Download content from Terminal: http, https and ftp support

Oct 30, 2014 06:30 GMT  ·  By

Wget is the default download manager in the Unix world and I was surprised to discover that it is not present on Mac by default.

There are a few ways to install it, though: direct compilation, homebrew, macports etc. But I prefer the direct compilation simply because it is the easiest way to go about the issue. You can now download the installer for Wget for Mac compiled by us.

In order to compile wget, you need Xcode from the Mac Apple Store. If you don't have it, it will be installed automatically at some point, don't worry!

So, let’s fire up Terminal and copy paste the following commands one by one.

* Now the latest version is 1.16, but you should check nonetheless and use the latest version available here.

cd ~/Downloads
curl -O
tar -zxvf wget-1.16.tar.gz

cd wget-1.16/
./configure --with-ssl=openssl

sudo make install

cd .. && rm -rf wget*
Verify if the program is working:
wget --help
If you want to download something:
cd ~/Downloads

wget on Mac OS X (3 Images)

Wget --help
Install Apple xCodeWget download test
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