AWS SDK for iOS Changelog

What's new in AWS SDK for iOS 2.2.4

Aug 19, 2015
  • New Features:
  • Amazon S3 Transfer Utility (Beta) - Amazon S3 Transfer Utility for iOS (Beta) introduces an easier, more powerful way to transfer data between your iOS app and Amazon S3. We built this utility based on feedback from customers using the Amazon S3 Transfer Manager for iOS. Now you can transfer data in the background and upload binary data without saving it to a file first. This utility is currently available as beta and is included in the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS.
  • Download the SDK for iOS from our webpage and to learn how to use this utility, visit our blog.
  • Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper - Added support for ignoreAttributes of the AWSDynamoDBModeling protocol.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.2.3 (Aug 5, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • SDK Core - Added AWS GovCloud (US) Region support.
  • Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper - Added support for Secondary Index Scan.
  • Amazon S3:
  • Updated AWSS3PreSignedURLBuilder to use AWS Signature Version 4 for generating the pre-signed URLs.
  • Updated AWSS3PreSignedURLBuilder to accept additional request parameters to be included in pre-signed URLs.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Amazon S3 - Fixed an issue where an empty directory cannot be created.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.2.2 (Jul 15, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics - Updated the Amazon Mobile Analytics client APIs so that the developer needs to write fewer lines of code to initialize it.
  • Defaulted the SDK to send events over WAN.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Amazon S3:
  • Fixed the issue in S3TransferManager that local downloaded files may be accidentally removed when the server returns 304 response.
  • Fixed the issue where the Amazon S3 client does not retry for the SignatureDoesNotMatch error.
  • Fixed the issue where putBucketVersioning does not return any response under certain situations.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.2.1 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon API Gateway - Added a runtime library for the generated SDK of Amazon API Gateway. Amazon API Gateway makes it easy for AWS customers to publish, maintain, monitor, and secure application programming interfaces (APIs) at any scale.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • SDK Core - Updated the CocoaPods podspec. Now the SDK is compatible with the use_frameworks! option.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.2.0 (Jun 19, 2015)

  • Misc Changes:
  • SDK Core:
  • All third-party libraries are prefixed with AWS to avoid any conflicts with different versions of the third-party libraries. Please update all use of BFTask to AWSTask.
  • Removed the AWS service JSON files and imported them as source files to simplify the initial SDK installation.
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics:
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics is now provided as an independent service, and not a part of the AWS Core anymore. To use Amazon Mobile Analytics, please import AWSMobileAnalytics.framework or add pod 'AWSMobileAnalytics' to your Podfile. You need to update #import to #import .
  • Amazon Cognito Identity, Amazon Cognito Sync, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EC2, and AWS Lambda
  • The service models are updated for Amazon Cognito Identity, Amazon Cognito Sync, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EC2, and AWS Lambda.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • AWS Lambda - Fixed an issue where the SDK does not properly serialize the response object when it contains message as a key.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.1.1 (Apr 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Lambda - AWS Lambda is now included in the AWS Mobile SDK, making it easy to build mobile applications that use Lambda functions as their app backend. You can now create AWS Lambda functions that respond to events from your application in real time (synchronously) as well as asynchronously, making it easy for any application or web service to use Lambda to create back-end functionality. When invoked through the mobile SDK, the Lambda function automatically has access to data about the device, app, and end user identity, making it easy to create rich, personalized responses to in-app activity. To learn more about SDK support for Lambda, visit the AWS Mobile SDK page. To learn more about the new capabilities from Lambda, visit the What's new page for AWS Lambda.
  • Amazon Machine Learning - Amazon Machine Learning is a service that makes it easy for developers of all skill levels to use machine learning technology. This release adds Amazon Machine Learning support into AWS Mobile SDK for iOS. You can use the mobile SDK to retrieve Amazon ML model metadata, including the real-time endpoint URL, and to request real-time predictions from Amazon ML. To learn more about Amazon ML, visit
  • Amazon Cognito - Amazon Cognito SDK added support for Amazon Cognito Events, a new feature that allows developers to run an AWS Lambda function in response to important events in Amazon Cognito. The first event that supported is the Sync Trigger event.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Amazon S3 - Fixed two memory issues:
  • When the request object is retained, `request.internalRequest` is not properly released after the operation completes.
  • The memory is not property released until all tasks finish when an app continuously downloads many files.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.1.0 (Mar 26, 2015)

  • Misc Changes:
  • SDK Core:
  • Added - initWithRegionType:identityPoolId: to AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider. See AWSCredentialsProvider.h for further details.
  • Deprecated all + credentialsWith* factory methods in AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider.
  • Added + registerSERVICEWithConfiguration:forKey:, + SERVICEForKey:, and + removeSERVICEForKey: to each service client. See the service client headers for further details.
  • Deprecated - initWithConfiguration: in all service clients.
  • Deprecated - serviceForKey:, - setService:forKey:, and - removeServiceForKey: in AWSServiceManager.
  • Split the framework into per service frameworks.
  • Updated the SDK structure to support CocoaPods 0.36.0 with the use_framework! option.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Amazon S3 Transfer Manager - Fixed a bug where the resume does not work as intended if the app restarts.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.17 (Mar 11, 2015)

  • Resolved Issues:
  • Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper - Fix for the number format issue relating to the device locale setting.
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics - Addressed an issue in AWSMobileAnalyticsBufferedReader that generated application errors if the underlying inputStream contained multi-byte characters.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.16 (Feb 11, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Cognito Sync - Added an ability to override the default push platform in Amazon Cognito Sync to explicitly set it to APNS or APNS Sandbox.
  • Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper - Added support for new data types: BOOL, List, and Map. AWSDynamoDBModel has been deprecated. Use AWSDynamoDBObjectModel instead.
  • Resolved Issues;
  • SDK Core - Fixed a bug in the query string serializer that may cause BatchPutAttributes request failure in Amazon SimpleDB.
  • Amazon Cognito Sync - Fixed a bug which caused resource conflicts in certain scenarios if you updated a record in the middle of a synchronization.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.15 (Jan 27, 2015)

  • Addresses issues in AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider and Amazon S3 retry behavior.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • SDK Core:
  • Fixed a bug in AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider where identityId was set to pool id when using simplified constructors.
  • Fixed a bug in AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider where credentials were not saved in the keychain when using simplified constructors.
  • Removed the third party libraries from AWSiOSSDKv2.framework.
  • Amazon S3 - Fixed the issue where the SDK does not automatically retry for the SignatureDoesNotMatch exception.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.14 (Jan 22, 2015)

  • Introduces support for the enhanced AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider and Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper. It also includes number of bug fixes.
  • New Features:
  • Enhanced AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider - Amazon Cognito now allows developers to save the association between IAM roles and an identity pool. Because this association is now saved in the service the credentials provider can be initialized without passing the IAM role ARNs. We have added a new constructor to the AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider that receives only the identity pool id and the AWS region. When no role ARNs are specified the service uses the default ones saved against the identity pool. Alternatively, developers can specify different roles in the constructor and override the default behavior of the service - these roles need to be configured to trust your identity pool. See the developer guide for further details on using roles.
  • Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper - Added three new save behaviors: AWSDynamoDBObjectMapperSaveBehaviorUpdateSkipNullAttributes, AWSDynamoDBObjectMapperSaveBehaviorAppendSet, and AWSDynamoDBObjectMapperSaveBehaviorClobber.
  • Service definitions - Updated the service model classes for Amazon Auto Scaling, Amazon Cognito Identity, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EC2, Amazon Kinesis, and Amazon S3. The Amazon DynamoDB client now supports Boolean, Null, List, and Map data types.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • SDK Core:
  • Add reset logic to AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider when identity id has become invalid.
  • Renamed reserved keywords in Swift, Objective-C, and C++ to non-reserved words.
  • Updated podspec to make it less restrictive with Mantle, UICKeyChainStore, and Reachability libraries.
  • Fixed the exponential back off logic.
  • Set the maximum maxRetryCount to 10.
  • Updated the copyright year from 2014 to 2015.
  • Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper:
  • Fixed the - save: method (Update behavior) where the method failed to remove nil value attribute(s) from a table.
  • Fixed the silent failure issue with the - save: method.
  • Amazon EC2:
  • Fixed the issue in which a value of AWSEC2PlatformValues was not parsed correctly in the response.
  • Amazon S3:
  • Fixed the Amazon S3 date format issue.
  • Fixed a bug involving the potential for an invalid file URL to result in a crash.
  • Fixed the operation name mismatch issue.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.13 (Dec 11, 2014)

  • Introduces support for batching requests with the Kinesis Recorder.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.12 (Dec 11, 2014)

  • Adds support for push synchronization in Amazon Cognito and addresses an identity provider bug.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.11 (Dec 11, 2014)

  • Fixes an Amazon Mobile Analytics bug.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.10 (Dec 11, 2014)

  • Fixes bugs related to AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.9 (Oct 24, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • EU (Frankfurt) Region support - The AWS Mobile SDK for iOS now supports EU (Frankfurt) Region.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • AWSS3PreSignedURLBuilder - AWSS3PreSignedURLBuilder now supports subdirectories. Also, the AWSS3PreSignedURLBuilder compatibility bug when used with AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider has been resolved.
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics - The SDK now gracefully handles corrupted event data.
  • Serializer / Credentials Provider - The serializer bugs that may cause a crash and excessive access to Amazon Cognito Identity and Amazon STS have been fixed.
  • Xcode 5 Compatibility - The Xcode 5 backward compatibility issue has been resolved.
  • Objective-C++ Compatibility - The Objective-C ++ compatibility issue has been resolved.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.8 (Oct 10, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Cognito Developer Authenticated Identities - We are pleased to announce that we are adding support for your own identification management system in addition to existing support for a number of public login providers (Amazon, Facebook, and Google) and unauthenticated guests.
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics - Amazon Mobile Analytics now has AWS Console generated application id's, which enables developers to set what an 'app' means to them. For instance this allows developers to have multiple flavors of an app all report into a single console report.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Amazon S3 - The Amazon S3 client now properly populates custom metadata headers.
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics - The Amazon Mobile Analytics client handles non-ASCII app names correctly.
  • The constant value changes resolve the duplicate symbols error when used with the Amazon A/B Testing SDK.
  • Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper - The Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper client now supports schemas without a range key.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 2.0.7 (Sep 16, 2014)

  • Includes an iOS 8 support, AWSS3PreSignedURLBuilder, other improvements, and bug fixes.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 1.7.0 (Oct 24, 2013)

  • The new S3TransferManager supports cancel, pause, and resume operations for both downloads and uploads.
  • The AWS SDK for iOS now includes 64-bit architecture binaries.
  • AWSiOSSDK.framework with the legacy Amazon DynamoDB API was removed. You can still obtain the legacy code from our GitHub repository. This blog post walks you through how to switch an existing project from using the single framework to using multiple frameworks.
  • All samples have been moved to the following GitHub repository.
  • This release corrects the request marshallers for Amazon SNS Mobile Push operations.
  • This release addresses an issue where S3TransferManager does not properly retry certain failed calls.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 1.6.1 (Sep 16, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • The new SDK version for SNS supports publishing larger messages (up to 256KB maximum). This version of the SDK uses Signature Version 4 for calls to SNS. Use of signature version 4 is required to publish messages larger than 64KB up to a maximum size of 256KB.
  • This updates adds support for Mobile Push for Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). App developers can now easily send push notifications to Apple, Google and Kindle Fire devices using one simple API, and easily scale from a few notifications a day to millions of notifications or higher.
  • This release of the SDK will automatically correct end device clock skew for all requests made via the SDK synchronously.
  • Solves Issues:
  • This release addresses a number of issues for S3TransferManager when uploading files larger than 2GB.
  • MD5 validation is now enabled by default on uploads on requests where filename or data are supplied.

New in AWS SDK for iOS 1.4.5 (Feb 27, 2013)

  • Auto Scaling: EBS-Optimized Instances
  • Amazon S3 Website Redirects
  • EBS Copy Snapshot
  • Handle Device Clock Skew
  • S3 Transfer Manager
  • Credentials Provider
  • Updates to AWS Persistence Framework for Core Data

New in AWS SDK for iOS 1.4.4 (Feb 15, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • The SDK now supports specifying consistent reads when performing a batch read operation in DynamoDB. The low-level client as well as the DynamoDBMapper utility both support specifying this new parameter.
  • The SDK now automatically checks DynamoDB API requests for CRC32 checksum errors and retries requests when necessary.
  • The SDK now support the latest API of EC2, which enables customers to determine the state of an EC2 Spot Instance request.
  • Amazon S3 now provides a storage option that enables you to utilize Amazon Glacier's low-cost storage service for data archival. To archive objects, you define archival rules identifying objects and a timeline when you want Amazon S3 to archive these objects to Amazon Glacier. You can easily set the rules on a bucket using the Amazon S3 management console or programmatically using the SDK.
  • Support for the new Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region has been added. Region endpoint constants have been added to AmazonEndpoints.h add helper methods have been updated to support returning endpoints in this new region.
  • Developers can now set connection timeouts independently from request timeouts via the connectionTimeout property on the service clients (i.e. AmazonS3Client). Also, for longer connections using delegates, AmazonServiceRequests can be canceled.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • This version corrects an inconsistency the AmazonS3Client which the could result in an increased number of timeouts on S3PutObjectRequests on iOS6.