input devices, which have different capabilities and controls. This API is only supported on Android devices running on OS version 4.1 or higher. This API is implemented such that it might function well with different (and possibly unknown) types of game input devices.
  • Packaging applications with only captive runtime (Android):
  • With AIR 3.7, packaging of AIR applications for Android in any target will embed the AIR runtime. This would help in improving the user experience as there would be no need to download the AIR runtime separately. A side-effect would however be that there would be an increase in app size of around 9MB.

New in Adobe AIR (Apr 10, 2013)

  • Prevent Cloud backup for Shared Objects (iOS):
  • To comply with Apple updated guidelines, only user data can be backed up on iCloud. Any files that can be downloaded or generated should not be backed up and it should be marked as "DoNotBackup". This feature allows developers to control which files should be backed up or excluded using the "DoNotBackup" attribute.
  • Use CPU render mode for selected devices (iOS):
  • This feature allows developers to control the render mode on different iOS devices. Using this feature developers can turn on CPU rendering for specific iOS devices, and utilize GPU rendering for others.
  • Externally host secondary SWF files (iOS):
  • This feature allows developer to externally host SWFs and load them as needed. External SWFs could contain game assets, different game levels, etc. Benefits of this feature are faster initialization time, smaller apps, and more control over your game or app.
  • Game Input API (Android):
  • This feature allows applications to communicate with attached game input devices (joysticks, gamepads, wands, etc). There is a wide range of game input devices, which have different capabilities and controls. This API is supported on devices running Android OS version 4.1 and higher. It is implemented such that it might function well with different (and possibly unknown) types of game input devices.
  • In AIR on iOS, loading a swf with and embedded video can cause a crash in some circumstances (3514499)
  • In AIR on iOS, loading an image from a remote server can cause a crash (3476445)
  • On MacOS, setting stage.fullScreenSourceRect when renderMode is set to “GPU”, leads to inaccurate mouse position reporting (3512232)
  • In AIR on Windows, if a Worker (Concurrency) has been started, the application does not terminate properly (3396412)
  • On Windows XP, application which make use of the system microphone may encounter feedback (3502809)
  • In AIR for iOS, some apps get rejected for missing push notification entitlement (3501744)
  • In AIR for iOS, Flex applications running on iPad2 over 3G connections can experience a crash (3435401)
  • In AIR for iOS, reloading of pure asset SWFs isn't allowed (3516971)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Mar 27, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Android Captive Runtime Support
  • Android developers will now use the captive runtime exclusively when packaging their applications.
  • Preventing backup of Shared Objects (iOS)
  • To comply with Apple updated guidelines, only user data can be backed up on iCloud. Any files that can be downloaded or generated should not be backed up and it should be marked as "DoNotBackup". This feature allows developers to control which files should be backed up or excluded using the "DoNotBackup" attribute.
  • Forcing CPU Rendermode on some devices (iOS)
  • This feature allows developers to control the render mode on different iOS devices. Using this feature developers can turn on CPU rendering for specific iOS devices, and utilize GPU rendering for others.
  • Loading External SWFs (iOS)
  • This feature allows developer to externally host SWFs and load them as needed. External SWFs could contain game assets, different game levels, etc. Benefits of this feature are faster initialization time, smaller apps, and more control over your game or app.
  • GameInput API (Android)
  • This feature allows applications to communicate with attached game input devices (joysticks, gamepads, wands, etc). There is a wide range of game input devices, which have different capabilities and controls. This API is supported on devices running Android OS version 4.1 and higher. It is implemented such that it might function well with different (and possibly unknown) types of game input devices.
  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3520768 - [Android] No pop-up appears for accepting the invalid security certificate on 4.1.2
  • 3499443 - [iOS] Java OutOfMemoryError when packaging IPA with swf compiled using FlasCC
  • 3514198 - [Mac] Error code 3343 thrown when playing encrypted content
  • 3504874 - [Android] Android xhdpi icons (96x96) are not supported

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Mar 21, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Android Captive Runtime Support
  • Android developers will now use the captive runtime exclusively when packaging their applications.
  • Preventing backup of Shared Objects (iOS)
  • To comply with Apple updated guidelines, only user data can be backed up on iCloud. Any files that can be downloaded or generated should not be backed up and it should be marked as "DoNotBackup". This feature allows developers to control which files should be backed up or excluded using the "DoNotBackup" attribute.
  • Forcing CPU Rendermode on some devices (iOS)
  • This feature allows developers to control the render mode on different iOS devices. Using this feature developers can turn on CPU rendering for specific iOS devices, and utilize GPU rendering for others.
  • Loading External SWFs – iOS: This feature allows developer to externally host SWFs and load them as needed. External SWFs could contain game assets, different game levels, etc. Benefits of this feature are faster initialization time, smaller apps, and more control over your game or app.
  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3520768 - Android - No pop-up appears for accepting the invalid security certificate on 4.1.2
  • 3523765 - SDK - App is not getting packaged in AOT target on Windows 7 and Windows XP
  • 3499443 - iOS - Java OutOfMemoryError when packaging IPA with swf compiled using FlasCC
  • 3514198 - Mac - Error code 3343 thrown when playing encrypted content

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Mar 16, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Android Captive Runtime Support: Android developers will now use the captive runtime exclusively when packaging their applications.
  • Preventing backup of Shared Objects (iOS): To comply with Apple updated guidelines, only user data can be backed up on iCloud. Any files that can be downloaded or generated should not be backed up and it should be marked as "DoNotBackup". This feature allows developers to control which files should be backed up or excluded using the "DoNotBackup" attribute.
  • Forcing CPU Rendermode on some devices (iOS): This feature allows developers to control the render mode on different iOS devices. Using this feature developers can turn on CPU rendering for specific iOS devices, and utilize GPU rendering for others.
  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3501744 - [iOS]"Missing Push Notification Entitlement" warning mail was being received from Apple when submitting Air app to IOS AppStore.
  • 3505747 - [Android] ADT fails to install any app on Android 4.2.2, none of the commands: installApp, launchApp and unintallApp is working with os version 4.2.2.
  • 3516971 - [iOS] Reloading of pure asset SWFs isn't allowed on iOS.
  • 3512418 - [iOS] App Crashes which uses an ANE to set or get a property of a custom actionscript class instance via FRESetObjectProperty or FREGetObjectProperty.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Mar 15, 2013)

  • Sandboxing enhancements:
  • This feature adds enhancements to the existing sandbox feature by better addressing application launches in protected mode
  • Prevent Cloud backup for Shared Objects (iOS):
  • Currently in AIR applications for iOS, there is no way for developer to prevent the local shared object data from being backup on Apple iCloud. With AIR 3.7, a new static property, called ‘preventBackup’ has been introduced to SharedObject ActionScript class which will enable developers to address this limitation. This property can be used only with 3.7 or greater namespaces (swf-version=>20). Setting this property to true will prevent all the shared objects from being backed up. The default value of the property is false, this property will work only on devices having iOS 5.1 or higher.
  • Use CPU Render Mode For selected devices while using GPU on others (iOS):
  • A new tag, has been added for iOS devices and it would be applicable from AIR 3.7 (swf-version = 20 ). This tag would force CPU render mode for a given set of iOS devices and have gpu renderMode for all the remaining iOS devices. This feature could be used, when using gpu render mode results in insufficient memory on some of the low end devices (like iPad1 and iPod4).
  • e.g. If we specify GPU and iPhone1 iPad1
  • then all iOS devices other than iPad1 and iPhone1 will have renderMode GPU. These devices will have CPU as render mode.
  • Please note that this tag currently applies to iOS only. The tag needs to be added to the platform specific section under the iPhone tag.
  • External hosting of secondary swf files (iOS):
  • Application developers will be able to host their secondary SWFs on an External server and load them on demand as per their application logic using this feature. The loading secondary SWFs which have any ABC code in AOT mode, which worked for just locally packaged SWFs earlier, will now work for loading SWFs externally as well.
  • The developer would need to change the URL of Loader's URLRequest to the URL of his externally hosted stripped SWF.
  • To enable this feature, developer will have to specify a text file containing details of the SWF files to be stripped & externally hosted. The developer needs to specify line separated paths of SWFs which are to be externally hosted within this text file.
  • During ADT packaging, the developer needs to specify the text file just like an asset along with the set of SWF's specified in the text file.
  • During IPA packaging, ADT extracts the Actioscript code from all child SWFs which are specified within the sample text file, adds it to the final executable and moves the stripped SWFs into the "externalStrippedSwfs" folder created in the current working directory. The directory structure within the "externalStrippedSwfs" folder remains the same as specified within the text file. The generated stripped SWF's can be externally hosted on a web server of developer's choice.

New in Adobe AIR (Mar 13, 2013)

  • The following problems have been addressed:
  • Sporadic crashes when launching Muse on OS X (3502772 & 3504350)
  • Update embedded Flash Player to the latest version (3509206)

New in Adobe AIR (Feb 13, 2013)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • On Android OS, AIR apps streaming MP4 audio hang when pausing and resuming multiple times.(3331239)
  • In applications which utilize the Concurrency feature, a crash can occur when sending a large amount of shared properties between workers.(3367973)
  • On Mac OS, AIR application fail to load PDF files when Acrobat is updated to 11.0.1(3397427)
  • On Windows XP, microphone is not recognized for an input to a stream.(3342418)
  • On Windows XP, in some circumstances, FlashMediaServer streams deliver choppy streams.(3301447)
  • In Microsoft Internet Explorer, when protected mode is on, non-administrator profiles fail to load Flash content.(3365525)
  • On Windows 7, under certain conditions, webcam feeds do not render properly(3350899)
  • On MacOS, some large image fail to load.(3364103)
  • In Internet explorer, when hardware acceleration is disabled, the “allow fullscreen” dialog fails to exit completely.(3364774)
  • On Mac OS, In an AIR application has multiple windows open, and CMD+Q is entered, AIR crashes(3348569)
  • On iOS, attempting to play local MP4 videos with the StageVideo object sometimes fails.(3367579)
  • On Microsoft Windows, looped FLV videos fail to show the last frame.(3343606)
  • On Apple Macbooks or Apple iMacs with external displays connected, protected content fails to play(3366540)
  • On Microsoft Windows, gotoAndStop calls sometimes function incorrectly.(3345174)
  • New Features:
  • Graphics Data Query
  • Improved permissions UI for full screen keyboard access
  • Multiple SWF support(iOS)
  • Setting device specific Retina Display resolution(iOS)
  • Updated File API following App store guidelines(iOS)
  • HiDpi support for FlashPro

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jan 30, 2013)

  • Graphics Data Query:
  • Developers can read the structure of the display object and vector data at runtime. Game developers can use this feature to create complex Sprite Sheets, or exporters for any file format (e.g. SVG) at runtime.
  • Packaging and Loading Multiple SWFs on iOS:
  • This feature allows an application developer to be able to package multiple SWF files that contain AS code and load them and call their functions when needed.
  • Mac Retina (hiDPI) Display support:
  • Developers can now target their AIR application to use in Retina (hiDPI) displays on supported Macs.
  • 3487052 - GPU Issues on Nexus 10
  • 3370109 - The video screen is scaled into the left bottom corner of the stage with Retina displays.
  • 3486337 - Video corruption on iPad 2/3 using uploadFromByteArray at runtime
  • 3482888 - File.cacheDirectory property test fails on Windows

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jan 24, 2013)

  • Mac Retina (hiDPI) display support for Adobe AIR applications - Developers can now target their AIR application to use in Retina (hiDPI) display on supported Macs. By enabling the Retina support AIR applications will render at the native resolution. On Macs supporting Retina display the application will render at high resolution.
  • Full Screen Permission Dialog UI Improvement - Changed the location of the permission dialog to the middle of the screen. Also improved the user experience when going into full screen mode by adding the "Cancel" button.
  • Graphics Data Query - Developers can read the structure of the display object and vector data at runtime. Game developers can use this feature to create complex Sprite Sheets, or exporters for any file format (e.g. SVG) at runtime.
  • Multiple SWF Support - This feature provides support for packaging and loading multiple SWFs on iOS in AOT mode. With this feature, user can use multiple SWFs in an AIR iOS application using the Loader class.
  • Exclude devices from requestedDisplayResolution tag - This feature allows developers to explicitly disable the specified display resolution (high/standard) on one or more iOS devices using the excludeDevices attribute of the requestedDisplayResolution tag in the application descriptor.
  • File API Update - Developers can now mark files with preventBackup attribute, which disables files from getting backed up on the iCloud on iOS. Another static property, File.cacheDirectory has also been introduced, which enables developers to store data that can be downloaded again or regenerated in the /Library/Caches directory as per the Apple recommendations.
  • Stage3D Separate Sampler State - Enables a new way to change texture sampling settings for Stage3D. Context3D.setSamplerStateAt() allows developers to change the wrap mode, filter mode and mipmapping mode for a given texture sampler without having to make any modifications to the fragment shader program.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jan 16, 2013)

  • Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
  • 3474494 -[iOS 5.0.x] Using the property, File.preventBackup causes a crash
  • 3370611 - [Win 8] When I speak into the mic, it sounds high pitched and harsh
  • 3369846 - [iOS] ThrottleType.RESUME is triggered twice when an app is re-activated
  • 3428081 - The web page of a played video is often closed automatically when dragging the scroll bar of the page
  • 3339349 - [iOS] Showing new screen from ANE in mouseDown handler causes app to be unresponsive
  • 3364916 - Application freezes when you display modal view using UIView from native extension
  • 3474944 - [Android] Audio is distorted and crackling
  • 3364368 - [Android] Current version appears to break network connection pooling on Android platform leading to excessive connection latency
  • 3369826 - Can't render local video with front camera
  • 3428086 – Packaging for iOS Simulator should not validate the signing options provided. It is now possible to package an IPA by providing dummy arguments as signing options instead of using a valid certificate. This change is not yet incorporated in Flash Builder and Flash Pro.
  • 3367579 - iOS stage video MP4 fails to render

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jan 9, 2013)

  • Graphics Data Query:
  • Developers can read the structure of the display object and vector data at runtime. Game developers can use this feature to create complex Sprite Sheets, or exporters for any file format (e.g. SVG) at runtime.
  • Packaging and Loading Multiple SWFs on iOS:
  • This feature allows an application developer to be able to package multiple SWF files that contain AS code and load them and call their functions when needed.
  • 3397358 - Using modern Objective C code in iOS ANE causes runtime exception. To use modern Objective C in iOS ANE, one needs to use the iOS SDK present in the default XCode location using the platformsdk switch while packaging the IPA. (XCode needs to be installed on the packaging machine)

New in Adobe AIR (Jan 9, 2013)

  • Publishing stuck at 5 seconds remaining, ADT never launches to finish packaging(3368960)
  • [AOT][iOS] Export to release build of an iOS app never completes(3355442)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Dec 12, 2012)

  • Graphics Data Query:
  • Developers can read the structure of the display object and vector data at runtime. Game developers can use this feature to create complex Sprite Sheets, or exporters for any file format (e.g. SVG) at runtime.
  • 3309699 - Camera stretched on Windows when camera is set to dimensions of 2592 x 1944
  • 3350899 - Flash shows white screen as Webcam Feed
  • 3330019 - Live MP3 streams not working after latest update on Mac OSX with the NPAPI Plug-In
  • 3352179 - SWF tag DefineBitsJPEG2 does not render JPEG image data after 11.4.402.287
  • 3163043 - Videos do not loop correctly since Flash Player 11.2. (aka Last Video Frame not displayed/Last Video Frame stalls)
  • 3340511 - Corrects an issue where Output Protection did not work correctly with multiple monitors
  • 3360459 - Corrects an issue where content requiring Output Protection did not play on a Retina Macbook Pro Internal Monitor
  • 3354115 - Fixes a performance problem with HDS streaming playback that only occurred when using the Software Decoder with StageVideo.
  • 3351132 - Graphic artifacts rendered in certain circumstances AIR for Android.

New in Adobe AIR (Dec 12, 2012)

  • The following problems have been addressed:
  • Video playback broken on Digital Theater AIR app (3364478)
  • Wrong layering/depth of video component after re-activating app on Nexus 7 (3356240)
  • Mac AIR not enforcing output protection when switching/dragging from internal to external monitor (3366931)
  • New Feature:
  • We have added a new Android-specific xml element in the application.xml. If an app uses Video, then the app is expected to add true in the application.xml as an indication to the runtime. This is necessary to maintain correct ordering of video with other Flash content across different Android OS versions.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Dec 8, 2012)

  • Packaging and Loading Multiple SWFs:
  • This feature provides developers better memory management by allowing them to load the assets they need dynamically at ANY time from multiple SWFs and not have to load it up-front.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 21, 2012)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • Background Audio in Android doesnt work(3319954)
  • Unable to package an application using an ANE on iOS, which doesn't not implement the finalizer function. (3321073)
  • Packaging fails with null pointer exception, when packaging an IPA using only the default implementation in the ANE on iOS. (3323233) Geolocation permission dialog doesn't show up on iOS 6 device and App doesn't get listed in Settings->Privacy->Locations services.(3296870)
  • Database data is wiped out for every launch on iOS Simulator. (3329307)
  • WIFi Debugging on iOS :Debugging on iOS does not work when network interface is chosen as "Default" for Player Target AIR3.4 (3320979)
  • DisplayObject fails to render when changing rotationY on iOS6 device in GPU renderMode. (3320080)
  • When an app having aspectRatio Landscape and autoOrients "false" is packaged with iOS 6 SDK and run on an iOS 6 device, the launch image shows 90 degree rotation. (3321294)
  • If auto orients =false and aspect ratio=landscape,App launches in landscape mode but stage launches in portrait mode, on packaging with iOS 6 SDK. (3317345)
  • When packaging an IPA using platformsdk option to point to the iOS 6 SDK, an exception, “ generation failed due to SAX error:org.xml.sax.saxParseException” is thrown (3309675)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Nov 16, 2012)

  • Minor improvements in security and stability.
  • Minor improvements in video display.

New in Adobe AIR (Nov 7, 2012)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • Background Audio in Android doesn't work(3319954)
  • Unable to package an application using an ANE on iOS, which doesn't not implement the finalizer function. (3321073)
  • Packaging fails with null pointer exception, when packaging an IPA using only the default implementation in the ANE on iOS. (3323233)
  • Geolocation permission dialog doesn't show up on iOS 6 device and App doesn't get listed in Settings->Privacy->Locations services. (3296870)
  • Database data is wiped out for every launch on iOS Simulator. (3329307)
  • WIFi Debugging on iOS :Debugging on iOS does not work when network interface is chosen as "Default" for Player Target AIR3.4 (3320979)
  • DisplayObject fails to render when changing rotationY on iOS6 device in GPU renderMode. (3320080)
  • When an app having aspectRatio Landscape and autoOrients "false" is packaged with iOS 6 SDK and run on an iOS 6 device, the launch image shows 90 degree rotation. (3321294)
  • If auto orients =false and aspect ratio=landscape,App launches in landscape mode but stage launches in portrait mode, on packaging with iOS 6 SDK. (3317345)
  • When packaging an IPA using platformsdk option for iOS 6 SDK, an exception, “ failed due to SAX error:org.xml.sax.saxParseException” (3309675)
  • Packaging an IPA with requestedDisplayResolution as "standard" in application descriptor and using launch images "[email protected]" and "[email protected]", both the images are showing up on iPhone 5 device. (3336456)
  • Application freezes when disposing the audioQueue for the microphone on iOS6. (3349815)
  • Crash when playing back Adobe connect recording with screensharing(3348585)
  • RTMPS on AIR for Android causes java.lang.OutOfMemory error and crash(3329055)
  • EncryptedLocalStore values lost upon upgrade to AIR 3.4(3317833)
  • Flash Player crashes when navigating to and from Flash content in Internet Explorer (3322564)
  • [iPad3]BitmapData captured of the stagewebview is 2x on ipad3(3321334)
  • Install Application causes a crash andoccasionally ipa.exe stops working(3298786)
  • On iOS6 using renderMode=gpu, DisplayObject fails to render when changing rotationY(3320080)
  • Flash Player shows white screen when using Webcam-feed(3337754)
  • New Features:
  • Packaging multiple libraries in an ANE (iOS)
  • Debug stack trace in release builds of Flash Player
  • Invoke Event enhancement
  • Static linking of DRM (Desktop only)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Oct 25, 2012)

  • Fixed issues:
  • ADT App packaging with platformsdk switch pointing to iOS 6 SDK completes after giving fatal Error. (3309675)
  • Text fields stop displaying if stage.quality set to "low" - iOS for renderMode=gpu (3345587)
  • Some Stage3D applications does not load on Droid X (2.2.1) (3345131)
  • Notable issues:
  • [AIR] CameraUI not working on the GalaxyNexus after OS update from ICS to Jelly Beans OS (3347644)
  • Application freezes when disposing the audioQueue for the microphone on iOS6. (3349815
  • When packaging an IPA using platformsdk option to point to the iOS 6 SDK, an exception, “ generation failed due to SAX error:org.xml.sax.saxParseException” is thrown (3309675)
  • Stuttering of mouse events with new versions of AIR (3.4, 3.5 Beta) (3338757)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Oct 18, 2012)

  • BitmapData captured of the StageWebView is 2x on iPad3 (3321334)
  • setOrientation(landscape) incorrectly changing app to portrait if called in app already in landscape for swf version>=16 (3336735)
  • Playing and Stopping sound crashes on some Jellybean and ICS devices. (3341888)
  • IIPA.exe crashed dialog appears when deploying to iOS Device on WIN7 platform (3324503)
  • Some Stage3D based AIR games crashing on HTC Evo 3D
  • Some Video applications crashing on ICS and JellyBean. (3341856)
  • iOS - No way to identify if an application not running in background is invoked by a push notification. To address this, we’ve introduced a new property value called “InvokeEventReason.NOTIFICATION” for “InvokeEvent.reason”. (3345326)

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Sep 27, 2012)

  • Background Audio in Android doesnt work(3319954)
  • A full screen application cannot be developed for iPhone 5. Default-568h@2x launch image can now be used to display a full screen app on iPhone5. (3331707)
  • Unable to package an application using an ANE on iOS, which doesn't not implement the finalizer function. (3321073)
  • Packaging fails with null pointer exception, when packaging an IPA using only the default implementation in the ANE on iOS. (3323233) Geolocation permission dialog doesn't show up on iOS 6 device and App doesn't get listed in Settings->Privacy->Locations services. (3296870)
  • Database data is wiped out for every launch on iOS Simulator. (3329307)
  • WIFi Debugging on iOS :Debugging on iOS does not work when network interface is chosen as "Default" for Player Target AIR3.4 (3320979)
  • DisplayObject fails to render when changing rotationY on iOS6 device in GPU renderMode. (3320080)
  • When an app having aspectRatio Landscape and autoOrients "false" is packaged with iOS 6 SDK and run on an iOS 6 device, the launch image shows 90 degree rotation. (3321294)
  • If auto orients =false and aspect ratio=landscape,App launches in landscape mode but stage launches in portrait mode, on packaging with iOS 6 SDK. (3317345)

New in Adobe AIR (Aug 22, 2012)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • Netstream crashes intermittently on disconnect(3193417)
  • Issue with stopping live audio streaming on AIR Android(3188340)
  • drawWithQuality() does not render filters properly on Android devices(3224928)
  • Clipborad.generalClipboard.setData doesn't work on iOS(3226045)
  • Some FLV video content does not play in Flash Player on Windows (3187569)
  • Only right side audio playing in Flash Player based apps in Firefox on Windows(3289279)
  • Mouse Lock feature disabled after entering Full Screen Interactive mode(3174344)
  • [iOS5] TextFields with embedded fonts garbled on mobile devices(3161138)
  • First frame of some live streaming contents freezes(3207896)
  • Application icons for 50X50, 100X100, 1024X1024 are now supported for iOS applications in the Application Descriptor(3217144)
  • Applications using Native extensions sometimes crash on iOS when using certain external Libxml2.dylib (3226974)
  • Some deviation is observed when a launch image of resolution 768 x 1004 or 1024 x 748 is packaged in a full-screen iPad application. (3230762). The new guidelines for using launch images can be referred to here
  • H264 videos on iOS crash when switching between two NetStreams attached to a StageVideo object(3206438)
  • Issue with CameraRoll.browseForImage() causes transparency loss resulting in white color(3291312)
  • New Features:
  • ActionScript Workers (Flash Player)
  • Sandbox Bridge support (Flash Player)
  • Licensing support: Flash Player Premium Features for Gaming (Flash Player)
  • Stage3D "constrained" profile for increased GPU reach (Flash Player and AIR)
  • LZMA support for ByteArray (Flash Player and AIR)
  • StageVideo attachCamera/Camera improvements (Flash Player and AIR)
  • Compressed texture with alpha support for Stage3D (Flash Player and AIR)
  • DXT Encoding(Flash Player and AIR)
  • Deprecated Carbon APIs for AIR (AIR)
  • Direct AIR deployment using ADT (AIR)
  • Push Notifications for iOS (AIR)
  • Ambient AudioPlaybackMode (AIR)
  • Exception Support in Native Extensions for iOS (AIR)
  • New option in ADT to list the attached mobile devices (AIR)
  • ADT option to resolve ANE symbol conflicts on iOS (AIR)

New in Adobe AIR Beta 2 (Aug 8, 2012)

  • Fixed Issues:
  • Videos from some websites cannot be played on FF or Chrome (3203907)
  • Protected Mode Hang when trying to switch video to and from fullscreen in JW Player 4.2.95, used by Multiple problems with new Camera methods 3295683)
  • [Win8]RP - Firefox crashes(3285905)
  • AIR app exhibits severe flickering on Kindle Fire(3290739)
  • Memory leaks while loading/unloading SWFs (3212935)
  • Stage 3D apps not rendering on Qualcom devices(3289828)
  • [IOS]Application hangs forever (but doesn't crash) when encoding a BitmapData as JPG (3168241)
  • [Stage3D]Crash when opening CompressedTexture(3290012)
  • [Mac Only] Out of memory leads to crash(3205319)

New in Adobe AIR Beta 1 (Jul 17, 2012)

  • Stage3D "constrained" profile for increased GPU reach:
  • The Flash Player will gate the use of hardware acceleration based on the date of your video card's driver. In previous releases, we gated support to drivers older than January 1, 2008. In this release, we will be changing the gating to apply to drivers older than January 1, 2006. Content using wmode=direct (or renderMode=direct for AIR) should be hardware accelerated on graphics card driver date newer than 1/1/2006 when possible. This applies to Stage3D and [StageVideo|StageVideo] APIs. In addition to that, we added a new profile for Stage3D called "constrained" profile, allowing your content to run hardware accelerated on the previously blacklisted Intel GMA chipsets. See below for more details about this new profile and how to leverage it.
  • LZMA support for ByteArray:
  • In addition to zlib compression of ByteArray, we are introducing an additional compression type based on LZMA to compress data inside a ByteArray through ByteArray.compress() and ByteArray.uncompress().
  • Compressed texture with alpha support for Stage3D:
  • Transparent images are now supported for compressed textures (ATF file format). Note: Stay tuned for the ATF tools which will be made available in the next weeks on Adobe Labs.
  • StageVideo attachCamera/Camera improvements:
  • This feature exposes a new method on StageVideo objects that allows the Actionscript code to direct the video stream from the camera to a StageVideo object thus leveraging the GPU for rendering instead of the rasterizer. This allows the player to be much faster when processing a video stream from the camera when GPU acceleration is available.
  • Deprecated Carbon APIs for AIR:
  • As of Mac OS X 10.8, Carbon APIs will no longer be supported by Apple. Hence these APIs and other deprecated code is being removed from AIR in this release to be in parity with Mac OSX 10.8.
  • Direct AIR deployment using ADT (without iTunes):
  • This new feature enables the developer to deploy an AIR application on iOS devices without having to use iTunes or XCode.
  • iOS Push Notifications:
  • This feature will use APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) and a provider (third party server which will communicate with the APN) to generate notifications. A new package, flash.notifications has been introduced. The delivery of push notifications is completely dependent on Apple Push Notification Service and APNS does not guarantee the delivery of push notifications. Apple also recommends subscribing to push notifications every time an application is launched. Every time the client app subscribes to push notifications, the APNS provides a token-id to the client app and this token-id should be sent to the third party server or provider that will be sending the remote notifications.
  • Ambient AudioPlaybackMode:
  • With AIR 3.4, users will have the option of one more AudioPlaybackMode i.e. AMBIENT other than VOICE and MEDIA. This new AudioPlaybackMode will allow the users to force their application to honor the "hardware mute switch" present in iphone(s) /ipad(s). The strongest use case of this Ambient playbackmode is in the game apps where the user of the app will have the option to silence the game sound and also can listen to the music of any other app in background. In Ambient mode, audio respects the hardware mute switch only on iOS devices. On Android devices, the Ambient mode will be just like the Media mode.
  • iOS 5.1 SDK Support:
  • With this AIR SDK version, you will be able to build your AIR on iOS applications by default with iOS 5.1 SDK (without using the --platformsdk switch) and leverage the enhancements available in iOS 5.1 SDK.
  • Exception Support in Native Extensions for iOS:
  • A native extension for iOS can now use both C++ and Objective-C exceptions. It is up to the extension to catch all the exceptions thrown in its code. The runtime will not catch the exceptions thrown by extensions.
  • ADT option to list the attached mobile devices:
  • A new option, devices has been added in ADT to list the attached iOS/Android devices. Users can avail this option instead of using adb for listing the Android devices and idb for listing the iOS devices.

New in Adobe AIR (Jul 12, 2012)

  • Fixes:
  • Audio issues
  • iOS 6 GPU mode
  • iOS native extension issues
  • Out of memory conditions that can occur with ADT

New in Adobe AIR (Jun 9, 2012)

  • USB debugging for AIR iOS — This new feature allows the iOS developer to connect to the desktop via USB while debugging their mobile applications instead of relying on network connectivity.
  • Enhanced Background behavior for AIR iOS — Background support now more closely resembles native applications in iOS. In addition to some basic multitasking and background audio support that is already enabled with AIR for iOS, applications may now support location updates and networking in the background, as well as being notified when a background app is about to be suspended by the operating system.
  • Stylus support for Android 4.0 — Stylus support in Flash takes advantage of the new-in-4.0 Android Stylus API, so that stylus-aware apps work automatically with any devices supporting the Android API set.
  • Simulator Support (Mac) — With the enhanced simulator support a developer can now package and run an application on iOS simulator using ADT commands. This feature allows an iOS developer to develop and run an application without needing an actual set of devices by using the iOS simulator using Xcode.
  • Aspect Ratio Enhancements — With AIR 3.3 the issue with the runtime ignoring the specified aspect ratio has been resolved. In this release we address this use-case by allowing only screen orientation corresponding to app specified aspectRatio and orientation corresponding to 180 degree device rotation from the specified aspectRatio.
  • Improved Mac App Store Support — Added support to ensure Mac AIR apps adhere to Apple guidelines and can be submitted to the Mac App store successfully.

New in Adobe AIR Beta 2 (Apr 19, 2012)

  • USB debugging for AIR iOS:
  • iOS developer can now connect directly? to the desktop via USB to debug mobile applications.
  • Enhanced Background behavior for AIR iOS:
  • Applications may now support location updates and networking in the background, as well as being notified when a background app is about to be suspended by the operating system.
  • Aspect Ratio Enhancements:
  • With AIR 3.3 the issue with the runtime ignoring the specified aspect ratio has been resolved. In this release we address this use-case by allowing only screen orientation corresponding to app specified aspectRatio and orientation corresponding to 180 degree device rotation from the specified aspectRatio.
  • Improved Mac App Store Support:
  • Added support to ensure Mac AIR apps adhere to Apple guidelines and can be submitted to the Mac App store successfully. Previously AIR runtime stored local SharedObjects in a location that is prohibited by Apple on the Mac App Store.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Apr 6, 2012)

  • AIR Mobile:
  • Simulator Support for iOS
  • Aspect Ratio Enhancements
  • ADT support to package 144x144 size icons has been added in
  • AIR 3.3.
  • Capabilities.screenDPI now returns appropriate DPI value for high resolution iPads
  • Key features and benefits:
  • USB debugging for AIR iOS — This new feature allows the iOS developer to connect to the desktop via USB while debugging their mobile applications instead of relying on network connectivity.
  • Enhanced Background behavior for AIR iOS — Background support now more closely resembles native applications in iOS. In addition to some basic multitasking and background audio support that is already enabled with AIR for iOS, applications may now support location updates and networking in the background, as well as being notified when a background app is about to be suspended by the operating system.
  • Stylus support for Android 4.0 — Stylus support in Flash takes advantage of the new-in-4.0 Android Stylus API, so that stylus-aware apps work automatically with any devices supporting the Android API set.
  • Simulator Support (Mac) — With the enhanced simulator support a developer can now package and run an application on iOS simulator using ADT commands. This feature allows an iOS developer to develop and run an application without needing an actual set of devices by using the iOS simulator using Xcode.
  • Aspect Ratio Enhancements — With AIR 3.3 the issue with the runtime ignoring the specified aspect ratio has been resolved. In this release we address this use-case by allowing only screen orientation corresponding to app specified aspectRatio and orientation corresponding to 180 degree device rotation from the specified aspectRatio.
  • Improved Mac App Store Support — Added support to ensure Mac AIR apps adhere to Apple guidelines and can be submitted to the Mac App store successfully.

New in Adobe AIR (Mar 29, 2012)

  • Stage3D hardware accelerated GPU rendering (mobile) — AIR 3.2 introduces the Stage3D API to iOS and Android. These low-level APIs enable cinematic, high-performance 2D and 3D graphics with full GPU acceleration across devices.
  • Drivers gating for hardware acceleration relaxed (desktop) — In earlier Mac and Windows releases, hardware acceleration for Stage3D was limited to drivers released after 1/1/2009. This release expands support, relaxing driver gating to 1/1/2008.
  • Mouse lock, relative mouse coordinates, right and middle click events (desktop) — Create immersive, panoramic games with infinite scrolling to enable new classes of content, including first-person games.
  • Throttling event — This release introduces a new ThrottleEvent. A ThrottleEvent is now dispatched by the stage when the Flash Player throttles, pauses or resumes content.
  • Multithreaded video decoding (desktop) — The video decoding pipeline is now fully multithreaded. This feature should improve the overall performance on all platforms. Note that this feature is a significant architecture change required for other future improvements.

New in Adobe AIR RC 1 (Feb 27, 2012)

  • Introduces full Stage3D hardware accelerated graphics for iOS and Android. It allows you to distribute AIR captive runtime versions of apps, enabling you to publish apps immediately to marketplaces such as the iOS App Store, Android Market, and Amazon Appstore.
  • Release features:
  • Stage3D hardware accelerated GPU rendering (iOS and Android) -- AIR 3.2 introduces the Stage3D API to iOS and Android. These low-level APIs enable fluid, high-performance 2D and 3D graphics with full GPU acceleration across devices.
  • Multithreaded Video Decoding (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) - This release introduces a new fully multithreaded video decoding pipeline which resolves a number of legacy playback issues. This modern architecture will also enable future performance enhancements across all platforms.
  • Flash Player background updates (Windows) - New versions of the runtimes can now be delivered more effectively to the end user with this enhanced updating mechanism (Background update is only available in the release versions of Flash Player).
  • Mouse lock, relative mouse coordinates, right and middle click events - Infinite scrolling and new mouse events to enable first-person shooter experiences.
  • Drivers gating for hardware acceleration relaxed to 1/1/2008
  • Throttling event - This release introduces a new ThrottleEvent.
  • Multi-threaded pipeline was written grounds up to support lower end devices and full hardware stacks where all the decoding and rendering is offloaded to hardware. The benefits of the modernization of the pipeline would be visible from mobile devices, tvs, netbooks to high end desktops. In Flash Player 11.2, the new video pipeline is available for desktop platforms (including netbooks ) and brings enhancements with respect to:
  • Eliminating jitter seen occasionally in some encoding and typically in live streams and real time interactive scenarios.
  • Gains in frame rate by reducing dropped frames as much as 50% on certain platforms with high bit rate content.
  • Seek frame accuracy.
  • High resolution/bit rate content decoding would still keep the player UI responsive and any background ActionScript processing going, which earlier could have experienced brief halts because all the decoding and player UI/ActionScript resided on the main thread.
  • For HTTP streaming, ActionScript is the control point of fetching the stream data and delivering to the video stack. On seek, earlier the streaming would halt, while the frames up to the point of seek would be getting decoded. With multithreaded video decoding, not only would the seek be more responsive, but it would also start playback faster after seek.
  • 50+ fixes as part of the modernization of the video pipeline architecture.
  • Security fixes:
  • Includes security enhancements described in Security Bulletin APSB12-03 (

New in Adobe AIR Beta 5 (Feb 1, 2012)

  • Multithreaded Video Decoding (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)* - This release introduces a new fully multithreaded video decoding pipeline which resolves a number of legacy playback issues. This modern architecture will also enable future performance enhancements across all platforms. Flash Player background updates (Windows)** - New versions of the runtimes can now be delivered more effectively to the end user with this enhanced updating mechanism (Background update is only available in the release versions of Flash Player). Mouse lock, relative mouse coordinates, right and middle click events - Infinite scrolling and new mouse events to enable first-person shooter experiences. Drivers gating for hardware acceleration relaxed to 1/1/2008*** Throttling event**** - This release introduces a new ThrottleEvent.

New in Adobe AIR Beta 2 (Nov 23, 2011)

  • New features:
  • Mouse lock:
  • A new mouseLock property has been added to Stage.
  • To enable mouse locking set Stage.mouseLock to true. There are several rules which are applied here:
  • This property can only be set in full screen mode. It dispatches a runtime exception if it is called in non-full screen mode.
  • On mobile settings this property always throws an exception. The reason is simple: This feature can only work with a mouse type of devices and mobile devices do not have such a thing.
  • The property can be read in non-full screen mode. This allows developers to easily dispatch to alternative input methods if mouse locking is disabled externally for some reason.
  • When exiting full screen mode Stage.mouseLock is automatically set to false.
  • Note that while in full screen mode mouse event listeners attached to other display objects but the stage will not be dispatched. In other words to receive mouse deltas and any other mouse event while mouseLock is active you need to attach your mouse event listeners to the stage.
  • Relative mouse coordinates:
  • New properties (movementX and movementY) on MouseEvent.
  • When Stage.mouseLock == true:
  • MouseEvent.localX and MouseEvent.localY will contain 0.
  • MouseEvent.movementX and MouseEvent.movementY will contain delta values.
  • MouseEvent.movementX and MouseEvent.movementY are never transformed based on stage transformation, i.e. they always remain in screen space.
  • MouseEvent.movementX and MouseEvent.movementY will be 0 when Stage.mouseLock == false.
  • Situations where mouse locking is disabled automatically and the mouse cursor is made visible again:
  • When the user hits ESC.
  • When the window loses focus, for instance when the user hit CTRL-TAB.
  • When any settings UI is visible (that includes all privacy dialogs).When a native dialog is shown, for instance a file upload dialog.
  • Right and middle click events:
  • Just like with Adobe AIR, right and middle click events can now be used to inside Flash Player.
  • When a listener is registered to the MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK event, the native context menu will not show up, allowing you to create your own context menu.

New in Adobe AIR (Nov 10, 2011)

  • New Features:
  • iOS5 support for AIR.
  • Security enhancements:
  • Described in Security Bulletin APSB11-28.
  • Security enhancements described in Security Bulletin APSB11-28 (you can find it at
  • Fixed Issues:
  • AIR for iOS:
  • Fails to connect under the WiFi + Proxy RTMPT and RTMPS (2969731).

New in Adobe AIR 3.2 Beta (Oct 27, 2011)

  • Multithreaded Video Decoding (Windows, MacOS, Linux)* - The video decoding pipeline is now fully multi-threaded. This feature should improve the overall performance on all platforms. Note that this feature is a significant architecture change required for other future improvements.
  • Flash Player background updates (Windows)** - New versions of the runtimes can now be delivered more effectively to the end user with this enhanced updating mechanism (Background update is only available in the release versions of Flash Player).

New in Adobe AIR (Oct 4, 2011)

  • Hardware accelerated 2D and 3D graphics rendering through Stage 3D.

New in Adobe AIR RC 1 (Sep 7, 2011)

  • 16bit/32bit Setting — Provides an app descriptor setting for developers to control the color depth on Android (16bit and 32bit) for renderMode=cpu/auto . AIR 2.7 and older namespaces will default to 16bit color, whereas AIR 3.0 and newer namespaces will default to 32bit.
  • Stage3D MacOS performance — Improved the performance of Stage3D on MacOS. In some cases, up to 2x performance improvements. Please provide feedback.
  • Stage3D.transparent property removed — This feature will be reintroduced in a future release of Flash Player and Adobe AIR.
  • The new Matrix3D.copyRowFrom, copyRowTo, copyColumnTo, copyRowFrom were switched up — They now behave correctly, make sure to update your content accordingly.

New in Adobe AIR (Aug 10, 2011)

  • Adobe AIR includes security enhancements described in Security Bulletin APSB11-21

New in Adobe AIR Beta 2 (Aug 10, 2011)

  • Stage3D Accelerated Graphics Rendering (desktop) — Stage3D ("Molehill") is a new architecture for hardware accelerated graphics rendering developed by Adobe. Stage3D provides a set of low-level APIs that enable advanced 2D/3D rendering capabilities across screens and devices (desktop, mobile, and TV). It gives 2D and 3D app and framework developers access to high performance GPU hardware acceleration, enabling the creation of new classes of rich, interactive experiences. Note: Stage3D for mobile will be enabled in a future release.
  • Flash Access Content Protection Support for Mobile — Flash Access content protection support is now available on mobile devices.
  • H.264/AVC Software Encoding for Cameras (desktop) — Stream high quailty video from your computer's camera with higher compression efficiency and industry-wide support, enabling both immersive real-time communications (e.g., video chat and video conferencing) and live video broadcasts.
  • Native JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Support — Allows ActionScript developers to take advantage of high performance native parsing and generation of JSON-formatted data. Developers can integrate existing data seamlessly into their projects.
  • G.711 Audio Compression for Telephony — Support interoperability with legacy phone systems via the Flash Media Gateway (FMG) and other third-party clients (through the open RTMP protocol) without the need for transcoding.
  • Garbage Collection Advice — Provides smoother, more responsive user experiences by allowing developers to provide hints to optimize garbage collection scheduling.
  • Cubic Bezier Curves — The cubicCurveTo drawing API allows developers can easily create complex cubic Beziers without requiring custom ActionScript code.
  • Secure Random Number Generator — Developers can now take advantage of cryptographically secure random number generation to build more secure algorithms and protocols.
  • Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) and Flash Access Enhancements — Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) provides protection for streaming video across screens while eliminating the deployment complexity of a license server. New Flash Access content protection features include key rotation support, V3 license chaining, domain support, and enhanced output protection and device filtering.
  • Socket Progress Events — Improve management of data transfer using the Socket class by providing a new property to determine the number of bytes remaining in the write buffer and a newevent for when data is being sent to the network layer. The new APIs allow applications can easily track progress and provide responsive feedback.
  • Native Text Input UI (mobile) — Mobile apps can now take advantage of the native text input controls on mobile platforms, including platform-specific user interaction behaviors such as magnification and text selection. Native text controls are available on Android, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and iOS operating systems.
  • JPEG-XR support — Flash Player and AIR now include support for the JPEG-XR advanced image compression standard (International Standard ISO/IEC 29199-2). The computationally lightweight JPEG-XR format provides more efficient compression than JPEG, enables both lossy and lossless compression support, and adds support for alpha channel transparency.
  • Enhanced high resolution bitmap support — BitmapData objects are no longer limited to a maximum resolution of 16 megapixels (16,777,215 pixels), and maximum bitmap width/height is no longer limited to 8,191 pixels, enabling the development of apps that utilize very large bitmaps.
  • High efficiency SWF compression support — Developers can now take advantage of LZMA compression for their SWF files. LZMA compression can reduce SWF size by up to 40%, enabling users to benefit from richer experiences with shorter download times and reduced bandwidth consumption.
  • DisplayObjectContainer.removeChildren and MovieClip.isPlaying — DisplayObjectContainer now implements a removeChildren API allowing developers to quickly remove all of a container's children using a single API call. A new MovieClip.isPlaying property returns the MovieClip's current playing state.
  • Native Extensions — Native extension libraries allow developers to create and use ActionScript libraries implemented with native code. These libraries allow ActionScript developers to take advantage of the same platform- and device- specific native capabilities and APIs available to native apps, with easy integration into AIR applications. (private prerelease)
  • Captive Runtime Support — This popular feature from AIR for iOS is now available with AIR for desktop and Android. Simplify the app installation process and reduce testing/certification cost by packaging the AIR runtime with your app on Windows, Mac, and Android.
  • Stage Video Hardware Acceleration (new for AIR) — Leverage hardware acceleration of the entire video pipeline to deliver efficient, best-in-class high-definition (HD) video playback experiences. Decrease processor usage and enable smoother video, reduced memory usage, and higher fidelity on mobile* and TV devices (*supported on Android 3.1, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and iOS).
  • Front-facing Camera Support (new for AIR Android) — The front-facing camera support available with AIR for iOS and BlackBerry Tablet OS is now available on Android devices. Take advantage of the front-facing camera to help users connect with rich video conferencing and chat experiences on smartphones and tablets.
  • Camera Position API — A new property for the Camera class that enables developers to determine whether a camera is front or rear facing.
  • Background Audio Playback Support on iOS — Developers can now write multitasking iOS applications that can play audio while in the background, such as music applications or reliable voice conferencing apps with multitasking support.
  • Encrypted Local Storage for Mobile — Extends encrypted local storage support to mobile devices. Allows applications to more securely store sensitive data on a user's device, enabling support for storage of sensitive data such as passwords, certificates, and auditing information.
  • Android Licensing Service Support — Provides developers access to the Android Market Licensing Service which lets publishers enforce licensing policies for paid applications that they publish through Android Market. private prerelease only – based on native extensions)
  • Device Speaker Control — Provides developers the ability to select whether audio should be outputted through the phone speaker or external speaker.
  • Security Enhancements:
  • This version of AIR includes security improvements described in Security Bulletins APSB11- 12 and APSB11-21.

New in Adobe AIR Beta (Jul 14, 2011)

  • New features:
  • Stage Video Hardware Acceleration (new for AIR) — Leverage hardware acceleration of the entire video pipeline to deliver efficient, best-in-class high-definition (HD) video playback experiences. Decrease processor usage and enable smoother video, reduced memory usage, and higher fidelity on mobile*, desktop, and TV devices (*supported on Android 3.1, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and iOS).
  • Security enhancements:
  • This version of AIR includes security improvements described in Security Bulletin APSB11-12.

New in Adobe AIR (Jun 15, 2011)

  • User Release notes:
  • What's new:
  • Install AIR Runtime to SD – This feature allows end users to install or move AIR runtime onto SD cards of their Android devices so they can free up storage space on the phone.
  • Improved performance on iOS: We have made runtime optimization to allow developers to deliver higher-performance apps on iOS.
  • Media Measurement – Measuring video just got easier. Using Adobe SiteCatalyst with Adobe AIR 2.7 or Flash Player 10.3, developers can implement video analytics for either standalone apps or websites with as little as two lines of code. Analytics solution providers can use a new set of open APIs to easily implement consistent video analytics irrespective of implementation or delivery protocol. Media Measurement for AIR and Flash Player allows companies to get real-time, aggregated reporting of how their video content is distributed, what the audience reach is, and how much video is played. Please note that Media Measurement is not yet available for the iOS packager in this release.
  • Acoustic Echo Cancellation – AIR 2.7 enables developers to create real-time online collaboration experiences with high-quality audio, such as telephony, in-game voice chat, and group conferencing applications outside the browser for desktop OSes. Developers can take advantage of acoustic echo cancellation, noise suppression, voice activity detection, and automatic compensation for various microphone input levels. End users will be able to experience higher quality audio facilitating smoother conversation flow, without using a headset. This feature is available for desktop platforms only
  • Enhanced HTMLLoader API – With AIR 2.7, developers will have more control over how clickable links behave in HTML content within a standalone desktop app. This feature will enable content publishers to achieve seamless weblink-style navigation directly within desktop apps such as magazine viewers and ebook readers.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Resolved a fullscreen issue on some Android 3.0 devices (2834015)
  • AIR plays video with 4-5 seconds delay, as it is keeping a buffer (2844142)
  • On NVidia Tegra 2 devices, there are artifacts on playback for some videos (2840034)
  • Video playback stutters on some youtube videos that are 480p or higher when hardware acceleration is enabled on 13'' 2011 MacBook Air.
  • Developer Release notes:
  • What's new:
  • Install AIR Runtime to SD – This feature allows end users to install or move AIR runtime onto SD cards of their Android devices so they can free up storage space on the phone.
  • Improved performance on iOS: We have made runtime optimization to allow developers to deliver higher-performance apps on iOS.
  • Media Measurement – Measuring video just got easier. Using Adobe SiteCatalyst with Adobe AIR 2.7 or Flash Player 10.3, developers can implement video analytics for either standalone apps or websites with as little as two lines of code. Analytics solution providers can use a new set of open APIs to easily implement consistent video analytics irrespective of implementation or delivery protocol. Media Measurement for AIR and Flash Player allows companies to get real-time, aggregated reporting of how their video content is distributed, what the audience reach is, and how much video is played. Please note that Media Measurement is not yet available for the iOS packager in this release.
  • Acoustic Echo Cancellation – AIR 2.7 enables developers to create real-time online collaboration experiences with high-quality audio, such as telephony, in-game voice chat, and group conferencing applications outside the browser for desktop OSes. Developers can take advantage of acoustic echo cancellation, noise suppression, voice activity detection, and automatic compensation for various microphone input levels. End users will be able to experience higher quality audio facilitating smoother conversation flow, without using a headset. This feature is available for desktop platforms only
  • Enhanced HTMLLoader API – With AIR 2.7, developers will have more control over how clickable links behave in HTML content within a standalone desktop app. This feature will enable content publishers to achieve seamless weblink-style navigation directly within desktop apps such as magazine viewers and ebook readers.
  • Interpreter Mode for iOS – This feature streamlines the iterative testing and debugging workflow by enabling the Interpreter Mode for iOS in AIR Developer Tool (ADT), which is part of the AIR SDK. Developers can use ADT to compile the code during the testing and debugging process for their iOS apps. It will dramatically speed up the testing and debugging process so developers can spend more time on improving the application, not waiting for compiling the code in every testing and debugging cycle.Install AIR Runtime to SD – This feature allows end users to install or move AIR runtime onto SD cards of their Android devices so they can free up storage space on the phone.
  • Fixed issues:
  • FullScreenSourceRect property does not get reflected in AIR apps on Android 3.0. (2834015)
  • Sockets are not working on AIR iOS (2839237)
  • On Device Debugging with Android 3.0 is Unstable (2796338)
  • Flash Builder crashes or hangs when packaging Android applications which have an application ID with two or more dots or dashes as the first characters (2821873)
  • Fixed an issue where some devices, including multiple models from Motorola and HTC, returned the wrong screenDPI info. To fix this issue, we have moved to a different Android API ("DisplayMetrics.densityDpi" instead of "DisplayMetrics.xdpi") to retrieve screen DPI data from the device. densityDpi returns a quantized dpi value – 120 for low resolution screens, 160 for medium resolution, and 240 for high resolution. (2832023, 2876332)
  • AIR plays video with 4-5 seconds delay, as it is keeping a buffer (2844142)
  • Debug AIR apps hang when debugger is not connected (2855423)
  • On NVidia Tegra 2 devices, there are artifacts on playback for some videos (2840034)
  • Unable to hear Speex-encoded audio on AIR iOS (2821150)
  • When codec set to SPEEX loopback doesn't work on AIR iOS (2778326)
  • Lengthy app (debug swf) startup time on iOS devices (2815789)
  • softKeyboardRect returns half size on high-res iPhone4 (2823706)
  • Navigation to a urlrequest doesn't work if the urlrequest has parameters. (2858992)
  • Screen.mainScreen.bounds returns 0,-480,960,480 when it should have been 0,0,640,960 (2852431)
  • Compilation failed while executing : ld64 - when packaging debug swf to debug-ipa (2806767)
  • Geolocation on iOS is Muted, but works (2860218)
  • When compiling an IPA with latest AIR 2.7, JVM takes > 1.5G RAM and crashes (2865475)
  • With bufferTime=0 the sound data published is distorted and if get published then latency is higher than 2 seconds. (2868777)
  • Install AIR standalone build on Mac10.7 (Lion) will make OS preferences language set back to English (2829578)
  • Calling TextField.setSelection0,0 is ignored if TextField is not in focus (2813498)
  • Caret goes to position 0 after appendText (2791389)
  • Runtime Installer end with exit code 5 (2809689)
  • Quit Eden app takes 1 min (2834167)
  • AIR crashing when Loader would load SWF file generated from camtasia studio (2812781)
  • Event.MOUSE_LEAVE couldn't be captured after dragging an object out of window stage (2819507)
  • stage.color API is available in FP but not AIR (2821199)
  • stage.invalidate called from a handler of Event.RESIZE causes Player to render a frame and dispatch ENTER_FRAME before dispatching RENDER event (2777126)
  • SSL certificate validate logic is inverted (2806754)
  • After upgrading to AIR 2.6.x, Flex desktop application, which was formerly able to run it normally, now has an issue in which the application crashes after opening (2844080)
  • Application crash in createAIRLocalSecurityTrustFileIfNeeded when launching app with AIR 2.6 (2869203)

New in Adobe AIR RC 2 (May 13, 2011)

  • Media Measurement – Measuring video just got easier. Using Adobe® SiteCatalyst® with Adobe AIR 2.7 or Flash Player 10.3, developers can implement video analytics for either standalone apps or websites with as little as two lines of code. Analytics solution providers can use a new set of open APIs to easily implement consistent video analytics irrespective of implementation or delivery protocol. Media Measurement for AIR and Flash Player allows companies to get real-time, aggregated reporting of how their video content is distributed, what the audience reach is, and how much video is played.
  • Acoustic Echo Cancellation – AIR 2.7 enables developers to create real-time online collaboration experiences with high-quality audio, such as telephony, in-game voice chat, and group conferencing applications outside the browser for desktop OSes. Developers can take advantage of acoustic echo cancellation, noise suppression, voiceactivity detection, and automatic compensation for various microphone input levels. End users will be able to experience higher quality audio facilitating smoother conversation flow, without using a headset. This feature is available for desktop platforms only.
  • Enhanced HTMLLoader API – With AIR 2.7, developers will have more control over how clickable links behave in HTML content within a standalone desktop app. This feature will enable content publishers to achieve seamless weblink-style navigation directly within desktop apps such as magazine viewers and ebook readers.

New in Adobe AIR 2.7 RC 1 (Apr 21, 2011)

  • Introduces enhanced features that provide developers a consistent and flexible development environment for the delivery of out-of-browser applications across devices and platforms.

New in Adobe AIR Beta 1 (Apr 1, 2011)

  • Key new capabilities in AIR 2.7 desktop include:
  • Media Measurement – Measuring video just got easier. Using Adobe® SiteCatalyst® with Adobe AIR 2.7 or Flash Player 10.3, developers can implement video analytics for either standalone apps or websites with as little as two lines of code. Analytics solution providers can use a new set of open APIs to easily implement consistent video analytics irrespective of implementation or delivery protocol. Media Measurement for AIR and Flash Player allows companies to get real-time, aggregated reporting of how their video content is distributed, what the audience reach is, and how much video is played.
  • Acoustic Echo Cancellation – AIR 2.7 enables developers to create real-time online collaboration experiences with high-quality audio, such as telephony, in-game voice chat, and group conferencing applications outside the browser for desktop OSes. Developers can take advantage of acoustic echo cancellation, noise suppression, voice activity detection, and automatic compensation for various microphone input levels. End users will be able to experience higher quality audio facilitating smoother conversation flow, without using a headset. This feature is available for desktop platforms only.
  • New Features:
  • Enhanced HTMLLoader API – With AIR 2.7, developers will have more control over how clickable links behave in HTML content within a standalone desktop app. This feature will enable content publishers to achieve seamless weblink-style navigation directly within desktop apps such as magazine viewers and ebook readers.
  • AIR 2.7 introduces new events and properties that enable companies to capture the state of a particular video regardless of delivery protocols or how NetStream objects are handled. You will also be able to retrieve the Page Domain URL via a static method. The modifications are grouped into the following four areas:
  • Enhanced Playback Events
  • NetStream Monitoring
  • Enhanced NetStreamInfo
  • Page Domain URL
  • Starting with AIR 2.7 desktop, developers have more control over the life-cycle of the pages loaded in the HTMLLoader control. In AIR 2.7, when navigating to another page (either by user input or programmatically), an additional location changing event is dispatched *before* the actual navigation occurs. Developers can listen for this event to take action based on the location being loaded or event prevent navigation to the new location altogether. This is a desktop only feature. For more details see the documentation for LocationChangeEvent.

New in Adobe AIR (Mar 22, 2011)

  • User:
  • iOS Support
  • GPU Rendering works on iPhone
  • Multitasking support on iOS4
  • Microphone support on iOS
  • Read from Camera Roll for iOS
  • CameraUI for iOS
  • Camera support for iOS
  • Retina Display Support in the AIR for iOS
  • Panning / Resize with the display of SoftKeyboard
  • Scrolling, Text Selection and Context Menu on AIR Android
  • Linux Vector Printing
  • Developer:
  • Update AIR 2.6 namespace
  • New features for mobile applications
  • iOS Support
  • Changes from PFI to ADT for packaging iOS applications
  • iOS applications built with the "Packager for iPhone" cannot be updated with AIR 2.6
  • GPU rendering changes for iOS
  • Multitasking support for iOS
  • Microphone for iOS
  • Read from camera roll for iOS
  • CameraUI for iOS
  • Camera for iOS
  • Retina display support in the AIR for iOS
  • StageWebView for iOS
  • Capture bitmap of StageWebView
  • Programmatic control of soft keyboard
  • Disable automatic panning and resizing behavior on the display of a soft keyboard
  • Android USB drivers for Windows are bundled with AIR SDK for Windows
  • USB device debugging for Android
  • Text field interaction mode on Android
  • Alternate Android market URLs
  • Other new features:
  • Owned NativeWindow for desktop
  • Native Menu event refinement for desktop
  • Image decoding policy
  • LoaderContext parent and parameters
  • NetConnection.httpIdleTimeout
  • Linux vector printing
  • New -version option added to ADT
  • Native mouse cursors

New in Adobe AIR (Nov 12, 2010)

  • Includes security improvements described in Security Bulletin APSB10-26.
  • Audio/Video buffering: no sound is heard when buffer time is 0
  • NetworkInterface not working on HTC Evo
  • AIR for Android crashes SwiftKey alternate keyboard
  • Ubuntu 10.04 Badge X3 is not working with Firefox 3.6.10
  • Unexpected scrollbar is shown when rendering content in FullScreen mode and WindowedApplication.showStatusBar="true"
  • 2.0.3 injection: Event.Complete is not fired on big files
  • StageWebView HTTP URL containing // is interpreted as an SMB URL on Windows
  • Voddler: Serious font pixelation using AIR 2.0.3 in conjunction with fullScreenSourceRect
  • Incredible GPU: AIR apps using GPU mode hang or behave erratically on the HTC Incredible
  • Sound playback is significantly delayed on Android
  • Audio clips are sometimes cut off at the end
  • Application FoxNewsLive fails to initialize

New in Adobe AIR (Oct 26, 2010)

  • AIR 2.5 now supports applications for Android, in addition to Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and iOS.
  • Desktop:
  • StageWebView that simulate what StageWebView will look like on a mobile
  • CSS Shadow support that allow you to create shadow effects to both text and HTML borders
  • CSS font-face support is enabled for OpenType and TrueType fonts
  • H.264 Video Hardware Decoding for Desktop
  • Mobile:
  • CameraUI Still Picture and Video
  • Mapping Android specific tags from app-xml to Android Manifest
  • NetworkInfo support
  • Read from Camera Roll
  • Custom URI
  • Camera Video Capture
  • Microphone
  • StageWebView
  • Android Permissions tag in application descriptor
  • cacheAsBitmapMatrix
  • Hardware accelerated rendering
  • Application versioning changes
  • Debugging an AIR application on Android
  • Keyboard events for Menu, Back and Search keys
  • 36x36 size icon
  • Certificate Validity
  • GPS
  • Accelerometer
  • Multitouch/Gestures
  • Screen Dimming
  • SMS/TEL URI Schemes
  • SSL Certificate dialog
  • Virtual Keyboard
  • CameraRoll
  • Screen Orientation

New in Adobe AIR 2 RC1 (May 12, 2010)

  • Includes a number of important fixes.

New in Adobe AIR 2 Beta 2 (Feb 3, 2010)

  • IMPORTANT: Applications built against Adobe AIR 2 beta 1 *will not run* using the AIR 2 beta 2 runtime. In order for an AIR 2 beta 1 application to run on the AIR 2 beta 2 runtime, the namespace of the beta 1 application descriptor file must first be updated to "2.0beta2" and compiled against the AIR 2 beta 2 SDK.
  • Print Job Enhancements:
  • New properties and methods have been added to the PrintJob class to give you better control of the way content is printed from an AIR application, including the choice of printer, paper size, and number of copies. New properties also give you more information about the printer, such as printable area, whether the printer will print in color, and whether the print job is currently active. The new PrintJobOptions.printMethod property allows you specify whether to use bitmap or vector printing. The PrintJobOptions.pixelsPerInch property allows you to specify the resolution of print jobs. The new PrintUIOptions (win/mac only) class allows you to control how much the end user can change the page range to be printed. See PrintJob, PrintJobOptions, and PrintUIOptions.
  • TLS/SSL sockets
  • You can now connect to a server that requires TLSv1 or SSLv3 for socket communications. See SecureSocket and Secure client sockets (AIR).
  • Flash Access support:
  • You can now play protected content managed by Flash Access.
  • IME API/IME Text Input Enhancements
  • Several new features added in this release support better text input handling with IME software. The new API is designed for use with the new Flash Text Engine (FTE). The legacy IME API still supports the TextField class. The new API enhances the overall IME text input quality so that it works better and with more stability than in previous versions.
  • You can use the following new IME APIs in this release:
  • Class:
  • imeClient:IIMEClient Property
  • flash.text.ime Package:
  • flash.text.ime.IIMEClient Interface
  • flash.text.ime.CompositionAttributeRange Class
  • flash.text.engine Package:
  • flash.text.engine.ITextSupport Interface
  • Other Beta 2 changes:
  • The Socket class now includes a remoteAddress property. This allows an application to obtain the IP address of incoming connections to a ServerSocket object.
  • Installation log files are now automatically written to disk.

New in Adobe AIR (Dec 9, 2009)

  • Adobe AIR 1.5.3 is an update to the Adobe AIR runtime and SDK. The update includes improved reliability, compatibility, and security. It is recommended for all AIR users. AIR applications developed for previous versions of AIR do not need to be updated to work with this update.
  • An issue related to AIR applications crash on AMD Phenom processors has been resolved in this release.

New in Adobe AIR 2 Beta 1 (Nov 17, 2009)

  • Support for the detection of mass storage devices.
  • Advanced networking capabilities like secure sockets, UDP support, and the ability to listen on sockets.
  • Support for native code integration.
  • The ability to open a file with its default application.
  • Multi-touch and gesture support.
  • New APIs for access to raw microphone data.
  • Webkit update with HTML5/CSS3 support.
  • Global error handling.
  • Improved cross-platform printing
  • Improved security and support for enterprise and government standards.

New in Adobe AIR (Jul 31, 2009)

  • Resolves a memory corruption vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1862).
  • Resolves the privilege escalation vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1863).
  • Resolves the heap overflow vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1864).
  • Resolves the null pointer vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1865).
  • Resolves the stack overflow vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1866).
  • Resolves a clickjacking vulnerability that could allow an attacker to lure a web browser user into unknowingly clicking on a link or dialog (CVE-2009-1867).
  • Resolves the URL parsing heap overflow vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1868).
  • Resolves the integer overflow vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-1869).
  • Resolves a local sandbox vulnerability that could potentially lead to information disclosure when SWFs are saved to the hard drive (CVE-2009-1870)

New in Adobe AIR 1.5.1 (Feb 26, 2009)

  • Adobe AIR 1.5.1 is a software update featuring improved reliability, compatibility and security. It is recommended for all AIR users. AIR application developed for previous versions of AIR do not need to be updated to work with this update.