Kids decide whether Apple Watch is worthy buying or not

May 4, 2015 14:11 GMT  ·  By

The Fine Brothers return with yet another technology edition of their popular “Kids React” series. But this time, instead of having the kids react to some ancient piece of gadgetry, like a camera from the days of old, Benny and Rafi asked the children to tell them their opinions on the brand new Apple Watch.

Interestingly enough, the children's reactions are quite up to date. Most of them actually recognize the device for what it really is.

One boy says he became familiar with the Apple Watch when Cupertino revealed the wearable alongside the iPhone 6.

The kids are also able to guess that the Watch is like a mini smartphone strapped to your wrist, and one humorously comments that people who don’t have money to purchase an iPhone could buy the Apple Watch instead.

After that, the brothers tell them that you need an iPhone to have the Watch function at its full capacity, which kind of lowers their enthusiasm for a little bit.

The little ones seem particularly enthusiastic about using the Apple Watch as a phone and don’t seem to be taking into account the awkwardness level of actually answering a phone call in public from your watch.

Check out the 7,27-minute video for yourself and have a laugh or two.