AWS SDK for Java Changelog

What's new in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.47

Jan 15, 2016
  • This release introduces a new service, Amazon CloudWatch Events, and includes feature updates to Amazon EC2 and Amazon CloudFront.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.46 (Jan 13, 2016)

  • This release includes API updates for Amazon EC2 to support DNS resolution over ClassicLink and API updates on DynamoDBMapper.batch*() method for Amazon DynamoDB.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.12 (Aug 21, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS CodeDeploy - Added new service endpoint for Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region (
  • Amazon Machine Learning - Added new service endpoint for EU (Ireland) region (
  • Amazon S3:
  • Expose ObjectMetadata as part of PutObjectResult.
  • Added default implementation for the convenience methods in AbstractAmazonS3.
  • ClientConfiguration - Added the new connectionMaxIdleMillis parameter.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.11 (Aug 13, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk - A new feature, enhanced health reporting, is now available for AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Linux based platforms have been updated to version 2. This new major version requires new environments to be launched with a service role and instance profile. See Elastic Beanstalk release notes for more information.
  • Also, the Elastic Beanstalk service client has been switched over to a new code generator
  • Amazon Cognito Identity - Service client has been switched over to a new code generator.
  • Amazon SSM Service client has been switched over to a new code generator.
  • AWS Workspaces - Service client has been switched over to a new code generator.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Merged to fix issue where AsyncHandler was not being called in some cases when using the AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient.
  • Merged fixing NPE in SWF libraries.
  • Merged fixing typo in several codec classes.
  • Moved the SDK config file from the classpath root to com.amazonaws.internal.config package, so that it's more friendly with Java repackaging tools like JarJar.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.10 (Aug 7, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon SWF:
  • Added support for invoking AWS Lambda tasks from an Amazon SWF workflow. For more information about this feature, see the Amazon SWF Developer Guide.
  • The AWS Flow Framework samples in GitHub and in the SDK download include a new sample that demonstrates how to invoke Lambda tasks from Amazon SWF. For more information, see the README
  • AWS CloudHSM:
  • Added support for using AWS CloudHSM in AWS GovCloud (US) region.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Merged Github pull request #478. Removing extra logs printed in Topics class.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.9 (Aug 5, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Device Farm - Support for testing iOS applications with AWS Device Farm. You can now upload your iOS apps and test them on real Apple phones and tablets in the AWS Cloud. You can select from a built-in fuzz test or upload your own tests written with Appium Java JUnit, Appium Java TestNG, Calabash, UI Automation, or XCTest. Results in AWS Device Farm are consistent regardless of the application type (Android, Fire OS, iOS) you upload and test framework you select.
  • AWS SDK for Java - Abstract classes for sync and async interface of AWS Code Deploy, AWS Code Commit, AWS Code Pipeline, AWS Device Farm, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Elastic File System and AWS Import Export.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Fixed Github issue #465. Making IteratorSupport class public.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.8 (Jul 31, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon RDS - Amazon RDS now supports cluster operations for Amazon Aurora.
  • AWS OpsWorks - Added support for ECS clusters with AWS OpsWorks stacks. You can now manage ECS Container Instances through OpsWorks using all functionality normally offered to OpsWorks instances (including Chef configuration management support and lifecycle events).
  • Amazon S3 - All GetObjectMetadata requests to the standard endpoint ( will now hit respective region endpoints if the bucket is present is a different region.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Fixed an issue where default DynamoDB ClientConfiguration was not set properly for some constructors in AmazonDynamoDBClient
  • Fixed MessageMD5ChecksumHandler so that it doesn't modify the internal state of the binary attribute value of the message. See GitHub pull-request #459

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.7 (Jul 29, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon S3 - Amazon S3 event notifications have been updated to add notifications when objects are deleted and to add filtering on object names with prefix and suffix matching. For more information, see Configuring Amazon S3 Event Notifications in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.
  • Storage class is now returned in ObjectMetadata for objects that are not in Standard storage.
  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs - Support for Cross-account subscriptions. Collaborate with an owner of a different AWS account and receive their log events on your Amazon Kinesis stream (cross-account data sharing).
  • AWS SDK for Java The ProfileCredentialsProvider now periodically checks for changes to the underlying credentials file and loads the updated credentials if the file has changed.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Fixed an issue in AmazonDynamoDBStreamsClient where some service errors are not correctly unmarshalled to the corresponding exception types
  • Made executorService final in all Async clients. See Github Issue #210

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.6 (Jul 24, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Glacier - Amazon Glacier now supports Vault Lock, which allows you to easily deploy and enforce compliance controls on individual Amazon Glacier vaults with a Vault Lock policy. For more information, go to Amazon Glacier Vault Lock and Amazon Glacier Access Control with Vault Lock Policies.
  • Amazon EMR - A new release of Amazon EMR(4.0.0) that includes a new application installation and configuration experience, upgraded versions of Hadoop and Spark, and now uses open source standards for ports and paths. To specify an Amazon EMR release, use the release label parameter (AMI versions 3.x and 2.x can still be specified with the AMI version parameter). For more information on Amazon EMR release 4.0.0, see Amazon EMR Release Components
  • Amazon EC2 - Changed the type of SpotFleetRequestConfigData#LaunchSpecifications from java.util.List to java.util.List.
  • AWS SDK for Java
  • You can now import the Bill of Materials module aws-java-sdk-bom to manage the dependencies on AWS Java SDK.
  • A new Maven module aws-java-sdk-test-utils containing all the test utilities used in AWS SDK for Java.
  • Custom Request Query Parameter - You can now add custom query parameter for any service request via AmazonWebServiceRequest#putCustomQueryParameter method.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Fixed Github issue #463. Publishing duplicate events in TransferManager.
  • Fixed Github issue #466. Added US_WEST_1 for Amazon Kinesis in regions.xml.

New in AWS SDK for Java (Jul 16, 2015)

  • Fixed issues:
  • Revert the non-backwards-compatible change made in

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.5 (Jul 15, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon DynamoDB Streams - With this release, DynamoDB Streams is now generally available for production use. DynamoDB Streams captures a time-ordered sequence of item-level modifications in any DynamoDB table, and stores this information in a log for up to 24 hours. Applications can access this log and view the data items as they appeared before and after they were modified, in near real time.
  • For more information, see Capturing Table Activity with DynamoDB Streams in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
  • AWS Device Farm - Device Farm is an app testing service that enables you to test your Android and Fire OS apps on real, physical phones and tablets that are hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). A report is updated as tests complete. This report contains high-level results, low-level logs, pixel-to-pixel screenshots, and performance data.
  • For more information, see the AWS Device Farm Developer Guide.
  • Amazon DynamoDB Scan API - The DynamoDB client now supports Scan operation with strongly consistent reads.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Doc fix for CloudFrontUrlSigner (GitHub Issue)
  • Fix NPE in GeneratePreSignUrlRequestHandler when source region in CopySnapshotRequest is not present in regions.xml metadata.

New in AWS SDK for Java (Jul 15, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS CodePipeline - Changed the package name "com.amazonaws.service.codepipeline" to "".
  • AWS CodeCommit - Changed the package name "com.amazonaws.service.codecommit" to "".
  • Amazon S3 - An abstract class, AbstractAmazonS3 is provided for users to extend from instead of implementing the AmazonS3 interface. This abstract class is provided so we don't break any customers when we introduce new methods in AmazonS3 interface.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.4 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS CodePipeline - AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service that enables you to model, visualize, and automate the steps required to release your software. You can quickly model and configure the different stages of a software release process, and AWS CodePipeline automates the steps required to release your software changes continuously. For more information about AWS CodePipeline, including pricing, see the AWS CodePipeline product information page.
  • AWS CodeCommit - AWS CodeCommit is a secure, highly scalable, managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories. You can securely store and manage your assets (such as documents, source code, and binary files) in the AWS cloud. For more information about AWS CodeCommit, including pricing, see the AWS CodeCommit product information page.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) - You can now upload SSH public keys to IAM and use those keys for authentication with AWS CodeCommit. When you upload SSH public keys to IAM, you associate the keys with IAM users. For more information, see Using SSH Keys with AWS CodeCommit in the Using IAM guide.
  • Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) - You can now use the UDP protocol with containers on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS). Docker enables container network connectivity by supporting the ability to expose a container port to a host port. Previously, Amazon ECS only supported TCP ports in task definitions. Now, you can also define UDP ports in your task definitions allowing you to use whichever protocol (i.e., TCP or UDP) your applications need. Learn more here.
  • Amazon Simple Email Service - Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) adds support for cross-account sending. This feature, called sending authorization, enables identity owners to authorize other AWS accounts and IAM users to send emails from their identities. For details about using sending authorization, go to the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.3 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon EC2 - You can now optionally enable encryption with a key from AWS KMS when copying an unencrypted EBS snapshot.
  • AWS Lambda - Support for AWS Lambda in Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region.
  • Auto Scaling - Step scaling policies allow customers to scale their Auto Scaling groups based on the magnitude of the alarm breach, giving them more control over how Auto Scaling responds to an alarm breach and enables them to scale their groups faster.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.2 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon CloudFront - Support for configuring default and max TTL (new API version 2015-04-17)
  • Amazon Redshift - Added support for the CreateSnapshotCopyGrant, DescribeSnapshotCopyGrants, and DeleteSnapshotCopyGrant API operations.
  • Amazon Glacier - Added new APIs that allow users to add, remove and describe tags associated with Glacier vaults.
  • AWS OpsWorks - Added new APIs that allow users to specify which agent version to be used on their instances.
  • AWS Config - Added support for specifying a recording group filter on a configuration recorder.
  • AWS Lambda - Added Runtime.java8 enum value.
  • Amazon Cognito - ConcurrentModificationException is thrown when there are parallel requests to modify a resource.
  • AWS Java SDK Core - Regions.getCurrentRegion() now uses RegionUtils to construct the Region.
  • Amazon Elastic File System & AWS ImportExport The following clients are regenerated using the new code templates:
  • Amazon Elastic File System client.
  • AWS ImportExport client.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.1 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon EC2 Container Service - You can now choose the sort order of task definitions, deregister task definitions, and override task definition environment variables when running a task.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.10.0 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Auto Scaling - You can now attach or detach load balancers to an auto scaling group. You can also describe load balancers attached to an autoscaling group.
  • Amazon EC2 - Amazon VPC Flow Logs is a new feature that allows you to log traffic flows at network interfaces in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You can now create a Flow Log on a VPC, a subnet or an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) in your account. Once created, the Flow Log will capture accepted and rejected traffic flow information for all network interfaces in the selected resource. For more information, check out the developer guide.
  • Amazon ECS - You can now view the Docker and Amazon ECS agent version running on an Amazon ECS Container Instance and also update the agent to the latest version.
  • AWS CloudHSM - Support for AWS CloudHSM in Asia Pacific (Singapore) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) regions.
  • AWS CloudTrail - Support for AWS CloudTrail in China (Beijing) region.
  • AWS Java SDK - Core - You can now retrieve the original response received from the AWS service using AmazonServiceException.html#getRawResponseContent() method.
  • Support for list of simple types in Request query parameters.
  • Fixed issues:
  • Fixed an issue in AmazonS3Client#deleteObjects where status code, request id and extended request id was not populated when an MultiObjectDeleteException is thrown.
  • Fixed forum issue. Have @DynamoDBAutoGeneratedKey annotation to also honor index keys.
  • Regenerated AWS CodeDeploy java client using new code templates.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.40 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Cognito - Amazon Cognito now allows deletion of identities using the DeleteIdentities API. ListIdentities API does not return the disabled identities when hideDisabled parameter is set.
  • AWS Storage Gateway - AWS Storage Gateway now supports 16 TiB storage volumes for Gateway-stored setups, for more information about this feature and other changes, see the release notes for this update.
  • The response for DescribeGatewayInformation now includes a lastSoftwareUpdate field that returns the date on which the last software update was applied to the gateway.
  • AWS Storage Gateway now provides an API you can use to list iSCSI initiators connected to your storage volumes. For more information, see ListVolumeInitiators.
  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs - You can now use subscriptions to get access to a real-time feed of log events from CloudWatch Logs and have it delivered to an Amazon Kinesis stream for custom processing, analysis, or loading to other systems. A subscription filter defines the filter pattern to use for determining which log events get delivered, as well as information about where to send matching log events to. The following operations have been added to the CloudWatch Logs client for this feature, DescribeSubscriptionFilters, DeleteSubscriptionFilter and PutSubscriptionFilter.
  • Amazon S3 - Support for Access Control List in TransferManager upload. Added S3EventNotification.toJson() method.
  • Amazon DynamoDB - Merged pull request #397 ( adding support for Select, ProjectionExpression, and ReturnConsumedCapacity on query/scan.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Work around an NPE bug in JAXB during base 64 encoding.
  • TLS sessions are now properly invalidated upon SSLExceptions.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.39 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Lambda - The CreateFunction and UpdateFunctionCode operations are now able to point to an Amazon S3 location for the function's code.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Region.US_GovCloud - Corrected the value for US_GovCloud to "us-gov-west-1"
  • AmazonS3Client.getRegion() - Fixed getRegion() to work when an AmazonS3Client is configured for eu-central-1

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.38 (Jul 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Elastic File System - This release adds preview support for the Amazon Elastic File System service.
  • Amazon DynamoDB XSpec API - Added support for creating CONTAINS conditions on String (S) attributes.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.37 (May 22, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Kinesis - GetRecords API now returns MillisBehindLatest that indicates how far behind the response is from the tip of the stream.
  • AWS Elasic Beanstalk - You can now provide a unique resource name for a time based autoscaling configuration.
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder - Elastic Transcoder now supports additional formats, including MXF, FLAC, and OGA, and additional flexibility for your output audio. You can use these formats to transcode files to the XDCAM format or to a lossless audio format.
  • AWS KMS - You can now update an alias to associate with a different key using the UpdateAlias operation.
  • AWS Java SDK - Core - Speed up hex encoding. Speed up AWS SigV4 chunk encoding via reusing MAC and reusing a precomputed SHA256 for empty string.
  • AWS Java SDK - S3 - Speed up AwsChunkedEncodingInputStream via reuse of SHA256 and HmacSha256.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed a potential bug in auth policy parsing code that throws a NullPointerException when Effect is not mentioned.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.36 (May 20, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - Added support for the new spot fleet API operations.
  • AWS OpsWorks - Added support for custom auto-scaling based on CloudWatch alarms.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.35 (May 18, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Directory Service - AWS Directory Service is a managed service that makes it easy to connect to your existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory, or to set up and operate a new directory in the AWS cloud, making it easy to deploy and manage Windows workloads in the AWS cloud. For more information, see AWS Directory Service Documentation.
  • AWS CloudFormation - You can now use GetTemplateSummary API to retrieve information about a new or existing template. For more information, see the API Reference.
  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs - You can now use FilterLogEvents API to retrieve log events, optionally filtered by a filter pattern from the specified log group.
  • Amazon EC2 - You can now access Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) from your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) using VPC endpoints. For more information, see the developer guide. You can now also migrate an Elastic IP Address from EC2-Classic to EC2-VPC.
  • AWS Java SDK - STS - STSAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider, STSSessionCredentialsProvider, WebIdentityFederationSessionCredentialsProvider now return AWSSessionCredentials when getCredentials() method is called.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed Github issue #427. TransferManager upload fails when using FileInputStream as source.
  • Fixed Github issue #287. Policy action enums for Amazon SNS updated.
  • Fixed Github issue #426. Change the logging of the AWS request ID from log level INFO to DEBUG to reduce verbosity.
  • Merged Github pull request #428. Format of README files changed.
  • Fixed a bug in anonymous constructors of AmazonS3EncryptionClient to explicitly pass an anonymous credentials provider instead of 'null'.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.34 (May 8, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Glacier - Amazon Glacier now supports a new way to manage access to your individual Amazon Glacier vaults. You can now define an access policy directly on a vault, making it easy to grant vault access to users and business groups internal to your organization, as well as to your external business partners. For more information, go to Getting Started with Vault Access Policies.
  • AWS KMS - Support for AWS KMS in AWS GovCloud (US) region.
  • AWS CodeDeploy - Support for AWS CodeDeploy in EU (Ireland) and Asia Pacific (Sydney) region.
  • AWS SDK for Java - Core - Logging AWS Request ID extracted from the payload at info level if it is not available in HTTP response header.
  • AWS SDK for Java - S3 - Support for Pre-signed Url generation with zero byte payload. Improvements to SigV4 auth error retry logic.
  • AWS SDK for Java - DynamoDB Document API - Convenient methods to support Expression specification via the Request Specification objects.
  • AWS SDK for Java - STS - STSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider now allows you to configure the duration of each temporary session it creates when assuming a role.
  • AWS SDK for Java - Explicit dependency on aws-java-sdk-core for all sub modules.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed AmazonS3Client and AWSS3V4Signer with respect to mark and reset when using a FileInputStream in PutObject/UploadPart request.
  • Fixed conditions of MD5 check in AmazonS3Client that can result in false negatives.
  • Fixed issue where the bucket names beginning with "." are not DNS compatible.
  • Added missing support for KeyCondition expression in QuerySpec class.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.33 (Apr 28, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon DynamoDB - Adds support for Key Condition Expression that can be used as part of the Query API.
  • AWS SDK for Java - Expression Specification API (beta) - Adds beta support for Expression Specification (XSpec) API as part of the Amazon DynamoDB Document API. The Expression Specification (XSpec) API provides a typeful, object-oriented approach to build and make use of Amazon DynamoDB expressions.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.32 (Apr 24, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon EC2 - Adds support for new VM Import APIs, including ImportImage. The new APIs provide support for importing multi-volume VMs to Amazon EC2 and other enhancements.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management - Adds support for determining when any access key in an AWS account was last used using the GetAccessKeyLastUsed API.
  • AWS SDK for Java - Core - The requestId returned from the response is now always logged at INFO level.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed an issue in Amazon Cloud Search Domain where the search response did not include the expressions requested in the search request.
  • Updated the documentations in the AWS Java SDK for AWS Auto Scaling, AWS Elastic Load Balancing, and Amazon SES.
  • Fixed a bug with the instance info JSON schema EC2MetadataUtils. This also makes the retrieval of the region when running in an EC2 instance more robust.
  • Merged github pull request 406 related to signing request after pausing upon retry.
  • Merged github pull request 381 adding methods to

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.31 (Apr 17, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Cognito - Amazon Cognito events allows developers to run an AWS Lambda function in response to events in Amazon Cognito. Currently, the event supported is Sync Trigger.
  • AWS Config - SNS topic in AWS Config's DeliveryChannel is now optional. If the SNS delivery is turned off the last status will be Not_Applicable.
  • Amazon S3 - Support for generating pre-signed urls for SSE (both put and get) and SSE with AWS KMS (both put and get). Support for custom headers in generating pre-signed urls.
  • Amazon Route 53 - AWS Java SDK now uses Signature Version 4 algorithm for signing requests to Amazon Route 53.
  • Amazon EC2 - AWS SDK for Java generates pre-signed urls for CopySnapshotRequest only if it is not explicitly set by the user.
  • AWS Direct Connect - Support for AWS Direct Connect in AWS China (Beijing) region.
  • AWS SDK for Java - Core - New endpoints for Amazon ECS, Amazon Machine Learning, Amazon WorkSpaces added in regions.xml.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed the request marshaling issue when the parameter value contains special characters (&, ;, ?).
  • Fixed GitHub issue #382. Unmarshaling of Amazon S3 EventNotification fails if an object size is more than 2147483647 bytes.
  • Fixed GitHub Issue #341. Enhance documentation for vararg fluent setters.
  • Merged GitHub pull request #389. Fix unsafe publishes in Copy/UploadMonitor.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.30 (Apr 10, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Machine Learning Initial Release - Amazon Machine Learning is a service that makes it easy for developers of all skill levels to use machine learning technology. Amazon Machine Learning provides visualization tools and wizards that guide you through the process of creating machine learning (ML) models without having to learn complex ML algorithms and technology. Once your models are ready, Amazon Machine Learning makes it easy to get predictions for your application using simple APIs, without having to implement custom prediction generation code, or manage any infrastructure.
  • Amazon WorkSpaces SDK Release - You can now use the AWS SDK for Java to access the Amazon WorkSpaces service. Amazon WorkSpaces is a managed desktop computing service in the cloud. It allows customers to easily provision cloud-based desktops that allow end-users to access the documents, applications and resources they need with the device of their choice, including laptops, iPad, Kindle Fire, Android tablets, and zero clients.
  • AWS Lambda GA Release - This update includes support for the brand new Invoke operation with synchronous support.
  • It also introduces the @LambdaFunction annotation framework which allows you to model the input and/or output of your Lambda functions as POJOs and transparently invoke operations using your model types. See package info for more detail.
  • NOTE: the new 2015-03-31 API version includes non-backwards-compatible API changes compared to the previous preview version.
  • Amazon EC2 Container Service - GA Release - Support for Elastic Load Balancing in Amazon ECS. Amazon ECS is now available to all AWS customers in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) AWS regions.
  • Amazon S3 - Deprecated CloudFunctionConfiguration in favor of LambdaConfiguration. You can now use AWS Lambda AddPermission API to grant access to Amazon S3 for invoking lambda functions.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.29 (Apr 8, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Add support for the new AbortEnvironmentUpdate operation and the new SolutionStackName parameter for the UpdateEnvironment operation.
  • AWS Data Pipeline - Add support for AWS Data Pipeline Deactivate feature. You now have the ability to deactivate a running pipeline and activate it later at a time of your choosing.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fix clock skew adjustment upon retry when the time offset gets adjusted to zero.

New in AWS SDK for Java (Apr 3, 2015)

  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed the issue that Amazon S3 client is not able to download to file on Windows platform and always fails with the following error.
  • Unable to store object contents to disk: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.28 (Apr 3, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon EC2 D2 Instances - Add the InstanceType enumeration values for Amazon EC2 D2 instances.
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder - Add support for PlayReady DRM.
  • Amazon RDS - Add support for the DescribeCertificates and DescribeAccountAttributes APIs.
  • AWS CodeDeploy - AWS CodeDeploy now supports on-premises instances. An on-premises instance is any physical device that is not an Amazon EC2 instance, is able to successfully run the AWS CodeDeploy Agent, and can connect to public AWS service endpoints. You can use AWS CodeDeploy to deploy applications to on-premises instances. (This is in addition to being able to deploy applications to Amazon EC2 instances.)
  • Signer Class Refactoring - The signer classes now have a relatively small set of transitive dependent classes that only have third party dependency on JodaTime and Jackson.
  • NO_RETRY_POLICY - Add NO_RETRY_POLICY in PredefinedRetryPolicies to make it easy to specify a no retry policy upon AWS request failure.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed two bugs in the Amazon S3 APIs that could corrupt the downloaded file resulted from a resume download - one is due to race condition, and the other is due to retry at TransferManager's level.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.27 (Mar 27, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder - Elastic Transcoder now records some detected properties of the input and output files, information about job timing, including job start time, job end time, and how long it took to process the job, in the Read Job API.
  • Amazon EC2 Simple Systems Manager - Support for Amazon EC2 Simple Systems Manager in US-WEST-2 and EU-WEST-1 region.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management - You can now retrieve the managed policies for users, roles and groups using the GetAccountAuthorizationDetails API.
  • AWS OpsWorks - You can now use CreateInstance to pass custom block device mappings that has the same structure syntax used by Amazon EC2.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.26 (Mar 25, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon S3 - Amazon S3 now supports cross-region replication, which provides automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across buckets in different AWS regions. For more information, see Cross-Region Replication in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.
  • Amazon DynamoDB - Deprecating the existing Tables#waitForTableToBecomeActive(AmazonDynamoDB, String) and Tables#waitForTableToBecomeActive(AmazonDynamoDB, String, int, int). Adding new methods Tables#awaitTableToBecomeActive(AmazonDynamoDB, String) and Tables#awaitTableToBecomeActive(AmazonDynamoDB, String, int, int), which throws an InterruptedException when the thread waiting on these methods is interrupted.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed GitHub issue #385. Added missing ServiceAbbreviations.
  • Fixed the compilation error in the DynamoDB sample code.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.25 (Mar 20, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder You can now use Amazon Elastic Transcoder to create professional content compliant with NTSC or PAL standards, package videos in an FLV or MPG container, and create animated GIF outputs. To support these new outputs, we have added additional options for color space conversions, MPEG-2 video, MP2 audio, and interlacing.
  • For more information, see the Amazon Elastic Transcoder release notes.
  • Amazon S3 Encryption Client Respond to GitHub#378 by including an Appendix in the form of package level javadoc on Amazon S3 client-side encryption meta information.
  • Unit Test for DynamoDBMapper The unit test suite for DynamoDBMapper is now published in GitHub.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fixed AmazonSQSBufferedAsyncClient to prevent calls to receiveMessages returning batches that had expired while buffered.
  • The DynamoDBMapper now fails fast during construction if you create an instance of a subclass that tries to override the old transformAttributes method, which is no longer called as of 1.9.0.
  • Merged GitHub pull request #363 and #379.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.24 (Mar 13, 2015)

  • This release adds support for optionally ordering log streams with Amazon CloudWatch Logs, extends the Amazon EC2 DescribeSnapshots API to support pagination and adds support for analyzing API activity in AWS CloudTrail.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.23 (Mar 5, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Cognito Streams - Amazon Cognito streams allows customers to receive near-realtime updates as their data changes as well as exporting historical data. Customers configure an Amazon Kinesis stream to receive the data which can then be processed and exported to other data stores such as Amazon Redshift.
  • Amazon CloudSearch - You can now specify M3 instance types for search instances.
  • Unit Test Suite for SDK Core - The unit test suite for the aws-java-sdk-core module is now published in GitHub.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Support [un]registration of AdminMbean per classloader (GitHub #368).
  • Doc fix (GitHub #369).

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.22 (Feb 24, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Route 53 - Amazon Route 53 now allows retrieval of the number of hosted zones and also list the hosted zones by their name.
  • Amazon Data Pipeline - This release updates the Amazon Data Pipeline with support for tagging.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Merged GitHub pull request #362.
  • Improved synchronization of Amazon SQS Client to allow buffering messages for a new batch even if there's an ongoing SendMessageBatch call.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.21 (Feb 21, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon ECS - Amazon ECS task definitions now provide a way for the containers to store and share information using data volumes. You can specify volumes and mount points, including sharing volumes between containers.
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder - Amazon Elastic Transcoder now warns when you create or update a pipeline with resources in more than one region. For more information, see the Pipeline Response Warnings.

New in AWS SDK for Java (Feb 18, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Security Token Service - This release rolls back the change in 1.9.20 to use the new regional STS endpoints by default when the STS client is configured for a region other than us-east-1. You must explicitly enable regional endpoints for STS for your account via the AWS console before using them, so this was a breaking change and has been reverted.
  • After enabling a regional STS endpoint for your account via the console, you can configure the SDK to use it by explicitly calling AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient.setEndpoint(...).

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.20 (Feb 18, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Simple Systems Management (SSM) Service - The new AWS Simple Systems Management (SSM) Service enables you to configure and manage your EC2 instances to perform certain actions such as joining a domain, install MSIs, PowerShell modules.
  • AWS Security Token Service - This release adds support for the new regional endpoints for AWS Security Token Service.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Merged GitHub pull request #351.
  • Fix potential infinite loop in InputSubstream per GitHub issue #359.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.19 (Feb 13, 2015)

  • This release adds support for using managed policies with the AWS Identity and Access Management service and using cost allocation tags with Amazon ElastiCache and Amazon Route 53.
  • New Features:
  • Amazon ElastiCache This release adds support for using cost allocation tags with Amazon ElastiCache. For more information, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in ElastiCache in the Amazon ElastiCache User Guide.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management :
  • This release adds support for managed policies with the AWS Identity and Access Management service. For more information, see Managed Policies and Inline Policies in the Using IAM guide.
  • Amazon Route 53:
  • You can now assign tags, which are commonly used for cost allocation, to Amazon Route 53 hosted zones and domains. For more information, see Tagging Amazon Route 53 Resources in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
  • ProfileCredentialsProvider:
  • Added the ability to configure which local credentials profile to use via Java system properties (community contribution via pull request #355)

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.18 (Feb 11, 2015)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon DynamoDB - Amazon DynamoDB client now supports scanning indexes in addition to scanning tables via the ScanRequest.setIndexName API. You can now also use the DynamoDB Document API to perform these operations via the Index.scan API.
  • Amazon S3 - Amazon S3 client now uses SigV4 for Put Object requests with AWS KMS if the endpoint is not a classic ( endpoint.
  • Amazon S3 - A new setObjectAcl(SetObjectAclRequest request) method overload is added to AmazonS3Client.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Fix Github issue #283. DynamoDB tableName override optimization.
  • Fix Github issue #353. DynamoDBMapper supports UUID out of the box.
  • Fix Github issue #348. AmazonS3Client fails first request when Signer V4 is required in us-east-1.
  • Add missing client support for creationDate for the Image data type in Amazon EC2.
  • Add missing client support for cluster for the DiscoverPollEndpoint data type in Amazon EC2 Container Service.
  • Bug fix: S3Links of DynamoDBMapper now uses AmazonS3Clients that directly use the AWSCredentialsProvider configured, instead of a snapshot of the credentials from the provider which may become stale.
  • Fix misleading javadoc on IOUtils.toByteArray(InputStream) and IOUtils.toString(InputStream) with respect to the closing of the input stream.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.17 (Jan 30, 2015)

  • Updates Amazon DynamoDB client with support for creating, updating and deleting Global Secondary Indexes after creating the table and AWS Import/Export for generating pre-paid shipping labels.
  • New Features:
  • Amazon DynamoDB - Amazon DynamoDB now allows creation, update and deletion of Global Secondary Indexes after creating the table using the UpdateTable API. You can now also use the DynamoDB Document API of AWS Java SDK to perform these operations.
  • AWS Import/Export - AWS Import/Export now allows generating pre-paid shipping labels for the packages to be sent to AWS.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.16 (Jan 22, 2015)

  • Updates Auto Scaling client with support for ClassicLink, Amazon Cognito with support for Enhanced Authentication Flow and Amazon EMR with support for custom security groups.
  • New Features:
  • Auto Scaling - Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing now support ClassicLink, enabling you to launch EC2-Classic instances that are linked to a VPC into an Auto Scaling group. EC2-Classic instances can also be registered with Elastic Load Balancers in the VPC
  • Amazon Cognito - Amazon Cognito now allows developers to save the association between IAM roles and an identity pool via the SetIdentityPoolRoles API. Identity pools with IAM roles associated can use the new GetCredentialsForIdentity API to retrieve a set of temporary credentials based on the associated roles. Roles associated to the pool must be properly configured to work with Amazon Cognito. Developers can still use the GetOpenIdToken API in conjunction with STS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API if there are no roles associated with their pool
  • Amazon EMR - Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) now supports custom security groups. Custom security groups allow you to define fine grain control over the security rules for your EMR cluster by specifying your own Amazon EC2 security groups.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.15 (Jan 20, 2015)

  • Updates Amazon EC2 client with support for new C4 instances and Amazon Elastic Transcoder client with support for encrypting streamed files and a number of bug fixes and enhancements.
  • New Features:
  • Amazon EC2 - Support for new C4 instance types. To learn more about instance types, see Amazon EC2 Instance Types
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder - Amazon Elastic Transcoder can now encrypt HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) files. Jobs submitted with HLS content protection automatically encrypt the media files and reference the decryption key in the playlist.
  • Amazon Glacier - Support for Amazon Glacier in AWS GovCloud(US) region.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Support for adding metadata in AmazonS3#uploadPart(UploadPartRequest) requests.
  • Fixed Github issue#344. DynamoDB Document API's missed setting table name in Table#updateTable(UpdateTableSpec).
  • Fixed Github issue#331. Support for marshaling sets of arbitrary objects to and from DynamoDB Lists to the V2 ConversionSchema.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.14 (Jan 9, 2015)

  • Amazon EC2 Container Service is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run distributed applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances. For more information, see the Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide.
  • AWS CloudHSM provides secure cryptographic key storage to customers by making hardware security modules (HSMs) available in the AWS cloud. For more information, see the AWS CloudHSM Developer Guide.
  • The CloudSearch 2013-01-01 API now supports dynamic fields. Dynamic fields provide a way to index documents without knowing in advance exactly what fields they contain. A dynamic field's name defines a pattern that contains a wildcard (*) as the first, last, or only character. Any unrecognized document field that matches the pattern is configured with the dynamic field's indexing options.
  • You can now encrypt your MySQL and PostgreSQL RDS instances and snapshots at rest by enabling the encryption option for your RDS DB instance. RDS encrypted instances use the industry standard AES-256 encryption algorithm to encrypt your data on the server that hosts your RDS instance. For more information, go to Encrypting RDS Resources.
  • ClassicLink is a feature that allows your EC2-Classic instances to interact with EC2-VPC instances using private IP based internal communication. EC2-Classic instances can become members of VPC Security Groups, allowing them to be managed just like other VPC instances. ClassicLink enables "unified" applications, where you can operate EC2-Classic instances and EC2-VPC instances communicating with each other through private IP. With ClassicLink, customers with EC2-Classic instance based deployments can start including VPC resources in their applications, and move functionality from the Classic to the VPC networking platform.
  • Fixed an issue in TransferManager that results in a deadlock when the number of files to upload is greater than the size of the threadpool.
  • Fixed Github issue#305. Adding back DynamoDBMapperConfig.TableNameResolver.
  • Fixed Github issue#323. Retry delay goes from 0 to 2*scale factor.
  • Added missing protected getter methods in UploadObjectObserver for SPI extension purposes.
  • Fixed NPE by falling back to the Amazon S3 client level default encryption material when no (i.e., null) encryption material description is specified by a MaterialsDescriptionProvider.
  • Enhanced AmazonS3EncryptionClient#uploadObject(UploadObjectRequest) API to support automatic multi-part upload abortion upon failure.
  • Fixed a bug in cloning of subclasses of AbstractPutObjectRequest.
  • Added support for MaterialsDescriptionProvider in UploadObjectRequest.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.13 (Dec 19, 2014)

  • Updates the Amazon SWF client with support for assigning priority to tasks and a bug fix for AWS KMS.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.12 (Dec 18, 2014)

  • Includes service updates to AWS Storage Gateway, Amazon Elastic MapReduce and AWS CloudTrail along with support for pipelined parallel encryption and uploads in AmazonS3EncryptionClient .

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.11 (Dec 18, 2014)

  • Adds support for new APIs in Amazon Glacier and Amazon Elastic Transcoder along with a new Maven sub module for OSGi support.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.10 (Dec 11, 2014)

  • Adds support for new APIs in Amazon SQS and AWS OpsWorks, along with a bug fix for TransferManager.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.9.0 (Oct 10, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon DynamoDB Document Model with JSON Support - DynamoDB allows you to store and retrieve documents with full support for document models. New data types are fully compatible with the JSON standard and allow you to nest document elements within one another. You can use document path dereference operators to read and write individual elements, without having to retrieve the entire document. This release also introduces new expression parameters for specifying projections, conditions and update actions when reading or writing data items.
  • To learn more about document model support with JSON, see DynamoDB Data Types and Reading and Writing Items Using Expressions in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.
  • Amazon DynamoDB Document API - We're introduceing a new API for the Amazon DynamoDB service - Amazon DynamoDB Document API.
  • The new DynamoDB Document API in the Java SDK is meant to be the next generation of API for accessing DynamoDB. It has an object-oriented API that provides full access to all the DynamoDB features including JSON data support, use of Document Path to access part of a document, new data types such as Map, List, etc., and with a lot less verbosity.
  • DynamoDB dynamo = new DynamoDB(myOldServiceClient);
  • Table myTable = dynamo.getTable("my-table");
  • myTable.putItem(new Item()
  • .withPrimaryKey("hash-key", "foo")
  • .withInt("attr", 1);
  • ItemCollection col = myTable.scan(new ScanFilter("attr").eq(1));
  • for (Item item : col) {
  • System.out.println(item);
  • To learn on how to use the new API take a look at the samples code
  • Maven Project Modularization - Starting from 1.9.0 version, the SDK Maven project is split into multiple Maven modules. It allows you to pick up only a small subset of the SDK according to which AWS services you need to work with.
  • Remove Deprecated DynamoDB v1 Namespace - The deprecated DynamoDB v1 namespace is now removed from the SDK. This makes it easier to work with the current, v2, namespace, especially in IDEs with content suggestions.
  • Remove Deprecated DynamoDBMapper.marshallIntoObjects Method - The DynamoDBMapper no longer calls the deprecated marshallIntoObjects methods. If you were implementing these methods to customize unmarshalling, please switch to using the supported interface through AttributeTransformer.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.11 (Oct 10, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Client - This release adds support for Amazon Cognito developer identities.
  • AWS_PROFILE environment variable - GitHub Pull Request #268:
  • Support for overriding the default AWS profile name via the AWS_PROFILE environment variable, just like other SDKs allow.
  • AWS Request Metrics Deprecated the use of the loggingAwsRequestMetrics parameter in endClientExecution so that if the SDK metrics is enabled, whether such metrics will be locally logged will entirely depends on the "com.amazonaws.latency" logger configuration.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • AmazonS3EncryptionClient - bug fixes with RenewableCipherLiteInputStream upon retry.
  • Details of the bug:
  • If a user is using the S3 default crypto (EO) client and perform a put or multipart upload operation without setting the contentLength in the meta-data, upon an IOException it could result in corrupted data uploaded to S3.
  • If a user is using the S3 default crypto (EO) client and perform a put or multipart upload operation and have set the contentLength in the meta-data, upon an IO exception it could result in a length check failure (which will go away if the user retry the same request).
  • Fixes an issue where TransferManager waits for at least 5 seconds to initiate a CompleteMultipartUpload request after all parts have been uploaded.

New in AWS SDK for Java (Sep 18, 2014)

  • A patch release to address the hanging issue found in version.

New in AWS SDK for Java (Sep 15, 2014)

  • A patch release to address the bug found in 1.8.10 version. The bug could potentially truncate object content when retrying a upload to Amazon S3.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.10 (Sep 12, 2014)

  • Updates the Amazon Kinesis client with support for stream tagging, and also includes various fixes and enhancements.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.9 (Aug 16, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon CloudSearch Domain Client - AmazonCloudSearchDomainClient now by default uses V4 signing to send service requests.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.8 (Aug 12, 2014)

  • Updates the Elastic Load Balancing client with support for tagging and a number of bug fixes and enhancements.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.7 (Aug 1, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Auto Scaling API Update - This release updates the Auto Scaling client with support for detaching instances from an Auto Scaling group, and putting instances that are currently in service into a Standby state.
  • Amazon ElastiCache API Update - The Amazon ElastiCache client now supports Memcached clusters with nodes in multiple availability zones, which will improve the cluster's reliability by minimizing potential impact of AZ disruption on the cluster.
  • Amazon Route 53 Domains - Amazon Route 53 now offers domain name registration services that can be used to search and register new available domain names or transfer in existing domain names to be managed by Amazon Route 53.
  • To view a full list of top-level domains (TLDs) supported by Amazon Route53 and their current pricing see Amazon Route 53 Pricing for Domain Registration.
  • Amazon Route 53 Geo DNS - You now can configure Amazon Route 53 to respond to DNS queries based on the geographic location that the queries originate from.
  • For more information, see Geolocation Routing in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.6 (Jul 29, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Elastic Load Balancing API Update - Elastic Load Balancing now offers support for configurable idle timeouts. This setting allows you to specify the length of time that a connection should remain open while in an idle state.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Javadoc update to reflect the pause and resume changes in TransferManager
  • Updated the Amazon EC2 DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest object to match the AWS API documentation for specifying which attribute to describe.
  • Support for marshalling and unmarshalling simple types in request and response http headers.
  • Performance enhancement for marshalling and unmarshalling json documents in DynamoDBMapper
  • Updated the request marshallers for services which map parameters to the request URI to correctly handle inputs containing special characters like "?", "&" and "=".
  • Amazon S3 Encryption Client Enhancements:
  • Bug fix enabling any extrinsic retry of the last part of a multi-part upload not to fail deterministically
  • Added a new API: AmazonS3EncryptionClient#putInstructionFile(PutInstructionFileRequest req) that can be used for multiple purposes including key rotation and sharing encrypted data among multiple parties. Specifically, individual key-encrypting-key materials can be stored in instruction files with specific suffix via this new API. Each party can subsequently retrieve and decrypt the S3 object using the respective instruction file via an EncryptedGetObjectRequest
  • Added support for "supplemental material descriptions" via EncryptedGetObjectRequest that enables more advanced use cases where the full set of material descriptions is not available as at the time of encrypting the S3 object, and therefore would need to be provided per request during retrieval to "supplement" the original material descriptions recorded in S3.
  • Added support of EncryptedGetObjectRequest which includes a "keyWrapExpected" attribute which can be used to detect missing key-wrap for the encryption material used to retrieve an encrypted S3 object. A new security exception "KeyWrapException" would be thrown upon such condition.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.5 (Jul 17, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Route 53 Health Check Enhancements - The latest version of the Amazon Route 53 client allows you to edit the parameters for your existing health checks - including target IP address or domain name, port, filename/path, and search string. You can also use health check tagging with the latest client version to attach metadata to your health checks via tags.
  • For more information, see the Amazon Route 53 announcement.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management API Update - This release adds support for AWS IAM self-service password rotation features and retrieval of credential reports
  • AWS Support API Update The latest AWS Support client allows you to create attachments for your support cases.
  • New AWS Kinesis Regions The latest SDK version includes three new regional endpoints for working with AWS Kinesis.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Removed invalid operations from the Amazon EC2 client - Several no-argument method forms have been removed from the Amazon EC2 client. These method forms were being erroneously included and could never be executed successfully.
  • GitHub Issue #245 - Made the package private constructor for DynamoDBMapperConfig public and supported for use.
  • Fixed a recursive infinite loop issue in the deprecated ProgressEvent#getBytesTransfered method.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.4 (Jul 12, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs - This release adds support for Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Amazon CloudWatch Logs is a managed service for real time monitoring and archival of application logs.
  • Amazon Cognito - This release adds support for Amazon Cognito. Amazon Cognito is a simple user identity and data synchronization service that helps you securely manage and synchronize app data for your users across their mobile devices.
  • Amazon EC2 ModifySubnetAttribute - You can use the new ModifySubnetAttribute operation in the Amazon EC2 API to change attributes on your Amazon EC2 VPC subnets, such as the public IP addressing behavior.
  • Resolved Issues
  • Two improvements for the Amazon Glacier client:
  • Bug fix for missing progress event propagation
  • Make use of the low-level, fine-grained progress event publication for byte transfer events

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.3 (Jul 3, 2014)

  • Amazon EC2 T2 Instances - The Amazon EC2 client now supports t2.micro, t2.small and t2.medium instance types.
  • For more information on these new instance types, see Amazon EC2 Instance Types.
  • Progress Event Notification - Progress event notification is now generally supported in all service clients. You can now track the progress of any AWS service request, by binding a ProgressListener to the request object via AmazonWebServiceRequest.setGeneralProgressListener.
  • Connection Time to Live Parameter - ClientConfiguration now can be used to provide Time to Live parameter for a connection in the connection pool.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.2 (Jun 30, 2014)

  • Amazon CloudFront Header Forwarding - The Amazon CloudFront client now supports configuring HTTP headers to be forwarded to a web distribution's origin and cache separate versions of a given object based on the header values in viewer requests.
  • For more information, see Configuring CloudFront to Cache Objects Based on Request Headers in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
  • Amazon CloudSearch Domain Service - A new client has been added with support for uploading document batches and performing search and suggestion operations on an Amazon CloudSearch domain. For more information, see the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.1 (Jun 25, 2014)

  • Adds support for Amazon Simple Email Service delivery notification and aborting, pausing, and resuming transfers using the TransferManager.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.8.0 (Jun 21, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder Captions Support - The Amazon Elastic Transcoder client now allows you to transcode closed captions.
  • For more information, see the Captions section in the Amazon Elastic Transcoder Developer Guide.
  • Amazon Elastic MapReduce IAM Role Support - The Amazon Elastic MapReduce client now allows you to specify an IAM role when running a new job flow.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Change
  • This release removes a small handful of parameterless method overloads from the Amazon Elastic MapReduce client. These overloads were erroneously included even though the service required one or more input parameters for the operations - calling one of these method overloads would have always resulted in an AmazonServiceException due to the missing required parameters.
  • The Amazon S3 client no longer throws an exception complaining that it could not validate the integrity of a data download when the skip method is called on the InputStream returned from AmazonS3Client#getObject (github issue 232).
  • This release fixes a regression in the DynamoDBMapper caused by the JodaTime library failing to parse certain dates (github issue 233).
  • The SDK now provides a more meaningful exception when failing to parse an error response with an XML payload.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.7.13 (Jun 13, 2014)

  • Adds support for Amazon S3 Server-Side Encryption with Customer Keys, Amazon SNS Message Attributes, the latest Amazon RedShift API update, and also includes enhancements for canceling SDK requests.
  • New Features:
  • Amazon S3 Server Side Encryption with Customer Keys (SSE-C) - The Amazon S3 client now allows you to specify your own custom keys for server-side encryption of your Amazon S3 data.
  • For more information on Server-Side Encryption with Customer keys, see the SSE-C section in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.
  • Amazon SNS Message Attributes - Message attributes allow you to provide structured metadata items (such as timestamps, geospatial data, signatures, and identifiers) about the message. Message attributes are optional and separate from, but sent along with, the message body. This information can be used by the receiver of the message to help decide how to handle the message without having to first process the message body. You can use SNS message attributes in conjunction with Amazon SQS and mobile push endpoints.
  • Amazon RedShift API Update - This update for Amazon Redshift introduces the ability to rename clusters. For more information, see Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide.
  • Termination of SDK Requests via Interrupts - The latest version of the SDK enables the general ability to abort requests via thread interruption. This allows operations such as upload or download of large files to be terminated early upon request.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • Amazon EC2 InstanceAttribute#sourceDestCheck Added - The missing sourceDestCheck field in the InstanceAttribute class has been added.
  • Amazon EC2 EBS CopySnapshot - Presigned URLs for encrypted snapshot copies created with the AmazonEC2#copySnapshot operation, now use the correct case for the security token parameter, which enables temporary session credentials to be used in these requests.
  • Amazon Route 53 Request IDs - Response metadata for Route 53 requests now correctly includes access to AWS request IDs for use when debugging issues with AWS support.
  • Supported API Versions:
  • This release of the SDK supports the following API versions:
  • Amazon CloudFront - 2013-11-22
  • Amazon CloudFront - 2012-03-15 (deprecated)
  • Amazon CloudSearch - 2013-01-01
  • Amazon CloudSearch - 2011-02-01 (deprecated)
  • Amazon CloudWatch - 2010-08-01
  • Amazon DynamoDB - 2012-08-10
  • Amazon DynamoDB - 2011-12-05 (deprecated)
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) - 2014-05-01
  • Amazon Elastic MapReduce - 2009-03-31
  • Amazon ElastiCache - 2013-06-15
  • Amazon Elastic Transcoder - 2012-09-25
  • Amazon Glacier - 2012-06-01
  • Amazon Kinesis - 2013-12-02
  • Amazon Redshift - 2012-12-01
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) - 2013-09-09
  • Amazon Route 53 - 2013-04-01
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) - 2010-12-01
  • Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) - 2010-03-31
  • Amazon Simple Queue Service - 2012-11-05
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) - 2006-03-01
  • Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF) - 2012-01-25
  • Amazon SimpleDB - 2009-04-15
  • Auto Scaling - 2011-01-01
  • AWS Cloud Formation - 2010-05-15
  • AWS CloudTrail - 2013-11-01
  • AWS Data Pipeline - 2012-10-29
  • AWS Direct Connect - 2012-10-25
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk - 2010-12-01
  • AWS Identity and Access Management - 2010-05-08
  • AWS Import/Export - 2010-06-01
  • AWS OpsWorks - 2013-02-18
  • AWS Security Token Service - 2011-06-15
  • AWS Storage Gateway - 2013-06-30
  • AWS Support API - 2013-04-15
  • Elastic Load Balancing - 2012-06-01

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.7.12 (Jun 3, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon CloudSearch API Update - This release updates the Amazon CloudSearch client with support for Hebrew (he) language and setting desired partition count for Amazon CloudSearch domains.
  • Base 16, Base 32 and Base 64 codecs - This release includes a faster (and more correct) implementation of Base 16, 32 and 64 codec which are used throughout the SDK in lieu of the corresponding codec in Jakarta commons.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.7.3 (Mar 13, 2014)

  • New Features:
  • Elastic Load Balancing API Update - The Elastic Load Balancing service client now supports the Access Logs API. For more information, see the Elastic Load Balancing release notes.
  • Change:
  • Support single name space for AWS Java SDK metric via a new metric configuration option "useSingleMetricNamespace". GitHub issue #195.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.6.6 (Nov 15, 2013)

  • This release adds support for the new AWS CloudTrail service. AWS CloudTrail is a web service that records AWS API calls for your account and delivers log files to you. The AWS API call history produced by CloudTrail enables security analysis, resource change tracking, and compliance auditing. For more information, see What is AWS CloudTrail in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.
  • This release for Amazon Redshift includes several new features related to encryption, audit logging, data load from external hosts, WLM configuration, and database distribution styles and functions.
  • This release updates the AWS Identity and Access Management and AWS Security Token Service clients to support identity federation using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0. For more information, check Creating Temporary Security Credentials for SAML Federation in the AWS Security Token Service guide.
  • The SDK now supports custom retry policy configuration via ClientConfiguration.setRetryPolicy(). It allows user to control the retry condition and back-off strategy, according to the request type, exception type and the number of attempts. You can either write your own implementation of the RetryPolicy interface, or extend the default policy used by the SDK.
  • AWSCredentialsProviderChain now, by default, caches the last successful credentials provider and will reuse it for future credentials requests. This behavior is the new default, to improve performance since credentials must be requested for every request, and can be disabled if needed.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.6.5 (Nov 9, 2013)

  • This release updates the AWS Storage Gateway client to support the gateway-virtual tape library (VTL).
  • The Elastic Load Balancing client now supports the new cross-zone load balancing feature.
  • This release updates the AWS CloudFormation client to support the new service features on AWS CloudFormation stacks and templates.
  • Added new AWS Policy action enums to a number of service clients.
  • User contributed feature to allow disabling the IdleConnectionReapear thread for a service client through the ClientConfiguration object.
  • User contributed fix for proxy support when SSL validation is disabled.
  • User contributed fix for specifying a custom mapper configuration in calls to DynamoDBMapper#delete.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.6.4 (Nov 1, 2013)

  • Updated the Amazon Elastic MapReduce client to add support for new EMR APIs, termination of specific cluster instances, and unlimited EMR steps.
  • The high-level DynamoDBMapper class now supports custom expected clauses on save and delete APIs.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.6.3 (Oct 25, 2013)

  • This version of the SDK updates the AWS Direct Connect client to support the latest features.
  • Amazon S3 TransferManager now supports adding progress listeners to multiple-file transfer.
  • A community contribution from GitHub fixes an issue with inconsistent environment variable names when loading AWS credentials using the EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider class.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.6.2 (Oct 18, 2013)

  • This release adds support for audio transcoding features in Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
  • This version of the SDK updates the CloudFront client to the latest API version.
  • Updates to the SDK metrics collection framework in this release enable new uses of the metrics data.
  • This release includes a bug fix for parsing JSON responses that contain '/' characters inside field names.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.6.1 (Oct 10, 2013)

  • Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances allow you to make a low, one-time payment to reserve compute capacity for a one or three-year term and receive a significant discount on your hourly compute charges. Until this release, you could modify the Availability Zone and Network Platform of your Reserved Instances, but the Instance Type you specified at the time of purchase remained fixed for the term of your Reserved Instances. This release gives you the ability to modify the instance type of your Linux/UNIX and Windows Reserved Instances within the same family (e.g., m1, m2, m3, c1).
  • AWS OpsWorks now supports resource management feature which allows you to import existing Amazon EBS volumes, snapshots and Elastic IP addresses that you have created outside of AWS OpsWorks.
  • Additional convenience methods are available in the S3Link class to make it easier to work with data in Amazon S3.
  • A new configuration -- PaginationLoadingStrategy is now available for DynamoDBMapper. It could be used to control the life-cycle of loaded results in the memory. The available options are LAZY_LOADING (default), ITERATION_ONLY and EAGER_LOADING.
  • A community contribution from GitHub switches the single notification thread in TransferManager to be run as a daemon thread.

New in AWS SDK for Java (Oct 4, 2013)

  • ProgressListenerCallbackExecutor created a new single-thread executor for each ProgressListener instance, and these executors were not properly terminated. This bug has been fixed in this release.
  • Fixed a bug parsing the x-amz-restore response header from Amazon S3 that caused the ObjectMetadata.getRestoreExpirationTime() method to always return null.
  • Deprecated some APIs in TimingInfo class that used inconsistent time units and added new ones that always use nanoseconds for timing measurement.
  • AmazonServiceException.getMessage() now returns a more verbose message.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.6.0 (Sep 28, 2013)

  • S3Link is a new type of POJO attribute that represents the link of an Amazon S3 Object. Using DynamoDBMapper, an S3Link can be created and persisted in Amazon DynamoDB.
  • Amazon CloudFront has been updated to a new API version (2013-08-26). With this update, you can display custom error pages when your origin returns an error, and control how long error responses are cached.
  • The latest version of the Amazon EC2 client in the SDK has dozens of updates with new enumerations for common string values. Instead of having to look up these values in the Amazon EC2 API Reference, you now have them at your fingertips, directly in the SDK for you to reference.
  • The Amazon CloudSearch client now supports setting text processor for TextOptions.
  • Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier now share the new ProgressListener interface in "com.amazonaws.event" package. This is a small breaking change since it was moved out from "com.amazonaws.util" package.
  • For both Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier, ProgressListener callback is now executed in a separate single thread and no longer blocks the main transfer thread.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.5.8 (Sep 21, 2013)

  • The Auto Scaling operation CreateLaunchConfiguration now supports a new parameter, AssociatePublicIpAddress. It is used for Auto Scaling groups that launch instances into an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). It specifies whether to assign a public IP address to each instance launched in a Amazon VPC. The AssociatePublicIpAddress property is also added to the LaunchConfiguration class.
  • DynamoDBMapper now supports returning null from custom marshaller. This could be used to either delete or skip the marshalled attribute according to the configured SaveBehavior.
  • GetConsoleOutputResult#getDecodedOutput() returns the Base64 decoded console output.
  • Fixed the bug that Amazon S3 client cannot handle key names starting with slash character.
  • Fix for StaxResponseHandler issues when used with a non-thread-safe StaX implementation.
  • Added jackson-annotations-2.1.1 which was removed from jackson-core-2.x.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.5.7 (Sep 13, 2013)

  • Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances allow you to make a low, one-time payment to reserve compute capacity for a one or three-year term and receive a significant discount on your hourly compute charges. Until this release, the Availability Zone you specified at the time of purchase remained fixed for the duration of the term of the Reserved Instances. This release gives you the ability to migrate your Reserved Instances to a different Availability Zone within the same region. Also, if your account supports the EC2-Classic platform, you can request to migrate your Reserved Instances between the EC2-Classic and EC2-VPC platforms.
  • The latest version of the AWS OpsWorks API lets you take advantage of the application management benefits of AWS OpsWorks in your own isolated network to support common scenarios such as using a private source repository behind your firewall, running databases in a protected subnet, or using application servers in a private subnet behind a public load balancer.
  • A community contributed feature to provide a new CredentialsProvider implementation that works with the AWS Security Token Service to automatically assume a role and manage the short lived session credentials.
  • This new SaveBehavior allows developers to append set type attributes with a single save operation.
  • A community contributed patch on GitHub extracts an additional utility method to make the message signature checker utility easier and more flexible to use.
  • Fix for Amazon S3 XML quote escaping - A community contributed patch through GitHub to fix a typo in the code when escaping quotes in Amazon S3 XML request payloads.
  • Fix for signing with endpoints that contain resource paths - A community contributed patch through GitHub to enable correct request signing when the client's endpoint contains a resource path.
  • Amazon SQS QueueNameExistsException - The SQS client now throws the typed exception QueueNameExistsException when attempting to create a queue that already exists, instead of a more generic exception type.
  • Amazon S3 encryption client stream retries - Fixed an issue where failed InputStream uploads were not being retried properly.
  • Jackson Dependency - The Jackson dependency has been udpated to 2.1.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.5.6 (Sep 5, 2013)

  • Amazon ElastiCache now offers Redis cache engine software, in addition to Memcached. Customers who currently use Redis can optionally "seed" a new ElastiCache Redis cache cluster with their existing data from a Redis snapshot file, easing migration to a managed ElastiCache environment. In addition, to support Redis replication capabilities, the ElastiCache API now supports replication groups: Customers can create a replication group with a primary Redis cache node, and add one or more read replica nodes that automatically stay synchronized with cache data in the primary node. Read-intensive applications can be offloaded to a read replica, reducing the load on the primary node. Read replicas can also guard against data loss in the event of a primary cache node failure.
  • RegionUtils now retrieves the region metadata through HTTPS connection, and also validates all region endpoints

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.5.5 (Aug 24, 2013)

  • A public IP address allows your instance to communicate with the Internet and other AWS services. Prior to this release, only instances launched into EC2-Classic or a default VPC automatically received a public IP address, and you could not control this behavior.
  • The DescribeClusters operation now supports improved status reporting when creating clusters from snapshots.
  • The SNSActions class has been updated with all of the available Amazon SNS actions for use in policies.
  • RegionUtils now correctly loads region metadata from the SDK jar when it is unable to connect to Amazon S3 to download the latest region metadata.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.5.4 (Aug 20, 2013)

  • The Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) client in the SDK has been updated to support the new mobile push API.
  • The high-level DynamoDBMapper class now supports a new SaveBehavior strategy, called UPDATE_SKIP_NULL_ATTRIBUTES. This new SaveBehavior is very similar to the existing UPDATE strategy. The only difference is that any attributes sent with null values will not be removed from the item in DynamoDB.
  • An additional dryRun(...) method is now available in AmazonEC2Client. You can use this new utility method to check whether you have the required permissions for the provided Amazon EC2 operation, without actually executing it. Users with complex IAM policies will now be able to more easily detect and test for any policy/permission problems ahead of time.
  • The Amazon Elastic Map Reduce client in the AWS SDK for Java now uses JSON for its transport syntax and has been upgraded to use AWS Signature V4 to securely sign requests.
  • The model objects that are part of the Amazon DynamoDB client in the SDK have several new constructors that make it even easier, and less verbose, to work with the Amazon DynamoDB client.
  • Performance enhancements to string manipulation for Amazon S3 bucket name validation and URL encoding.
  • A new one-argument AmazonS3Client constructor now enables you to pass in a ClientConfiguration object and rely on a DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain to provide credentials, just like the no-arg, default constructor.
  • Fixed an issue in Amazon Glacier's ArchiveTransferManager that incorrectly tried to validate download integrity, even when a server-side checksum was not included in the service response.
  • Corrected missing documentation for the Amazon SQS client in the SDK.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.5.2 (Jul 25, 2013)

  • With this release of the AWS SDK for Java, we have added support for custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and Chef 11.
  • Developers can decode additional information about the authorization status of a request from an encoded message returned in response to an AWS request.
  • The new SDK version for Amazon Simple Storage Service will do a length validation on GetObject method when users finish reading the input stream.
  • The new SDK version for Amazon Glacier will do a length validation on GetJobOutput method when users finish reading the input stream.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.5.1 (Jul 19, 2013)

  • With this release of the AWS SDK for Java, you can authorize or revoke access to Amazon Redshift snapshots.
  • This release corrects a typo in method names by adding new methods and marking the old methods as deprecated.
  • This release corrects an issue where user specified MD5s could be incorrectly used for content that gets transformed by the encryption process.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.5.0 (Jul 9, 2013)

  • Adds support for new features in Amazon Elastic Transcoder: Setting maximum bit rate and frame rate on output video. Adding watermark images to output video.
  • The S3Object now implements the Closable interface, to make it easier to handle HTTP connection resources.
  • The Apache HTTP Client library has been updated from 4.1 to 4.2.
  • Improves batch operations in the AmazonDyanmoDBClient.
  • Adds utility class, ImmutableMapParameter, which provides a convenient map builder and methods that accept map entries for setting the map parameters of a request.
  • Gives developers the ability to specify the metadata for each file when uploading a directory or a list of files using TransferManager.
  • Fixes a bug in the DigestValidationInputstream when using the AmazonSimpleStorageServiceClient.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.4.7 (Jun 19, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon Simple Notification Service - The new SDK version for SNS supports publishing larger messages (up to 256KB maximum). This version of the SDK uses Signature Version 4 for calls to SNS. Use of signature version 4 is required to publish messages larger than 64KB up to a maximum size of 256KB.
  • Resolved issues:
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service - This release of the SDK fixes the issue with URL encoding of the object key.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.4.4 (May 24, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • Amazon DynamoDB Client Parallel Scan - Added support for doing parallel scans to the Amazon DynamoDB client.
  • AWS OpsWorks - The AWS OpsWorks API has been updated to support Elastic Load Balancing.
  • Resolved issues:
  • Update AWS Identity and Access Management default policy version - This release of the SDK updates the AWS Identity and Access Management default policy version from '2008-10-17' to '2012-10-1.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.4.3 (May 1, 2013)

  • New Features:
  • AWS Support API - The AWS Support API allows allows developers to integrate AWS Support case management and Trusted Advisor data into their applications and extend existing support tools to interact with the AWS Support Center.
  • AWS Data Pipeline Update - The latest AWS Data Pipeline client in the SDK allows you to use the new support for retrieving validation warnings when you create pipeline definitions.
  • Amazon EC2 Instance Types - The Amazon EC2 Instance Type enumeration has been updated to include the High Memory Cluster Eight Extra Large Instance type (cr1.8xlarge).
  • Amazon Glacier Enhanced Upload Retries - The latest Amazon Glacier client has updated the ArchiveTransferManager utility to add enhanced retries for archive uploads.
  • Amazon RDS with AWS Signature v4 - The Amazon Relational Database Service client in the SDK now uses AWS Signature version 4 for authenticating requests.
  • Resolved Issues:
  • XML escaping in REST payloads - This release of the SDK fixes a problem with XML escaping for request/response payloads with non XML compatible characters in AWS XML based REST services such as Amazon Route 53.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.4.2 (Apr 19, 2013)

  • Amazon DynamoDB Local Secondary Indexes
  • Amazon RDS Log File Access
  • Amazon Glacier ArchiveTransferManager Chunked Downloads
  • Fixed truncated links in Javadoc
  • Model class toString() trailing commas
  • Stale connection checking

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.4.1 (Mar 16, 2013)

  • Better endpoint management for Amazon Simple Queue Service
  • Non-English character set problems with Route53 and CloudFront
  • Bug fix for Region.createClient() method
  • Javadoc inconsistencies

New in AWS SDK for Java (Mar 14, 2013)

  • This is a patch release to address a bug in the new Region interface.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.4.0 (Mar 12, 2013)

  • Amazon EC2 Default Virtual Private Clouds
  • Amazon EC2 AMI Copy
  • Set a client's endpoint by its region.
  • JSON Policy Parser
  • Model classes now implement
  • Changes to S3 host name SSL verification
  • Improvements to AmazonS3EncryptionClient

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.32 (Feb 19, 2013)

  • This release adds support for AWS OpsWorks.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.30 (Jan 31, 2013)

  • This release adds support for Amazon Elastic Transcoder.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.29 (Jan 25, 2013)

  • This release adds support for Amazon RDS DB Instance renaming, IAM role support in Amazon Elastic MapReduce and introduces a new utility to make it easier to connect an Amazon SQS queue to an Amazon SNS topic.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.28 (Jan 19, 2013)

  • This release introduces a client for AWS Direct Connect, updates the Amazon S3 client with support for Website Redirects, and updates the Amazon ElastiCache client with support for VPC.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.26 (Nov 20, 2012)

  • This release adds support for for cross-account API Access using AWS Identity and Access Management Roles and EBS-optimized instances with Auto Scaling.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.25 (Nov 14, 2012)

  • This release adds support for Amazon Glacier range retrieval and Amazon S3 tiered storage.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.24 (Nov 9, 2012)

  • This release adds support for long polling and Signature Version 4 in Amazon Simple Queue Service, visibility to all IAM users of Amazon Elastic Map Reduce job flows, and support for promoting a read replica in Amazon Relational Database Service.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.23 (Nov 3, 2012)

  • This release adds support for Amazon DynamoDB consistent batch reads.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.22 (Oct 6, 2012)

  • This release adds support for web page redirects on Amazon S3 hosted websites, and a new method for calling AWS operations asynchronously using a callback interface.

New in AWS SDK for Java (Sep 25, 2012)

  • This release addresses an issue with retrying failed requests in the 1.3.21 release of the SDK.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.21 (Sep 19, 2012)

  • This release adds support for configuring an instance termination policy for your Auto Scaling Group.

New in AWS SDK for Java (Sep 13, 2012)

  • This release adds support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) with Amazon S3.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.19 (Sep 6, 2012)

  • This release adds support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) with Amazon S3.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.18 (Aug 24, 2012)

  • This release adds support for Cost Allocation Tagging in Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFormation.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.17 (Aug 22, 2012)

  • This release adds support for the new Binary Attributes feature in Amazon DynamoDB.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.16 (Aug 21, 2012)

  • This release adds support for working with Amazon Glacier, a new AWS service for cold storage data archival.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.15 (Aug 2, 2012)

  • This release adds support for Amazon EC2 High I/O instances and Amazon EBS Provisioned IOPS.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.14 (Jul 18, 2012)

  • Adds support for Easy DKIM for Amazon Simple Email Service.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.13 (Jul 12, 2012)

  • This release adds support for MFA-protected access through AWS Identity and Access Management, internal load balancing in Amazon VPC with Elastic Load Balancing, enables Signature V4 for Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon CloudWatch and multiple IP addresses for Amazon EC2 instances in Amazon VPC.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.12 (Jun 27, 2012)

  • This release adds support for the new Amazon Simple Email Service Feedback Notifications feature, updates the AWS Flow framework, and contains several bug fixes.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.11 (Jun 12, 2012)

  • This release adds support for AWS IAM Instance Profiles, including new credentials provider implementations in the SDK and updates to Amazon EC2 and Auto Scaling for IAM Instance Profiles, and also adds new features in the Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Auto Scaling, and Amazon RDS APIs.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.10 (May 24, 2012)

  • This release updates Amazon CloudFront to add support for working with dynamic content, Amazon Simple Email Service for the new domain verification feature, and Amazon EC2 for AWS Marketplace product codes.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.9 (May 10, 2012)

  • This release adds support for working with the new AWS Storage Gateway service.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.8 (Apr 21, 2012)

  • Adds support for the latest API updates for Amazon ElastiCache and Amazon DynamoDB.

New in AWS SDK for Java 1.3.6 (Apr 5, 2012)

  • This release enables AWS Signature version 4 for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) client, and provides enhancements for making the Amazon S3 client easier to work with.