Labeled as “iPhone garbage,” some apps give the App Store a bad rap

Apr 27, 2013 11:01 GMT  ·  By

A game that rips off Nintendo’s classic 2D platformer Mario has been confirmed as a huge scam that tries to trick unknowing users into making in-app purchases as high as $100 dollars (roughly €77).

Highlighted in IGN’s iPhone Garbage series, “Super Monster Bros by Adventure Time Pocket Free Games” is one of those App Store titles that should have never passed Apple’s safety net.

The dubbing alone is terrible enough to get it rejected. Not to mention the ripped-off gameplay, although it’s such a bad implementation that you can hardly call this one a Mario clone.

But the shameless manner in which this developer set the app to pop up prompts to buy characters and ammo is truly something else.

The game actually displays one such prompt (for $99.99) when the user attempts to select a world to play. I don’t even want to imagine the horror of accidentally hitting that Buy button.

Unsurprisingly, Apple has pulled the app from iTunes.