Start being aware of the people and connections around you

Jan 30, 2014 17:31 GMT  ·  By

SocialRadar is a brand new iPhone app that gives you real-time information about the people around you, allowing you to know who’s nearby and see how you’re all connected.

The developer explains: “Imagine walking into a room already knowing there are 4 co-workers, 2 college friends, and 3 friends of friends nearby. And that one of your college friends just got engaged and your co-worker was just promoted.”

SocialRadar achieves all this by combining your location info with your social networking habits, with the developers noting that “you have total control over your privacy.”

The app lets you choose how you roll: publicly, just with your friends, anonymous, or downright invisible. You can use SocialRadar to find people based on similar backgrounds, interests, and characteristics, and see everyone’s social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, you name it. You can download SocialRadar on any iOS 7 device.